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Be Internet Smart: Share with Care

Scriptwriter: Jann Wilbur C. Gale

Artist: Jann Wilbur C. Gale

Video Audio
Hi there!

We all know that “It is better to give than to

receive” but nowadays is it applicable in all

In this digital times, it may be yes or may be


Each individual has their own private life. It is

important that we know what part of our life
should be shared or not.

Doorbell clicking

Actor1: Hey what’s up? What brings you

Actor2: I’m a bit upset. My Mom keeps on
talking about her disappointments about me.
Actor1: Oh I’m so sorry to hear that! Come
Actor2: Thanks!

Ask the visitor to sit down and lend a tablet

Actor1: By the way, to make you feel

comfortable, I will lend you my tablet. Here’s
the passcode 846819.
Actor2: Alright! Thanks!

Show video of Actor2 browsing and ordering

online Actor1: Have you seen the post of our
classmate? It was so disgusting that he shared
his dance video almost half-naked.
Actor2: Maybe he thinks he looks good in it?
Actor1: Really? I will never do that just to
gain attention and please everyone. I will talk
to him about it. He should know how to take
care of himself whether in real-life or over the
Actor2: By the way, it’s 4pm I need to go!
My parents are on their way home.
Actor1: Okay! Take care!

Next day, a parcel will arrive Actor1: Bro, Can we talk?

Actor1 looks surprised and a bit angry and Actor2: Sure! I will be there in a few minutes.
will call Actor2 over the phone

Actor1: I received a parcel and as I can

Actor2 will arrive remember I didn’t order this Bluetooth
headset which costs my parents a thousand
pesos in their credit card.
Actor2: Don’t worry! I am going to pay you.
Actor1: That’s not the point! What I’m saying
is you should’ve informed me that you
ordered this Bluetooth headset.
Actor2: My bad! I will explain it to your
Actor1: I can explain it to her but please next
time you must take care of the trust that was
entrusted to you.
Actor2: Yeah, you’re right! I should’ve not
accessed the payment information details of
your parents in your online account. Here’s
my payment for the Bluetooth headset. See
you tomorrow!
Actor1: Ok bro! It is also my fault that I gave
you the passcode of our tablet right away. I
understand that sometimes we make mistakes
and what is important is that we learn from
that mistake most especially in the internet.

It is better to give than to receive but not at all
times. We should not give our passwords,
address, bank details, and other personal
information to anyone to receive their love
and respect. We must safeguard ourselves
whether digital or in real-life. We must also
take a second-look on our pictures and videos
before we post it in our social media accounts.
We are responsible for our posts and we are
liable for it. At times, people will identify
your personality based on what you share
over the Internet.

You must always remember to share with care

and with that you can Be Internet Awesome!

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