04 Walkable Streets CR

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Walkable Streets CR

Promote transportation efficiency and reduce vehicle

What is the intent of Walkable Streets CR?
distance traveled

How many maximum points a project can earn

in Walkable Streets CR?

Façades and entries

Which is the Pedestrian-supportive strategies for Ground-level uses and on-street parking.
building and street design? Design speeds for safe pedestrian and bicycle travel.
Limited sidewalk intrusions
For Façades and Entries At least how many % of
the total linear distance of building façades
facing the circulation network in the project is 80%, 25 feet (7.5 meters)
no more than how many feet from the property
For Façades and Entries At least how many % of
the total linear distance of building façades
facing the circulation network in the project is 50%, 18 feet (5.5 meters)
no more than how many feet from the property
For Façades and Entries At least how many % of
the total linear distance of mixed-use and
nonresidential building façades facing the
50%, 1 foot (300 millimeters)
circulation network in the project is within how
many feet of a sidewalk or equivalent walking
For Façades and Entries Functional entries to the
building occur at an average of how many feet
75 feet (23 meters) or less
along nonresidential or mixed-use buildings or
For Façades and Entries Functional entries to the
building occur at an average of how many feet
30 feet (9 meters) or less
along nonresidential or mixed-use buildings or
All ground-level retail, service, and trade use
that face a public space have clear glass on at
60%, 3 and 8 feet (900 and 2500 millimeters)
least how many % of their façades between how
many feet above grade?
If a façade extends along a sidewalk, no more
than how many % of its length or how many feet
40%, 50 feet (15 meters),
whichever is less, is blank (without doors or

What is required for any ground-level retail,

Must be kept visible
service, or trade windows facing the circulation
network at night?
Ground-level retail, service, or trade windows
stipulated in covenants, conditions, and restrictions
facing the circulation network at night must be
(CC&Rs) or other binding documents.
stipulated with which documents?

Low-E glass with at least 60% visible light transmittance

Which glass is qualifying as clear glass?

How projects teams can often remedy blank

strategically adding doors or windows.

On-street parking is provided on at least how

many % of both sides of the block length of all
new and existing motorized portions of the 70%
circulation network, including the project side of
bordering circulation network?

How to calculate the percentage of on-street Dividing the length of street designated for parking by the
parking? total length of the curb along each street, including curb
cuts, driveways, and intersection radii.

What must be available along both sides of the

entire circulation network within the project, Continuous sidewalks or equivalent provisions for
including the project side of the circulation walking
network bordering the project?

Bicycle- and pedestrian-only paths meet this


New sidewalks must be at least how many feet

10 feet (3meters)
wide on retail or mixed-use blocks and at least
5 feet (1.5 meters)
how many feet wide on all other blocks?

What is exempt from the sidewalks requirements? Alleys may be exempted.

For ground-floor dwelling units, the principal

level of at least how many % of units has an
elevated 50%, 24 inches (60 centimeters)
finished floor at least how many inches above the
sidewalk grade?

Below-grade basement spaces and/or accessory dwelling

Which DU are exempt from the above grave
Dwelling units occupying only upper floors do not count.

In nonresidential or mixed-use projects, how 50%, 60%

many % of the total number of office buildings
includes ground floor retail along how many % of
the length of the street-level façade accessible
directly from sidewalks along the circulation
network or other public space, such as a square,
park, or plaza, but not a parking lot?

For how many % of mixed-use buildings include

ground floor retail, live-work spaces, or ground-
floor dwelling units along at least how many % of
the street-level façade and all businesses or
100%, 60%
community services on the ground floor are
accessible directly from sidewalks along the
circulation network or other public space, such as
a square, park, or plaza, but not a parking lot?
At least how many % of the block length of the
circulation network within the project has a
minimum building-height to- street-centerline
ratio of 1:1.5(i.e., at least 1 foot (30 centimeters)
of building height for every 1.5 feet (45
Projects that border a part of the circulation
network must meet which of the height-to
Only their proportional share
centerline ratio (i.e., only on the project side of
the circulation network)?

Building height is measured to eaves or, for a flat-roof

How to measure the building heigh & building
structure, to the rooftop, and width is measured façade
to centerline

How to measure the building heigh with multiple Use average heights or widths weighted by each
heights & building width? portion’s share of the total height or width.

How many % of the length of new residential-

only motorized parts of the circulation network
75%, 20 mph (30 km/h).
within the project is designed for how many
Km/h target speed?
How many % of the length of new
nonresidential or mixed-use motorized parts of
75%, 25 mph (40 km/h).
the circulation network within the project is
designed for how many Km/h target speed?
A multiway boulevard, with travel
lanes separated from access lanes by medians,
provided pedestrian crosswalks are installed 800 feet (245 meters).
across the boulevard at intervals no
greater than how many feet?

Which are the techniques for designing slower Narrow right-of-ways, narrow lane widths, and on-street
streets? parking.

Where slow speed required for multiway

boulevard with travel lanes separated from Its outer lanes only.
access lanes by medians?
If the local jurisdiction’s speed limits do not Evidence of the policy or the denial of a request to post
meet the credit requirements, what should be lower speed limits, plus evidence that the street meets the
provided? design and engineering criteria for the intended speed

Which standard should be Consulted for the

Institute of Transportation Engineers
additional design speed information?

At-grade crossings with driveways account for

no more than how many % of the length of 10%
sidewalks within the project?

Comfortable, interesting, safe, beautiful, inviting, and

Which are the best walkable streets?

·· Block length
Measuring compliance for nearly all the
·· Sidewalk length
requirements in the Walkable Streets credit
·· Circulation network length
relies on which base measurements?
·· Façade length

For the nonresidential and mixed-use setback

from sidewalks requirements (c), the distance of Property line.
the setback must be measured from where?

A plot of land that can be individually owned, bought, and

What is a “parcel”?

The legal boundaries between adjacent parcels, or

What are “property lines”? between a parcel and adjacent public space or right-of-

All motorized, nonmotorized, and mixed-mode travel

ways permanently accessible to the public, not including
Circulation network
driveways, parking lots, highway access ramps, and
rights-of-way exclusively dedicated to rail. It is measured
in linear feet.

Covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&R) Limitations that may be placed on a property and its use
and are made a condition of holding title or lease

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