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Textbook Development-1 1

Assignment No 1
Textbook Development-1

Registration No. 21PVI00847
MA Education


Textbook Development-1 2

Q.1 Discuss the utility of UK model to adopt for the text development in
Pakistan. Explain pros and cons?
Ans. The Contribution of Sustainable Tourism to Economic Growth and
Employment in Pakistan
Tourism is one of the most prominent and expanding industries in the world economy. This
industry contributes significantly to the growth of a country's economy. The economies of the
countries can benefit from a rise in tourism, particularly in terms of GDP and employment
prospects. The tourism sector is a major driver of economic expansion and GDP growth in South
Asian nations. This study looks into how tourism affects employment and economic
development in Pakistan. The study's time frame ranged from 1990 to 2015. The question of
whether the variables under investigation were stationary was answered using a combination of
the enhanced Dickey-Fuller and Phillips-Perron unit root tests. Regression analysis and the
Johansen integration method were applied to the data.
The primary finding of the study is that there is a long-term relationship between the factors
taken into account and that tourism has a positive and considerable influence on Pakistan's
economic growth as well as the employment sector. Given the industry's vast potential across the
country, this report suggests that politicians focus on legislation that expressly emphasizes the
promotion of tourism. The policy implications of the most recent study are reviewed, along with
suggestions for future research.
The tourism industry has emerged as a key force for sustainable socioeconomic development
globally. The idea behind sustainable tourism is to visit the locations without harming the local
community and nature and also having some constructive impact on the environment, society, as
well as the economy of the country. Tourism can include transportation to the general place,
local transportation, accommodations, leisure, entertainment, shopping, and nourishment. It can
be linked to travel for recreation, business, family, and/or friends. Currently, there is a
widespread consensus that tourism growth should be sustainable, although the question of how to
achieve this is a subject of debate.
Tourism and the travel sector are important economic activities all over the world]. In many
countries, the tourism industry remains an important source for the generation of employment
and income in formal and informal sectors. For instance, Hwang and Lee claimed that economic
Textbook Development-1 3

growth and development is rapidly increasing in Korea due to the increase in elderly tourism.
This increase shows that tourists feel inner satisfaction, which positively affects their future
behavioral intentions. Similarly, developing countries can engender a huge amount of foreign
exchange from tourism that could also boost their sustainable growth and development. In
developing countries, it is the main source and a foundation for a country’s economic
development and growth. Tourism revenue complements the exchange derived from the overseas
trade of goods and services. This sector also finances capital good imports in the development of
the economy’s industrial sector. Alternatively, economic expansion in the developed nations
influences business travel (overseas visits), which can lead to a rise in the nation’s overseas
reserves International tourism has become increasingly important in several nations around the
globe. As per the report of the WTO (World Tourism Organization) in 2018, international
tourists spent $1.3 billion per day and in total $462 billion in the year 2001 only. In most of the
countries, the revenue from tourism is considered as a substitute for export earnings and
contributes a lot to their balance of payment. The government can generate revenue and also
enhance household income through development of this sector and easing austere visa policies
for international visitors/tourists. There are a lot of examples where tourism has a very positive
impact on the economy of any country.
In the globalization era, third world nations started tourism to advance their economy, promote
peace, develop human resources, and reduce the poverty level. Tourism helps to “enhance
employment opportunities and earnings, which can be of major economic significance to the
local population”. In terms of employment, the local community could expand their earnings and
socio-economic condition, which could lead to an improved standard of living. Tourism
improves local community development and helps to reduce poverty.
Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Maldives, India, Afghanistan, and Bhutan. In these
countries, the economic base is still weak despite such great potential for tourism. The tourism
industry is also a tool of economic development in South Asia like other developing countries.
In the South Asian region, the share of the tourism sector in GDP was 8.9% ($281.6 billion) in
2017 with the speculation of further growth of 7.2% in 2018. It will be 9.0% of GDP ($301.8
billion) with auxiliary income of 6.2% by the year 2028 to reach 9.4% of GDP ($579.6 billion),
as presented in Figure 1. In 2017, tourism contributed 7.5% of jobs to the employment sector
(49,931,500 jobs) and a speculated increase of 3.0% or a total share of 7.6% of the job market in
Textbook Development-1 4

