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Scene 1
SPJ montage A.

WHAT IS SPJ? SPJ stands for Special

Program for Journalism

SPJ was established in 2018

Here in our program, you will learn how

to properly structure essays, speak with
self-confidence, and SPJ will teach you
how to communicate without any
hesitations and without shyness.

As of 2023 (370) students are enrolled in

our program. And we will wait for you to
become part of SPJ FAMILY.

SPJ The Special Program in Journalism

Two people were walking along the way
where you will learn to be the best!
when one of them suddenly asked.
TALENT 1 When we graduate where do
you plan to go to high school?
They stop walking and start talking
TALENT 2 Ah, I do not know yet, we
have not discussed it yet.
They continued talking until they reached
their home.

TEACHER: Good day class, we gathered

you here because you are graduating
students this year. So, class we are here
to introduce you to the best special
program in Cabiao National High School
the SPJ so what is SPJ? SPJ stands for
Special in Journalism where we gather
and teach every journalist out there to be
better and wiser and to use their skill
correctly as a journalist. Ok lovely
students, do you have any questions?

Student: ma'am why should we choose

SCENE to be an SPJ student?
Teacher: great question! You should
choose the SPJ because you will be able
to use what you have learned here in the
future, we trained every student and
competed in different schools to better
hone and test their ability to become

Students: wow we can wait to become

SPJ students! Teacher: so, what are you
waiting for come and join us and
accomplish your dream to be one of the
greatest SPJ students


The SPJ or Special Program in

Journalism is an influential program for
students who are willing to learn and will
not fail. There are many programs that
they have conducted, some of which are

Symposium, where we invite special

guests to speak in front and teach every
SPJ student awareness.

Clean up Drive, that will help not just for

us but for the environment.

Zumba for the victims of Typhoon

Karding, when you join, you'll have fun.
Have fun while helping others.

and the upcoming sports fest and more.

We also have lots of achievements

where we became the champions in the

Not only will you learn the subjects, but

you will also learn to make friends, have
a family at school, bring out the real you
and raise self-confidence. SPJ is also
one to take care of your mental health for
your well-being.

ADVOCACY PLUG Nowadays speaking

English is the main global language of all
people and Special Program for
Journalism will help us to improve our
speaking and writing bring out the talent
and share it with others
What are you waiting for? Let's go to SPJ
at CNHS so you can try it and you will

definitely not be disappointed and you

will always be number #1!

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