Huy 1703

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7. What is the amount you are selling your car for?


a. minimum b. optimistic c. active d. low

8. Six people were injured when a bomb near an army camp last night.
a. went off b. packed with c. bubbled up d. brought up SCORE 8

D. Circle the correct option.

1. This villa belongs to a diamond merchant / client.
2. The architect’s fare / fee is very high.
3. Motorcyclists are required by law to wear a helmet / gun.
4. What amount / altitude of money do you have to pay back to the bank every month?
5. A thief grabbed / indicated two mobile phones from the table and quickly ran out of the café. SCORE 5

2 Grammar
E. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or the Past Progressive of the verbs in brackets.
was driving saw
1. While I (drive) home from work the other day, I (see) a fox
run across the road.
2. While Henry was studying (study) for his degree, he had (have) a part-time
job in a coffee shop.
3. When Sarah was (be) eighteen, she won (win) a local beauty contest.
4. My father advised (advise) me to get some work experience over the summer.
5. I was thinking (think) about chocolate when Peter walked (walk) through the
door with a box of chocolates for me!
was sitting came
6. Eric (sit) in the park reading his book when a strange man
(come) up to him.
7. We bought (buy) a new computer in the sales last week. SCORE 12

F. Read the sentences below and circle the correct answer.

1. By the time I had completed / completed my degree, I had been finding / had found a good job.
2. James had already finished / had been finishing painting the house by the time Jenny had arrived / arrived home.
3. The man had been standing / stood at the edge of the pier for hours before he had seen / saw the shark.
4. After Rachel had left work, she realised that she had been forgetting / had forgotten to switch off her
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5. For the past five years, the scientists at the university have been searching / had searched for a way to reduce global
6. As Brian and Adam had played / had been playing golf all afternoon, they decided / had decided to stop and have
something to eat.
7. Although the manager had already explained / been explaining the new procedures to the team,
they still didn’t understand what they had to do. SCORE 11

3 Reading destinationsLEVEL B1+

H. Read the text below and answer the questions 1-5. Choose a, b, c or d.

T he area now known as the United States of America

was not an unpopulated wilderness before the arrival of
European settlers. Among those who were already living
off the land were the Cheyenne, one of several tribes of Native
Americans. Like other tribes, such as the Sioux and the Navajo,
line 6 they were put under a lot of pressure to change both where and
how they lived.
Four hundred years ago the Cheyenne, whose name
means ‘little red-talker’, were based in the Eastern Woodlands.
Unusually for Native American tribes, they were farmers, planting
corn and beans, rather than hunters. However, by the middle of the nineteenth century this had changed, and the
Cheyenne had developed a horse culture and hunted bison on the Great Plains.
Traditionally, the chiefs or elders of the Cheyenne were organised into the ‘Council of Forty-Four.’ They had
rules for everyday life, warfare, celebrations and ceremonies. One thing that made the Cheyenne different from other
tribes, which were exclusively patriarchal, was that women were far more active in tribal affairs.
In twenty-first century America, many Cheyenne live in exactly the same way as most people in big cities
do. However, there is another option for those who want to keep their traditional way of life. This is to live on the
Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation in southeast Montana, or on the Southern Cheyenne Reservation in central
Oklahoma. The combined population of the Cheyenne is presently close to 20,000.

1. What does the word they refer to in line 6? 4. Which of the following is not true?
a. the Sioux and the Navajo a. Europeans were not the first people to live in the US.
b. the Cheyenne b. Today some Cheyenne live on reservations.
c. several Native American tribes c. The Cheyenne have always lived in the same place.
d. the European settlers d. Women in Cheyenne communities had a higher status
than women in other tribes.
2. When did the Cheyenne migrate to the Great Plains?
a. around 1850 5. What is the purpose of the text?
b. more than four hundred years ago a. to give a personal account of changes in a lifestyle
c. as soon as the Europeans arrived in America b. to protest against the treatment of Native
d. in this century Americans
c. to give some general information about a Native American
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3. Where would a Cheyenne who wanted a traditional tribe

way of life prefer to live? d. to explain why the Cheyenne population is very low
a. on a reservation
b. in a big city
c. anywhere in Montana
d. on the Great Plains

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