E Ects of Temperatures and Organic Loading Rates On Biomethanation of Acidic Petrochemical Wastewater Using An Anaerobic Up Ow ®xed-®lm Reactor

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Bioresource Technology 82 (2002) 65±71

E€ects of temperatures and organic loading rates on

biomethanation of acidic petrochemical wastewater
using an anaerobic up¯ow ®xed-®lm reactor
Hardik Patel, Datta Madamwar *

Post-Graduate Department of Biosciences, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, 388120 Gujarat, India
Received 24 July 2001; received in revised form 26 July 2001; accepted 5 August 2001

The e€ect of temperature and organic loading rate on the rate of methane production from acidic petrochemical wastewater
without neutralization was investigated by continuously feeding an anaerobic up¯ow ®xed-®lm reactor. The temperatures selected
for the studies were 25, 37, 45 and 55 °C. Organic loading rate (OLR) for each temperature was varied from 3.6 to 21.7 kg COD
m 3 d 1 . Best performance with respect to COD and BOD reduction, total gas production and methane yield was obtained with the
reactor operating at 37 °C. OLR could be increased to a maximum of 21.7 kg COD m 3 d 1 with 90±95% COD and BOD reduction
and methane yield of 0.450 m3 kg 1 COD d 1 added. The reactor operating at 55 °C gave the highest methane yield of
0:666 m3 kg 1 COD d 1 at an OLR of 6 kg COD m 3 d 1 . This decreased to 0.110 m3 kg 1 COD d 1 when the OLR was increased
to 18.1 kg COD m 3 d 1 . The reactor operating at 45 °C gave a maximum methane yield of 0:416 m3 kg 1 COD d 1 added at an
OLR of 6 kg COD m 3 d 1 . On further increasing the OLR to 9 kg COD m 3 d 1 , COD reduction was 89%, however, methane
yield decreased to 0:333 m3 kg 1 COD d 1 added. The highest methane yield of 0:333 m3 kg 1 COD d 1 added at an OLR of 6 kg
COD m 3 d 1 was obtained with reactors operating at 25 °C. These studies indicate potential rates of methane production from
acidic petrochemical wastewater under di€erent temperatures. This provides a guideline for various kinetic analyses and economic
evaluation of the potential feasibility of fermenting acidic wastewater to methane. Ó 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Anaerobic bioreactor; Biomethanation; Fixed ®lm; Petrochemical wastewater; Temperature; Organic loading rate

1. Introduction anaerobic digestion is not applied in the petrochemical

industry largely due to problems of slow reactions,
It has become increasingly important to prevent the which require longer hydraulic retention time (HRT)
pollution of limited water resources by providing ade- and poor process stability in conventional reactor de-
quate treatment of e‚uents from industrial sources signs. In order to solve these problems and to develop a
(Desai et al., 1994). Two concurrent problems facing our better methanogenic process more focus is directed to-
country are the disposal of wastes generated by indus- wards developing more suitable high-rate anaerobic bi-
tries and the need for new sources of fuel to supply the oreactors (Parkin and Speece, 1983; Parkin et al., 1983).
energy needs of society (Pfe€er, 1974). Anaerobic di- One type of such a con®guration is the up¯ow ®xed-®lm
gestion o€ers an excellent opportunity for both energy anaerobic bioreactor, which is capable of retaining ac-
conservation and pollution control considerations (Hwu tive biomass in the reactor without the need for biomass
et al., 1997; Patel et al., 1998; Wheatley, 1990). Major recirculation.
advantages of this process are the low operational costs, A number of petrochemical wastewater components
high energy eciency and process simplicity as com- are fermented to methane and attached growth systems
pared to other waste treatment methods (Lettinga, 1995; have shown considerable advantages (Britz et al., 1983;
Patel et al., 1995). However, despite these advantages, Chou et al., 1978; Lettinga et al., 1999; Nel and Britz, 1986;
Nel et al., 1984; Ramakrishna and Desai, 1997; Sharma et
Corresponding author. Tel.: (O) +91-2692-26899 (R) +91-2692-
al., 1994; Vartak et al., 1997). In a previous study (Patel
34877; fax: +91-2692-36475. and Madamwar, 2000), we investigated the role of ap-
E-mail address: datta_madamwar@yahoo.com (D. Madamwar). propriate support materials, which allowed the develop-