2018 (51,436,500 jobs). By the year 2028, the share of tourism in the job market is expected to
touch 7.8% of the job market (63,006,000 jobs)
Development Theories
Since the 1960s, the tourism sector has been considered an effective developmental growth pole,
and many countries have enhanced their tourism sector to improve their economic development.
Todaro and Smith (2011) proposed in their study that it is a multidimensional process as far as
development is concerned, and it comprises positive changes not only in economic growth and
national institutions but also in poverty reduction. Modernization theory (MT) is one of the most
popular developmental paradigms to have gained admiration from the late 19th till the mid-20th
century. This theory is thought to be an extension of another theory called growth theory, which
is grounded in Keynesian economics for justification of MT, the theorists used it as a key social
indicator for economic development, which trickles down to the grassroots level of society in the
form of plentiful economic and employment prospects. Wealthy and powerful modernized
economies usually provide a high-quality of life and modern technology to their citizens.
Modernization becomes more favored due to its bold and effectual production methods.
Moreover, from the tourism perspective, the modernization strategies of development not only
engender foreign capital but also smooth the way for the transfer of technology and create
greater employment opportunities than before. The main focus of tourism development is these
economic paybacks, and whenever other economic resources trickle down, the tourism multiplier
acted as a growth-pole.
Dependency theory (DT) became popular in the 1960s and 1970s. It is a composite of numerous
interrelated theories and mainly focuses on the inequalities of core capitalist and southern
developing countries. According to this theory, historically poor countries are kept deprived of
development by developed and rich countries. The economic reliance of developing countries on
development projects is based on:
(1) Transfer of advanced technology from industrialized countries;
(2) Creation of massive debts and dependency on foreign investment; and
(3) Interest on debts transmitted back to the developed countries.
Textbook Development-1 5
Q.2 Explain the needs and limitations of textbooks. Highlight the style and
content of textbook?
Ans. A textbook is a book that has a thorough compilation of information in a field of study with
the goal of explaining it. Textbooks are often created by educational institutions to satisfy the
demands of teachers. Textbooks and other materials used in schools are called schoolbooks.
Many textbooks are now available in print and digital forms.
5 Characteristics of a Good Textbook
Table of Contents
1. Free space
2. Visuals
3. Age-appropriate material
4. Well-balanced textbook design
5. Textbook storyline
Novice teacher’s leaf through the textbook grammar contents: does it tick all the boxes? You
don’t want to leave out that 3rd Conditional (heaven forbid).
More experienced teachers delve into the vocabulary pool trying to hit that perfect balance (not
too little not too much) that will keep their students occupied yet motivated.
My experience in the book business has taught me in more ways than one that grammar and
vocabulary are essential, but they are usually not what make a textbook successful.
The greatest book printing firms create the best books. They have the necessary certifications
and qualifications to produce textbooks for schools and institutions. When looking for a decent
book, it’s also a good idea to see whether the book printing company is reliable to make sure
you’re getting the greatest deal.
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What matters most is not ‘what’ but ‘how’. Having that in mind, I advise the savvy teacher to try
a different road.The characteristics of good textbook that I recommend looking for first are as
1. Free space
Young students don’t read; they browse. That’s because they spend most of their time reading
from screens, be it their TV, laptop, tablet or smartphone.
So don’t expect them to focus on a text-rich page and read it from top to bottom. Because their
eyes are going to wander.Empty spaces work like rest areas for the eyes. They help you focus on
the good stuff.characteristics of a good textbook: pen on open bookIn ten years’ time your
students won’t remember the title of the textbook, but they will remember the names of the main
2. Visuals
No matter what the age of the target audience is, a modern textbook must have visuals.
Outstanding visuals. Why, you may ask. Because Apple does. And Sony. And Disney. And
Pixar. Because that’s who you are competing against when you are fighting for your students’
attention.Consider also the increasing number of students with learning difficulties such as
