The Baeic Nodu Ie For L Ine S Ignal Be Eonnected To Becone Lre Adv Ise You Instal Lat Ion

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T h e D & R D A Y N E Ri e a n e x t r e n e l y conpact and eaay to handle

nixing eonsole which incorporates all neeessary faeilitiee
f or record ing and pub l ic addrestEl.
It uses our Float ing SubElroup $ysten, which makes it
poasible to create eubgroups where necegaary.
The DAYI{ER uses an innovat ive approach to eope with the
conflieting needs which arise when nultitrackinEl neede to
be conbined nith public addresia.

The baeic idea behind the DAYNER is to have an input

nodu Ie for every signalsource, be it a nierophone eignal,
l ine s ignal , tape output or effect signal, they will all
b e e o n n e c t e d t o t h e D A Y H E R Sn i c , / l i n e inpute.

To becone faniliar wlth all the faeilities of the DAYNER

lre adv ise you to raad this nanual very carefully. It will
g ive you inportant infornation about operating,
instal lat ion and sarviee.

DAR Elactronica B.V

cHAlrf,al, ouTPUlr sEcTIot

The DAYIIER uses our un ique F loat ing Subgroup Systen, to

create subdlroups anywhere in the conso Ie and on ly there
where it is needed. This is a slnple and effieient way of
using subgroups.
The upper section of the channel is conpletely dedlcated
to subgroup ing . l{hen no push-button switeh ie aet ivated
the ehanneL output receives its signal fron the post
fader-channel anplifier. Then one of the a-b-c-d ewltchee
ie activated, the channel output siElnal will be replaced
by the output of one of the I eubgroup anps loeated in the
m a a t e r s e e t i o n . O nl y one at the t inne iE Bo6sib le . In the
unevan channele subgroup 1-3-5-? only and in the even
ehannele subgroup output 2-4-8 or 8.
The total outgoing level ean be adjusted by the trin
control (e) over a range of nore than Zg dB.
The nix button (f) sends the channel output signal to the
naEter output of the DAYNER.$ignals fron the odd channe'le.
to the left,,npster-outppt and signale coning fron the qven
chennele to the i
r Eht ,rnaster-out$ut . Thie eould be the
subgroup signal or the channel output. There are two ways
of routing eignals to the Dasters - Fron the output eection
( eub to nix) or f ron the routin€l nix ( 5f ) . $o be careful
not to choose both, it will increase the outEloing level by
approxinately 6dB.


The I segment ledbar (the firet led only indicatee that

the channel receives its poiterEupply) is a peakreading
instrunent eonf orn wor ld standards s , c e o r di n g a t t a c k a n d
release tines- It reads the outgoing level which ie on the
output-jack of the ehannels baekplate. Thie eould be the
channel postfader signal or the Elroupoutput sigfnal (if you
have puahed one of the 1 a-b-c-d switchee, read 2 . L


The channel can operate in either the nicrophone or line

input nodes.
The nicrophone input is an electronically balanced,
transfornerleee design. The input- inpedance is €treater
than 2 Kohns, lrhich will not caus€ any loading effeete on
todays studio niorophones.

The line level lnput whiah is aleo to be ueed aa effect
and tape return has an input i n p e d a n c e g r e a t e r than Lg
Kohns, rrhieh is high enough t o i n t e r f a e e w i t h all
available p e r i p h e r a l e q u i p n e n t .

2-a +48 VOI*T

The +48 Volt switch is there to feed eondensor

nicrophones and Direct Injeetion boxes (if they have that
facility). Then using othar nicrophones aueh as dynanie
and e lectret o n e e , t h e p h anton polrer supp ly shou ld not be
switched on.

2-b BAD

Pushing the pad ewitch inserte a ?gdB attenuation into

the lnput of the nierophone anp. Thie eould be neeestsary
when nodern capacitor nierophones are to be uEed in cloEe
proxinity to nuc ical inetrunente. Even D. I . boxee are
capab Ie of provid ing higlh leve 1 s igtnals .
The pad switeh also raisres the input inpedance providing
a balanced line input nhen the need arisEs. In special
casea ere can increasre the pad to 36dB and the inpedance
too, to provide f or balaneed slritehed nLc/ line inputs.

2-c HIc/LItrE -GAIil

The nLcrophone input can be varied between zOdB and 55dB

of gain . The pad of ?gdB inerea$res the contro I range to
ssdB.The line input gain oan be varied between -26d8 and
Both the nic and line anplifiers have their own input
eonnectors. The nic anp ie balanced on XLR. (1 ie earth,
2 is hot in phaee and 3 is cold out of phase)
The line amp is unbalanced on a sterso Jaek. Tip is hot,
ring is earth and shield ie earth too.

