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Title of Lecture
Name of Lecturer/Presenters 01 Jan 2021 | S01.T01

OUTLINE Criterion A began following the pathogenic care in Criterion

I. General Layout B. Lists, Bullets, and
Numbering E. The child has a developmental age of at least nine months.
II. Header and Footer Specify if:
C. Nice-to-Know Information  Persistent: The disorder has been present for more than
A. Header 12 months.
Specify current severity:
B. Footer
V. Tables, Figures, and
 Severe: when a child exhibits all symptoms of the
Appendix disorder, with each symptom manifesting at relatively
III. Main Heading high levels.
A. Figures
B. Tables
A. The development of emotional or behavioral symptoms in
B. Subheading Font and response to an identifiable stressor(s) occurring within 3 months
Sub-subheading VI. Review Questions of the onset of the stressor(s).

IV. Content Formatting VII. Citation B. These symptoms or behaviors are clinically significant, as
evidenced by one or both of the following:
A. General Formatting VIII. References 1. Marked distress that is out of proportion to the severity or
intensity of the stressor, taking into account the external
context and the cultural factors that might influence symptom
IX. Appendix severity and presentation.
2. Significant impairment in social, occupational, or other
important areas of functioning.
OTHER STRESSOR-RELATED DISORDERS C. The stress-related disturbance does not meet the criteria for
II. DISINHIBITED SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT DISORDER another mental disorder and is not merely an exacerbation of a
preexisting mental disorder.
A. A pattern of behavior in which a child actively approaches
and interacts with unfamiliar adults and exhibits at least two
of the following: D. The symptoms do not represent normal bereavement.
1. Reduced or absent reticence in approaching and
interacting with unfamiliar adults. E. Once the stressor (or its consequences) has terminated, the
2. Overly familiar verbal or physical behavior (that is not symptoms do not persist for more than an additional 6 months.
consistent with culturally sanctioned and with age-
appropriate social boundaries). Specify whether:
3. Diminished or absent checking back with adult
caregiver after venturing away, even in unfamiliar
 309.0 (F43.21) With depressed mood: Low mood,
tearfulness, or feelings of hopelessness are predominant.
4. Willingness to go off with an unfamiliar adult with little
or no hesitation.  309.24 (F43.22) With anxiety: Nervousness, worry,
jitteriness, or separation anxiety is predominant.
t/n: Both RAD and DSED are attachment disorders borne from trauma  309.28 (F43.23) With mixed anxiety and depressed
due to unstable caregivers (recall Bowlby attachment theory) but the mood: A combination of depression and anxiety is
way they approach strangers are different. RAD is withdrawn while predominant.
DSED is feeling close/overly familiar.  309.3 (F43.24) With disturbance of conduct: Disturbance
of conduct is predominant.
B. The behaviors in Criterion A are not limited to impulsivity  309.4 (F43.25) With mixed disturbance of emotions and
(as in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) but include conduct: Both emotional symptoms (e.g., depression,
socially disinhibited behavior. anxiety) and a disturbance of conduct are predominant.
 309.9 (F43.20) Unspecified: For maladaptive reactions that
C. The child has exhibited a pattern of extremes of insufficient are not classifiable as one of the specific subtypes of
care as evidenced by at least one of the following: adjustment disorder.
1. Social neglect or deprivation in the form of persistent
lack of having basic emotional needs for comfort,
stimulation and affection met by caregiving adults. Treatment for Adjustment Disorders
2. Repeated changes of primary caregivers that limit ● Psychotherapy
ability to form stable attachments (e.g., frequent changes → Treatment of choice for adjustment disorders
in foster care). → Group therapy can be particularly useful for patients who
3. Rearing in unusual settings that severely limit have had similar stresses.
opportunities to form selective attachments (e.g., ▪ Group of retired persons
institutions with high child to caregiver ratios). ▪ Patients having renal dialysis
→ Individual psychotherapy offers the opportunity to explore the
D. The care in Criterion C is presumed to be responsible for meaning of the stressor to the patient so that earlier traumas
the disturbed behavior in Criterion A (e.g., the disturbances in can be worked through.

PSYCH 2 Surname, Surname, Surname 1 of 7

→ After successful therapy, patients sometimes emerge from
an adjustment disorder stronger.
→ Crisis intervention and cases management are short term
treatments at helping persons to resolve their situation
quickly by supportive techniques
→ Suggestions:
▪ Reassurance
▪ Environmental modification
▪ Hospitalization
→ The frequency and length of visits for crisis support vary
according to patient’s needs
▪ Daily sessions may be necessary, sometimes 2-3x/ day
▪ Flexibility is essential in this approach.