dyslexia. Images break up the text and make it more readable. Students with dyslexia, who may
struggle with reading, they often excel in visual thinking. You can consult the relevant
3. Age-appropriate material
When selecting textbooks for pupils, various factors must be considered, including their age and
degree of interest. Take a look at the people in the photos in the book. Do they look like your
students? Could they be in your class? What about the topics? Are the meanings easy to grasp?
Would they make your students want to read on? And finally, the fonts. Are they the same size
as your students’ handwriting? If the answer to all questions above is yes, then the textbook is
just right for your students’ age.
4. Well-balanced textbook design
There is nothing more off-putting to students and teachers alike than a cluttered page. It shows
that the author tried to cram everything into a tiny space because they had no clue what to
prioritize. And this is a huge red flag.When in doubt, go for the simplest form. Look for books
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with a clear and consistent unit structure. Count the number of font types used in a single page:
one or two is ideal, three or more and it gets tiring
The same goes for columns: a single text column is most pleasing to the eye; two or more should
better be left to newspapers.
Of course, a decent textbook will last a long time. As a result, purchasing one with a hardcover is
strongly advised. Hard-bound books have a long shelf life and are well-protected from wear and
tear. They have a lot of color photos that stick out on the website. Hard-bound textbooks also
look nice on the bookshelf or the coffee table. They have a professional feel and look to them,
and they make a statement.
Final point: activities that start in one page and run over to the next are completely out of the
5. Textbook storyline
Everybody loves a good story. But it needs to be well-written. In other words, it must have a
setting, characters, a plot, a climax, and a resolution.
To increase learners’ memory abilities, sentence structure, spelling, and grammar, select
textbooks with compelling tales for reading and class discussion. Consider picking storybooks by
well-known authors, both historical and contemporary. Young brains will be able to learn from
the finest writers of the past in this way. They’ll learn about the imaginative and fantastic
adventures of famous tales like Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn.
In ten years’ time your students won’t remember the title of the textbook, but they will remember
the names of the main characters. Hopefully.
In conclusion, textbook evaluation is a lengthy process. The above characteristics of textbook are
just a quick and easy way aiming to take some of the weight off the shoulders of busy teachers.
ELT Coursebook Evaluation Checklist will give you five criteria of a good textbook, especially
for those who can afford the time and energy to dig a bit deeper.
If you are interested in the general principles and procedures used to evaluate a published
textbook, Professor Jack C. Richards suggests that the analysis should involve identifying these
kinds of information in the qualities of a good textbook:
Aims and objectives of the book.
 Level of the book.
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 Skills addressed.
 Topics covered.
 Situations it is intended for.
 Target learners.
 Time required.
 Components.
 Number and length of units.
 Organization of units
Q.3 critically analyzes the role of contents for textbooks development. Also
discuss some recent trends in textbooks development?
Ans. The Education 2030 agenda re-affirms the importance of providing opportunities to reach
Global Citizenship Education, which includes the design of inclusive learning environments and
the contents of the curriculum. UNESCO has a long experience in the area of quality textbook
development and education; its expertise is related to sustainable textbooks provision; textbooks
revision/development; common History textbooks development in a bilateral or multilateral
approach.The development of quality textbooks contributes to the implementation of a number
of international instruments that have been ratified by governments to guarantee freedom,
equality and non-discrimination, such as the 1974 RecommendationThe UNESCO project,
“Toolkit on revision/adaptation of curricula, school textbooks and other learning materials to
remove cultural, religious and gender-biased stereotypes” was developed in continuation of the
efforts of the Organization to promote a culture of peace. It aims at contributing to the attainment
of SDG4 and it will assist Member States in developing quality textbooks and learning resources
that reflect values such as diversity and international understanding. It is intended to provide
policy makers, authors, researchers and all others involved with the development, distribution
Textbook Development-1 9