0960-8524/02/$ - see front matter Ó 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 6 0 - 8 5 2 4 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 1 4 2 - 0
66 H. Patel, D. Madamwar / Bioresource Technology 82 (2002) 65±71

ment of a speci®c methanogenic population adapted to a atures. Temperatures selected were 25, 37, 45 and 55 °C.
low pH environment for the biomethanation of petro- During inoculum development, facultative anaerobic
chemical wastewater. Among the various carrier mate- organisms utilized the organic matter present in the
rials tested, bone charcoal (charcoal of bones) exhibited slurry as substrate and created anaerobic conditions
the best results in terms of biogas and methane yield with suitable for the growth of strict anaerobes. Establish-
the highest COD removal. There is growing interest in ment of the active biomass on the support media was
maximizing methane extraction for energy recovery from based on the constant gas production from utilization of
acidic wastes such as petrochemical wastewater. One of organic matter present in the cowdung slurry and the
the most important parameters for anaerobic treatment change in the inoculum color from yellowish brown to
of wastewater is operating temperature, which selects the black. In reactors operated at 45 and 55 °C, depletion in
dominant bacterial ¯ora and determines growth rate. gas production was observed between 15 and 20 days
The mesophilic range is traditionally used (Varel et al., and reactors at 37 °C required approximately 30±35
1980) since it is generally thought that maintaining a high days whereas 75±80 days were required at 25 °C. This
temperature is uneconomical whereas degradation may have been due to depletion of organic matter in the
within the psychrophilic range is too slow. However, the slurry. The slurry was slowly replaced by alternate day
thermophilic range now merits consideration because feeding with a petrochemical wastewater of pH 2.5 as
reaction rates are considerably higher than in the meso- substrate without neutralization at an HRT of 30 days
philic and psychrophilic ranges (Jimeno et al., 1990; for approximately 50 days. Subsequently reactors were
Kotsyurbenko et al., 1993; Lepisto and Rintala, 1996, operated by continuous feeding of the petrochemical
1999; Romero et al., 1988; Sa¯ey and Westerman, 1992; wastewater starting with a HRT of 30 days slowly
Varel et al., 1980; Vartak et al., 1997; Wiegant et al., changing to the desired HRT with an increase in organic
1985) and thus the HRT necessary to reduce organic load loading rate (OLR) and allowing steady-state condition
by a certain percentage is shorter. As such, no detailed to eventually be achieved. Steady-state condition is de-
study appears to have been made so far on the e€ect of ®ned as conditions prevailing in the reactor at which
temperature and HRT on methane generation from low constant COD reduction of the outlet liquid and biogas
pH petrochemical industrial wastewater. Therefore, this production occurs at a ®xed OLR or HRT (for example,
study was undertaken with the aim of maximizing the reactors operating at 37 °C and 15 days HRT during
generation of methane from low pH petrochemical in- steady-state conditions showed 98  0:5% COD reduc-
dustrial wastewater by optimizing temperature and or- tion and total biogas production of 2:0 
ganic loading rate. 0:4 m3 m 3 d 1 with OLR of 3.6 kg COD m 3 d 1 ).
This indicated acclimatization of a methanogenic pop-
ulation for low pH and to the toxic components of the
2. Methods petrochemical wastewater. All reactors were operated
on a continuous basis at the desired retention time
2.1. Fermentor (HRT) for 60 days after reaching steady-state condi-
tions. Petrochemical wastewater was continuously
Laboratory scale anaerobic up¯ow ®xed-®lm glass (OLR as given in Tables 2±5) fed into the reactor in an
column reactors were used in the present studies with the upward direction at the required rate using a peristaltic
following speci®cations: reactor inner diameter 4.5 cm, pump (Gilson, Minipuls 3, Model M312, France).
reactor height 120 cm., media height 108 cm, total vol-
ume (without bedding material) 1.7 l, working volume 1 2.3. Substrate
l. Reactors were packed with bone charcoal as a support
material of size 125 mm2 . The speci®c surface area and Acidic petrochemical wastewater was used as a sub-
pore speci®c volume of the material was 53:35 m2 g 1 strate. The wastewater was received from the e‚uent
and 0:244 cm3 g 1 of support material, respectively. plant of the Gujarat State Fertilizer Company of Baroda
Approximately 660 g of support material was used in in India. Composition and characteristics of the petro-
each reactor. chemical wastewater are given in Table 1.