PSYCH 2 Title of Lecture 2 of 7

ii. If you need more bullet point levels, you may follow
III. MAIN HEADING Lists: Bullets indicated in the previous sub-
A. SUBHEADING subheading
II. 2nd Main Point
● If the subheading immediately follows the main heading, please
A. Definition / Supporting Point
leave one line blank (font size 1). This is to ensure that the
1. Detail
main heading and subheading boxes do not merge. 2. Detail
● Main Heading: a. Detail
→ Font
▪ Arial 8.5 Lists: Bullets and Numbering
▪ Bold 1. Main Point
▪ Centered (alignment) ● Definition / Supporting Point
▪ All Caps → Detail
→ Preceded by Roman Numerals (i.e., I, II, III, etc.) ▪ Detail
→ List the main headings in the outline − Detail
● Leave one blank (font size 3.5) after the last entry before o Detail
starting another subhead/main heading.
2. Main Point
● Subheading
→ Font On additional information: (Solid line box)
▪ Arial 8.5
▪ Bold
▪ Centered (alignment)
● Information that was mentioned by the lecturer
▪ All Caps but is only additional.
→ Preceded by Capital Letters (A, B, C, etc.)
→ List the subheadings in the outline ● “Nice to know” and “FYI” can be added
Sub subheading
● Sub-Subheading On additional information: (Dashed line box)
→ Font
▪ Arial 8.5 ● Information from other sources can be added to
▪ Bold
▪ Left (alignment) further explain an unclear or incomplete point
→ Sub-subheadings are not listed in the outline from the powerpoint or lecture of the professor
● Memorization tips may also be added here
● Body Text ● “Nice to know” or “Further explanation” can be
→ Font
▪ Arial 8.5, justified (alignment) added
→ Bold
▪ For highlighting important terms
▪ Another way to highlight important terms if you have
already used bold A. FIGURES
→ Italics
▪ For direct quotations from the instructor or other
→ In-text citation
▪ Write as a subscript [Author or website]
● Please leave one blank line (font size 3.5) at the end of every

Lists: Bullets
Figure 5.1. Me and the boys making the sample of the trans format.
● Main Point
● Figure
→ Definition / Supporting Point → Positioned at the center
▪ Detail → Use “In-line with text” wrapping
− Detail → If picture was not made or taken by the trans group, please
cite your source
o Detail ▪ If picture was taken by someone else in the batch, use
= Detail © name of batchmate
Lists: Numbering ● Figure Label
→ Place under the figure
I. 1st Main Point
→ Font
A. Definition / Supporting Point
▪ Arial 7
1. Detail ▪ Centered (alignment)
a. Detail → Bold
i. Detail
PSYCH 2 Title of Lecture 3 of 7
▪ “Figure”, number, and period only (e.g., Figure 1.) Article title. (Year). Retrieved from URL
→ Regular (not bold) Teen posed as doctor at West Palm Beach hospital: police. (2015). Retrieved
▪ For description or figure title from
→ Number figures according to what section of trans it is found, West-Palm-Beach-Hospital-Police-288810831.html
e.g., ● Journal Articles
▪ Number the first figure found within Main Heading I as Author, A. (Publication Year). Article title. Periodical Title,
“Figure 1.1.”, the second as “Figure 1.2”, and so on. Volume (Issue), pp.-pp.
▪ If the third figure is found at Main Heading III, number it as Nevin, A. (1990). The changing of teacher education special education.
Teacher Education and Special Education: The Journal of the Teacher
“Figure 3.1.”
Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children, 13(3-4), 147-
▪ tl.dr; restart numbering every time moving on to a new 148.
main heading of the trans ● Pictures
B. TABLES Photographer, A. (Photographer). (Year). Title of photograph
[digital image]. Retrieved from http://xxxxx
Table 2. Sample Table for Kemelyn Kemerlu Ferraro, A. (Photographer). (2014). Liberty enlightening the world [digital
Title 1 Title 2 image]. Retrieved from

