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Stronge’s Qualities of Effective Educator (TIU3)

The Effective Teacher as a person…

Areas where I GLOW….. Areas for me to GROW……

Dresses appropriately for the position. Speaks with appropriate tone and volume.
Greets students at the door. Practices self-reflection for improvement.

Core Values (TIU3)

Family Resilience

Additional Notes:
When I first started picking the words that I felt conventional for me, I found out that half of them will under “family” and the other
half under “resilience”. For example, the words “accountability”, “caring”, “leadership”, and “honesty” could be included into
family. In a family, we hold each other accountable, we care for each other, we share responsibilities and leadership to stay healthy
and safe, and we are honest to each other with no lies or secrets hidden from each other. This is the family I am raising at home, and
this will be my classroom family.
In addition, I found that “growth”, “perfection”, “loyalty”, and “wisdom” all fall under “resilience”. First, I like to grow and watch
others grow. I also like to see myself and other succeed, so I will be loyal to myself and others by working hard to reach our goal, I
also will have the wisdom of not quitting not matter how hard is the problem to solve, or how many obstacles I am facing in life. I
will encourage my family to keep fighting regardless of the load of troubles we are facing. I am resilient when I tackled all the
obstacles I faced since I started my journey to become a teacher. I passed the TOEFL, got my Bachelor degree, studied so hard and
passed my content exam even though I was away from school for almost 28 years, and my high school diploma is from another
country where we speak two different languages other than English. I was loyal to my goal and my family. I found the wisdom in
my to keep going, and I sought growth in my abilities to tackle all needed requirements to reach my goal. I want my students to be
resilient, fight, and dig deep into their personality to find themselves and build their unique future.
Psychology 101 Review (TIU5)
Behaviorism Cognitivism Constructivists Humanism

Behaviorists believe Cognitive learning Constructivists believe Humanism focuses on

that learning is a theorists believe that that the learner brings human freedom,
change in behavior defining learning as their own past dignity, and potential.
caused by an external merely a change in experiences and It is necessary to study
stimulus. In behavior is too narrow. cultural factors to the person as a whole.
Brief behaviorist theory, They view the learner every situation. Since This theory deals with
Description: change in behavior much like a each learner constructs the social-emotional
demonstrates some computer—learning knowledge, learning is side of learning.
learning. involves a change in different for each
The key principle of knowledge stored in person. Instruction
behaviorism is the memory, not just a should encourage
reward or punishment change in behavior. students to discover
of new behavior. they focus more on principles for
mental processes. themselves.

Ivan Pavlov: classical Jean Piaget: he Lev Vygotsky: his Abraham Harold
conditioning. He discovered that all theory asserts themes Maslow: pyramid
conditioned dogs to children’s intellectual regarding social design of basic needs.
salivate with a bell development interaction and the
Theorists ring or a person progressed through zone of proximal
wearing a white lab four stages, beginning development.
coat. in infancy, and ending John Dewey: learning
B. F. Skinner: operant with adolescence. by doing.
conditioning. This Sensorimotor stage Eric Erikson:
process tries to modify Preoperational stage personality developed
behavior using Concrete operational in 8 stages.
positive and negative stage Benjamin Bloom:
reinforcements. Formal operations Howard Gardner: IQ
Albert Bandura: stage Jerome Bruner:
observation, imitation, learning by discovery.
and modeling.

Pavlov: He is famous for his conditioned reflex.

B.F. Skinner: skinner based his theory on operant conditioning- a behavior followed by a
Bandura: his theory offers a bridge between behaviorist and cognitive learning theories because it
Notes: includes attention, memory, and motivation.
Piaget: each stage of thinking causes the child to see the world differently. He indicated that a
child must master one stage before moving onto the next stage. If they cannot master a stage, they
will never reach their full potential.
Vygotsky: he believed that thinking skills and language skills reinforce each other. Learning
happens in the ZPD. Scaffolding + teacher instruction + group discussion = help students get the
most out of learning.
Dewey: leaning by doing enabled students to develop their problem-solving skills.
Erikson: if a person has a problem in any of the stages, they will develop an identity crisis that
would affect them later in life.
Bloom’ taxonomy: a model used to classify educational learning objectives into levels of
complexity and specificity.
Gardner: IQ and multiple intelligences which states that there are many types of intelligence.
Bruner: predisposition, structure learning, sequence materials, reward and punishments.
Maslow’ pyramid starting from the bottom to satisfy basic needs then up to the next.
IGNITE the Brain for Learning – The Neuro Nine (TIU6)