2.2. Inoculum development and reactor operation 2.4. Analytical methods

Bio®lm was allowed to develop using 3% (w/v) cattle Biogas production was measured by the displacement
dung slurry as the initial inoculum. Cowdung slurry of acidi®ed saturated salt solution (pH 2.5), making
contained approximately (w/v) 3% COD, 0.34% volatile corrections for atmospheric pressure and temperature
fatty acid (VFA), 3% total solids (TS), 2% volatile solids (STP). Gas composition was determined with a Sigma,
(VS), 0.06% total potassium and nitrogen (TKN) and a Baroda (India) (Model M505) gas±liquid chromato-
pH of 7.6. Reactors were operated at di€erent temper- graph equipped with a 2 m stainless steel column packed
H. Patel, D. Madamwar / Bioresource Technology 82 (2002) 65±71 67

Table 1 60 °C for 2 min and raised to 120 °C at the rate of

Composition and characteristics of the petrochemical wastewater 8 °C min 1 and further increased to 250 °C at the rate of
Components Concentration 12 °C min 1 ). The injector and detector temperatures
Formic acid 46:60 g l 1 were 200 and 250 °C, respectively. Identi®cation and
Acetic acid 46:60 g l 1 percentage of di€erent fatty acids and aromatic com-
Cyclohexanol 0:3 g l 1
pounds were based on comparison of retention times
Cyclohexane 0:5 g l 1
Cyclohexanone 0:3 g l 1 and peak areas of unknown with standard compounds.
Phenol 0:360 g l 1 Pure compounds (Analytical Grade Reagent, Ranbaxy
Total nitrogen (as N2 ) 0:050±0:212 g l 1
Lab., India) were used as standard.
Total phosphate (as P) 0:102±0:227 g l The speci®c surface area and porosity of the support
Total sulfate (as SO4 ) 0:150±0:242 g l
material were determined on a Micrometry's BET Sur-
Chlorides 2±3 mg l 1
Iron 0:05±0:80 mg l 1 face Area Analyzer (Model No. 2375, USA). Experi-
Heavy metals 0:15±0:20 mg l 1 ments were carried out in quadruplicate and averages and
(Co, Ni, Mo, Cr) standard deviations (S.D.) were calculated from the data.
Oil and grease 12±13 mg l 1
COD 55±60 g l 1 2.5. Statistical analysis
BOD 30±32 g l 1
Volatile fatty acids 93±95 g l 1
Total solids 20±300 mg l 1 Values reported are averages of the steady-state data
Total acidity 45±46 g l 1 of reactors operated at given temperatures in quadru-
pH 2.5±2.7 plicate (four reactors per temperature). The Microsoft
Excel (Release 2000) under Windows 98 operating sys-
tem (ICON Software Technologies, Baroda, Gujarat,
with Porapak R (80±100 mesh) at 40 °C and a thermal India) was used to carry out the statistical calculations
conductivity detector. Nitrogen was used as a carrier gas given in Tables 2±5. The values represented in the tables
at a ¯ow rate of 30 ml min 1 . The injector and detector are the limits (2 S.D. limits) within which the observed
temperatures were kept at 125 °C. Feed and reactor data lies. The 2 S.D. from the mean covers 95% of the
e‚uent samples were routinely analysed for pH, COD, observed data. The observed mean e€ect is signi®cant
BOD, volatile fatty acid (VFA), alkalinity, total solids, with a P value less than 0.037.
total nitrogen, total phosphates and O/R potential ac-
cording to standard procedures (APHA, 1995).
VFAs and phenolic compounds were determined us- 3. Results
ing the same gas±liquid chromatograph equipped with
¯ame ionization detector and 3 mm diameter, 3 m 3.1. E€ect of organic loading rate and hydraulic retention
stainless steel column packed with 10% SE 30 [(60/80 time on reactors performance at di€erent temperatures
mesh), Sigma, Baroda (India)]. Nitrogen served as the
carrier gas at a ¯ow rate of 30 ml min 1 and the column To demonstrate the mutual e€ect of OLR and HRT
temperature ranged from 60 to 250 °C (programmed at on reactors performance at di€erent temperatures,

