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Course 5


Full Name: Mario Vargas Giraldo

Listening and Video Activity

Watch the following video (until min 8:00) and complete the chart with information from the
video (try to use your own words).

Formal (watch until min 1:19)

Informal (min 3:50 - 5:56)
Non-formal (5:56- 7:20)

Formal Education Definition: General

Generally, it can Characteristics:
be teach in a
place as school There are a purpose
academy by during the
teachers qualify, development of the
where a person study, for example in a
can learn basic, university career the
academic or principal goal is obtain
business skill a professional career
Other characteristics
particular of this class
of education exist an
authority and teachers
qualify during the
Informal Education Definition: Means of informal
It refers to all the education:medium is a
ways for learn,the fundamental way for
life the education no
process be obtain formal.
during the Characteristics:informal
development of education takes place
the life, some as result of interaction
between a child and his
people have the
talent for learn
informal education
occurs spontaneously
it knowledge is in and is not planned.this
the music in the class of education
reading books, bassen principaly in the
during a experience,it makes
conversation, during forever.
finally in the long
way of the life.

Non-formal Definition: this Where does it take

Education type education place? It take in a
means all the place where we eant to
activitys than a be,for example a
person can soccer field, pool table,
makes out of the pool
the complement
of the formal
Characteristics: create
a social environment
where people interact,
interact, play, dance,
paint, etc.

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