2 -d. PHASr

The phaee reverge ewitch ehanges the wiring of the &ic.

inpqt onl.y . In nost casesr it is the nic s ignal that out
of phase with another souree.
2-o- LrxE/cRouP

The line input is eeleeted by pushing tha Line,/Eroup

button. The line input can also anplify the Sroup output
when an external patch is nade between the ohannel output
and the line input. A set up to create equelised

3- aQuAl'rzqlr sncrlotr

The €qualizer seetion of the D A Y N E Rs t a n d s out by its

very effective design. It allows 4 sections of control
over the entire audio spectrun.

3-a- HTGH.

16dB of booEt or cut iE availeble st l8kHs' with a

shelving curve, rrhieh naants that when the degired anount
of boost or cut is reached the eurve shelves fron that
frequency on.

3-b FRngurRcY (Hrn 1)

This eontro I se lects the centre-frequancy of the nid 1

section. It range fron l k H z to 16kHe .

3-c. llID I

Thie eontrol has a range of + and -16d8 with a "be11"

curve . Havin8l reached its Daxinun,/nin inun at the ee lected
frequeney (eontrol 3.1.2) the anplitude raaponaa returng
to zero on either Eida of that eeleeted frequency.
A plot fron that reaponae shows a be11 ehape. The
bandwidth of that bell eurve is fixed at 1r5.

This control se leets the cantre-frequency of the nid 2

band. I t r a n g f e s f ron LfrWHz t o l k H z .

3-e- HTD 2

This eontro ls is exact ly doing the sane as the nid 1

eontrol (3.1.3) but now for the selected frequencies by
the nid 2 frequency control.

3.f- LOlf

The low control has a shelvingl charaeteristic just like

the high control.
16dB of boost or cut is available at 6frH2.

3 -g- EO-Or

The equal i zet seet ion can be switched in or out for

eonparing equal i zed and non equal i zed s ignals .


There are 5 aux sends controls available and I aux

busses in total . This seells qu ite a b it , but to days
extens ive s ignal process ing requ ires a lot of aux
sends .

4-a.b-c S S I { D S1 A X D 2

Auxiliary sends 1 and 2 are nornally pre-fader but ean

be switehed post-fader if desired. They are intended to
be used as stereo fo ldback sends dur ing
reccrrd tng,/pub l ic addresEi set-ups and switehed
post-fader during renix sessions. The aux sends are
wired post equali zer, post insertion point and channel
nute switeh.
cHrHnrL r,ADttR

The channel fader has slide length of Lgfi mn and 1 s

nanufactured to gfive an except ional ly enooth fee I 1n
operat ion .

T. cHAttEL rt/ouTPllfs

7 -s- This is the XLR input for balanced eondenaor or dynanic

nicrophones. P i n 1 i s e a r t h , p i n 2 i s in phaee (hot') and
pin 3 is out of phase (cold).

?-b. Thie is the line input, which is unbalanced. The tip ie

hot whlle the ring and sleeve are wired to earth. Thls
input has a aensitivity of 26dB naxinuu to infinity.
The input inpedance of l6Kohn will not load any line
output of tape recordersi or eignal proceaaorg.

7 -c- This ie the output of the ehannel. The tip hae a noninal
level of -lgdBV and the ring + 4dBu.
One of the two level outputs has to be left uneonnected.
The Lg dBV is f or seni pro eqluipnent and the + 4dBu f or
pro equ ipnent . The output s lgfnal can be post channe I
fader or the Eroup o u t p u t w h e n a fron eub ewitch is
aet ivated .

?_d_ This is the channel insert ( inunediately preceding the

channel fader). The tip is the return, while the ring ie
the send.
Tn/ out level is OdBu.

7 -a. This ie the giroup ineert . The t ip is the return and the
rinEf the send. This i.nsert can also be used aB an effect
input with the trinpot as level pot and the nix
push-button i n t h e o u t p u t s e c t i o n a s t a tray of rout ing the
effeet to the naster.
Odd channele to the left, even ehannele to the right.

8- DAY'XBR rtt-Lrtn ilODUL$

Snitches and controls

8-a- Fron subs; used with the floating subgroup systen to

agisign which output you want your subgroup to aasign to.
Hodule *1 would be output *1 to the input or track *1 on
your nultitraek and nodule *24 would be the output *24 to
the input of traek *24 on your nultitrack. Black ewiteh
caps ar6 odd (pan Left) and grey switeh caps are aven
(pan right) on the channel asaign panpots, just above the
channel faders.