Table 2
Values of an anaerobic up¯ow ®xed-®lm reactor e‚uent operated at 25 °C with bonechar as carrier material at varying OLR and HRTs under
steady-state conditions
HRT (days)
15 12 9 6a
OLR …kg COD m 3 d † 3.60 4.50 6.00 9.00
COD reduction (%) 98  1.20 97  1.50 95  1.50 ND
BOD …g l 1 † 0.50  0.05 0.90  0.15 1.30  0.25 ND
Total biogas production …m3 m 3 d 1 † 2.50  1.00 2.20  0.20 3.70  0.50 1.10  0.10
Total methane …m3 m 3 d 1 † 1.20  0.40 0.98  0.12 1.50  0.25 ND
Total carbon dioxide …m3 m 3 d 1 † 0.12  0.04 0.75  0.12 1.00  0.25 0.85  0.10
Total hydrogen …m3 m 3 d 1 † ND ND ND 0.10  0.03
Methane yield …m3 kg 1 COD d 1 added† 0.20 0.27 0.33 ND
Total alkalinity …as CaCO3 mg l 1 † 700  50 680  50 500  75 ND
pH of the e‚uent 8.70  0.40 8.50  0.20 7.60  0.50 4.60  1.00
Total solids as biomass …mg l 1 † 2.80  0.30 2.30  0.20 5.70  0.50 12.50  0.50
Total VFAs …g l 1 † 0.12  0.01 0.12  0.02 0.50  0.10 15.60  2.00
Total phenolics …mg l 1 † ND 47  05 110  12 150  10
ND ± not detected.
Values obtained from samples after complete failure of the reactor as a result of overloading substrate.
68 H. Patel, D. Madamwar / Bioresource Technology 82 (2002) 65±71

reactors were operated under varying HRT and OLR at

16.43  1.50
00.50  0.10

14.27  3.00
each temperature as shown in Tables 2±5. Reactors op-

0.30  0.10
0.10  0.04

3.50  1.50
5.00  1.00
45  3.00

125  50
erating at 25 °C worked eciently at 9 days HRT with an

OLR of 6 kg COD m 3 d 1 reaching a 95  1:5% COD



reduction. Methane yield was 0.333 m3 kg 1 COD d 1

added. Total alkalinity of 500  75 as CaCO3 mg l 1 was
observed. A sudden decrease in total gas production was
observed when HRT was reduced from 9 to 6 days with
11.76  1.50
1.46  0.20

9.40  1.00
1.90  0.55

7.50  0.50
4.40  0.50
0.34  0.50
1700  200
Values of an anaerobic up¯ow ®xed-®lm reactor e‚uent operated at 37 °C with bonechar as carrier material at varying OLR and HRTs under steady-state conditions

95  1.00

an increased level of carbon dioxide (Table 2). The pH of


the reactors e‚uent decreased to 4:6  1:0, containing



15:6  2:0 g 1 VFA and 150  10 mg l 1 phenolics. This

led to souring and failure of the reactors. Reactors op-
erated at 45 and 55 °C exhibited better process stability
with respect to COD reduction and total gas production
1.47  0.50
9.80  1.50
7.50  0.50
2.00  0.70

8.00  0.50
3.90  0.20
0.33  0.50
1614  150
95  1.50

at 6 and 3 day HRT( Tables 4 and 5). At 45 °C a maxi-

mum methane yield of 0:416 m3 kg 1 COD d 1 added



was observed at 9 days HRT. Even though better per-


formance was observed at 6 days HRT, methane yield

was low when compared to 9 days HRT. Total gas
ranged from 0.009 to 0:330 m3 m 3 d 1 and H2 was de-
1.33  0.30
5.00  1.00
3.80  0.70
1.00  0.50

7.80  0.10
3.90  0.40
0.27  0.05
1700  200

tected at each OLR at 45 °C. The reactors operated at 55

95  0.60

°C performed well at 3 days HRT giving 77  3% COD




reduction but methane yield decreased to 0:110 m3 kg 1


COD d 1 added in comparison to 0.666 and

0:555 m3 kg 1 COD d 1 at 9 and 6 day HRT, respec-
tively. Here hydrogen gas concentration ranged from
Values obtained from samples after complete failure of the reactor as a result of overloading substrate.
0.34  0.15
3.30  0.50
2.24  0.90
1.00  0.40

8.60  0.30
3.75  1.00
2933  130

0:05  0:02 to 0:20  0:04 m3 m 3 d 1 . Total gas pro-

98  0.50

duction decreased to 4:0  1:5 m3 m 3 d 1 at 3 days




HRT from 11:0  1:5 m3 m 3 d 1 at 6 days HRT. At


each HRT of reactors operating at 45 and 55 °C the total

gas produced contained a signi®cant quantity of carbon
dioxide, which directly a€ected total alkalinity in the
0.34  0.15
2.50  0.50
1.69  0.60
0.66  0.30

