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lndian J. Agrot'orestry Vol 1 No. 1 .

47-62 47

Agroforestry in the lndian Tropics

I :'s. B. Mohan Kumar*
Department of Silviculture and Agroforestry
College of Forestry, Kerala Agricultural University
Vellanikkara, Thrissur-680 654, Kerala

Tropical regions of lndia are characterised by diverse land use systems that integrate woody perennials with other life forms. A
constant radiation surplus and the general thermic uniformity, typical of these zones probably sustain such diversity in land use
practices. Social, economic and ecological reasons for the popularity of agroforestry in the tropics, system components and the
functional dynamics of important humid tropical agroforestry practices in the peninsular lndian context are described.
Key words: Tropical agroforestry, litter dynamics, fine root dynamics, energy plantation.


Agroforestry is often perceived as the predominant land Climate has the most important influence on vegetation
use system in the tropics. Tropical agroforestry involves and land use. Vegetation, indeed, is an integrator of the
complex land use practices where the indigenous culti- conditions under which it grows. The climate of the ln-
vators use 'reliable ecological knowledge' (Michon et al., dian peninsula signifies the monsoonic regime that su-
1983) or 'ecological theory' (Everett, 1989) in perimposes itself over a regime of thermic convectional
maneuvering the plants and that this may endow rainfall linked to the zenithal passage of the sun. The
climate, however, {luctuate significantly and is affected
sustainability to the system. lndia is perhaps no excep-
by a variety of factors including distance from the coast,
tion to this general doctrine concerning the tropics. With
presence or absence of the monsoons and trade winds,
f' )ver 80"o of the tolal geographical area coming under
and size of the land mass. Rainfall patterns are also com-
tropical region. lndia presents an array of agroforestry plicated (Pascal, 19BB). While large tracts in the Deccan
-th"practices. Presumably the lndian farmers have tried to plateau fall under the semiarid category, the insular or
mimic the structure and diversity of tropical forests by peninsular regions with large coastal areas relative to
planting a variety of crops with dilferential growth habits the total land area has a striking coastal efJect, making
in their homesteads for social, economic and/or ecologi- these territories more humid. Agroforestry practices in
cal reasons. Such rntensive, integrated land use systems the humid tropics are not likely to be restricted by mois-
are characterised by a high degree of complementary ture stress, except on soils with low infiltration rates and
and/or competitive interactions also. Competition for light, moisture retention capacities.
water and nutrients are cardinal production decreasing
Seasonal temperature fluctuations in the humid tropics
functions in mixed species systems. Root competition is are less marked than those in the dry tropics (Willaims
of particular significance in this respect. ln mixed spe- and Joseph, 1973). Temperatures in the humid tropics
cies systems, roots of different species frequently inter- are olten closer to the optimum for tropical plants than
mingle and often this overlap of roots can be extensive. those in other tropical climatic zones and do not become
Although considerable progress has been made lately in high or low enough to seriously restrict plant growth for
our understanding o{ the biophysical interactions in extended periods. This in turn may pafily justlfy the tre-
agroforestry, they are mostly confined to strategic re- mendous biological diversity of the humid tropics. The
search and rarely translated into agronomic management SAT environment, however, is characterised by high at-
(Rao et al., 1998). Questions relating to resource parti- mospheric water demand, high mean annual tempera-
tioning and complementary interactions are also seldom ture (>180C), and low, variable annual rainfall (400-1900
addressed. An attempt is made here to synthesise the mm; Swindale, 1982). The tropical soils are predominantly
available information on tropical agroforestry in the ln- well drained and inferlile. Major soil orders of the SAT
dian milieu and discuss the management impliqAtions. regions are Alfisols, Verlic soils, Psamments, Oxisols and
Ultisols (Vandenbeldt, 1990).
, The principal {ocus in this paper shall, however, be the
reninsular lndia, which shows a tremendous diversity in Agroforestry being site-specific, the humid and the semi-
l*:ano use practices owing to topographic peculiarities and/ arid regions show characteristic diversity with respect to
or climatic exigencies. system components, arrangement and/or management.
. Professor & Head
lndian J. Agroforestry Vol- 1 No. 1
turn can be related to litter and fine root dynamics'
But it has been a common practice to integrate trees with A H
field crops and/or animal production in both these zones' 3.3.1. Litter Dynamics v F
There are many social, economic and ecologicalfactors
Tropical agroecosystems exhibit varying degrees of
responsible for the wide popularity enjoyed by "leakiness'; (Nair, 1984) and the leaf litter frequently
agroforestry in the humid and semiarid tropical regions'
serves as a temporary sink for nutrients such as N' S
3. REASONS FOR AGROFORESTRY and P. Because of the important role of litter in regulat-
- r"'
ing nutrient {luxes, factors influencing litter dynamics
3.1. SocialReasons im"portant implications for long-term site productivity
Agroforestry is socially acceptable because it fits well Consequently, litter dynamics of the humid tropical {or-
*itn tn" traditional farming systems and established vil- estecosystems (Kumarand Deepu, 1992; Khiewtam and
lage life-styles (Kumar et al., 1992)' The primary func- Ramakrishnan, 1993) and plantation forestry systems
tio-n of most agroforestry practices is food
production ei- have received considerable research attention in the
However, such reports characterising litterfall, decay and
ther directly (producing edible f ruits, nuts grain, rhizomes
the resulting changes in soil nutrient pool are scarce in
and tubers, leaves, flowers, etc.) or indirectly (facilitating have
enhanced and/or sustained production)' Timber, fuel' tropical agroforestry. A few workers, nonetheless'
fodder and green leaf manure represent other major addressed problems such as decompositron of applied
goods obtained from such land use practices' Multiplic- leaf mulches (Budleman, 1988) and nutrient cycling in
ity of goods and services, however, is a unique feature systems based on crops including coffee (Coffea spp)'
(Theobroma cacao) (Alpizar et al', 1986; Glover
oi ugtofot"ttry. lt thus aims at ecological security, in- """uo
creaied productivity and above all, sustainability' These and Beer, 1986; lmbach et al., 1989)' large cardamom
(Amomum subutatum) and mandarin (Citrus reticulatal
are svstems which probably have emerged over centu- planta-
riei oi cultural and biological evolution and represent the isnutr" et al., 1997) - For Acacia auriculiformis litter-fall
iions, Kunhamu et al. (1994) reported an annual
accumulated wisdom and experiences of the farmers who

