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Test Preparation Strategies of Grade 12 ABM Student In Mactan NHS-


Related Review Literature

Chapter 2

The Philippines has now widely embraced accounting as one of the most
in demand and well-known course here in our country. And as the
Polytechnic University of the Philippines continuously offer
accountancy as one of the course to the students, there must be an
implementation of new strategies in teaching and learning. First is the
demonstration during the day to day lecture. Demonstrations are
practical presentations of procedures, processes and skill which are
designed to illustrate theoretical principles. It requires careful
sequencing, oral and visual explanations appropriate illustrations and
opportunities for students to pose questions and clarify problems.
Another one is Buzz groupings or teamwork-activities that require
brainstorming. Large or small classes are broken into smaller groups of
students to discuss a particular issue, problem or topic for five to fifteen
minutes. Another one is the Jigsaw Method, this is a teaching strategy
where each student works collaboratively with other students to
combine the various parts and complete the activity. The learning task
is broken into parts and students are asked to work on a response to
that task individually. In relation to our present study, the researchers
are conducting a study about the preferred strategies and practices of
ABM students in accounting subjects, and the strategies stated are
merely some of the strategies will help the students to improve their
academic performance. The given strategies can bean additional
element to the
level of improvement of students’ academic performance.

As the number of students who are taking accountancy as their

college continuously increasing the University of the Philippines have
implemented different strategies and techniques to be used for
accounting courses. These are Enhanced(modified) lecture, questioning
and discussion, writings in class, problem-based learning-cases,
problem-based learning-guided design, group-learning- teamwork,
debates ,fieldwork-accounting internships. In enhanced (modified)
lecture, traditional lecture modified to include active elements
including: pausing for discussion among students, including immediate
mastery tests and quizzes over lecture material, using demonstrations,
responding to pre-material or submitted student-generated questions.
In questioning and discussion, it includes questioning students in a way
that helps theme valuate their own thought processes by probing the
thinking behind their statements and questions. Also includes asking
students different types of questions like knowledge questions,
comprehension questions, analysis questions, synthesis question, and
evaluation questions. In writing in class, the students must have writing
for the purpose of learning and thinking. It also includes journals, one
minute papers, and response to the unstructured problem or cases. In
problem-based learning- cases, students use knowledge, concepts and skills
relevant to a course to solve realistic business problems. Also, in problem-
based learning- guided question, a student team attacks a problem by
dividing it into a series of prescribed step (e.g. identify the problem, state
the goal, list constraints ,etc.) to be resolved in order; after each step,
instructor provides written ‘expert’ analysis elaborating on the various
alternatives the student had available during the previous step. In the
group learning-teamwork, students work together in teams, collaborating
to complete a problem or project. And in debates, students or groups of
students debate controversies structured with international learning goals,
conscious reflection and critical analysis. And lastly, in the fieldwork-
accounting internships ,students get academic credit and real world
experience working in industry, govern mentor public accounting. In related
to our present study, the researchers are conducting are search about the
preferred strategies and practices of ABM students in accounting subjects.
The given sample strategies and techniques are basically needed to be used
by the teachers for the students’ motivation enhancement towards
studying accounting .These strategies can give a bigger possibility for the
students to learn well and to be inspired to pursue accountancy as their
college course.

As what the literature stated above, the students have different

preference of what strategies to be used for them to learn well. That`s why
the present study is aiming to seek for an answer on what is really the
preferred strategy and practices of the students especially those who are
taking up ABM as their strand in senior high school.

Another study gathered by the researchers is the study conducted about

Using Differentiated Instructions in Improving the Academic performance
of Students in Filipino Language in Tibagan National High School in Makati
by Aranda and Zamora (2006). This study shows that differentiated
instruction based on different learning styles can facilitate individual
learning. The purpose of the study was to investigate academic
performance of grade ten students. The participants were purposively
choses for the control and experimental group respectively. The learning
style of students were identified using the Grashia-Riechmann Student
Learning style scale. The study also reveals that the students learned more
in the collaborative learning of the students. The present study conducted
by the researchers is all about he preferred strategies and practices of ABM
students in accounting subject. On what the study reveals about which
style students learned more in collaborative learning by the students which
he present study also presents collaborative learning or teamwork activities
as one of the strategies that will help the students to improve their
academic performance and motivation towards studying accounting.

Another study that the researchers gathered was the Effect of Teaching
and Learning Styles on Students’ Academic Achievement in the University
of Eastern Philippines by Tonog (2014). The study was conducted to
determine the effect of teaching and learning style on students’ academic
achievement. There were 123 students who administered the teaching
style and learning style respectively. Findings revealed that the students
learned from different strategies used by the teachers or professors. It
shows that student learned most in instructional planning strategy and
student grouping strategy, which they thought to be the most helping tool
for their academic performance improvement. In relation to the present
study, the researchers are conducting the preferred strategies and practices
by the ABM students in accounting subjects .The given studies also gave as
an insight on what styles students learned most and what styles students
preferred the most
Cox (2014) pointed out the top five teaching strategies that enhance
learning: One is the Cooperative Learning: The jigsaw this kind of strategy
gives the students the opportunity to work with others and see different
points of view second in the Inquiry –based Instruction implies involving
students in the learning process so they will have a deeper understanding of
what they are learning. Third is the Differentiated Instruction learning
stations, allow teachers to engage each student by accommodating to their
specific learning style. Fourth is the Graphic Organizers it is simple and
effective tool to help students brainstorm and organize their thoughts and
ideas in a visual presentation, and lastly is utilizing technology in the
classroom technology rich lesson shave been found to keep students
motivated and engage longer.

The study of Soricoban, (2008) about the effect of the relationship

between learning and teaching strategies in academic achievement stressed
that is seen that classification of language learning strategies differs from
one researcher to the others cognitive, metacognitive and social or affective
strategies. Different from others, Brown(2007) divides the strategies into
two groups as learning strategies and communication strategies. While
learning strategies consist of cognitive, metacognitive and social strategies
compensation and voidance strategies are seen in the communication
strategies group.

Another study on Effective Teaching Methods in Accounting Subjects

(Hastuti,2008) discovered the effective teaching methods in accounting
subjects are: Questioning Discussion, Fieldwork – Accounting Internships,
Fieldwork – Service Learning, Drama, Group Learning Teamwork, Enhance
Lectures and Problem Based Learning Cases. These are all the strategies and
practices that are useful and preferred by the ABM students in Pelita,
Harapan University

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