8.30  0.30
3.80  0.50
2300  110

reactors. On further reducing the HRT from 6 to 3 days

98  0.50

in the reactors operating at 45 °C, a drop in COD re-




duction to 38 % of wastewater was observed with a VFA


concentration of 87  10 g 1 in the e‚uent. During

failure of reactors total gas produced contained only
carbon dioxide …0:650  0:20 m3 m 3 d 1 † and hydrogen
HRT (days)

…0:300  0:10 m3 m 3 d 1 †. Similar observations were

0.34  0.10
2.00  0.40
1.36  0.20
0.50  0.20

8.50  0.20
3.35  1.00
2725  150
98  0.50

noted with the 55 °C reactors on reducing HRT to 2.5




day. Sudden souring and failure of reactors was ob-


served. The best performance was observed with the 37

°C reactors when stability and wastewater stabilization
Methane yield …m3 kg 1 COD d 1 added†

of the reactors were examined (Table 3). The reactors

Total biogas production …m3 m 3 d 1 †

operated continuously for a longer period of time at 2.5

Total alkalinity …as CaCO3 mg l 1 †
Total carbon dioxide …m3 m 3 d 1 †

days HRT with an organic load of 21.7 kg COD

Total solids as biomass …mg l 1 †

m 3 d 1 . Reactors operated under varying temperatures

Total hydrogen …m3 m 3 d 1 †
Total methane …m3 m 3 d 1 †

exhibited di€erent critical HRTs. Performance of reac-

OLR …kg COD m d †

tors was a€ected by reducing HRTs below critical op-

Total phenolics …mg l 1 †

eration at all temperatures.


COD reduction (%)

Total VFAs …g l 1 †
pH of the e‚uent

ND ± not detected.

3.2. E€ect of feed pH on reactors performance at di€erent

BOD …g l 1 †

Table 3

There are instances where acidic wastewaters are

treated by acclimatized anaerobic organisms to lower
H. Patel, D. Madamwar / Bioresource Technology 82 (2002) 65±71 69

Table 4
Values of an anaerobic up¯ow ®xed-®lm reactor e‚uent operated at 45 °C with bonechar as carrier material at varying OLR and HRTs under
steady-state conditions
HRT (days)
15 12 9 6 3a
OLR …kg COD m 3 d 1 † 3.60 4.50 6.00 9.00 18.10
COD reduction (%) 96  2.00 96  1.50 93  1.50 89  1.50 ND
BOD …g l 1 † 1.10  0.60 1.10  0.40 2.00  0.40 3.30  0.50 ND
Total biogas production …m3 m 3 d 1 † 3.10  0.4 3.50  1.0 5.50  1.0 8.00  0.5 1.00  0.2
Total methane …m3 m 3 d 1 † 1.40  0.20 1.70  0.50 2.50  0.40 3.00  0.20 ND
Total carbon dioxide …m3 m 3 d 1 † 1.00  0.10 0.98  0.30 1.80  0.30 3.00  0.20 0.65  0.20
Total hydrogen …m3 m 3 d 1 † 0.01  0.001 0.17  0.03 0.20  0.10 0.33  0.20 0.30  0.10
Methane yield …m3 kg 1 COD d 1 added† 0.38 0.38 0.41 0.33 ND
Total alkalinity …as CaCO3 mg l 1 † 600  55 400  75 425  25 475  25 ND
pH of the e‚uent 8.80  0.20 8.40  0.20 8.30  0.10 8.30  1.00 4.40  1.00
Total solids as biomass …mg l 1 † 2.20  0.10 2.90  0.50 3.30  0.60 6.60  0.20 58.90  10
Total VFAs …g l 1 † 0.29  0.05 0.32  0.01 1.42  0.14 2.33  0.15 87.00  10
Total phenolics …mg l 1 † ND ND 85  10 150  75 350  50
ND ± not detected.
Values obtained from samples after complete failure of the reactor as a result of overloading substrate.