have interacted with the adverse environment without

litter production and the associated nutrient turnover in
access to external inputs, capital or scientific knowledge'
tropical silvopastoral systems involving four mu-ltipurpos' ; i*
Such experiences have guided farmers in many areas to
tree species. Annual addition of litter ranged f rom 1'9b-r
develop sustainable agroecosystems, managed with lo-
6.25 Mg ha-1. ln another study Jamaludheen and Kumar
cally available resources and with human/animal energy
(1998)inowed that the amount of litter{all in monospecific
(Altieri et al., 1987).
woodlots of nine fast growing multipurpose trees ranged
3.2. lrom 3.42to 12.69 Mg ha yrr. Furlhermore, leaf f all ac-
Economic Reasons
counted for about 38-203 kg N ha'1 yr1,0'8-6 kg P ha'
A major economic reason for agroforestry is that it is suit-
yr-1 and 3.4-15.7 kg K ha1 yr1 appropriated into the soil
able for resource poor situations. Agroforestry may also
pool through nutrient cYcling.
produce high value crops such as cacao, coffee, various
spices and condiments- The economic advantage can Pruning the lateral branches of trees at the beginning o{
be summarised as low capital and labour costs, increased the crop-planting season is typical of agroforestry' ln
value of outputs, diversified range of products from a given g"netai, pruningdelays canopy closure.and/or reduce
area in order to (a) increase self sufficiency and/or re- Iro*n width. Pruned trees may thus yield less litter' lt
duce the risk to income from diverse climatic, biological also alters the periodicity of litter{all' Pruning, although
or market impacts on particular crops/products, (b) even reduces litterfail, does provide substantial quantities of
distribution of labour inputs and thereby reducing the ef- green leaf manure and/or firewood and facilitates light
fects of sharp peaks and troughs in labour utilisation typi- infiltration into the understorey that promotes production
cal of tropical agriculture, (c) productive application for of annual crops. ln addition, pruning presents a large
under-utilised land, labour or capital, besides creating pulse of nutrients through the return of nutrient rich foli-
capital stocks to meet intermittent costs or unforeseen age.
contingencies (Arnold, 1 987). 3.3.2. Fine Root DYnamics
3.3. EcologicalReasons Fine roots represent a large and dynamic porlion of the
Trees modify the microclimate, improve nutrient cycling below ground biomass and nutrient capital and they ac- r,

through processes such as litterdynamics, nutrient pump- count f-or a significant porlion of net primary production
ing, retard soil erosion and desertification, maintain (Srivasthavaetal.,19B6).Studiesintemperateforesi-q,-
biodiversity and soil fertility. Soil fertility improvement ecosystems have shown that fine roots are ln constarLi/' "
associated with trees is often termed as micro-site en- flux, with death and replacement taking place simultane-
richment. lt occurs primarily through improvement in the ously. Presumably fine root morlality transfers consider-
able amounts of organic matter and nulrients into the l

soil organic matter and mineral nutrient pools, which in

Agroforestry in Tropics / Kumar 49

rhizosphere in integrated tree-crop systems. However, of the lndian larrdscape. According to Nair and Dagar
( rnvestigation on production ecology andnutrient cycling (1991) although the farmers and landowners integrate a
'l-,n agroforests face a major gap because little is known wide variety of woody perennials in their crop and
about the production and turnover of fine roots. livestock enterprises, most of these practices are location
specific and information on these also are anecdotal'
4. AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS IN THE Agroforestry systems inventory prepared under the
HUMID TROPICS OF INDIA DLgnosis and Design Project of the All lndia Co-ordinated
Research Project on Agroforestry also catalogues a large
Conventionally agroforestry systems have been classi-
fied as agrisilvicultural, silvopastoral, agrosilvopastoral number of woody perennials on farm lands (Table 1)"
and other systems (Nair, 1990). All these major divisions
There are, however, striking regional variations in this
include many disparate and intricate land use practices'
respect. For instance, Prosopis cineraria and Ziziphus
nummularia are widespread in the arid areas. Coconut,
The practices are often specific to topographic and
edaphic factors. Some of the important practices in the
arecanut and rubber are favourite trees in the humid
peninsular lndian context are discussed here. regions. Acacia nitotica is popular in the dry to moist
tropical climate, throughout lndia. Acacia leucophloea,
4.1. Multipurpose Trees on Crop LandI' Aci,acia ptanifrons, Acacia catechu, Borassus flabellifer,

Trees, often intentionally planted in crop fields or allowed Tamarindus indica, Ceiba pentandraand several species
to persist f rom natural regeneration, are a common feature of Eucalyptus are prevalent in different parts of lndia'

. Agroforestry systems in the tropical humid and sub-humid zones


Multipurpose tree sPecies FruiVnut trees Crops

Climateizone Agroforestry
Ailanthus malabarica, Aftocarpus hirsutus, Arecanut Coconut, Cassava, Colocasia,
Tropical Homegardens
Casuarina equisetifolia, Ceiba pentandra, Jackfruit, Mango, Ginger, Guinea grass,
D al b e rg i a I atif ol i a, E ryth ri n a spp, G I i ri c i d i a Sapota. Medicinal piants,
sepium, Grevillea robusta, Hevea brasiliensis, Ornamental Plants,
Macaranga peltata, Moringa oleifera, Turmeric, Vegetables,
l_ Pterocarpus marsupium, Tamarindus indica, Yams.
Tecton a g randi s, Thespesi a popu I nea

Acacia auriculiformis, Albizia lebbeck, Albizia Banana, Coconut, Cowpea Ginger,

Farm boundary
rocera, Artocarpus heterophyllus, Bambusa Guava, Jack Fruit, Paddy, Turmeric.
spp, Bauhinia variegata (kachnar) Bombax Litchi, Mango,
ceiba, Cassia fistula, Cassia siamea, Ceiba Papaya.
pentandra, Dalbergia sissoo (shisham)'
Erythrina indica, Eucalyptus tereticornis,
Gtiricidia sepium, Gmelina arborea, Grevillea
robu sta, Le ucae n a le ucoce ph al a, M aca ra n ga
peltata, Morus alba (sehtut), Pterocarpus
marsupium, Populus deltoides, Sesbania
sesban, Syzygium cumini (1amun), Terminalia
arjuna (arjun).
Acacia auriculiformis, Acacia nilotica, Ailanthus Arecanut, Banana, Groundnut.
Tropical plains Agrisilviculture
excelsa ( Maharookh) , Albizia lebbeck, Albizia Black pepper Horsegram, CowPea,
procera. Anacardium occidentale, Artocarpus Coconut. Custard- Til, Vegetables.
heterophyllus, Azadirachta indica, Bauhinia apple, Guava
variegata (kachnar), Bombax ceiba, Cassia Mango, PaPaYa,
fistula, Cassia siamea, Ca.suarina equisetifolia, Sapota.
Ceiba pentandra, Dalbergia latifolia, Dalbergia
sissoo (shish am), Den d rocal am us strictu s,
Embtica officinalis, Erythrina indica, Eucalyptus
camaldulensis, Eucalyptus tereticornis, Feronia
elephantum , Garuga pinnata, Gliricidia sepium,
Gmetina arborea, Grevillea robusta, Leucaena
leucocephala, Macaranga peltata, Paraseria-
L nthes falcataria, Prosopis cineraria, Syzygium
cumini , Tamarindus indica, Vateria indica,
Ziziphus mauritiana.
lndian J. Agroforestry Vol. 1 No. 1

Climatelzone Agroforestry Multipurpose tree species FruiVnut trees Crops

Ag rihortisilvicultu re Acacia catechu, Acacia holosericea, Albizia Banana, Black Cowpea, Mung,
spp, Annona squamosa, Anogeissus latifolia, pepper, Cacao Vegetables.
Azadirachta indica, Dalbergia sissoo, Erythrina Clove, Coffee
indica, Eucalyptus tereticornis, Eucalyptus Nutmeg, Papaya
citriodora, Garuga pinnata, Gliricidia sepium, Tea.
Gmelina arborea, Grevillea robusta, Hevea
b rasi I ien si s, Leucaen a leu coceph ala,
Mangifera indica, Melia azedarach, Moringa
oleifera, Psidium guajava, Syzygium cumini
Tectona grandis, Terminalia spp, Ziziphus spp.

