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The oral components:

1/ The speaking test is marked out of 5.
Learners are tested on the aquisition of the previous lesson at least twice a term:
Naming items ( pictures, realia)
Describing pictures.
Questions about pictures.
Making a presentation using visuals( present their pet/ family/ friend…
Telling events through pictures.
Enacting role plays.
Free interview.(the teacher asks questions)
2/ The project work is marked out of 5.
Learners are allotted a mark out of five for the outcome of the project work.
The final end of term mark is the sum of the two marks specified above .

speaking test(5) + project work(5) = 10

The written components:
1/ Dictation : (is marked out of 6 ). Two or three exercises.
Write words read by the teacher or listened to in an audio.
Write short simple sentences read by the teacher or listened to in an audio.
Write the missing words in a text read by the teacher or listened to in an audio.
2/ Spelling : (is marked out of 6 ). Two or three exercises.
Reorder scrambled letters to get meaningful words
Label pictures.
Reorder scrambled letters to label picture(s).
Match word parts
Write figures or numbers in letters.
3/ Language : (is marked out of 8 ). Three TASKS.
Fill in the blanks with words from the box including one distractor.
Tick ,underline,circle the correct alternative in a paragraph.
Look at the picture(s) and select the correct option.
Look at the picture(s) and complete the paragraph with the right word(s).
Match the picture(s) with words, expressions.
Label the picture(s).
Reorder letters to label the picture(s).
Write the synonym or the opposite of underlined words in a sentence or a paragraph.
Look at the pictures and write the synonym or the opposite.

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