8-b- Trln: Output trin (volune) of the eunned output on the
sane channe I . I t can also be ueed as a eubgtroup vo lune .
g- 48V; Phanton porer sllitch f or eondenssr nicrophones .

tg- Pad: Using this ewitch inserte a ?gdB attenuation lnto

the nic input enp. If the signal source is too loudr You
use this in conjunction with the nic,1line gain to allow
you nore eontrol on the channel faders.

11 Phaso: Use this sniteh to reverae the phase of any mic

input coninEl f ron any nic or s ignal that nay be out of
phase with other nicg or signals. A good way to check for
"out of phase" is to push the mono switch on the naster
seetion and listen real elose to the nix. If you hear
sonething that sounde strange or conpletely niEsin8 in
your nix, push the phase switch on those channels
suspeeted. If the sound returns or sounds better, that
channel wss out of phase with the others. You ean have an
acouetical phase cancelation aa well when ueing nultiple
nice on the sane s ignal such asi druns, voeals , horne,
strings, etc.

L2- Gain; This is the eingle noet inportant control on your

eonsole. llhen this eontrol set properly, you can achi€va
the v6ry best signal to noise ratio and get the nost
headroon needed for higtt quality recordinge. After
plugging in a. nic, push the "channel to pfl node" swltch
on the naster seetion. l{ow push the solo ewiteh just
above the ehannel fader on the channel you're setting,
with the channel fader off. Turn the gain eontrol
elockwise until you see a "6" output leve1 on the master
meters. Now slide up the ehanne1 fader to "9" . Remenber,
if the signal aorce gets louder or softer, you nay have
to Eio baek and check this sett ing . The v o lune can also
ehan€le if you boost or cut in the equal izar . Be sure the
signal being niked etays the sane volune when you start
reeordingr or you'Il need to go baek and do all this
again. Do this with every nicrophone input to achieve the
high guality sound D&R producte are known for.

13- Lino: Switehee fron mic input to line input on the

channe 1 .

14- Renix: Switches tape return input to channel input

(controlled by channel fader). At the sane t ine switching
the I ine input to the nonitor sect ion controlled by
monitor pot -

15-a - High: Boost or cut 18dB at Lg.ggg Hz shelvin€ ( boost or

cut the Eane anount above Lg .ggg Hz) .

15. b. HF HTD: Boost o r c u t 1 6 d B b e 1 1 c u r v e s $ r e e p a bl e f r o n 5 f i A
Hz to L f r. 4 6 0 H z w i t h a w i d t h o f 1 . 5 o c t a v e s . T o p c o n t r o l
is boost or eut and botton control is the frequeney

15-c- LF llID: Boost or eut 16dB bell eurve sweepable fronn 5gg
hz to 1. Agg hz with a width of 1.5 octaves. Top eontrol
is boost or cut and bottom eontrol is the frequeney

15.d- LOll: Boost or cut 16dB at 6fr Hz shelving (boost or cut

the sane anount below 6g Hz) .

15-e- E8: Switches €qualizer in or out of the circuit.

16. SPTIT: Pushing this switch allows you to aetually split

the equal i zer into two sect ions . The high and low
shelvinEl seetor will switch to the nonitor and the two
sweepable nids will switeh to the channel allowing you to
have equal i zation on both inputs on each nodu Ie . Ee
switeh must be in down position.

17-a-b AUX L-2: Top eontrol is aux send 1 and botton control
is aux 2. This pair of aux sends are nost connonly used
for eue sends (stereo headphones), top control bein€l left
or cue 1 and botton control being right or cue 2. These
aux sends ean be effeet sends in the nixing session.

L?-e. POST: This switch allows you to switch where aux 1 and 2
get their signal fron, fn the up position (pre ) the
s iglnal eones f ron bef ore the f ader and in the down
position (post ) the signal cones fron after the fader.
It's a good idea to use the pre position when using aux 1
and 2 for eue or headphones so when changing the nonitor
leve1s you won't affect the headphone nix.

1?-d-e AUX A-4: Can be used as effect sends CIr a seperate nix
f o r m o ni t o r i n g .

17-f-g AUX 5-6: Same as 3-4.

17-h- AUX 7-8: This srriteh al lows you to switeh the botton
coneentr ie pots from bein€l aux 5-6 to becone 7-8.

18- AUX TO CHAlfltEL; This switch will allow the aux sends to
get their signal fron the ehannel fader or fron the
m o ni t o r p o t .