1. Relationships 4. Retrieval 7. Retaining

2. Rigor 5. Routing 8. Rehearsing

3. Relevance 6. Re-exposing 9. Recognizing

Stages of Development (TIU7)

Social Emotional Physical Mental Characteristics /

Implications Fear of dark and injury. Jumps with feet together. Self-sufficient in many Dresses and undresses self.
Likes to share, cooperative Mature motor control. routines. Copies complex shapes.
play with other children. Ball skills improve – throwing Understands 2-3 simple Asks a lot of questions.
2 -4 yr olds May have an imaginary friend. and catching. things to do at once. Tells stories.
Becomes competitive and May be ready to learn to ride Understands that books are a Begins to imitate and write
doesn’t want to lose. a bike by 4-5. source of pleasure and uses name. By 5, they have settled
Develops an understanding of Cuts on the line with scissors. pictures to help them follow on hand dominance.
rules, but still finds taking the story. Threads beads.
turns difficult. The most important mode for Paints.
Needs structure and routine to learning is play.
feel safe. Sort objects by size and type. Learn best if physically active.
Interested in process not the
Self-centered, sociable, and Think logically about behavior, product.
5- 8 yr olds The growth rate slows down. but they have difficulty making Egocentric.
interested in friends.
They enjoy make-believe stories. Muscle coordination and choices and decisions. Friendship is important.
Friendship is important. control is uneven and Imitate adult. Thinking is concrete.
Tattling and rule followers. incomplete. Understand value and use of Eager to try something new.
Competitive, enjoy playing rough. Hand skills and eye-hand money. Short span attention.
Release tension through physical coordination continue to Physical activity is the key to Curious and sensitive to
activities. develop as they gain small learning. criticism.
Realistic fears, positive self- Shor interest span: up to 20 Seek adult approval other than
muscle motor skills.
concept, do not accept criticism. minutes on any task. parents.
Curious about everything.

Peer groups grow more important. Active with boundless energy.

9-11 yr olds Children can be loud and rude at Wide range of height and Begin to think abstractly. Group activity is important.
times, and tend to be moody and weight. Critical of physical Attention span increases Do best with small portions in
sensitive, with extremes in appearance. from 30 minutes to several work.
emotion. Awkwardness is common. hours. Need guidance to stay on task.
These children want to be more Sense of moral is developed Admire and imitate older boys or
Energy abounds, they become
independent of adults. Sibling girls.
overstimulated when based on what they have
rivalry is typical. Eager to try new things.
competitive. learned from an adult. Like ceremonies and songs.
They also show attitude change
regarding school and may become They need to understand Show independence by
restless, and mess around. “why”. disobedience, backtalk, and
They want to discuss sex. Self-image begins to emerge. rebelliousness.
Limited decision-making ability.
Increase comfortable interaction Rapid growth and physical Having moved from concrete Concern about physical
12-14 yr olds with peers and community. change. They must cope with to abstract thinking, appearance.
They enjoy mixing with both sexes Vulnerable to bouts of low self-
ungainly bodies and new adolescents enjoy cognitive
for some activities. esteem.
sense of their physical selves. activities. They need to be Self-conscious.
Leadership experiences in clubs
and groups are valuable. Physical development allowed to find solutions to Emotions are on a roller coaster
Like to learn decision-making proceeds at a varied pace. their problems, learn from ride.
skills. their mistakes, test ideas, and Peer pressure mounts.
Concerned about issues of justice form opinions. However, Interested in sports.
and fairness. they still need support and Ready for longer learning
Comparison with others is guidance of adults. experience.
difficult. May avoid difficult task.
Social skills developed.
Strength increase. Rapid growth Questioning, sarcasm, arguing,
Have high social needs and
15-18 yr olds Teenagers. feel more mature. may cause clumsiness and lack of reasoning, deductive reasoning,
desires. Want adult leadership
coordination. abstract, construct hypothetical
Insecurity, anger, and frustration roles. Personal philosophy
Sex characteristics appear. solutions, build connections to
begin. Less concerned about begins to emerge. Need life
Always hungry. Sweating future, decision-making skills,
adults’ approval. Close planning guidance. Interested in
increase, sexual desires increase. evaluate credibility, challenging. travel and adventure.
relationships with their peer.
Interested in the opposite sex.
Follow peers.
Hattie’s most effective influences on instruction (throughout SS)
Student: Piagetian programs, self-reported grades, self-efficacy.
Curricula: comprehensive instructional programs for teachers, phonics instruction, repeated reading programs, conceptual change
School: collective teacher efficacy.
Teacher: clarity, credibility, estimates of achievement, micro-teaching/video review of lessons.
Teaching: elaboration and organization, evaluation and reflection, help seeking, transfer strategies, deliberate practice, effort,
mnemonics, rehearsal and memorization, strategy to integrate with prior knowledge, summarization, cognitive task analysis,
planning and prediction, classroom discussion, feedback, response to intervention, jigsaw method, reciprocal teaching, scaffolding,
and interventions for students with learning needs.

