The Parable of The Twins in The Tosefta

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interdisciplinary studies in ancient Culture and religion 18

Jews and Christians

in antiquity

edited By


Leuven – Paris – BristoL, Ct
taBLe of Contents

introduction 1
Pierluigi Lanfranchi and Joseph verheyden

Jewish-Christian relations in roman Judaea Before and

after the revolts, 66–136 Ce 7
Peter J tomson

some reflections on origen, Celsus and their views on the Jews 37

Marco rizzi

de vraies discussions entre Juifs et chrétiens? Le cas d’origène 61

Gilles dorival

identifying Jews and Christians: the evidence of the Papyri 81

willy Clarysse

from Philo to areimanios: Jewish traditions and intellectual

Profiles in first – third Century alexandria in the Light of
the Apocryphon of John 101
daniele tripaldi

Juifs et chrétiens à smyrne au milieu du iiie siècle d’après le

Martyre de Pionios 121
Marie-françoise Baslez

Les Judéens chrétiens et les Judéens synagogaux en anatolie au

iie siècle  : Confrontation ou coexistence (ignace, Polycarpe
et Méliton) 143
simon C Mimouni

ritual interactions between Jews and Christians east of antioch 163

Gerard rouwhorst
vi Contents

the Parable of the twins in the tosefta: an underlying

reference to Jesus? 183
thierry Murcia

the not so significant other – on the ideological roots of

rabbinic-Christian Polemics 191
ron naiweld

Juifs, baptême et magie chez sophrone de Jérusalem et Jean

Moschos 209
Christian Boudignon

Jews and Christians in the City of rome: epigraphic evidence 229

david noy

Jews and Christians in northern italy: Conflicts, violences,

Conversions, and daily Coexistence in Late antique
aquileia 243
rita Lizzi testa

a Broken Coexistence: anti-Jewish Polemics and religious

Clashes in Late roman Hispania 267
raúl González salinero

Jews and Christians in Late antique africa: an hagiographical

Perspective 281
sabine fialon

Caesarius, Bishop of arles, the Jews and the dreyfus affair 299
Pierluigi Lanfranchi

Bibliography 311

indexes 361
the ParaBLe of the twins in the tosefta:
an underLyinG referenCe to Jesus?1

thierry MURCIA

the fathers of the Church seem to have much more to say about
Judaism than the rabbis about Christianity2 and it is a matter of
common knowledge that explicit references to Jesus are rather infre-
quent in rabbinical literature in fact, there is no explicit reference
either to Jesus, his disciples, Paul,3 or his teaching4 in the earliest
material, the Mishnah in addition, the attempt to find covert refer-
ences in this corpus (in m. Yebam. 4:13 ‫איש פלוני ממזר‬, or in m. Sanh.
10:2 and in m. ’Abot 5:19, two passages featuring Balaam) are not
convincing at all 5 similarly, Jesus is neither mentioned explicitly nor
implicitly in tannaitic midrashim: Mekhilta de-Rabbi Ishmael (exo-
dus), Sifra (Leviticus), Sifre Bamidbar (numbers) and Sifre Debarim
(deuteronomy) 6 in fact, Jesus, known as yeshu[a] Ben Panthera7 in
this literature, makes his first appearance in the tosefta: in
t. Hul. 2:22-23, the story of Ben dama (bitten by a snake) and Jacob
“the Min” of Kefar sama,8 and in t. Hul. 2:24, the discussion between

 i would like to thank sabrine amairi, doctoral student at aix-Marseille uni-
versity, for revising the english.
 see for example Van Voorst 1995, 158: “The rabbis who laid the foundation
of Talmudic Judaism seemed to have much less to say about christianity than
christianity about Judaism.”
 on alleged references to Paul in the Talmud, see: hirschberg 1943, 73-87;
ben-chorin 1999, 208-14.
 on alleged references to Paul or to his teachings in the earliest rabbinical litera-
ture, see: Jaffé 2003, 31-50; 2007, 153-75; schremer 2010, 107-17. 214-8 (notes).
 Klausner 1972, 16. see now Murcia 2014b, 529-76.
 Van Voorst 2000, 107: “The Tannaitic midrashim have no references to Jesus,
explicit or implicit. The Mishnah also contains no explicit references to Jesus and,
as we shall see, most probably no cryptic ones either.”
 on this specific appellation see: Murcia 2014a, 157-207; Murcia 2014b,
 see laible 1893, 77-9; herford 1903, 103-8; Pick 1913, 49-51; Klausner
1926, 40-4; Moreau 1944, 81-2; goldstein 1950, 32-9. 273-6 (notes); lauterbach