19_ T A P B: This switch wi I 1 switeh where t h e m o ni t o r Elets

it s ignal fron . In the up pos it ion the ehannel fader
feeds the non itor and in the down position the tape
return feeds the monitor.
2n PAII: This eontrol will pan the signal in the nonitor
section between the stereo inage on the mix buss.

2L I{UTB: This switch wi 11 turn the nonitor off on that


22 SOIO: This switch will allow you to hear only the signal
in the non itor sect ion . Depend ing upon what pos it ion the
" channel to pf1 node" switch ( loeated in the naster
seetion) is in, you nay hear the signal nono pre fade
listen or stereo in plaee fclllowing the panpot-

23 l{Olt: This eontrols the volune in the nonitor seetion of

that ehannel. It gfets it's signal depending on what
pos it ion the tape switch is in .

24 FDR,/REV: This switch will allow you to sl.rap places with

the channe I fader and the non itor pot . In the down
position, the channel fader controls the monitor seetion
and the nonitor pot controls the output of the channel to
the subgroups or sunned output. By putting the nCInitor
section on the ehanneI faders, those producers can play
with the faders without affecting the signal going to the
tape nachine.

25 CHANHEL PAI|: Allows you to plaee the signal anywhere in

the stereo inage, feeding the nix buse or the subgroups.

28-a- L-2 Assignnent switehes to subgroups 1& 2.

28_b- 3-4 Assignnent switehes to subgroups 3& 4.
26 -e. 5-6 Assignnent switehes to subgroups 5& 6.
26-d - 7-8 Assignnent switches to subgroups 7& 8.

2T- llIX: Assigns ehannel to stereo nix buss

28- HUTE: Turns off the ehannel

29. SOLO: Al lows you to hear the ehannel only on your

non itor speakers .





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The naster nodu Ie of the DAYNER contains al l the

electronies for the sunning of the left/right signals,
the aux s ignals , the subgroup anps as weI I as the
Contro I Roon Honitor seet ion .
The width of this module is gg nn. (3 tines the ehannel
nodule / b l i n d p a n e l / p a t c h p a n e l / e f f e e t / tape /
return rnodule).


These three status leds indicate that power has been
s e n d t o t h e D A Y H E R .+ / - 1 8 V o l t f o r t h e e l e c t r o n i e s and
+ 4 8 V ol t for the phanton powering of condenser
nierophones and D. I . boxes.


The DAYHER has a low d i s t o r t i o n phase shift type

oscillator which produces a lkHa sine-wave.
The tone ean be adjusted in level fron zero to about +
16dB . Push-button switch 1 d routes the ose i I lator
signal to all nix busses in the DAYHER. To provide the
channel output with the lkHz sine-wave it is necessary
to act ivate one of the f ronn sub switches . The tr in
eontrol is there for fine adjustnent per channel. All
other outputs, such as Aux outputs and naster
left/right outpute only reeeiye the lkHz tone if their
assogiated naaster eontrols are opened. The tone switch
also dirns the C.R.H. output by ?gdB-
A convenient feature.

1_f rAr,rBAcK HIC

The bu i lt in e leetret mierophone can be adj usted in
Ievel and is pernanently routed to the Aux 1 and 2
busses. To avoid f eedback t,he talkback switch 5a also
dins the C.R.H. output by zndB.


These I controls handle the outgoing levels to the I

aux outputs.
Every output has an associated A. F. L . ( after fade
listen) button to allow the signal to be nonitored and

The noninal out6loing leveI is + 4dBu. fn P,A.
situations only -FOCI o h n h e a d p h ones are to be
eonnected . I f overal I leve I is too low, eCIntact your
dealer for a snal I nod if icat ion .


This switeh routes the talkbaek to the Aux 1 and 2

busses. At the sane tine it dins the C.R.H. output by
26dB to avoid feedbaek. An electronic delay in the
aet ivat ing of the electret nnierophone avoids
nechanical noise when the T. B. switch is pushed.
Routing to aux 3-8 is optional.

6-a sol,o/a_q_IktED

If anywhere in the console a solo/a.f.1. button is

act ivated , this led 1ights . You hear the se leeted
siglnal instead of the usual naster nix.


This part o f t h e D A Y N E Rp r o v i d e s a l l t h e c o n n e c t i o n s
with the external equipnrent, such asi signal
proeessors and power anps.