What is Academic Language? (SS1)

Academic language is the primary vehicle for leaning and instruction. It is not only a means for communicating information, it also
plays a key role in deepening the understanding of important ideas.
Academic language is the oral, visual, and written language that students need in order to understand, communicate, and perform.

Strategies to teach the Vocabulary (SS1)

1. Frayer Model. 3. Wheel of fortune. (Word game)

2. Word Wall. 4. Password (word game)

Tomlinson’s Strategies for Differentiation (note at least 4) (SS2)

1- Tiered instruction: changing the level of complexity or required readiness of a task or unit of study in
order to meet the developmental needs of the students involved.
2- Anchoring activities: activities that a student may do at any time. they may relate to specific needs or
enrichment opportunities, including problems to solve or journals to write. They could also be part of
a long-term project.
3- Flexible grouping: this allows students to be appropriately challenged and avoids labeling a student’s
readiness as static state.
4- Compacting curriculum: assessing student’s knowledge and skills and providing alternative activities
for the student who has already mastered curriculum content.
Marzano’s Strategies for Success (SS4 – SS9) – Provide 2 examples of each

Example 1 Example 2

Cooperative Grouping Round Robin Think-pair-share

Bubble map Venn Diagram

Graphic Organizers

KWL Connect 4 thinking

Advanced Organizers

Venn Diagram Classifying

Similarities / Differences

3-2-1 Summary Cornell Notes

Summarizing & Notetaking

Cues & Questions One Minute Paper

Slap Down Game

Bloom’s Verbs and Technology Apps (SS9 and SS11)

Create Construct, develop, formulate, investigate, generate.

ChatterPix, Canva
Argue, defend, judge, value, critique.
Edmodo, Padlet.
Differentiate, illustrate, infer, prioritize, compare.
Outliner, Quick Graph.
Collect, predict, produce, provide, solve.
Google Docs, Flashcard Machine.
Classify, estimate, explain, paraphrase, summarize.
Annotate, VoiceThread
Define, describe, identify, label, list.
Quizlet, Evernote.
Components of a social emotional learning program (SS12)
1- Self-awareness: the ability to identify own emotions
2- Self-management: the ability to self-motivate, have self-control, and to regulate one’s emotions.
3- Social awareness: is about embracing diversity and showing empathy for others.
4- Relationship skills: the ability to work cooperatively with someone and how to resolve conflict and challenges.
5- Responsible decision-making: it is considering the wellbeing for self and others. It is evaluating the consequences for
various behaviors or actions.

Stronge’s Qualities of Effective Teachers (SS13)

The Effective Teacher implements instruction that……

Areas where I GLOW….. Areas for me to GROW……

Communicate clearly to engage students. Incorporates higher order thinking questions for
Keeps students engaged and interested in learning. deeper learning.
Implements changes as suggested by peers and

Create a welcoming space (CBM3)

1. Assign seats before school starts.

2. Use students’ names from day one.

3. Show and tell about yourself.

4. Go over procedures and routines.

5. Share expectations for the school year.

6. Welcome sign with teacher’s name in multiple places.

Lemov’s techniques to “Teach like a Champion” (CBM4)
1. Setting high academic expectations: technique one “No Opt Out”.

