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Research Project Title:
Patients’ Satisfaction with the Quality of Health Care at the Cardiothoracic Centre of the Ho
Teaching Hospital

Invitation Paragraph:
You are invited to take part in a research study investigating patients’ satisfaction with the quality of
health care at the Cardiothoracic Centre of the Ho Teaching Hospital. This study is being conducted
by Prof. Frank Edwin and his research team, and we are looking for participants who have
recently received health care services at the Centre. Before you decide you need to understand why
the research is being done and what it would involve for you. Please take time to read the
following information carefully. Ask questions if anything you read is not clear or if you would
like more information. Take time to decide whether or not to take part.

Project’s purpose:
The purpose of this research project is to understand patients’ experiences and level of satisfaction
with the quality of health care provided at the Cardiothoracic Centre of the Ho Teaching Hospital.
We hope that the findings from this study will help to identify areas for improvement in the delivery
of health care services at the Centre.

Why you have been chosen:

You have been chosen because you recently received health care services at the Cardiothoracic
Centre of the Ho Teaching Hospital.

Do you have to take part?:

Participation in this study is voluntary, and you are under no obligation to take part. If you choose to
participate, you may withdraw from the study at any time without penalty.

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What will happen to you if you take part?

If you take part in this study, you will be asked to complete a survey that asks questions about your
experience and level of satisfaction with the quality of health care you received at the Cardiothoracic
Centre of the Ho Teaching Hospital.

What you have to do:

To participate in this study, you will need to complete a paper-based survey. The survey will take
approximately 30-50 minutes to complete. This survey will take place at the auditorium of the the Ho
Teaching Hospital cardiothoracic centre.

Possible disadvantages and risks of taking part:

There are no known disadvantages or risks associated with participating in this study.

Possible benefits of taking part:

The potential benefits of participating in this study include the opportunity to share your experience
and have your voice heard, and the potential to contribute to improvements in the delivery of health
care services at the Cardiothoracic Centre of the Ho Teaching Hospital. Also, there will be an
incentive package to award you for your time and participation.

What if something goes wrong?:

If you experience any discomfort or have any concerns during the study, please contact Prof. Frank
Edwin, the principal investigator, or any member of his research team immediately.

Ethical Considerations:
Yes, all information collected as part of this study will be kept strictly confidential. Your data will be
stored securely and only members of the research team will have access to it.

What will happen to the results of the research project?:

The results of this study will be analysed and used to inform recommendations for improvements in
the delivery of health care services at the Cardiothoracic Centre of the Ho Teaching Hospital. The
results may also be published in academic journals or presented at conferences, but individual
participants will not be identifiable in any publication or presentation.

Who is organizing and funding the research?:

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This research project is being organized and funded by Prof. Frank Edwin and his research team.
Prof Frank Edwin is a renowned cardiothoracic surgeon, professor of surgery and Head of the
Cardiothoracic Center, School of Medicine, University of Health and Allied Science(UHAS).

Contact for further information:

If you have any questions or require further information about this study, please contact Prof. Frank
Edwin at the Cardiothoracic Centre of the Ho Teaching Hospital.
PMB 31, Ho, Volta Region, Ghana.
+233206301164 (alternative)
Thank you for reading this information sheet and for considering taking part in this research.

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