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Dear Sir/Madam,

We, the BSIT-II students of Romblon State University are carrying out a survey for our research
topic entitled: The impact of teaching skills and competencies of the teachers who teaches the
major subjects in BSIT to the students.
The selected respondents of this study are those officers of BSIT from first year to third year. If
you are one of the selected officer, we would be grateful if you could spare some time to respond
to the following statements. The data to be gathered will be strictly used for academic purposes
and will be kept confidential. Rest assured that your responses will be shared to anyone.
This survey comprises three parts: (1) Demographic Profile, (2) Advantages Impact of teaching
skills and competencies, and (3) Disadvantages impact of teaching skills and competencies.
Please read carefully and respond to all questions.
Your participation is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions about the survey, please
contact the proponents.

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