2. Planning that ensures academic achievement: technique 11 “Draw the Map”.

Structuring and delivering your lessons: technique 12 “The Hook”.


4. Engaging students in your lesson: technique 25 “Wait Time”.

Creating a strong classroom culture: technique 30 “Tight Transition”.


Building and maintaining high behavioral expectations: technique 37 “What to DO”.


Building character and trust: technique 45 “Warm and Strict”.


Four Questions to redirect behavior (CBM7)

1. What are you doing?

2. What are you supposed to be doing?

3. Were you doing it?

4. What are you going to do about it?

Stronge’s Qualities of Effective Educators (CBM10)

The Effective Teacher establishes classroom management and organization that…

Areas where I GLOW….. Areas for me to GROW……

Maintains daily routines and procedures. Has materials for substitutes readily available.

Establishes smooth transitions between activities. Maintains a clean and orderly classroom.
Categories of Disabilities in SPED (E4)
Characteristics Impact on Classroom
Autism A neurological disorder
Perseverate on a topic. Struggle to attend to a
Cognitive abilities range from gifted to
task or appear to not be paying attention.
cognitively delayed.
Have difficulty sharing, taking turn, call out
Usually identified in the first three years
answers, with noise or visual stimuli.
of life.
Not understand the big picture or abstract.
4:1 male to female ratio.
Struggle to transition or change of routine.
Fidget, rock, flap, stimulate, echo, mimic
phrases, run or fight in stressful situations.
Lack reciprocal communication skills or be
Not understand non-verbal cues, jargon, or
slang terms.
Have difficulty with volume control, cadence,
and intonation.

Students has any combination of vision

Deaf/Blindness and hearing loss, though not necessarily
Require information to be introduced
deliberately and systematically.
complete deafness, or blindness.
Utilize the service of a specialized support
A wide range of cognitive and
service provider (SSP).
developmental abilities.

Need special seating, being in view of the

May have difficulty with speech, reading,
Deafness and writing skills.
Need written supplements to oral instruction
May use speech, lip-reading, hearing
like visual aids/ cues.
aids, and/or another amplification
Require eye contact prior to speaking.
Have difficulties with social emotional or
American sign language (ASL) may be
interpersonal skills.
their first language and English may be
Exhibit some form of articulation difficulty.
their second.
Become frustrated and may have behavioral
Use hearing devices, which DO NOT return
hearing to normal.

May exhibit inappropriate behavior under

Emotional Disturbance Hyperactivity.
ordinary circumstances.
(schizophrenia) Aggression or self-injurious behavior.
Not be able to maintain relationships.
Display inappropriate manifestation of physical
symptoms or fears in response to school or
Learning difficulties.
personal difficulties.

May wear hearing aids or FM systems.

Hearing Impairment Articulation difficulties and language
Read lips or use ASL.
Need a quiet environment with many visuals to
Easily frustrated.
be successful.
Difficulty with oral expression.
Need a slower rate of speech and clear
Difficulty with social emotional skills.

Not be working on grade level materials.

Intellectual Disability Struggle with overall academics.
Not understand social norms.
Struggle with attention, memory.
Struggle with problem-solving across all areas
Struggle to make generalizations.
(academic as well as functional living skills).
Trouble interacting socially.
Hampered speech and communication Require multiple services.
Multiple Disabilities skills. Use alternate communication methods.
Challenges with mobility. Require alternate curriculum materials.
Need assistance with everyday tasks.
Usually has medical needs.
Have no cognitive concerns.
It is difficult or perhaps impossible to Be integrated into the general education
Orthopedic Impairment generalize the characteristics of a student setting all the time.
who qualifies under OI. For example, a Use assistive technology.
child with spinal cord injury could have
immobility limited to one side of his or
her body.

Other Health Impairment Having limited strength, vitality. Or It affects a child’s educational
alertness, including a heightened performance.
alertness to environmental stimuli, that
results in limited alertness with respect to
the education environment, that is due to
chronic or acute health problems such as
asthma, attention deficit disorder, or
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,
diabetes, epilepsy, a heart condition,
hemophilia, lead poisoning, leukemia,
nephritis, rheumatic fever, sickle cell
anemia, and Tourette syndrome.