rabbi eliezer and Jacob “the Min,”9 two texts which have already
been extensively commented.10 by contrast, the following passage of
the Tosefta has rarely been noted in connection with Jesus and the
relation between Jews and christians in the Tannaitic period. as a
matter of fact, Jesus is not explicitly mentioned in this text:
rabbi Meir used to say: — what is the meaning of the saying (deut
21:23): for he that is hanged is a curse of god?11 [it is like the case of]
two brothers, twins, resembling each other. one ruled (or was king) over
the whole world — ‫ — אחד מלך על כל העולם כולו‬and the other went
for robbery. after a while, this one who went for robbery was caught
and they crucified him on a cross — ‫— היו צולבין אותו על הצלוב‬.
and every passerby said: “it seems that the king is hanged on a cross
— ‫ צלוב‬12‫— שהמלך תלוי‬.” Therefore, it is said: for he that is hanged
— ‫ — תלוי‬is a curse of god.13

1951, 563; Maier 1978, 182-92. 299-300 (notes); Kimelman 1981, ii, 231-2. 394
(notes); schiffman 1985, 64-73. 98-101 (notes); Manns 1989, 449-65; 1996, 263-
76; Kalmin 1994, 160-1; oppenheimer 1996, 1047; boyarin 1999, 34-6. 40-1.
159-60 (notes); gray 2003, 242-72 (especially 256-72); sirat 2003, 51-5; Mimouni
2004, 102-11; 2007, 3-19; Jaffé 2005, 179-235; 2007, 73-81; schäfer 2007,
52-62. 162-7 (notes); schremer 2010, 87-99. 199-208 (notes); Murcia 2014b,
 see derenbourg 1867, 357-60; laible 1893, 62-6; herford 1903, 137-45;
Pick 1913, 49-51; Klausner 1926, 37-40; Zeitlin 1933, 295-8; Moreau 1944,
79-82; lieberman 1944-1945, 20-4; goldstein 1950, 39-51. 276-80 (notes); neu-
sner 1973, i, 400-3; ii, 199. 203-4. 365-7; Maier 1978, 144-81. 296-9 (notes);
Kimelman 1981, ii, 231-2. 394 (notes); schiffman 1985, 69-73. 100-3 (notes);
Pritz 1988, 96-7; Miller 1993, 379-81; Manns 1996, 271-6; oppenheimer 1996,
1045-6; boyarin 1999, 26-34. 36-41. 153-62 (notes). 97-101. 193-5 (notes); blan-
chetière 2001, 275-7; sirat 2003, 51-5; Jaffé 2003, 57-77; 2005, 117-77; 2007,
61-71; Mimouni 2004, 111-8; 2007, 3-19; schäfer 2007, 34-51. 158-62 (notes);
schremer 2010, 87-99. 199-208 (notes); schwartz – Tomson 2012, 1-37; Murcia
2014b, 157-203.
 see notes 8 and 9. concerning ben stada, an unknown character apart from
the rabbinical material, see now: Murcia 2008, 367-87; 2013a, 189-99; 2014b,
321-75. 423-74; rokéah 2011, 279-84. ben stada (probably the “son of sotades”)
is not Jesus in the Tannaitic documents. This character was stoned in the town of
lydda apparently at the beginning of the second century.
 nrsV: “for anyone hung on a tree is under god’s curse.”
‫ תלוי‬is omitted by Zuckermandel but is present here in the manuscript (line 6).
 T. Sanh. 9:7. i translate according to the erfurt manuscript, p. 389, l. 3-7 (=
Zuckermandel, Trier, 1882, 429, l. 21-24). unfortunately, the most important part
of T. Sanh. 8–9 is missing in the Vienna manuscript (f. 192a-b). cf. neusner 2002,