Silvopasture Acacia leucophloea, Acacia planifrons, Cashew, Coconut Guniea grass, Hybrid
Silvihorticulture Ailanthus excelsa, Albizia lebbeck, Azadirachta Black pepper napier, Paragrass,
Homestead indica, Casuarina equisetifolia, Ceiba pentandra, Mango, Sapota. Congosignal,
Erythrina indica, Eucalyptus tereticornis, Cenchrus ciliaris,
Garuga'pinnata, Grevillea robusta, Prosopis Vegetables.
cineraira, Prosopis juliflora, Tamrarindus indica.

C'oastal Energy plantation Acacia auriculiformis, Acacia planifrons

Ailanthus excelsa (Maharookh), Albizia lebbeck,
Anacardium occidentale, ArTocarpus heterop-
hyllus, Azadirachta indica, Bauhinia variegata
(kachnar), Casuarina equisetifolia, Dalbergia
sissoo (shish am), E ucaly ptus te retico rn i s,
Gliricidia sepium, Macarang peltata, Leucaena
leucocephalaa, Paraserianthes falcataria,
Prosopis juliflora.

Agrisilviculture Acacia leucopholoea, Acacia nilotica, Acacia Balck pepper Fodder grasses
Silvopasture planifrons, Ailanthus excelsa, Albizia lebbeck, Cashew, Coconul Groundnut, Sorghum
Sllvihorticu3 lture Azadirachta indica, Cassia siamea, Casuarina Guava. Vegetables.
Homestead equisetifolia, Ceiba pentandra, Eucalyptus
revi I I ea robusta, P rosop i s i u I if lo ra,
te reti co rn i s, G
Syzygi u m cu m in i, Tamarindus i ndica.

Humid Silvihorlipasture Acacia auriculiformis, Acacia nilotica, Ailanthus Arecanut, Balck Coffee, Tea, Fodder
>2500 mm Silvihorticulture excelsa (Maharookh), Albizia lebbeck, Albizia Pepper, Citrus, grasses, Paddy.
mean annual procera, Anacardium accidentale, Artocarpus Coconut, Guava,
precipitation h i rsut u s, Artoca rpu s h ete ro ph y I I u s, Azad i rachta Lime, Mandarin,
indica, Bauhinia variegata (kachnar), Bombax Orange, Papaya,
ceiba, Cassia fistula, Cassia siamea, Casuarina Pomegranate,
eq u i setifol i a, D al be rgi a latifo I i a, D albe rg i a Sapota.
srssoo (shish am), De nd rocal amu s strictu s,
Emblica officinalis, Erythrina indica, Eucalyptus
camaldulensis, Eucalyptus tereticornis, Feronia
elephantum, Gliricidia sepium, Gmelina arborea,
Leucaena leucocephalaa, Macaranga peltata,
Paraserianthes falcataria, Prosopis cineraria,
Syzygium cumini , Tamarindus indica, Vateria
i n dica, Zizi ph u s m au riti ana.

500-2500 Agrisilviculture Artocarpus heterophyllus, Azadirachta indica, Coconut, Guava Cowpea, Forage
Homestead Bauhinia variegata (kachnar), Bombax ceiba, Mandarin orange, grasses, Groundnut
Cassia fistula, Cassia siamea, Casuarina Mango, Paddy, Vegetables.
equisetifolia, Dalbergia latifolia, Dendrocalamus Pomegranate,
strictus, Emblica officinalis, Erythrina indica, Sapota.
E ucalyptus te retico rn i s, G mel i n a arbo rea,
G I i ri cidi a sepi u m, Le ucaen a I eucoce ph al a,
Macaranga peltata, Paraserianthes falcataria,
Syzygium cumini, Tamarindus indica, Tectona
g ran dis, Ziziphu s ma u riti an a.
Agroforestry in TroPics / Kumar

Multipurpose tree sPecies FruiVnut trees Crops

Climate/zone Agroforestry
Ba1ra, Cenchrus
1500 mm Agrisilviculture Acacia auriculiformis, Acacia leucopholoea,
Acacia planifrons, Ailanthus excelsa, ciliaris, Cotton,
Albizia lebbeck, Anacardium occidentale, Dinanath, Groundnut
Pulses, Sorghum,
Azadirachta indica, Bauhinia variegata(kachnar),
CaSuarina equisetifolia, Ceiba pentandra,
Dalbergia sissoo (shisham'1, Eucalyptus
tereticornis, Grevillea robusta, Leucaena
leucocephalaa, Paraserianthes falcataria,
Prosopis iutiftora, Tarirarindus indica.

Energy plantation Acacia auriculiformis, Acacia nilotica, Ailanthus

excelsa (Maharookh), Ailanthus triphysa,
Albizia tebbeck, Albizia procera, Anacardium
occidentale, Artocarpus heterophyllus,
Azadirachta indica, Bauhinia variegata
(kachnar) Bombax ceiba, Cassia fistula, Cassia
siamea, Casuarina equisetifolia, Dalbergia
tatifotia, Datbergia sissoo (shish am) Dendro'
calamus strictus, Emblica officinalis, Erythrina
indica, Eucatyptus camaldulensis, Eucalyptus
tereticornis, Feronia elephantum , Gmelina
arborea, Leucaena leucocephalaa, Paraseria'
nthes falcataria, Prosopis cineraria, Syzygium
cumini, Tamarindus indica, Ziziphus mauritiana.

Research Project on Agroforestry centres, National Research centre

source: synthesised from the Annual Reports of the All lndia coordinated
on Agroforestry, Jhansi

r Trees on farmlands frequently follow a random or irregular characteristics of root systems that enable one species
geometry, except in the case of plantations and orchards' to acquire resources more efficaciously than others in a
Many trees also serve multiple objectives such as competitive situation. ln a study of the root distribution
providing green manure, fodder, fuel wood and small pattern of nine-year-old wlld iack (Artocarpus hirsutus)
timber. For example, almost every part of lhe Acacia tree, a prominent multipurpose tree in the mixed species
32P soil injection
nitotica tree is used. lts leaves, young twigs and pods systems of southern lndia using
are used as fodder; the branches are used as fuelwood technique, Jamaludheen et al. (1997) lound that most of
and fencing material; the bark is used for the extraction the physiologically active roots were concentrated in a
of tannin; the timber is used for making agricultural soil volume of up to 75 cm away from the tree and 30-cm
implements and the tree also yields gum (Tejwani, 1994)' deep. lt is, however, argued that as lateral expansion of
tree roots is limited, the effect of overlapping root zones
4.1.1. Constraints and the associated conpetitive eJfects may be
Farmers often perceive inter-specific competition for site negligible during the initial years of tree growth (below
resources as a serious deterrent to integrated tree-crop 1 0 years of age).
produclion systems. Competition for light is a central to
According to Caldwell (1987) competition below ground
the biophysical interactions in agroforestry. Quick grow-
ing trees with spreading crowns generally impede light is known more by its manifestations than by mechanlsms
infiltration into the understorey, thereby adversely affect- and even the most basic questions have received little
ing understorey crop productivity. Allelopathic inf luence attention. Although there is increasing information on root-
anO/ot recalcitrant nature of litter and the inconve.nience/ system biomass and root production in varioud ecosys-
lack of ease to carry out various farm/cultural operations tems, there is a paucity of information on root competi-
are additional concerns in this respect (Kumar, 1997)' tion and rooting density in tropical agroforestry systems'
Caldwell and Richards (1986) also observed that when
Root competition is another major constraint in respect
considering competitive relationships, the distribution and
of integrated production systems. Roots of different
degree of overlap of neighbburing root systems are of
species frequently intermingle and often this overlap of
a the roots can be extensive. ln general, tree root systems
particular interest. However, data on overlapping root
systems in agroforestry are scarce, owing to methodo-
can potentially out-compete the field crops grown in
logical problems.
association with them. Yet, little is known about the
52 lndian J. Agroforestry Vol. 1 No. 1