7-a-b- These I sub inputs d irect ly accept OdBu leve 1

signals. These inputs are direetly wirad to the
sunning anps of the I subgroup anplifiers. They are
intended to be used as effeet returns r BS tape
returns or as universal line inputs. Think of the
"sub in" inputs as I extra line inputs. To bring the
signal of, for instanee, sub in 1 into the naster you
on Iy have to push a f ronr sub t/2 sonnewhere in the
console and then route it to the naster by the sub to
mix eontrol in the channel output seetion.
The odd nunbered sub-in signals will appear in the
left naster output and even nunbered ones in the
right naster output. The input inpedance is l0Kohn.


These I outputs allow connection to the foldbaek anps

and/or signal processors.
The out€loing leve1 is + 4dBu on tip. The ring is
conneeted to earth.

9-a These 2 jacks are devoted to the naster left/right insert.

The level is OdBu. The rinEl is send, the tip is return.
These 2 inserts are provided to insert liniters or other
devices into the stereo nix inmediately before the naster
f aders.

9.b These are the naster left/right outputs of the DAYNER.

Signal level is a noninal + 4dBu on the ring!. The tip is
wired to 16dBV for easy interfac ing of seni pro
equ ipmen t .


These j acks
2 aeeept external stereo sources such as 2
track nachines - These inputs also have two input
sensitivities t - 1 6 d B V o n t h e t i p and + 4dBu on t he r ingl .
The DAYNEReasily interfaces with to days two-track naster

11 q - R,ll ,,

This is the stereo output of the Control Roon Monitor.

Nominal leve I is around + 4dBu. T ip is left and r ing is
right. Do not l o a d t h i s o u t p u t w i t h I o h n nh e a d p h o n e s b u t
only with 6Cl0 ohn ones .


The DAYNER is po$rered fron an external heavy duty po$rer

supply. The supply voltages of +/- 18 VoIt and + 48 VoIt
are f used in the power supp ly . The naster seet ion
indicates by leds if the voltalfes are present. The polrer
supply is eonnected by rnay of a 5 pin XLR type of


The Patchpanel nodules of the DAYNER contain 16 breakjaeks

per nodule. These are wired to a 32 pin Holex eonnector on
the baek. The way of external wiring allows any desired
conf igurat ion ,
Sinple in/out in one jaek, inserts in one jack with break
eontacts, seperate send returns between j ack 1 and 2 or
between j a c k 1 f r o n nnodule 1 and 1 f r on nodule 2.
The break eontact wiring is designed in a way that always
the break contacts are paralled. Avoiding noise and
interruption after extensive use.
The ilolex connectors on the back are fron the nale type.
The fenale connectors have to be wired pernanently in a
way your situation desires.
The 32 pins are wired to the tip and the ring of the 16
j aeks, whi 1e the break contacts of the j acks are
pernanently shorted.
To use jack 1 as an ordinary ehannel ineert. Connect the
tip to the tip of a channel insert and the ring to the
ring of that ehannel insert. Now you have noved the
channel insert fron the back of the eonsole to the easily
aecessible jaek of the pateh nodule.
llany eonfigurations can be realized in this $ray. Before lle
show you in easity understandable drawings how to realize
some eonfigurations it is necessary to know how to earth
the pateh panel jacks. On the baek of the patch nodule you
will find an earth tag. This has to be wired externally to
the naster earth tag (on the back of the naster nodule).
Every conneetion fron the channel to the patch nodule has
to be earthed only on t,he ehannel side. Cut the shield on
the pateh nodule side and only connect the wire (or wires)
to the t ip and,/or r ingf of the assoc iated patehj ack.
External equ ipnnent has to be earthed on the patch
earth-tag. It is wise to wire all the external equipnrent
inputs to one pateh panel and the output to an adjacent
nodule. Now connect all the shieldings to the souree earth
of the equipnent.
Always eonnect one side of the shielding only. Te will
later explain more about wiring and shielding.



ExampLe of pat ch connect Lons
cmth renth
Opt Lon:
non- Lnternupt.
send- j ack :
connec! onLy
the t Lp

tiP tiP
o r ing o ng
o o ";
tiP tiP
o ning O 1ng
o "
tiP o tlP
o ning O nlng
o tiP o tlP
o r in9 o ing
a "
tlP o tiP
o ning o
o tip o tiP
o ning o ning
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o tiP o tiP
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o trP o tiP
o ning o n ing
o tip o tiP
o ring o ning
o tiP o I;P
a a;ng o r ing
o tlP o tiP
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o t;P o t;P
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c4) ca)
tiP ring tip r ing

CHPN 3rnd CHRNrrturn



T h e D A Y N E Ri s d e s i g n e d t o b e t h e p e r f e c t anslrer for a 2 to
24 traek recording studio.
To get nore faniliar w i t h t h e D A Y I ' { E Rw e s h a l l d i s c u s s t h e
w h o1 e reeord ing process and divide it into 4 basic


Reeord ing from nicrophon e/Line input o n t o t h e m u1 t i t r a e k .