May impact reading, writing, oral May demonstrate:

Specific Learning Disability language, math, study skills. Slower reading rate, frequent spelling
errors, difficulty copying, difficulty
memorizing basic facts, difficulty
describing events, difficulty interpreting
subtle messages.

Speech or Language Impairment Articulation disorder. Tend to emerge at a young age.

Abnormal voice Have difficulties with comprehension,
Fluency disorder being understood, expressing needs,
Language disorder. ideas, or information.
Struggle with social interactions.
Work closely with a speech pathologist
to support the student.

Traumatic Brain Injury Memory and attention concerns. Struggle to process visual information,
Social skill concerns, emotional follow multi-step directions,
regulation concerns. Speech and communicate, logic, problem-solving,
language concerns. Physical concerns. and reasoning skills.
Have difficulty with grade-level work.

Spatial positioning
Visual Impairment Inc Blindness Short attention span
Sensitivity to bright light. An impairment in vision that, even with
Poor eye and hand coordination or correction, adversely affects a child’s
clumsiness. educational performance.
Poor academic performance.
ARD Timeline Activity (E5)

#1 Referral for an initial evaluation.

#2 Notice/ consent for initial evaluation.

Within 60
#3 Full individual evaluation.

#4 Notice of ARD.

#5 Initial ARD.


#6 Yearly ARD.

#7 Re-evaluation.

Terms to be assigned in the timeline:

Initial Referral (IR), Initial ARD,
Notice of ARD, Yearly ARD,
#8 Dismissal. Full Individual Evaluation, Dismissal,
Re- evaluation,
Notice/Consent for initial Evaluation
Modifications and Accommodations (E6)
Quantity Time Level of Support
Definition Definition Definition
Adapt the number of items that the Adapt the time allotted and allowed for Increase the amount of personal assistance to
learner is expected to learn or # of learning, task completion, or testing. keep student on task or to reinforce specific
activities student will complete prior skills.
to assessment for mastery.

Example Example Example

Reduce the # of social studies terms Individualize a timeline for completing Assign peer buddies, teaching assistants,
a learner must learn at any one time. a task; pace learning differently for peer tutors, or cross-age tutors. Specify how
Add more practice activities. some learners. to interact and to structure the environment.

Input Difficulty Output

Definition Definition Definition
Adapt the way instruction is Adapt the skill level, problem type, or Adapt how the student can respond to
delivered to the learner. the rules on how the learner may instruction.
approach the work.

Example Example Example

Use different visual aids, enlarge test, Use of calculator, simplify task directions, Allow verbal response instead of writing,
concrete examples, hands-on change rules to accommodate learner needs. communication books, hands on materials to
activities, pre-teach, cooperate group. show knowledge.

Participation Notes:
Definition Alternate Goals, and Substitute Curriculum, usually indicate that the student may be
receiving services in a location other than the regular class setting.
Adapt the extent to which a - Alternate goals: adapt the goals or outcome expectations while using the
learner is actively involved in the same materials. For example: in a social studies lesson, expect a student to
task. be able to locate the colors of the states on the map while others locate
state name and capital.
Example: - Substitute curriculum: provide different instruction and materials to meet a
In geography, have a student hold learner’s individual goals. for example: during a language lesson a student is
the globe, while others point out learning toileting skills with an aide.

Types of Assistive Technology (E7)

Taaaaaaaaaayaaaaaapes AAAAAA
of Assistive Pencil grip.
1. VisualTechnology
timer. 4.

Spelling software.
2. Graphic organizers. 5.

Reading software.
3. Classroom seating. 6.
Venn Diagram of 504 and IDEA (E9)

D, G, H, I, K, L A, C, E, F, J, P

Use the letters below and type them in the appropriate box above.

A) Requires written consent.