4.2. Trees on Farm Boundaries much of the incoming solar radiation and yield substan-
When trees are planted on field risers (bunds) andior
tial quantities of green leaf manure on lopping (e.9.'
Gliricidia sepium). Commercial timber species such as.--
borders, quite apad from the specif ic uses for which trees
Tectona grandis, Acacia mangium, etc. are of late being
are planted on farmlands, trees and shrubs serve to de-
increasingly planted on farmlands. Bamboo clumps oc-
marcate the field boundaries and also serve as wind-
breaks/shelterbelts/live fences. ln a survey of the land
cur particularly on the farm borders. Bambusa
arundinacea is the predominant bamboo species in this
use systems of Kerala, Kumar (1994) documented the
respect. Other species such as B. vulgaris and
dominant tree components of the system (Table 2). The
Dendrocalamus strictus are also frequent (Kumar, 1997).
principal species included Ailanthus triphysa, ArTocarpus
spp., Erythrina spp., Gliricidia sepium, Macaranga peltata 4.3. Plantation Crop Combinations
and the like. ln the coastal regions, however, mangrove Woody perennial plantation agriculture is a chief land use
species such as Rhizophora spp., Avicennia officinalis activity in the tropics. Perennial crops have formed an
are important. Paddy field risers are usually planted with integral component of the peninsular lndian landscape
tree species such as Borassus flabellifer, Casuarina too. Coconut, arecanut, rubber, tea, coffee, cardamom,
equisetifolia, Eucalyptus tereticornis, Gliricidia sepium, and oil palm are important in this respect. The combina-
etc. in many parts of the country. Many of these trees tion of crown architecture and the wide spacing adopted
(e.9. Casuarina, Ailanthus, Borassus) do not intercept in the plantation agriculturalsystems often facilitate grow-

Table 2. Frequency of important trees and shrubs on farm boundaries and scattered trees in 252 homesteads of Kerala

Species Frequency (%)

Boundry Scattered
Ailanthus triphysa 21.3 .+ -J

Artocarpus hete rophyl lus 10.8 12.6

Mangifera indica 9.4 15.5

Tectona grandis 5.9 6.7

An acardium occidentale 5.0 6.0

Artocarpus hirsutus 5.0 tro

Erythrina indica 4.2 2.6

Macaranga peltata 3.7 2.3

Tamarindus indica 3.4 4.4

Thespesia populnea 3.4 0.7

Psidium guajava 3.0 0.9

Bombax ceiba 1.8 2.3

Leucaena leucocephala 1.4 0,6

Swietenia macrophylla 1.3 1.5

Gliricidia sepium 1.1 2.1

Delonix regia 0.9 1.1

Emblica officinalis 0.7 1.3

Annona squarnosa 0.6 0.7

Terminalia paniculata 0.5 1.1

Ceiba pentandra 0.4 0.9

Azadirachta indica 0.4 1.0

Paraserianthes falcataria 0.2 1.6

Others 13.9 23.6

Source: Kumar (1994)

Agroforestry in TroPics / Kumar 53

of crops in association with them nent in this respect (Nair and Sreedharan, 1986; Ghosh
. ing a wide spectrumtolerance is an important criterion of et al. 1989; Liyanage et al" 1990). Lately, however, with
{Nair, 1984). Shade
\-the field crops to be included under mixed species sys- a view to develop low input sustainable production sys-
tems. Shade relationships of several f ield/plantation crops tems, numerous muttipurpose trees are systematically
were evaluated at the Kerala Agricultural University, with inter planted in the coconut plantations (Nair, 1983). Such
a view to optimise understorey productivity (Kumar, mixed planting systems are particularly relevant for the
1994). Sweet potato (tpomoea batatas), cowpea (Vigna disease affected andlor senile plantations. lt not only
unguiculata), groundnut (Arachis hypogea), black gram improves the productivity of senile and/or disease affected
(Vigna mungo), soyabean (Glycine max) and red gram palms, but also enriches the wood resource base of the
(Caianus caian) are considered shade sensitive' Coleus iocality. This is of special significance in a state like Kerala
(Coteus parviflorus) is shade intolerant while ginger where wood f rom agricultural lands account for about 74-
(Zingiber officinale) and turmeric (Curcuma longa) are 84"/o of the society's total wood requirements
shade loving. (Krishnankutty, 1990)and about 0.41 million hectares o{
4.3.1. Coconut Based Cropping Systems the coconut plantations in Kerala are affected by root
wilt, a serious debilitating disease (Bavappa et al', 1986)'
Coconut (Cocos nucifera) is grown in an area of about
six million hectares in the tropics. More than 90% of the Several multipurpose trces recommended in this respect'
crop is in Asra and Oceania, major producing countries Ceiba pentandra, Gmelina arborea, Tamarindus indica,
being Philippines, lndonesia, lndia, Sri Lanka, Malaysia Azadirachta indica, Catliandra calothyrsus, Ailanthus
and the Pacific islands. The lndian area and production triphysa, Eucatyptus tereticornis, Acacia nilotica, Grevillea
are put at 1.63 million ha and 12,355 million nuts, re- robusta, Casuarina equisetifolia, Paraserianthes
spectively. ln lndia, the state of Kerala represents an fatcataria, Dalbergia latifolia, Prosopis juliflora, Acacia
important coconut growing region, with an area of about auricutiformis, Vateria indica, Sesbania grandiflora,
8,77,000 ha and a total annual production of 5144.3 mil- Tectona grandis and Hardwickia binata are prominent in
'1986; Nair
lion nuts (KSLUB, 1995). Seventies and eighties saw a this respect (Jambulingam and Fernandes,
remarkable boom in the area under this crop in the pe- and Sreedharan, 1986; Dagar and Kumar, 1992; Kumar
ninsular lndia. et al., 1994; 1998a).