according to robert Travers herford, “it is hardly to be doubted that

the above passage contains a reference to Jesus.”14 he states:
– “one ruled over the whole world” denotes god.
– “They resembled each other” refers to John 14:9: “whoever has seen
me has seen the father.”
– The mention of the cross accords with Jesus’ crucifixion.
– The gibe of bystanders refers to Matt 27:37, 39, 42-43.
herford recognizes that “r. Meir’s interpretation of the text in deut.
is somewhat obscure,” but he says: “so far as i understand it he seems
to mean that the raillery of the bystanders was a cursing of god,
because they said ‘the king is hung,’ which would be the case if Jesus
were supposed to be god.”15 although dan Jaffé recently argued that
herford’s explanation is rather pertinent,16 most scholars, among
these, wilhelm bacher, hermann leberecht strack, Morris goldstein
and Johann Maier, disagree with this interpretation. strack only
writes in a short footnote: “falsch ist die deutung, der eine sei gott,
Jesus der andre.”17 but bacher for his part does not hesitate to say
that “herford is decidedly wrong when (p. 87) he detects a reference
to the crucifixion of Jesus in this parable of rabbi Meir.” according
to bacher, the brother who ruled over the whole world is merely an
allusion to the roman emperors and, obviously, “with this parable it
was designed to show how ‘accursed of god is he that is hanged,’ and
this on the ground of the idea that man is made in the image of
god.”18 goldstein and Maier roughly support the same understand-
ing of this passage. Moreover, goldstein notes that the hebrew term
‫( צלוב‬cross) is also used “to denote hanging on a gallows.” in addi-
tion, he asks: “furthermore, how explain the accusation that Jesus

ii, 1177-8: “rabbi Meir would say: why does scripture say, For one which is
hanged is cursed by God (deuteronomy 21:23)? The matter is comparable to two
brothers, who were identical twins. one was king over the whole world, and one
joined a gang of thieves. after a while this one who had gone out to join the thieves
was caught, and they crucified him on a cross. and everyone who went by said,
‘This one who is being crucified looks just like the king!’ Therefore it is said,
For one who is hanged is a curse of God.”
 herford 1903, 87.
 herford 1903, 87.
 Jaffé 2005, 260-1.
 strack 1910, 19* § 1b, note 2.
 bacher 1905, 176.

took to robbery?”19 Maier, for his part, adds: “unerklärlich wäre alle-
rdings die räuberei,”20 and he points out the ambiguity of deuter-
onomy’s formula which can mean a curse from God as well as a curse
against God. according to this scholar, r. Meir’s parable implies the
latter sense. The thief looks like the king as man looks like the
almighty because god created man in his own image (gen 1:26-27).
likewise, the crucifixion of the thief is an offense against the king,
the crucifixion of a man is an offense against god.21 rabbi Meir’s
parable has no parallel in the yerushalmi, but the bavli has its own
version on it:
it has been taught: rabbi Meir said: They made a comparison: what
is this to be compared to? To two twin brothers [living] in one town.
one was appointed king. The other went for robbery. The king com-
manded to hang him [the thief] — ‫— תלאוהו‬. everyone who saw him
said: “The king is hanged —‫— תלוי‬.” Then the king commanded them
to take him down.22
as we can see, the bavli’s parable seems to be the same as the Tosefta’s.
however, there are some quite significant differences between the two
versions. in the bavli, the two brothers live in the same town. one is
appointed king “of the town,” rather than “of the world.” The other
joins a gang of thieves — so there is no difference here. and the king
commands, himself, to hang (‫תלה‬, rather than to “crucify”) his own
brother. Particularly, he personally commands to take him down
because of the offense caused by the resemblance between the two
men. The meaning of r. Meir’s parable seems to be slightly different
in the Tosefta (t. Sanh. 9:7) and in the Talmud (b. Sanh. 46b). cer-
tainly, the Talmudic version can hardly be connected with Jesus’
crucifixion. in the bible (deut 21:22-23 nrsV: “for anyone hung
on a tree is under god’s curse”) god himself commands to cut down
the body of the hanged man and to bury him before the end of the
same day (viz. before the twilight). in the parable in the bavli (“for
anyone hung on a tree is a curse against god/the King”) the offended
king himself, like god, gives the order to put the body down. nev-

 goldstein 1950, 77-8. 287 (notes). herford recognizes himself that he cannot
explain this curious remark that the second brother took to robbery.
 Maier 1978, 236.
 Maier 1978, 236-7.
 B. Sanh. 46b (my translation).