B) Must provide impartial hearings for parents who disagree with the identification, evaluation, or
placement of the student.
C) Enforced by U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education.
D) Requires that parents have an opportunity to participate and be represented by legal counsel –
other details are left to the discretion of the school.
E) An impartial appointee selects a hearing officer.
F) Describes specific procedures.
G) A hearing officer is usually appointed by the school.
H) No "stay-put" provisions.
I) Does not require that parents are notified prior to the student's change of placement, but they still
must be notified.
J) Provides "stay-put" provision (the student's current IEP and placement continues to be
implemented until all proceedings are resolved.
K) Enforced by U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights
L) Does not require parental consent.
P) Parents must receive ten days' notice prior to any change in placement.
Suggestions for working with Students in Poverty (E12)

Provide access to computers, magazines, books so low- Students who live in poverty may not always know
1. income students can see and work with printed materials. 4. the correct behaviors for school situations. At home,
they may function under a different set of rules. Take
time to explain the rationale for rules and procedures.
2. Keep your expectations for poor students high. Poverty does 5. Be careful about the school supplies you expect
not mean ignorance. students to purchase. Keep your requirements as
simple as you can for all students.
3. Don’t make comments about your students clothes or
Arrange a bank of shared supplies for your students
6. to borrow when they are temporarily out of materials
belongings unless they are in violation of the dress code.
for class.

Guthrie and Humenick Strategies to increase reading motivation (R4)

1. Provide content goals for reading.

2. Support student autonomy.

3. Provide interested texts.

4. Increase social interactions among students related to reading.

Reading Strategies to Strengthen Literacy Skills (R8)

Strategy name When / how to use it Define it
Alphabet Matching before/ while/ after reading game to help students explore the
1. Alphabet letters and sounds with fun.
Individual/ small/ whole group.

Story sequence before/ during/ after reading identify the components of a story by
Summarizing a text retelling what
2. Happen at the beginning, middle, and end.
Individual/ small/ whole group

Elkonin Boxes before, during, after reading

individual, small, whole group help students build phonological
3. awareness
Echevarria et al.’s -Making content comprehensible for ELL students (R9)
Write at least 3 strategies / techniques that you could easily implement in your classroom for your content

1. Prepare the lesson Graphic organizers, outlines, supplementary Materials

2. Build background Content word wall, concept definition map, visual vocabulary.

3. Make verbal communication understandable Appropriate speech, pre-teach key words, use scaffolding routinely.

4. Learning strategies (this one should be easy!) I wonder, graffiti write, questioning techniques.

5. Opportunities for interaction Grouping configuration, cooperative learning activities, wait time.

6. Practice and application Manipulatives, application of content and language knowledge, integration of language skills

7. Lesson delivery Content objective, language objectives, students engagement.

8. Review and assess Review of key vocabulary, review of key content concepts, providing feedback.

Reflections on the Reading STAAR (TL4)

1. Reading the text is critical for this test. If students did not take their time to read and understand the text, they will not be able
to answer most of the questions. For example, the first question, student might rush to say that Eric’s main conflict was not
knowing the names of their regular customers.

2. On my first attempt, when I took the test I felt very confident about answering to the point that I did not fully read the
questions nor all the answer choices. That was the reason for my incorrect answer on the second question.

3. The last question asking about the significance of Eric’ actions will trigger students’ higher thinking level skills. Students
should be able to evaluate the text and find meaning to actions. Even though this should be easy for 6th graders, but some
students might have difficulty in this task and skill. They might chose the literal answer which it will not request any effort of
evaluating or thinking.
Reflections on the Math STAAR (TL4)
1. I felt that all the problems in this sample test were heavy on mathematical vocabularies which in fact it will cause difficulties
for students that do not know the purpose of the question because of lack of vocabularies. For example, integer, absolute value,
dot plot and how to read it and others.

2. I did not miss question 3 but I could see students misinterpreting the word interquartile and in fact they will miss finding the
correct answer. Students must be able to apply their reading skills of multisyllabic words to understand vocabularies in a word

3. For question 5 about which number represent 25%, I could see students might miss that if they do not have organization skills
to proceed with calculating following a specific order.

Jimmy’s Report Card (TL6)

(Complete the calculations in all the colored boxes)

Mathematics NAME: Jimmy

Teacher Grades
Unit Test scores Benchmark
9 wks 1 grading Period Standards Percent Absences
average Grade

Unit 1 8.2 76 75 62 0
unit 2 8.3 86 83 75 1
Unit 3a 8.4 92 94 95 0
Unit 3b 8.5 68 71 55 4
Average Percent 80.5 80.75 71.75
Weighted Average
30% = 0.3
Value 40%= 0.4 30%= 0.3
Weighted Percent 24.15 32.3 21.5

Final Percent 78
C10 + D10 +
Final Letter Grade C E10
Three professional goals for my classroom (TL8)
1. I want to be able to design clear, well-organized, sequential lessons that reflect best practice, align with standards and are
appropriate for diverse learners.