Polycultural systems involving several species are a Constraints

unique feature ol the coconut based farming systems in
Although intensive, integrated land use systems involv-
the tropics. The palms often do not ordinarily utilise the
ing multipurpose trees, plantation crops are ideally suited
incoming solar radiation completely (Abraham, 1993).
for the small and medium grofuers o{ coconut, informa-
Limited lateral spread of the coconut roots leading to sub-
tion on the compatibility of multipurpose trees in a coco-
optimal utilisation of below ground resources (Anilkumar
nut plantation is scarce. lndiscriminate planting ol multi-
and Wahid, 1988) also facilitates mixed and/or inters crop-
purpose trees in juvenile coconut groves, therefore, may
ping. As a result, annual, seasonal and perennial crops
abound in coconut plantations. They include horticultural adversely affect coconut growth and productivity' Farm-
crops, medicinal plants and even fast growing multipur- ers apprehend competition for light, water and nutrients
pose trees. Perennials like pepper, arecanut, nutmeg, between coconut and inter planted multipurpose trees'
clove, cacao, pineapple and annuals like banana, tur- Many aspects of the functional dynamics such as sys-
meric, ginger, tuber crops, fodder crops, pulses and tem productivity, competitive interactions and resource
oilseeds are frequent. lmpodant spice/beverage crops sharing are also less known. Snaydon et al. (1989) pro-
such as cacao, clove, nutmeg, co{fee, arecanut and pa- posed that root competition between coconut, palms and
paya (Pillai, 1985) and fruit crops like sapota, mango, pasture understorey is more important than shoot com-
citrus, guava and jack are also frequent in the coconut petition between them.
gardens (Srinivasan and Caulfield, 1989). According to
Root competition in intercropping systems involving mul-
Nair and Varghese (1 976), coconut + cacao + black pep- pP
tipurpose trees have been evaluated using
per + pineapple is a widely accepted crop combination in agrisilvicultural
nique. Such information on coconut based
system, however, is scarce. Kumar et al. (1998a) reported . Muttipurpose frees in coconut plantations an attempt to evaluate the nature of below ground inter-
lntroducing multipurpose trees in coconut plantations, actions between coconut, multipurpose trees and the field
however, is a relatively recent concept. Traditionally such crop component (kacholam) in intensive, integrated land
trees were included in the coconut gardens for green use systems involving three fast growing multipurpose
manure and fodder purposes and/or as support trees for tree species (Aitanthus triphysa, Grevillea robusta and
trailing pepper vines. Gliricidia sepium, Erythrina indica, Vateria indica), based on the relative absorption of
Pajanetia rheediiand Leucaena leucocephala are promi- applied 32P. They found that inter planting multipurpose
54 lndian J. Agroforestry Vol. 1 No. 1

trees in the coconut plantations substantially altered the 4.3.3. Arecanut Based Cropping Systems
32P recovery pattern of coconut. Bolh Ailanthus and
lndia is the leading arecanut (Areca catechu) producing.
Vateria exhibited a modest depressing effect on 32P (75% ol lhe total) country in the world, producing 249,300 -
upfake by coconut, while Grevillea exefied a favourable tonnes of nuts f rom about 208,400 ha of land in 1990-91 .
influence in this respect. Arecanut grows mainly in the states of Kerala, Karnataka,
Differences in root architecture (Van Noordwijk and Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Assam, Meghalaya and West
Purnomosidhi, 1995) may explain such variations. Bengal. Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu account for
Schroth and Sinclair (1995), after a review of the role of about62"h of area and 64"/" of production in lndia. Like
tree root systems, concluded tfuat selection of tree spe- coconut, due to its height, crown architecture and wide
cies with low root competitiveness (eventually supple- spacing adopted for planting, the arecanut palms permit
mented by shoot pruning), trees with complementary root the growing of a wide variety of annual, biennial and per-
distribution to the crops, reduction in root density by ennial intercrops. Banana, cacao, black pepper, pineap:
trenching or tillage and rotations (compared to tree-crop ple, betel vine, elephant foot yam, tapioca, paddy, sor-
combinations) are important strategies in agroforestry. ghum, cowpea, vegetables, turmeric, ginger and guinea
Fufthermore, interplanting of quick growing trees is sel- grass are principal intercrops in this respect.
dom advocated before 15-20 years of palm age in well 4.3.4. Oil Palm Based Cropping System
managed plantations.
Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) is recognized as one of the
4.3.2, Rubber Based Cropping Systems highest edible oil-yielding crops. The potential area lor
Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) is a principal plantation crop starling oil palm cultivation in lndia is estimated as 0.795
in Kerala and the north-eastern regions of India, besides million ha in 11 states. Oil palm is usually grown in trian-
the Southeast Asian countries. ln Kerala alone, during gular system at a spacing of 9m. Crops such as cocoa,
the period between 1976-86, there raes 51 per cent in- banana, vegetables, cotton, tobacco, maize, sorghum,
crease in area under rubber. The total production of rub- pearl millet, sugarcane are recommended for
ber alio increased during this period (from 1.29 lakh intercropping.
tonnes in 1975-76 to 3.7 lakh tonnes in 1992-93). Pro- 4.3.5. Cashew Based Cropping System
ductivity, which was 555 kg ha"l during 1984-85 increased
to 830 kg ha-l in 1992-93. Bulk of lndian rubber is pro- The area under the crop has grown from 0.1 1 million ha
duced in tiny gardens of one acre or so, by small hold- in 1955-56 to 0.635 million ha today and during the pe-
riod the production has also increased from 79,000 tonnes
ers, who produce rubber with household labour to meet
part of their household income requirements. to 0.418 million tonnes. Cashew thrives well when grown
as a monocrop, however, in the initial years of orchard
Faced with uncertain markets and discriminatory establishment, the crops having small canopy can be
treatment from government, the most obvious survival cultivated. Pineapple is the most beneficial intercrop in
strategy for small holders has been to diversify their cashew orchards upto the fifth year. The trials conducted
holdings so that they are not dependent on any one crop. at NRCC and at Vengurla under the AICRP on Cashew
lntercropping therefore holds promise, especially during have revealed that growing mango, casuarina and other
the early phase of rubbergrowth. The potential intercrops forest species is detrimental to crop growth and yield of
include banana, vegetables, tapioca, yams, etc. ln casherv. Horsegram, cowpea and groundnut are, how-
Thailand mahy small holders intercrop the young rubber ever, prof itable intercroPs.
with food crops. Cropping practices, range from repeated
cropping of upland rice for subsistence to continuous
4.4. Commercial Crops under the Shade of Planted
cultivation of pineapples on a commercial basis (Masae
and Cramb, 1995). Rubber with legume cover crops, Beverage crops such as tea (Camellia sinensis), colfee
maize, peanuts, pineapple, hedgerows and banana are (Coffeaspp), cacao (Theobroma cacao), spices like clove
frequent in Malaysia (Eusof and Wahab, 1995). Srilankan (Syzi g i u m a romati c u m), n utmeg (My ri sti ca f rag ran s), elc.,
experiments (Yogaratnam and lqbal, 1995) have shown require varying levels of shade for their optimum growth
that rubber and tea are ideally suited to intercropping, and production. Although, a number of shade trees are
although it would require some adjustment of the spacing grown in coffee and tea plantations, there is very little
of the rubber plants to allow for the permanent growth of documented infermation regarding the requirement of
perennial crops. The inter-row space would generate an shade by these crops. Presumably the tea plant requires
income during the first few unproductive years of the shade only during the establishment phase. This is per-
rubber trees, and also during wet periods when rubber haps evident from the gradual reduction in shade tree
tapping is not possible. Woody perennials are, by an( density leading to their complete removal eventually.
Iarge restricted to the borders in well-managed rubber Among the shade trees ol 1ea, Grevillea robusta, Albizia
plantations. spp., Erythrina spp. and Acacia spp. are important. Domi-
Agroforestry in TroPics / Kumar 55

