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Cronbach's coefficient alpha was first used to evaluate the reliability of the metric in this study.

The most often used formula for evaluating the validity of a measurement containing multiple-
point items is Cronbach's alpha. Prior to doing the research
To confirm the measurement's accuracy while testing the researcher's hypothesis employed the
Alpha Cronbach's Scale.
In this study, the measure's validity is intrinsic.
Validity = √Reliability
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha Cronbach's Alpha Based on N of Items
standardized items
.772 .772 2

According to Pongsakornrungsilp (2011), in order to assure the quality and credibility of their
study findings, researchers must be concerned with reliability and validity. In most social science
study contexts, a reliability coefficient of (0.7) or more is regarded "acceptable"
(Tavakol&Dennick, 2011).

Reliability analysis is one of the most important, essential and suitable way to determine in order
to check the credibility of opinions that are given in questionnaire and ultimately the reliability
of the research paper. It tells the credibility of the question paper fulfillment methodology. It’s
also allows you to reach to that methodology where you can determine the effect of item that are
responsible because of the items of the variables that are used to in the questioner. It’s the
reliability test method used to ensure the validity of the question paper which is mainly done by
checking the alpha value. Here the most suitable and good acceptability criteria of scale
measurement is onward from 0.07 while the alpha value showing the range from 0.08 to 0.09 is
reasonably considered as excellent reading. If the value shows below this such as 0.06 than that
simply means that there will be some error in while computerizing the data of the questionnaire
on the software or the question paper is not filled correctly and precisely. It’s just an instrument
used to test the validity and reliability of the of the question paper which predicts and ensure the
inner consistency. The value can be positive and negative but the negative value is not acceptable
but the positive value is conveniently acceptable as it shows the consistency and reliability of our
variables which shows the positive and direct impact of one variable on other, in short with the
increase of one variable impact, the impact of the other variable will also increase it. Which,
mainly here our table shows that as with the increase in the Impact of the charismatic leadership
the other variable as the impact of the charismatic leadership on the organizational performance
will also increase. Some with the increase in one variable leadership the increase in the
organizational performance will be with it. And it is also quite acceptable logically too, that if the
charismatic leadership have an positive influence on the environment and society, it will be quite
obvious that the impact on the organizational performance will be positive and will enhance with
it. Reliability analysis basically predicts the relationship measurement between the items on the
The reliability analysis results shown in table (1) revealed that all item-total correlations were
greater than (0.70). Because the majority of the questionnaire's constructs obtained relatively
recognized reliability scores.

Results and discussion

Table (2) descriptive statics of Personal information
Gender Frequency Percentage

male 156 78.8%

female 42 21.1%

total 198 100%

age Frequency Percentage

Under 20


30-39 172 86.9%

40-49 26 13.1%

50 or above

total 198 100%

nationality Frequency Percentage

Pakistani 197 99.5%


Dual/other than 1 .5%

total 198 100%

Marital status Frequency Percentage

single 5 2.5%

Married 193 97.5%


total 198 100%

education Frequency Percentage

Bachelors (14 years)

Masters (16 years) 100 50.5%

MPhil (18 years) 98 49.5%



total 198 100%

Job Description Frequency Percentage

managerial 198 100%


total 198 100%

sector Frequency Percentage

public 182 91.9%

private 14 7.1%

Public-private (PPP) 2 1.0%

total 198 100%

Job tenure in P/C Frequency Percentage

Less than 1 year

1-3 years

4-5 years

6-10 years 180 90.9%

More than 10 years 18 9.1%

total 198 100%

The descriptive analysis of demographic factors of research sample respondents, as reported in

table (2), yielded the following results:
The analysis on the basis of the demographics is also done, as if to check how many people of
same characteristic is falling in the category of a specific segment. Here the demographic is
representing the information and their characteristics of our population through which the data
has been gathered. As according to the age, education, job description, sector and on the bases of
some other factors the preferences and choice changes and differs respectively. It also predicts
the percentage analysis to see how many people of a community have the same opinion about the
respective questionnaire. So it become easy to determine that what is the perception of the
majority population and through which that segment or class they belong. As it can be seen here
and shows how easily the selective information can be separated and used such as in the
following below description:
Gender: the percentage analysis between male are (78.8%) and female are (21.1%). This is also
giving a calculated information that the majority of the respondents were males, accounting for
the biggest percentage of the sample as compared to females. Which also means that in our
targeted population which was bank managers, majority managers who are appointed and
working in banks are males.
Age: As shown in table (2), this section shows the age span of the average respondents manager
in which 86.9% percent are between the ages of thirty and forty, while 13.1% are between the
ages of forty and fifty.
Nationality: As we held the questionnaire in homeland, So according to the findings, the
majority of the bank's managers work in various departments are Pakistani. Pakistani nationality
holders clearly make up a larger proportion of the sample (99.5%).
Marital Status: There are more options in marital status as an option but the statics shows that
the majority of the population involved was between single and married. According to the
findings, both single and married managers work in different departments of the Banking sector.
It is clear that married managers make up a larger proportion of the sample (97.5%).
Education Level: It shows the criteria of their academic career on the basis of which they have
been now managers. It can be seen that according to the worth of their degree, the vast majority
of respondents (50.5%) Master’s degree, while MPhil represent (49.5%),
Job Description: As shown in table (2), all job holders are from the managerial post because
that is our target population.
Sector: It can be seen that the vast majority of banks (91.9%) are public, with the remainder
(7.1%) being private or only (1%) being banks. Public-private partnership (PPP)
Job tenure in P/C: The majority of managers have 6 to 10 years of experience (90.9%), with
only 9.1% having more than 10 years of experience.
R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the Estimate
.628a .395 .392 .50844
Sum of df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 33.387 1 33.387 129.163 <.001b
Residual 51.185 198 259
Total 84.572 199
Unstandardized Standardized T Sig.
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta
(constant) .994 .161 6.176 <.001
CL-A .631 .056 .628 11.365 <.001

Now if we talk about the analysis made through ANOVA table then Multiple regression analysis
was performed in relation to the first hypothesis, with organizational performance as the
dependent variable and charismatic leadership as the independent variables. The adjusted R
square value is (0.395) and the F value is (129.163), both of which are statistically significant at
p=0.001. These figures show that the charismatic leadership variable explained 39.5% of the
variance in organizational performance (Table). According to the regression results, engaging in
charismatic leadership (t = 11.365; p = 0.001), emerged as significant variables in explaining the
variance in organizational performance. These values are significant at the 1% level of
The results of multiple regression analysis showed that the null hypothesis, which stated that
charismatic leadership unconventional behavior would not have a positive impact on
organizational performance, was rejected, while the alternative hypothesis, which stated that
"charismatic leadership unconventional behavior will have a positive impact on organizational
performance," was supported by my data set. This finding is consistent with the findings of
Howell and Frost (1989), Fu-Jin et al. (2010), Obiwuru et al. (2011), and Jeremy et al. (2012),
who found that unconventional behavior has a significant impact on organizational performance.
NOVA table is basically to have details about the mean of the variables. It might be for testing or
to ensure that weather the one group fluctuated significantly from the other group or not.
Between Two-way ANOVA and one-way ANOVA. We have done one-way ANOVA Analysis,
as it can be seen that there are only one independent Variable not two. One-way ANOVA
analysis interprets the table and tells us about the statics as if the dependent variable does change
with the change in the independent variable. And here between the two variable the charismatic
leadership is an independent variable and the impact of the charismatic leadership is dependent
variable as it is impacted and effected by the independent variable.

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