This could be fron one or nore ehannels at the tine.


fn this node you listen to what has been recorded.


This means I isten ing to already recorded tracks and

recording on spare traeks, until all traeks are filled up
with music.


R e pl a y i n € of al 1 reeorded traeks toElether with s iElnal

process ing reverb and all that is necessary to create the
f inal nixdown .


This is the beginning of a session.

A11 input ehannels are plaeed in the nic node by leaving
the line/group switeh in the up position. Phantonn powering
is app I ied if necessary . Ee . switeh in the up pos it ion .
The signal flows through the fader and is available
postfader, at the back of the channel, at the output.
The led bar reads the outEloing siginal.


The reeorded signal ean be nonit,ored in various ways. The

DAYNER design is intended to be used as a console with
channels for every signal souree. So the easiest way is to
nonitor the tape output in another channel. But in low
cost configurations it is possible to nonitor throuElh the
channel output seetion.
BrinEl the tape in/output by & stereo type jack into the
Elroup insert j aek . C o n n e e t t h e t a p e o u t put to the t ip of
the jaek and conneet the ring to the input of the
tape-reeorder. The in,/outgoing level is restricted to a
nominal level of gdB -
Although the fader will deternine the reeorder leve1. The
trin eontrol sets the replay level and the mix but,ton
deternines whether the replay signals are to be heard in
the left or right output. This is a reatriction, we know.
But it is also not the best gray to use the DAYNER. In this
T{ay I channels are suffieient for I traek reeording.
A third way of using the DAYNER is to eonnect your tape
deck between the I ine input and output of the Bane
channel. Now you can record fron the mie input and replay
fron the l ine input
(Note ! : switeh your eq . off while replaying) .
There is one thing to be noted. l{hen your tape deck gives
its input s ignal at its output you have a loop . Fronr l ine
in to direet out.
Use a from sub switch in that channel to interrupt this
feedback loop.


The fourth way of nonitoring your tape signal is by way of

the eff ect / return nodu le . This nodu 1e contains 4 separate
returns in one nodule. Every return input goes via a level
contro I and pan-pot to the naster urix buss .
P. F. L. and effeet sends are available too.
In this gray I tracks n o n i t o r i n g l w i t h o n l y t w o m o d ul e e i s
A typical set up for an I traek reeording aession is to
connect the in/ outputs of the I track machine. Now you ean
record intcl these 8 channels f ron lef t over ehannels.
You dee ide how nany you need and route then by lray of
F.S.S. (systenr).
Effects can be recorded via the I sub in jacks. If the
channel signal is led throuElh the sub anps the effect
signal can be ruixed in.

The various €lain and level controls throughout the signal

chain may be adjusted for optinun signal to noise ratio.

llhen nore than one microphone or line siglnal has to be

recorded on a single track or in stereo on two tracks, a
subrnix f aeility will be required.
This ean be done easily on the DAYNER by way of the
internal floating subgroup amplifiers located on the
mastersection p.c.b,'s,
S i n n pl y route to one of the I subgiroups by pushing one or
more of the n u n n b er 5 sect ion channe I rout ing switehes .
Decide on whieh track you want to reeord these signals and
aet ivate the re lated " fron sub " switehes in these
channels. The channel netering will show the subgroup
leve I whieh can be overal l ehangled by the tr in contro ls .
To nonitor this subgroup pre-tape, aetivate the group nix
routin€ switch. To monitor post tape, use another channel,
or wire up your systenn for the budget way of
multitracking. Now your trin control gets anot,her
funetion. Carefully fo1low the signal flow diagran to
understand al 1 these exp lanat ions .


The anount of gain requ ired depends on the type of

nicrophone , the sound pressure leve l and the d istanee
between the sound souree and nicrophone.
A zfl dB pad ean be inserted where levels are too high.


If the dynanics are too high a conpressorrrliniter can be

inserted in the ehannel or even in the group insert, if a
whole group signal has to be conpressed. This all depends
on the s ituat ion .