2. I will be using formal and informal methods to measure students progress, then manage and analyze student data to inform

3. I want to be able to support all learners in their pursuit of high levels of academic and social emotional success.

Vision of an Educator (TL11)

Reflect on the 5 elements posted in the assignment to create your Vison statement:

1. Some of the research-based strategies I will be using in my classroom are advanced

graphic organizers, cooperative learning, similarities and differences, and cues and

2. I will try to integrate technology as much as I can in every lesson such as smart board,
iPads, tablets, audio devices, computer software for sharing, assistive technology to
accommodate and differentiate for students, and online platform to go on a online
fieldtrip, or have an author meeting.

3. To be successful in my lesson planning I have to precise my students’ learning objectives.

Then all the teaching and learning activities such as anticipatory guide, direct instruction,
guided practice, and independent practice. Finally, I will have to provide strategies to
check for students’ understanding while and after the lesson.

4. Non-negotiable things in my classroom are my discipline plan, classroom rules, and


5. To ensure equity for all my students I will:

- Reflect on my personal bias.

- Use students’ interests.

- Give students choices.

- Teach self-monitoring skills.

- Have fun teaching and learning about my students.

Stronge’s Qualities of Effective Educators (TL12)
The Effective Teacher as a professional…..

Areas where I GLOW….. Areas for me to GROW……

Performs assigned duties in a professional manner. Collaborates with the dept, parents, and admin.
Submits required reports and paperwork on time. Maintains a positive attitude in difficult
Maintains up-to-date calendar. situations.
Welcomes other adults visiting the classroom.

Stronge’s Qualities of Effective Educators (TL12)

The Effective Teacher monitors student progress and potential by…

Areas where I GLOW….. Areas for me to GROW……

Implementing formal and informal assessments. Implementing the appropriate formal and
Displaying consistency in grades. informal assessment.
Conducting assessment after each lesson. Know when to have admins involved in
Checking for understanding and providing communicating grades.


The Effective Teacher as a professional…

Practices two- way communication with parents & adm. Collaborates with the dept, parents, & admin. Performs assigned
duties in a professional manner. Requests technical support, when necessary, Submits required reports and paperwork on
time. Maintains an up-to-date calendar Welcomes other adults visiting the classroom. Conducts parent meetings in a
proactive manner. Maintains a positive attitude in difficult situations. Is prepared for emergencies in the classroom. Is
available for tutoring, before and after school. Designs and implements quality lessons. Believes that all students can
achieve at high levels. Understands their content/real-world applications. The Effective Teacher engages in dialogue with
students, colleagues, parents, and administrators, consistently demonstrating respect, accessibility, and expertise. The
Effective Teacher believes that all students can be successful in the classroom.

The Effective Teacher monitors student progress and potential by……..

Implementing formal and informal assessments. Distributing student progress reports in a professional manner. Displaying
consistency in grades – no extremes. Providing re-teach opportunities after each skill. Conducting assessment after each
lesson. Communicating student progress to parents & adm. as needed. Collecting, reviewing, and analyzing student data.
Using data to inform short- and long-term learning goals. Checking for understanding & providing feedback. Effective
Teachers know how each student is progressing in their class. They use a variety of assessments to demonstrate mastery
of the skill and are able to communicate professionally with the student, parents and other professionals about student
strengths and weaknesses.

A. List 14 approved CTE Programs of Study (also known as Career Clusters) from the TEA CTE page.
B. List a CTSO for each Career Cluster from the Texas CTE page.

1. A. 2. A. 3. A.

B. B. B.

4. A. 5. A. 6. A.

B. B. B.

7. A. 8. A. 9. A.

B. B. B.

10. A. 11. A. 12. A.

B. B. B.

13. A. 14. A.

B. B.

15. Who is the state contact for your specific career cluster? Include career cluster, Name and email:

16. List at least three Industry based certifications that students could achieve in your specific career

17. While on the Texas CTE website, in the Career Cluster pages for your specific cluster, list at least
three resources that are housed here for teachers.

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