nant shade trees in the coffee plantations of Wynad in damom productivity is particularly low in the leased ar-
,- Kerala, arc Erythrina indica, Mangifera indica, Aftocarpus eas, which account for about 20% of the cardamom plan-
- heterophyttus, Grevillea robusta, Melia dubia, Areca tations in Kerala, owing to poor soil management and
catechu and Tectona grandis (Kumar, 1994). shade regulation. The ownership pattern of CHRs (land
- belonging to State Revenue Depaftment, trees on the
Shade response of cacao was evaluated at the Kerala land belonging to the State Forest Department and the
Agricultural University (KAU, 1993). While shade stimu- cardamom crop being owned by the growers) also acts
lates vegetative growth, it suppresses reproductive as a dlsincentive towards good practice'
growth of cacao. lt was Jound that pod yield suffered heav-
ily due to the presence of a dense overstorey, which in- Although in the traditional system of cardamom produc-
tercepted incoming solar radiation to the extent of 25 to tion little or no chemical fefiilisers were applied. With the
75% ol that in the open. Clove, nutmeg and cacao also advent of modern technology, farmers have started us-
require shade for their optimum growth and production. ing chemical ferlilisers to supplement the inherent site
They are often grown as components of homesteads as ferlility. Furlhermore, to ensure reasonable levels of car-
well as coconut, arecanut and coffee plantations in pe- damom productivity, a regular schedule of cultural prac-
ninsular lndia (Kumar, 1994;Tejwani, 1994). tices consisting of weeding, mulching, trashing, shade
regulation, fertiliser application and irrigation is consid-
4.5. Commercial Crops Grown Under the Shade of ered essential (Kumar et al., 1995a). Maintenance of
Trees in the Natural Forests optimal levels of shade in the cardamom areas is critical
4.5.1. SmallCardamom for ensuring sustained productivity of cardamom. Unless
pruning, lopping, pollarding and/or planting quick grow-
Small cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) is indigenous ing tree species in the larger canopy gaps to regulate
to the medium elevation wet evergreen and semi-ever- overstorey shade, cardamom productivity cannot be sus-
green forests of the Western Ghats of peninsular lndia' tained. However, shade regulation of cardamom planta-
ln ancient times, cardamom was collected form forest, tion is a grossly neglected aspect.
but later on man starled cultivating it as an underslorey
crop in the tropicalforests. lt is perhaps the most impor- Although shade trees abound in cardamom plantations,
tant cash crop of the lndian wet tropics after rubber (Hevea there is very little documented information on the rela-
brasiliensis) in terms of economic returns to the grow- tive performance of these species on cardamom produc-
ers. Cardamom is grown extensively in the Western Ghats tivity. Shade trees often vary from place to place depend-
of peninsular lndia (approximately 81,000 ha; Spices ing on local preferences and the silvicultural characteris-
Board, 1991). The traditional system of cardamom pro- tics/requirements of trees. lmportant shade trees in CHRs
duction in the Western Ghats represents a unique, but include: Actinodeaphne malabarica, Artocarpus
little studied under agroforestry system. lt involves grow- heterophyllus, Cedrela toona, Canarium strictum, Cullenia
ing a sciophytic commercial crop under the shade of trees exaritlata, Erythrina spp, Macaranga peltata, Mangifera
in the natural forests, with little or no reliance on external indica, Mesua nagassarium, Palaquium ellipticum,
inputs such as iefiilisers and/or chemicals. Persea macranthh, Vernonia arborea, etc" Kumar et al'
(1995a) reporled that well managed CHRs were charac-
The process of cardamom cultivation involves selective terised by a relatively higher floristic diversity index
removal of trees to facilitate light infiltration to the (Simpson's Diversity index D= 0.86 as opposed to a D
understorey and planting of the crop' Clearing the for- value of 0.70 in poorly managed plantations).
ests for cardamom cultivation, however, may result in
disturbance to the forest ecosystem and cause drastic 4.6. Commercial Crops Trailed on Support Trees- the
changes in vegetation structure and physiognomy (Kumar . Black PePPer Production SYstem
et al., '1995a). Transforming the multi-tiered stand struc- Black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) is a major foreign ex-
ture of the wet evergreen forests into a monolayered struc- change earning commercial crop of lndia. The state of
ture of the cardamom areas is the most dramatic eflect Kerala alone accounts for aboul97"/" of total lndian area
in this respect. lndiscriminate exploitation of natural{or- of 1,95,050 ha and production of 53,1 10 tonnes. The small
ests and illicit felling of trees are common in the carda- and marginal farmers chiefly grow pepper. Crop produc-
mom growing tracts of Western Ghats. Eroded and de- tivity is low in comparison to other pepper growing coun-
graded soils and poor fedility status, besides pest and tries such as lndonesia, Malaysia and Brazil, owing to
disease incidence, are consequential problems. poor management (Cheeran et al', 1992). The cultural
Loss of canopy cover may result in sub-optimal levels of system involving pepper is unique in that it represents a
commercial crop (black pepper vine) being trailed on a
I shade for the cardamom crop leading to its lower pro-
variety of support lrees. Erythrina indica forms the domi-
L- ductivity. ln the past, the Government of Kerala treated
nant support trees in pepper plantations. Many other spe-
such degraded forest lands in the state (on lease to pri-
vate growers) as'cardamom hill reserves' (CHRs). Car- cies such as jack (Artocarpus heterophyllus), coconut
56 lndian J. Agroforestry Vol. 1 No. 1

(Cocos nucifera), arecanut (Areca catechu), mango ing forests', development of high yielding and sustain-
(Mangifera indica) and many timber species (e.9. Tectona able industrial plantations for wood production, controlr-r
grandis, Artocarpus hirsutus, etc.) are also common sup- of land degradation and development of agroforestry sys-.
port trees in the homegardens. tems (Nambiar, 1995). High biomass pioduction obvi-.-
ously is an impodant consideration in all tropical tree
Although numerous multipurpose tree species are used
planting programmes. Biomass productivity of MPTs,
as support trees for trailing pepper vines, only anecdotal
however, differs enormously with species, site charac-
information is available concerning their relative merits.
teristics and stand management practices. Kumar et al.
Mathew et al. (1996) evaluated seven fast growing tree
(1998b) evaluated the biomass production potential of
species as support trees for trailing pepper vines.
nine fast growing multipurpose tropical taxa. Rate of
Erythrina stricta recorded the highest dry pepper yield
biomass accumulation and rlldrient accumulation was
closely followedby Erythrina indica and Garuga pinnata.
highest tor Acacia auriculiformis followed by
An ideal support tree for trailing pepper vines may have
Parase ri anthes fal catari a.
the following traits: fast growth, easy propagation, light
crowns and tolerance to pests and diseases. Typically 4.7.1. Constraints
such trees should possess rough, non-exfoliating bark
Short rotation tropical planiations that couple intensive
and deep root systems. Non-exfoliating bark is critical
management and rapid growth rates are also character-
from the point of view of providing anchorage to vines,
ised by high rates of nutrient removal in the harvested
while deep root systems minimise inter-specific compe-
biomass, which in turn, raises concerns about long{erm
tition (between the vine and the living supports). Nitro-
site quality and sustainable production. The potential
gen fixing potential and ability to retain foliage during sum-
nutrient expoft, especially with whole tree harvesting may
mer (when shade is essential for the vines) and shed the
deplete the site nutrient capital (Jorgensen and Wells,
same during the rainy season are additional features in
1986; Wang et al. 1991). Nutrient accumulation and ex-
this respect. Other attributes include yield of commer-
porl f rom the site have, therefore, become important con-
cially valuable timber, fruits, foliage, green manure, etc.
siderations in shorl-rotation, high-yield plantation systems
Pepper vines are trailed on various dead supports too (Hopman et al., '1993), where nutrients removed through
including teak poles too (Seibed, 1987). Kumar and frequent harvests may exceed the natural rates of nutri-
Cheeran (1981) compared teak poles (non-living sup- ent inputs such as mineral weathering, atmospheric io-
porls) with Erythrina indica and found that in juvenile puts and biologicat fixation. Selection of tree species and --
stands of a relatively shade intolerant pepper variety parts of the tree to be removed from the site will deter-
(Panniyoor-1), Erythrina supports gave lower yields. mine the nutrient 'cost' oJ biomass extraction (Wang et
Cheeran et al. (1992) also observed competition-related al., 199'l). A slight reduction in the tree parts removed
yield reduction in vines trailed on Erythrina indica and from the site would definitely alter the rate of nutrient
Garuga pinnata supports, as compared to teak poles. exporl (Kumar et al., 'l99Bb). Bole fraction, generally ac-
While comparing the root activity pattern of black pepper counts for only about 50% of the total nutrient expott.
vines trailed on teak poles and Erythrina, Sankar et al. Therefore, returning leaves and small twigs to the site at
(1988), obserued interspecific competition for applied 32P the time of harvest may be a worthwhile option to re-
between pepper vines and the surface feeding Erythrina strain nutrient expod from the site.
roots. Despite the advantages of teak poles for trailing
pepper vines, high cost and durability problems of dead ln planning sustainable short-rotation, intensive cultural
supports are inherentweaknesses of non-living supports. systems, biomass productivity and/or site nutrient re-
Therefore, many farmers prefer live trees for trailing pep- moval must be considered. Tropical MPTs show consid-
per vines. erable variability in this respect. Tree biomass produc-
tivity and nutrient export {rom the site are strongly influ-
4.7. Energy Plantations and Woodlots enced by species, stand age and tree management prac-
Development of tropicaltree plantations has been on the tices adopted.
rise in recent decades, presumably to meet the ever-in- 4.8. Mixed Species Woodlots lnvolving Nr-fi.xing Trees
creasing demands for: timber and firewood. A wide spec-
trum of tree species, usually described as multipurpose Quick growing trees such as teak (Tectona grandis),
trees (MPTs), is often involved in such programmes. poplar (Populus deltoides), mahogany (Swietenia
lmportant attributes of MPTs include rapid juvenile growth, macrophylla), Ailanthus triphysa, Eucalyptus tereticornis,
efficient dry matter production in terms of water and nu- etc. constitute impodant plantation forestry species in the
trient inputs, crown characteristics to maximise interiep- lndian context. Despite being grown under monospecific
tion of solar radiation and ease of regeneration by situations, many of these plantations are inappropriately
coppicing. Objectives of tree planting also vary corre- managed in lndia (Kumar et al., 1995b). On many sites,
spondingly, from multiple use of perpetually'natural look- production is limited due to low nutrient availability,
Agroforestry in Tropics / Kumar 57