Dur ing reeord ing it is essent ia1 that every one hears
what's EloinEl o n . H e a d p h o n e n i x e s a r e usually derived fron
pre fader auxiliaries.
fn the DAYHER Aux 1 and 2 are ideal for this purpose,
espeeially while the talkback is routed to these busses.
The best way is to derive the Aux sends frono nonitor
ehanne ls . This set up is very usefu I for dubb ing
situations. fn the budget set up it is not possible to
m o ni t o r post tape . A suggest ion for the nus ic ians is to
nonitor fron the main outputs. By usinEl the effeet return
nodules nonitoring is possible of course.

All unused aux sends can be used to send signals to signal

processors, such as reverb and de1ay. The Aux sends are
usual Iy post fader to always keep the r ight balance
between untreated and treated signals.


To br ing the ef f ect on tape it, has to be nnixed with the

original. Replay the effect in an unused channel and route
it to the reeording channel by the routinEl buttons and the
f rom sub switches. Also send the source original thrclugh
the subgroup systen. fn the budget configuration the
sub-in jacks can be used to replay the effeets or the
unused line inputs fron already recorded tracks. Pushing
the liner/group switeh, wilt bringl the tape nachine in the
channel ( see signal flow diagran) .
I f you have chosen f or extra ef f eet/ return n n o d ul e s , y o u r
effect can be routed on ly to the nasters via these
nodu les .


This is already d iscussed in sect ion 1 ( record node) but

replaying is normally done through ehannels and in a
budget version through the group insert, or even through
the sub- in j acks (I m a x i n u n ) . T h e e f f e c t / r e t u r n n o d ul e s
can be used as tape replay also of course.


Overdubbin$ is the process of building up a recordingl

track by track, whi 1e I isten ing to previous ly recorded
trscks. Some ehannels will be in the nricrophone mode while
others ar6 replaying the nult,itrack
The replaying tracks are nonitored by separate channels
for instance left of the master seetion, while the
recording channels are to right of the naster seetion and
routed to the outputs of the leftside ehannels.
Headphone monitoring ean be best nixed from the replay
channels. Here a deeision has to be nade as to the source
of the headphone nix. It can be derived fron the input
channe I , rep lay channe 1 or both . I t is up to you .
Fron the input ehannel the nusician will hear hinself
on ly, not the previous reeorded s ignal on that track . A
most convenient way of headphone nix today is as follows.
Host of todays nultitraek will give the input signal at
its output when in recording.
Derive the headphone nix fron the tape. As lonEl as the
tape is in the replay nrode the musician will hear his
previous recorded tracks a n d t h e n n o n n e n tt h e e n g i n e e r goes
into record he w i 1 1 h e a r h i n o s eI f l i f e . T h i s n e t h o d s a v e s
the engineer fron eontinually switehing nonitor sourees.
By add ing the aux s iglnal f ron the reeord in€l ehanne I the
nusieian will hear hinself before the nonent of recording
too . As soon as the nu lt itrack goes into racord in€ a
slight inerease in the level will be heard. Not too bad,
because the nusician exactly knows that what he is doing!
wi 11 be reeorded .


Renix is the process of conbining all recorded track

together with extensive signal proeessing.
In the DAYNER, in its dual node , al 1 tape tracks are
already in the remix nclde. I t is on ly necessary to switch
the nierophone inputs to line in the reeording channels to
have all the effeet outputs available, whieh are wired to
the reeordinE[ ehannel line inputs. All inconing siginals
can be routed to the stereo naster through the nix
push-button . Subgroups can be nade as des ired in t,he sane
way as during recording.
The Aux sends 1 and 2 ean be switehed to post if


The DAYNER is an ideal sonsole for P.A. . It is so conpact

even with a lot of channels in use. In P.A. eituations it
is often desired to have pernanent subgroups. This ean be
aceonp I ished in two grays .
1- without loosing input channels
2- with separate output channe Is with al I fac i I it ies .


Route the input s ignal in the nornal way to the I

subgroups. Then aetivate in channel 1 and 2 the "fron sub
L/2" s!,ritch together with the nix switch . f n channe I 3 and
4 the "fron sub 3/4" and the mix switches. For channels 5
to I in the sane ?ray.
The trin controls will set the overall level of the
subglroups in pairs to the nagiter nix.
In this way you have all input ehannele available for
signal sourees while I output sections any where in the
eonsole ean be used as subgroup nasters. The outputs of
the ehannels where the subgrouping is realized will €ive
the group signal for recording or any stereo nix you like
out of the individual ehannel. It is also possible to
nornally route to the master fron the ehannels and at the
sane tine to have 4 stereo nixes for other purposes.
I ean think of a nix without any leadvocals for dubbing
later on. I'n sure you have already tnore possibilities in