ertheless, we should remark that in the same tractate of the bavli,

a few folios earlier (b. Sanh. 43a), when the scribe gives his own
account of Jesus’ execution and Jesus’ disciples’ condemnation,23 he
uses the same verb as in the bavli’s parable. he writes twice about
Jesus: “They hanged him” (‫תלאוהו‬, rather than “they crucify him”).
on the one hand, taking into consideration the context of the
Tosefta, Maier’s and bacher’s explanation looks absolutely correct.
goldstein is also right when he observes that — ‫( — צלוב‬cross/cruci-
fied) can also mean gallows. we should notice, however, that the
Mishnah and the Tosefta do not use this word in this sense.24 on the
other hand, herford’s explanation does not seem to be absolutely
wrong and the two explanations are not mutually exclusive. at first
sight, we can consider the following parallels:
– Jesus died on a cross.
– There are two characters in the Tosefta: a king and a thief. for
christians Jesus is the king par excellence but he (and not barabbas)
was executed between two thieves on a cross as if he was a brigand.
– in the Tosefta, deut 21:23 (“for he that is hanged is a curse of
god”) is quoted twice. it is noteworthy that at the very beginning
of christianity, the same verse is related to Jesus in gal 3:13:
“cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree.”
it remains to explain the confusing reference to the twins. in fact, this
aspect of the subject has been neglected by all scholars until now.
however, there are two early different christian and/or gnostic tra-
ditions we could connect to this particular point.
first, according to an ancient eastern tradition, Jesus had a twin
brother: the apostle [Jude] Thomas. This tradition is rooted in the
gospel of John, where it is said about this apostle: “Thomas, one of
the twelve, called didymus.”25 Δίδυμος, “twin” in greek, is not just
a nickname. it is above all the greek translation of the semitic name
“Thomas” which exactly means “twin”: ‫ תאום‬in hebrew, ‫ תאמא‬in
syriac (in the Peshitta and in the Diatessaron). we must notice that

 on the parodic character of the bavli’s story of the disciples’ trial, see Murcia
2013b, 159-87; 2014b, 475-96.
 M. Šabb. 6:10; m. Yebam. 16:3; m. ’Ohal. 3:5; t. Yebam. 14:3; t. Git. 5:1;
t. ’Ohal. 4:11.
 John 20:24. cf. John 11:16 and 21:2.

it is accurately written in t. Sanh. 9:7: ‫שני אחים תאומים‬, “two twin

brothers.” in addition, in several christian or gnostic documents of
the same period,26 the apostle Thomas, — ‫— תאומא‬, and Jesus are
precisely presented as identical twins (didymoi, i.e., teomim).
second, it is worth noting that there is another eastern tradition
transmitted by several documents of the second and the third century
which claims that Jesus was not really crucified. it is said that at the
last moment an image of himself, a double or another character,27
took his own place on the cross and died.28 according to basilides
(c. 160 ce), apud irenæus:
[Jesus] did not himself suffer death, but simon, a certain man of
cyrene, being compelled, bore the cross in his stead; so that this latter
being transfigured by him, that he might be thought to be Jesus, was
crucified, through ignorance and error, while Jesus himself received the
form of simon, and, standing by, laughed at them.29
and epiphanius adds: “he [Jesus] himself flew off on high once he
had delivered simon to crucifixion, and returned to heaven without
suffering.”30 it is interesting to note that according to most of the
Koranic commentators — Muslim and not Muslim — the rather
strange statement that Jesus was not really crucified (and the follow-
ing: “They did not kill him, nor did they crucify him ma qataluhu
wa-ma salabuhu)], but so it was made to appear to them [wa-lakin
shubbiha la-hum] …”) is nothing but an echo of this very tradition.31