Chenelyn Chenes VIII. REFERENCES

● Font
→ Arial 7
Kemelyn Kemerlu → Left align
● Hanging indent for sources (example)
APA citation guide. (2016).
● Table Label Lipson, C. (2011). Cite right: A quick guide to citation styles – MLA, APA,
→ Place on top of the table Chicago, the sciences, professions, and more (2 nd ed). United States of
→ Font America: The University of Chicago Press, Ltd., London.
▪ Arial 7
▪ “Table”, number, and period only
▪ Ex. Table 1.
→ Regular ● For ease of editing, style formatting templates are included in
▪ For description or table title this trans format
● If the table does not fit using the 2 column format of our trans, it ● 20 style templates are made to be used accordingly in their
may be attached as part of the appendix appropriate sections of the trans
→ In this case, note that the table may be found in the appendix ● Where are they found?
in this manner:
*** Table 2. Sample table is in the appendix → Home > Styles (or Format in older MS
Word versions)
→ Font → It’s a dropdown list, so click the or
▪ Arial 7, Right (alignment)
to navigate through the styles, or select for the full list of
Appendix styles
● Place large pictures and tables that cannot fit in our 2 column ● How to use: (General)
trans format in the appendix → Select the text you want to change
● As much as possible, try to put the picture within the body the format
instead of the appendix so that it would be easier for us to study → Click on the formatting style you
☺ intend to use
1. Question
a. Answer
b. Answer
c. Answer
2. Question
Figure 2. Style Formats section
a. Answer
b. Answer
c. Answer
● Book
Author, A. (Year). Title of work (6th ed). Place of publication:
Naughton, B. (2007). The Chinese economy: Transitions and growth.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
● Online Book
Author, A. (Year). Title of work. Retrieved from URL
Toy, E. C., & Klamen, D. (2009). Case files: Psychiatry (3rd ed.) [Kindle
version]. Retrieved from
● Website with an author
Author, A. (Year). Article title. Retrieved from URL
Simmons, B. (2015). The tale of two Flaccos. Retrieved from
● Website without an author
PSYCH 2 Title of Lecture 4 of 7
Figure 9.1. Style formatting templates found in the trans template. They will be
discussed in order in the next few sections.
Outline Format Templates
● There are 2 style formats made for the outline (marked with blue
box at Figure 9.2)
→ 0 Outline: Main Topic
Figure 9.3. Drop-down options that appear when you right-click
→ 0 Outline: Subtopic

Body Text
● There are 3 style formats made for the body texts other than the
bullets (marked with green box at Figure 9.4)
Figure 9.2. Outline text style formatting templates (in blue box) → Body Text: Figure/Table Label
Question: When I use the 0 Outline: Subtopic under → Body Text: Normal
another main topic, the number is continuous from → Citations

the first main topic’s subtopics. Is there a way to ● Body Text: Figure/Table Label
→ For labelling figures or tables used in
restart it from A? the trans
→ Set at Arial 7, center aligned
Answer: Yes! Just follow these steps: → Don’t forget to boldface the table or
figure numbering before the label name
1. Use the style template as is. ● Body Text: Normal
→ For other body texts in the trans
2. Right-click on the line of the first subtopic you → Set at Arial 8.5, justify alignment
want to change the numbering. A drop-down ● Citations
options list should appear. → Used for references portion
→ Set at Arial 7, justify alignment, with
3. Select “Restart from A” from the options. (see hanging left indent

picture below)

4. The list should restart from A onwards after you

select that.
Figure 9.4. Body text style formatting templates (in green box)
Headings Format Templates
● There are 3 style formats made for the headings in the trans
(marked with red box)
→ Headings: Main Header
→ Headings: Subheader
→ Headings: Sub-subheader

PSYCH 2 Title of Lecture 5 of 7

Figure 9.5. Headings style formatting templates (in green box)
Lists: Bullets Format Templates
● Lists: Bullets 1
→ Lists: Bullets 2
▪ Lists: Bullets 3
− Lists: Bullets 4 Figure 9.7. Lists: Numbering style formatting templates (in orange boxes)
o Lists: Bullets 5 Lists: Numbering Bullets Format Templates
= Lists: Bullets 6 1. Lists: Numbering Bullets 1
● Lists: Numbering Bullets 2
→ Lists: Numbering Bullets 3
▪ Lists: Numbering Bullets 4
− Lists: Numbering Bullets 5
o Lists: Numbering Bullets 6

Figure 9.6. Lists: Bullets style formatting templates (in violet boxes)
Lists: Numbering Format Templates
I. Lists: Numbering 1
B. Lists: Numbering 2
1. Lists: Numbering 3
a. Lists: Numbering 4
i. Lists: Numbering 5
Figure 9.8. Lists: Numbering Bullets style formatting templates (in black boxes)


You can use the Tab button on the keyboard to move

onto the lower levels of bullets and numbering :)


PSYCH 2 Title of Lecture 6 of 7


(section intended for appendix using one-column only)

PSYCH 2 Title of Lecture 7 of 7

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