particularly Nr. Nutrient deficiencies have been reported 4.9.1. Spices and Condiments
- "-from
the non-traditionalteak growing areas of Liberia also
Ginger (Zingiber officinale), is an important spice crop of
- where it caused a marked reduction in teak growth (Zech
the humid tropics. Being a premier flavourant in culinary
and Dreschel, 1991). Response to supplemental fertili- preparations and an ingredient of medicines, ginger en-
sation also has been widespread forteak (Kishore, 1987). joys immense popularity. lndia is the world's chief pro-
Gawande (1991) repoded that 50:25:25 and 100:50:50 ducer and exporler of this spice. Pakistan, Bangladesh,
kg N, PrO, and KrO ha'1 not only enhanced teak height
U.S.A., Morocco and SaudiArabia are the principal im-
growth but also biomass production and foliar nutrient porters. ln India, approximately 55,000 ha of ginger are
contents ol five-year-old stands. Literature on other spe-
cultivated with an annual production of 156,180 tonnes
cies is rather scarce.
of dry ginger (Spices Board, 1995).
Chemical sources of nitrogen, however, are dependent
Being a shade-loving plant, ginger is grown in associa-
on supplies and prices of non-renewable fossilfuels. They
tion with a variety of trees (Jaswal et al., 1993; Spices
may have a potential environmental pollution effect too,
Board, 1995). Although ginger is traditionally grown in
especially in the head water catchments of major streams
association with many trees, fast growing multipurpose
and rivers. Nitrogen fixing plants, therefore, form an at-
trees predominates in the ginger-based agroforestry sys-
tractive option, as they are non-polluting sources of cheap
tems of Kerala. Owing to its compact crown, moderate
N. They can bring in substantialquantities of atmospheric
root spread and deep rooting tendency, Ailanthus is
nitrogen into a combined form. A significant portion of
thought to be less competitive with associated field crops.
this nitrogen is also released into the rhizosphere through
Nonetheless, literature relating to the performance of gin-
leaf litter and/or fine root turnover, besides the sloughing
ger in tree-based cropping systems and the magnitude
off mechanism of root nodules. Associated crops may
-utilise of interspecific competition, especially for belowground
the nrtrogen so released (Mathew et al. 1992).
resources, is scarce. While research repods on crop
Nonetheless, nrirogen-frxing trees are only rarely used
management and protection abound, they largely relate
to supplement the nutrient requirement ol forest planta-
to ginger in monospecific stands.
Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is grown in lndia over 1,47,000
An experiment was conducted to examine the growth of
ha with a total production of 6,59,400 tonnes. lt is con-
:eak and Leucaena in various combinations involving
sidered a shade loving crop and is often grown in asso-
these two species and evaluate the soil fertility aspects
ciation with a fast growing trees and plantation crops.
of such mixed species stands (Kumar et al., 1998c).
lntercropping treatments exerled a prolound influence on 4.9.2. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Under the
teakgrowth. lncreasing relative proportions of Leucaena Shade of Trees
in the mixture had a consistently favourable effect on both
Shade tolerant medicinal and aromatic plants sucli as
height and radial growth of teak sapling upto 3 to 4 years
of age. Teak saplings in 1:2 leak-Leucaena mixture koduveli (Plumbago rosea), Nilappana (Curcuiigo
orch i oi d es), arrowroot (Maranta aru nd i naaea), chittaratha
showed significantly higher radial growth than other com-
(Alipi nia catcarata), adapathian (H ol ostemma an n ulare),
binations. They were also consistently taller than other
treatments, except the '1 :1 leak-Leucaena combination, thippali (Piper longum), Dioseorea spp., patchouli
(Pogostemon cablin), etc. are suitable intercrops in co-
both being statistically at par. lmplicit in the trends of in-
creasing height and radial growth of teak with increasing conut and other plantations. Pathimukham (Caesalpinia
relative proportion of Leucaena in the mixture, are sappan), a medicinal tree is frequently planted on farm
changes in soil propefiies, especially nitrogen content. borders. Of late, many farmers are taking to medicinal
Being a prominent nitrogen tixer, Leucaenacan fix 100- plant cultivation in view of the new-found economic ifir-
500 kg of N ha-' yr-' (Dommergues, 1987). Using N, podance of these crops. The humid tropical climate is
fixing trees could therefore, be a viable silvicultural considered ideally suited for their growth. Kacholam
option for stimulating teak growth, especially on (Kaempferia galanga) is shade tolerant and can be in-
unferlilised sites. corporated in coconut based land use systems without
considerable loss in yield (Nair et al., 1991; Kumar et al.,
4.9. Growing Herbaceous lntercrops in Woodlots 1998a). Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanoides), although a very
Woody perennial plantation in agricultural systems and effective soil binding medicinal grass, the harvesting of
MPT woodlots seldom utilise the site resources com- which involves excavation of roots, may lead to high rates
pletely, especially in the early stages of stand develop- of soil erosion on slopes.
ment. Therefore, in the humid tropical regions of penin-
4.9.3. Constraints
sular lndia, shade tolerant field crops such as ginger,
turmeric, medicinal herbs, colocasia, yams and forage Main constraint is interspecific competition. George et
grasses are frequently under planted in such plantations. al. (1996) evaluated root competition in polyculture sys-
lndian J. Agtoforestry Vol. 1 No. 1