Table 5
Values of an anaerobic up¯ow ®xed-®lm reactor e‚uent operated at 55 °C with bonechar as carrier material at varying OLR and HRTs under
steady-state conditions
HRT (days)
15 12 9 6 3 2.5a
3 1
OLR …kg COD m d † 3.60 4.50 6.00 9.00 18.10 21.70
COD reduction (%) 98  1.00 98  1.00 97  1.00 94  1.00 77  3.00 ND
BOD …g l 1 † 0.45  0.10 0.45  0.10 0.90  0.05 2.00  1.00 7.00  2.00 ND
Total biogas production 2.70  0.50 5.00  1.00 9.00  2.00 11.00  1.50 4.00  1.50 1.20  0.20
…m3 m 3 d 1 †
Total methane …m3 m 3 d 1 † 1.20  0.20 3.00  0.60 4.00  0.90 5.00  0.70 2.00  0.50 ND
Total carbon dioxide …m3 m 3 d 1 † 1.00  0.20 1.60  0.30 1.00  0.27 4.00  0.50 1.50  0.20 0.68  0.5
Total hydrogen …m3 m 3 d 1 † ND 0.05  0.01 0.07  0.01 0.07  0.01 0.05  0.02 0.20  0.04
Methane yield 0.33 0.66 0.66 0.55 0.11 ND
…m3 kg 1 COD d 1 added†
Total alkalinity …as CaCO3 mg l 1 † 550  80 400  50 400  50 45050 400  70 ND
pH of the e‚uent 8.70  0.30 8.50  0.10 8.50  0.30 8.30  0.40 7.00  0.50 5.50  0.50
Total solids as biomass …mg l 1 † 3.00  1.00 4.80  0.50 4.80  0.50 5.20  0.30 14.60  4.00 20.00  5.00
Total VFAs …g l 1 † 0.13  0.02 0.15  0.05 0.37  0.05 0.28  0.09 19.00  5.50 55.00  10.00
Total phenolics …mg l 1 † ND ND ND ND 89  10 230  45
ND ± not detected.
Values obtained from samples after complete failure of the reactor as a result of overloading substrate.

pH and harness the alkalizing capabilities of methano- acids result in only a minimal pH decrease. High carbon
genic activities by their retention in the bioreactors dioxide content in total gas produced was detected at a
(Ramakrishna and Desai, 1997; Patel and Madamwar, feed pH of 2.5 at each OLR, which directly a€ected total
2000). When the e€ect of feed pH (2.5) on performance alkalinity of the e‚uent. The reactors working at 25 °C
of reactors at di€erent temperatures was examined, it exhibited alkalinity of 500  75 CaCO3 mg l 1 and pH
was observed that reactors at temperature of 37 °C of 7:6  0:5 above critical HRT at a feed pH of 2.5.
performed best at an HRT of 2.5 days. E‚uent total Reactors working at 45 °C exhibited alkalinity of
alkalinity and pH of reactors were 1700  200 CaCO3 475  25 CaCO3 mg l 1 and pH of 8:3  1:0 at a critical
mg l 1 and 7:5  0:5, respectively. Total alkalinity of HRT of 6 days whereas reactors at 55 °C exhibited
e‚uent with reactors operating at 25, 45 and 55 °C alkalinity of 400  70 CaCO3 mg l 1 and pH of 7:0 
never exceeded 1000 mg l 1 , but remained in the range 0:5 at critical HRT of 3 days. The bu€ering capac-
400  50 to 700  50 CaCO3 mg l 1 . According to ity apparently was lost due to imbalance between the
McCarty (1964) bicarbonate alkalinity in the range ratio of VFA and total bicarbonates produced resulting
2500±5000 mg l 1 provides sucient bu€ering capacity in reactors souring on reducing HRT below critical
so that production of high concentrations of volatile HRT.
70 H. Patel, D. Madamwar / Bioresource Technology 82 (2002) 65±71