The DAYNER has the fac i I ity to change an input ehannel

into an output ehannel.
Just route in the nornal way and activate the "fron Eub"
switehes in unused channels. Pateh the output in this
"frCIn sub" channel to the line input. Now activate the
liner/group switeh and route the ineoning group signals to
the naster nrix.
Npver activate the sane numbered €lroup switches in these
channels . a s y o u h a v g d o n e in t h e o u t p u t s e p t i o n of that
ehannel. Feedback will be the result, see your flow chart.
In this way you can have 8 separate output channels with
fu 11 egual i zin€,, aux sends and f aders . A very conven ient
set up for P.A..
To ind icate these subnaster ehanne ls eas i ly, w€ have
supplied you with B extra fader knobs, in a different
eolour. Slowly draw the knobs fron the shaft and push the
new ones o n t h e shaft in those ehannels where you want a
different eolour eod ing.



XLR inputs: leve1 -7fr to -?gdB

pin 1 signal ground. (sereen)
pin 2 signal high ( in phase, hot )
pin 3 signal low (out of phase, cold)

L ine inputs : level -26 to infinity

tip signal high ( in phase, hot )
r inB siElnal Bround
sleeve signal ground
fnsert: level 6dB
ehann eL/ Er oup tip return signal
r ing send signal
s 1eeve Eround

Outputs: tip - 10dBv

r ing +4dBu
sleeve signal ground


Sub in: level sdB

tip signal high ( in phase, hot )
r ing signal ground
s leeve signal tfround

Aux outputs: level t +4dBu

tip signal high ( in phase, hot )
r ing s ignal ground
s leeve s igna 1 gr ound

f nserts: leve I : 0dB

t ip : return s ignal
ring : send s ignal
s leeve : signal Eround
Haster outputs lef t/ r i€iht : leve I -LA/+4
tip - 10dBV ( 36CInnV
r ing +4dBU (L.22 Volt )
sLeeve signal ground
2 Track: level -L6/+4
tip - l6dBv (3fr6nY )
r ingf +4dBU (L.22 Volt )
sleeve , signal ground

C.R.H : Ievel +4dBU (L.22 Volt )

tip left output
r ing right output
sleeve glr ound

Power (XLR): pin 1 ground

pin 2 +18 Volt
pin 3 -18 Volt
pin 4 phantom
pin 5 chass is ground

Typical shielding situationsr :

0u tpu t Input Screen

Unbalanced Unbalanced Souree

Unbalaneed Ba 1an eed Source
Unbalanced Differential Source
Balaneed Unbalanced Dest inat ion
Balanced Balaneed S o ur e e
Balanced Differential Dest inat ion
Differential Unbalaneed Souree
Differential Balanced Souree
Differential Differential Source.

Balaneed neans transforner balaneed , whi le d ifferent ial is

eleetronically balanced.
There are some cases which give better resu lts in
praetise. Always connect one at the tine and check.
Always use twin sereened audio eables and eonneet both
conduetors at both ends, the shielding at one and. (exeept
patch, eords, these earths are t ied to€lether in the
lle know that this part is a diffieult one but onee
proper ly instal led and wired , the resu lts wi 11 be c lean
and noise free.


It is essential to study the signal flow chart carefully.

Only in this way you can isolate problenrs in the DAYNER.
By following the signal through in and output jaeks its is
poss ib le to l o e a t e a f a u I t . I f a fau 1t is located , inforn
your dealer or us and we will try to help you by adviee if
this will not help just ret,urn the ehannel or naster to
your dealer or the faetory and we will be happy to repair
it within 24 hours.
Hany faults can be found by logieal thinking and replacing
integrated c ireu its , whieh is very easy they are al I


Switch off the power supply first.

Renove the 2 nodu Ie retain ing screers , Frhich wi 11 al low to
earefully withdraw the nodule fron the eonsole. First lift
the fader s ide of the nodu le , renove the f latcab le
conneetor and then further upwards. Then renove the seeond
flateable eonnector and the 3 pin eonnector fron the XLR
input. Now eNtender eables ean be connected (if ordered).
The naster seetion ean be lifted in the sane way, but we
advice to service the naster section only by qualified
Thepetchpenel has n0 flntasble wiring underneeth.
In this manual we have tried to Elive you an oversight of
aI I the p o s s i b i 1 i t i e s t h e D A Y N E Ro f f e r s y o u . I f t h e r e a r e
questions left do not hesitate to contact us or your
llith the DAYNER we are sure there is no limit to your
ereat ivity anynore .
l{e wish you nany years of enjoyable musie.

Best re€lards,

D. de Rijk


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