tems involving four tree species and four grass species ing the year and low inputs. Besides meeting the calorie
requirements of the gardeners, they are also importanf
based on 32P recovery by each species in mixed and
sole crop situations. They found variations in the distri- sources of nutrients. Other homegarden products include
fuelwood, fodder and timber. A study in the homegardens
bution pattern of roots" Most of the absorbing roots were
concentrated near the trunk in the case of Casuarina of Kerala showed that average standing stock of com-
equisetifolia, indicating its desirability for species mix- mercial timber ranged from 6.6 to 50.8 m3 ha-1 while
tures. lntercropped fodder grasses, however, did not that of fuelwood was of the order o{ 23 to 86 m3 hal,
adversely affect the absorption of
32P by the associated suggesting that a substantial portion of the society's tim-
trees. ln another study, Thomas et al. (1898) found that ber and firewood demands can be met {rom the home-
presence or absence ol Ailanthus triphysa trees did not steads (Kumar et al., 1994);7a-4 to 83.5 per cent ac-
affect thes2P uptake pattern of ginger, when adequately cording to Krishnankutty (1990). The protective role oJ
fertilised. This would mean that if the lield crop compo- homegardens on soil erosion has been deduced from its
nents of the tree based cropping systems are adequately multi-storey structure and the litter, which provides a multi-
fertilised, competitive influences would be negligible. layer defence mechanism against the impact of falling
rain drops.
4.10. !'lomegardens
4.10. Animal Components of Agroforestry
Homestead agroforesiry forms a dominant land use sys-
tem in many parls of the tropics. They represent a token Most homegardens supporl a variety of animals- cows,
of social position in West Java and are believed to have buffaloes, bullocks, goats, sheep and birds like chicken
evolved from the tropical forests. and ducks. ln certain places, pigs are also reared' A
homestead usually owns one or two cows or buffaloes
A fundamental attribute of the homegarden is the great and 10-20 chicken. The waste materials f rom homes and
diversity of species with several life forms varying from crops are used as fodder/feed for animals/birds and the
those creeping on the ground, such as the sweet potato' livestock wastes are used as manure for crops. Beeking
to tall trees, e.g. the coconut palm, and vines climbing on is a component of the woody perennial plantation agri-
poles and trees, e.g. pepper vine. Physiognomically the
culture or homegardens.
homegardens exhibit a multi-tiered canopy structure
somewhat identical to the tropical evergreen forest for- lntegrated paddy and fishery production system is popu-
mations. They manifest variability both in the number of lar in the brackish water environments of the coastal re-
arboreal taxa and their density. ln a study of the Kerala gions of peninsular lndia. Recent experiments at the Kochi
homegardens, a total o1127 woody species were reported centre of the Central lnstitute of Brackish Water
(Kumar et al., 1994). The dominant homegarden spe- Aquaculture have shown that agriculture and aquaculture
cies other than coconut, arecanut and para rubber in- are complementary enterprises in the single crop wetland
cluded Ailanthus, mango, jack, teak, cashew, wild jack, paddy fields of Kerala whlch has about 13,000 hecatres
tamarind, Erythrina, Macaranga. Gliricidia and so on. o{ perennially waterlogged fields variously known as
Species diversity of Kerala homegardens is generally pokkati, kot, puncha, virippu, etc. The paddy stubbles left
believed to be very high. Mean Simpon's diversity index in the field aid the microfauna which are beneficial to
for Kerala homegardens ranged from 0.251 to 0.739 shrimps. On the other hand, the organic wastes depos-
(against a value over 0.90 for the species-rich wet ever- ited by prawns provide nourishment to the paddy crop'
green forests of Western Ghats). Species diversity, size It, therefore, represents an important sustainable land
and shape of homegardens, however, are variable from use system in these regions.
place to place depending on cultural, ecological and 4.10.1. Constraints
socio-economic factors. ln general, smaller gardens are
characterised by higher densitY. Homegardens are'complex operational farm units which
integrate trees with field crops, livestock, poultry and/or
A standard interpretation of homegardeniis that it is a fish, having the basic objective of ensuring sustained
system for the production of subsistence crops for the availability of multiple products such as food, fuel, fod-
gardener and his family. lt may or may not have the extra der, vegetables, fruits, timber, medicinal and/or
role of producing cash crops. lt can be immediately sur- ornamentals, besides generating employment and cash
rounding the home or slightly furlher away, but still near income. These are even similar to the natural plant com-
the residential area. The lndonesian term peckarangan munities, where spacing between plants is usually very
is derived from the word karang, meaning a place of resi-
irregular and several species may be neighbours. There-
dence and hence, peckarangan specifically refers to a fore, a complicated system with prof use overlap of roots
garden on the residential site. may be expected. Competitive or complementary inter-
Homegardens are also known for their stable yields, var- actions are probable depending on the nature of the
ied products, and continuous or repeated harvests dur- woody components involved. Complementarity between
Agroforestry in Tropics / Kumar 59

the tree and field crop components may lead to higher search will focus on below ground interactions in tropical
-'efficiency agroforestry. Although, considerable research has been
of nutrient uptake. lt shall, therefore, bean
\-rmpodant design criterion in agroforestry. done on system management of agroforestry, however,
resource partitioning in such systems and aspects re-
4.11. Silvopastoral SYstem lated to tree management to manoeuvre the resource
Silvopastoralism denotes land use systems in which pas- allocation strategies are not adequate. The choice of tree
ture and livestock production are integrated with woody species is an important management decision that de-
perennials on the same land management unit. There termines the success or failure of a technology at a given
are several manifestations of this practice' They broadly place. Tree biomass productivity and nutrient expod from
cover grazing systems, 'cut and carry' fodder production the site are strongly influenced by species' stand age
practices and various types of tree and grassland man- and tree management practices adopted. The emphasis
agement systems. Examples include the grassland-tree on canopy architecture and genetic improvement of
management systems in the semi-arid Decaan plateau- agroforestry trees has not been adequate. ln planning
locally called kanchas. The community and village graz- sustainable short-rotation, intensive cultural systems,
ing lands in Ralasthan are called Oran or Brr. Tejwani biomass productivity and/or site nutrient removal must
(1994) has given a detailed account of the system com- be considered. Substantially more research efforts need
ponents oJ these grass-tree management practices ln be mounted in this sphere. The usefulness of mixing
vogue in lndia. woody species in plantation crops such as coconut and
arecanut and shade requirements of plantation crops
ln generalsilvopastoral systems maintain higher produc-
such as tea, coffee, etc may be evaluated. Very little work
tivity in a sustained manner at relatively low input levels
has been done on integrated fishery-crop production sys-
even on poor substrates. Higher productivity is primarily
tems and soil fauna. Further effort is required to develop
on account of the vertical stratification of the shoot and
management practices in participation with farmers that
root systems of different components. Understorey herb-
will maximise complementary interactions and resolve
age yield is olten regarded as a function of the
photosynthetically active radiation reaching the ground, the location specific constraints to wide spread adoption
of the technologies.
which in turn, is dependent on the nature of the tree
I canopy and its orientation in space. ln this context, REFERENCES
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