3.3. Reactor failure and recovery should be increased to the required level or biomass
should be recycled into the reactor to reduce reactor
All the reactors at di€erent temperatures showed acidi®cation (McCarty, 1964).
di€erent critical HRTs, below which complete digester No hydrogen was detected in total gas produced at 25
failure was realized. Recovery of the reactors required and 37 °C, however, presence of hydrogen was detected
much longer time periods. Reactors operating at 25 and at all HRTs at 45 and 55 °C, respectively, but did not
45 °C returned to normal operation when fed with fresh a€ect reactor performance above critical HRTs. Below
cowdung slurry possessing total alkalinity of the critical HRT, total gas produced contained a high
3500  200 CaCO3 mg l 1 and pH of 7.5. Reactors were quantity of hydrogen which might be a€ecting reactors
not recovered when fed with e‚uent slurry having a pH performance. Increasing the loading rate above the
of 8.0 and a total alkalinity of 2000  250 CaCO3 critical HRT, methanogenic organisms apparently were
mg l 1 . Reactors at 37 and 55 °C returned to normal no longer capable of consuming hydrogen produced by
operation by feeding the same e‚uent slurry on con- fermentative bacteria and thus leading to an increased
tinuous basis at an HRT of 12 days for 30±35 days. The hydrogen partial pressure. This may have led to accu-
reactor at 25 °C took 45±50 days for recovering while mulation of VFAs, hydrogen and carbon dioxide in the
the reactor at 45 °C required 15±20 days for recovery. reactors causing souring and failure (Nyns, 1985).
All the reactors at di€erent temperatures performed well Failure of the reactors under psychrophilic conditions
above a critical HRT after recovery. during overloading presumes that in this condition the
half velocity constant of substrate utilization has been
reported both to increase (Ks ) and to decrease (Km )
4. Discussion (Kettunen and Rintala, 1997). The number of acido-
genic and hydrogen utilizing methanogens expressed as
The results of these studies demonstrates that reac- logarithm values appears to decrease in linear fashion as
tors operating at 37 °C were stable at an OLR of 21.7 kg the fermentation temperature decreases. This indicates
COD m 3 d 1 with a 95  1:0% reduction in COD and that the formation of methane by the acetate-utilizing
BOD, higher methane yield and stable alkalinity. At 37 methanogens would be insigni®cant compared to the
°C total gas produced contained much less CO2 in hydrogen utilizing methanogens (Cha et al., 1997). It
comparison to the CO2 concentration in reactors was also reported by Cha et al. (1997) that the number
working at 25, 45 and 55 °C, which in turn a€ected total of acetate-utilizing methanogens at 30 °C are reduced
alkalinity of the reactor. The ratio of CH4 :CO2 observed when the temperature was decreased. In our study op-
at 37 °C ranged from 2.24 to 4.94 compared with that of timum performance was obtained with the reactors at 37
1.2±1.8 in reactors at other temperatures. The high CO2 °C. The reactors were able to withstand a high OLR of
levels in the gaseous phase at elevated temperatures 21.7 kg COD m 3 d 1 and HRT of 2.5 days with a feed
might be due to the e€ect of the high vapor pressure of pH of 2.5. Below this HRT the reactor failed which
water (Pfe€er, 1974). The addition of water vapor in the might be due to high biomass accumulation, i.e. in-
gas reduces the partial pressure of CO2 , which in turn creasing bio®lm thickness leading to a decrease in e-
changes the bicarbonate alkalinity equilibrium. ciency because substrate was not able to penetrate
For a given pH of 7.0, the ratio of bicarbonate ion to through the depth of the biomass (Kennedy and Van
carbonic acid (CO2 ) increases from 4.9 at 30 °C to 5.19 Den Berg, 1985). Reactors failure might also be due to
at 60 °C (Pfe€er, 1974). It was also observed that tem- the organic and hydraulic loading rates, which ap-
perature a€ects this equilibrium resulted in a substantial proached and exceeded the washout rate (i.e. critical
reduction in alkalinity at higher temperatures. Therefore hydraulic retention times) at which the compounds will
more CO2 is lost in the gas phase, because of the de- be ¯ushed out of the reactors un-utilized, along with
crease in CO2 solubility by a factor of 0.85 as temper- VFA build-up inside the reactors vessel creating adverse
ature shifts form 30 to 60 °C. This is in conjunction with conditions for anaerobes (Kennedy and Van Den Berg,
an increase in the vapor pressure of water by a factor of 1985; Cobb and Hill, 1991).
4.7, which reduces CO2 considerably (Pfe€er, 1974). In
solution this e€ect is not o€set by the change in the CO2 -
bicarbonate relationship with increasing temperature. 5. Conclusion
Therefore, a much lower bicarbonate alkalinity will be
associated with a given pH at elevated temperatures Based on the studies presented here, it is apparent
(Pfe€er, 1974). In psychrophilic conditions low bicar- that a certain compensation for changing temperature is
bonate alkalinity was observed which was due to the possible among anaerobic bacteria but overall activity is
slow growth rate of methanogens. This led to an im- directly proportional to temperature (Westerman, 1996).
balance between the ratio of methanogenic organisms Best performance was observed in mesophilic condi-
and OLR. To overcome this problem either feed pH tions, from which it was concluded that the optimum
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