 Gos. Thom. title and 13; Acts Thom. 11.1; 31.2; 39.2; 57.3; 151.1–153.1;
Thom. Cont. 138.4-19.
 simon of cyrene, according to basilides. a man called sergius or Joshua,
according to Muslim documents (see Tabari).
 see irenaeus, Haer. 1.24.4; Pseudo-Tertullian, Against all Heresies 1.5;
epiphanius, Pan. 24.3.2; Acts John 97–102; 1 Apoc. Jas. 31.14-26; Treat. Seth
55.15–56.19; Apoc. Pet. 81.4–83.15.
 irenaeus, Haer. 1.24.4 (ANF 1:575).
“as the bore the cross Jesus changed simon into his own form and himself
into simon, and delivered simon to crucifixion in his place. during simon’s
crucifixion Jesus stood opposite him unseen, laughing at those who were crucify-
ing simon. but he himself flew off on high once he had delivered simon to
crucifixion, and returned to heaven without suffering” (epiphanius, Pan. 24.3.2;
transl. f. williams 1987, 72).
 Koran 4.156-157. see bauschke 2001, 83-103. 198-202 (notes).

considering these new data, we are able to suggest an alternative.

To be sure, the Tosefta’s parable rests on the biblical idea that man
has been created in the image of god (gen 1:26-27). but the very
confusing reference to the “two brothers, twins, resembling each
other” could also be an echo to early christian/gnostic traditions
concerning Jesus. for rabbi Meir (c. 130–160 ce) or the redactor
of the Tosefta (c. 300 ce) who quotes deut 21:23, everyone who
hangs on a tree is a curse against God (but not under God’s curse). for
christians, on the contrary, as Paul says when quoting the same verse:
“christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse
for us — for it is written, ‘cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree’”
(gal 3:13 nrsV). above all, according to christians, the one who
was crucified, is the christ, the only begotten son of the father and
“the express image of god” (2 cor 4:4; Phil 2:6-8; col 1:15; heb
1:3). but according to rabbi Meir, a crucified man is not cursed.
Thus, he can redeem nobody “from the curse of the law.” Moreover,
everybody, not “only Jesus,” and especially the one “who hangs on a
tree,” is the image of God. in so far as deut 21:23, a biblical verse
concerning the status of the crucified man, may have two different
and opposite meanings, a christian and a rabbinic one, the Tosefta’s
parable, as an indirect and veiled answer, can also have two different
meanings: an exegetic, rather literal and “neutral” one, and an under-
lying and polemic one.
all in all, we have seen that Jesus makes his first appearance in the
Tosefta in the well-known story of ben dama and Jacob the Min of
Kefar sama (t. Hul. 2:22-23): ben dama was bitten by a snake and
Jacob came to heal him in the name of yeshu[a] ben Panthera. but
r. ishmael did not allow the Min to perform his healing and ben
dama died. last but not least, before dying, ben dama wished to
quote a verse of the scripture to prove that a min (i.e., a christian) is
allowed to cure him. which one? The compiler of the Tosefta does
not tell us what this mysterious verse was. but in all the later rab-
binical versions of this story in the yerushalmi, the babli and in the
Midrash32 this scriptural proof is lev 18:5: “[ye shall therefore keep
my statutes, and my judgments:] which if a man does them he shall
live in them (i.e. not that he shall die in them).” we have good reason

 Y. Šabb. 14d-15a; y. ‘Abod. Zar. 40d-41a; b. ‘Abod. Zar. 27b; Qoh Rab. 1:24
(on 1:8).

to suppose that the compiler of the Tosefta had also the same biblical
verse in mind when he writes ben dama’s story. indeed, lev 18:5 is
used elsewhere in the same corpus for the same purpose: staying
alive.33 it is more surprising that this very verse is quoted also in
gal 3:12, immediately before Paul’s quotation of deut 21:23! Thus,
like t. Hul. 2:22-23, t. Sanh. 9:7 could also be a polemical passage
directed against the christian predication.
in any case, this passage does not tell us anything about the rela-
tions between rabbis and christians at the time of rabbi Meir
(c. 130–160 ce). we should better read this parable in its redactional
context, i.e., at the end of the third century or the beginning of the
fourth century. in those days, the christian proclamation was well
known in Palestine and christianity was about to prevail in the
roman empire. To be sure, we cannot assert that the Tannaim were
direct acquainted with the gospels or the epistles as written docu-
ments, but they had some knowledge of Jesus as an historical charac-
ter (yeshu[a] ben Panthera) and they were roughly aware of the
christian predication. in this context, the Parable of the Twins can
be regarded as a good disguised answer to this very predication.34

 T. Šabb. 15:17. see also schremer 2010, 201-2 (note 13).
 see Murcia 2014b, 225-6 (note 126).

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