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Vol 64

Our commitment: To train and disciple Paraguayans to impact their nation for Christ.

Welcome Esther Anah Kurrle!

Two years ago we started the adoption process to adopt a Paraguayan child. On July 18 we received the call that we had been waiting for... we have the amazing privilege to be the loving family a precious girl, abandoned at the hospital where she was born. We were able to visit her on July 20 and have been waiting since then to have the judge sign her over to us officially. She was named Anah (pronounced Onna EE). Anah means beautiful as a flower and is the vibrant red flower that you see in the header of our newsletter (Coral Cockspur tree). We added Esther, one of our favorite Bible figures, to her name. We cant stop giving thanks to God for His faithfulness in bringing us this beautiful flower into our lives. Please pray that we would be able to finish all her paperwork without any problems or delays. Also, pray that our transition as a family of four would go smoothly. She has lived with three families already in her short life and we pray that God would bring her comfort and peace knowing that shes home forever!! Her first birthday is September 21st, the first day of spring here. She really is a sign of spring in our lives and we are so grateful!

Nut Sheller is Finally Here!

Our nut sheller arrived with friends from Butler, PA! We are so thankful for the work they did here with the feeding center in Itapaso and were so grateful for the love and joy they shared with us.

Aiding an international motorcycle rally in our town with our CMA Chapter! We handed out flags and helped with registration.

online! Now you can give online! To support work carried out by the Kurrles for MV
Also Serving as SAMS with Global Missions and the Church of God Ministries, Anderson, IN

Second Semester, Here We Come!

Second semester began on August 4 for the ICCI leadership school. This semester we are offering the following classes: *History of Christianity II *Ephesians *Homiletics *Leading worship *Vocational Orientation *Youth Ministry * English

This semester we are teaching in two locations, in Obligado and in Bella Vista! We have 35 students and we are looking forward to a great semester.

This is Nilas class on childrens ministry.

Prayer Focus:
Praise God for Esther Anah! For the transition to a family of four and for little Esther as she adapts to us For students, professors at ICCI. For balancing of the different aspects of ministry life. For our provision, as the dollar has lost 47% of its value since arriving to Paraguay 9 years ago! For Radio Alternativa and the search for a new director. Please continue to join us in prayer for the lost and broken in Paraguay.

Esther Anah when we first met her on July 20!

norberto, julie. timothy & esther

Norberto & Julie Kurrle email: phone: 765-997-1709 address: 650 Pilcomayo Obligado, Itapa PARAGUAY blog: skype: kurrles
If youd like to receive our updates, email us and let us know!

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