and use of textbooks and learning resources with the necessary tools to enhance their quality and
The Toolkit was produced as a result of the Memorandum of Understanding on Culture of peace
and dialogue signed between UNESCO and the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The three themes culture, religion and gender were chosen for they pertain to diversity. These
potentially controversial topics are important aspects of inclusive education and can help shape
educational practice in schools. The toolkit is made available online and is published in English,
French and Arabic
To align the curricula with the Aims of Education in the 21st Century, the Curriculum
Development Institute has conducted a holistic review of the curricula and developed an open
and flexible curriculum framework that caters for students’ diverse needs. The current
curriculum aims to help students learn how to learn, cultivate positive values and attitudes, and a
commitment to life-long learning. Being broad and balanced, the curriculum promotes life-wide
learning, whole-person development and the development of generic skills for equipping
students with knowledge and skills to cope with challenges in the future.
2. To implement the curriculum effectively, it is necessary to have in place a learning
environment conducive to successful learning. The environment requires, among other things, a
flexible curriculum adaptable to the needs of students, teachers sharing the same philosophy in
the learning/teaching process, a variety of quality learning experiences and the provision of
quality learning/teaching resources.
3. Students can learn in different environments and through different ways. Learning may take
place beyond the boundary of textbooks and the classroom; it may take place through a diversity
of learning materials and experiences. Though textbooks are not the only learning resources, they
still play an important role in student learning. Textbooks are not only teaching materials for
teachers, but also students’ self-directed learning materials for preparation and revision purposes.
4. Quality textbooks, including both printed and electronic textbooks (e-textbooks), which
support a learner-focused curriculum, contain the core elements of the subject curriculum, as
well as learning strategies useful for the study of the subject. Being important sources of reading
for students, quality textbooks help develop students’ ability to learn through reading. The
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amount and quality of the texts to be included therefore deserve greater attention. Other desirable
features of a good textbook include interactivity, the ability to arouse the interest of students, and
the capacity to actively engage and involve them in the learning process. In other words, good
textbooks tell, involve and interact with students
6. The Guiding Principles include criteria for quality textbooks in areas such as Content, Learning
and Teaching, Structure and Organisation, Language, Textbook Layout (for printed textbooks
only), Technical and Functional Requirements as well as Pedagogical Use of e-Features (for e-
textbooks only). These principles are generic and central to textbooks for kindergartens, all Key
Learning Areas (KLA) and subjects at primary and secondary levels, although some principles
may be more applicable to certain subjects and levels than others. It is hoped that school
principals, teachers, textbook writers, publishers and educators will all find the Guiding
Principles useful for their work. Further details and examples specific to different KLA/subject
curricula can be found in the relevant curriculum or subject guides, or in subject-specific
textbook guidelines where appropriate.
7. Besides, using electronic learning resources to enhance interactive and self-directed learning
has become a global trend in education. The interactive and diversified sets of e-textbooks
developed in line with our local curricula are an alternative to printed textbooks. Schools may
select to adopt e-textbooks according to their students’ learning needs and capacity, as well as
the school infrastructure and technical support. This set of Guiding Principles is also applicable
to e-textbooks. Comments as well as suggestions are welcome so that further refinement will be
made when necessary.
Guiding Principles for Quality Textbooks
8. The Guiding Principles cover the following areas -
 Learning and Teaching
 Structure and Organisation
 Language
 Textbook Layout (for printed textbooks only)
 Pedagogical Use of e-Features (for e-textbooks only)
 Technical and Functional Requirements (for e-textbooks only)
Textbook Development-1 11

 The following sections describe the main features which characterise quality textbooks.
Content (C)
A textbook of a particular subject area manifests or translates the four components of the
curriculum (aims, content, learning/teaching strategies, assessment) for the purpose of student
C – 1 the aims, targets and objectives align with those laid down in the relevant curriculum or
subject guide.
C – 2 the content is self-contained and sufficient to address effectively the learning targets of the
curriculum without requiring the use of additional supplementary materials associated with the
textbooks. The core elements of the subject curriculum are included. No superfluous information
is covered, in order to leave room for students to learn how to learn. If the materials included are
non-core, non-foundation topics or serve for enrichment only, they should be properly indicated.
C – 3 the content is current. Information and data are relevant and accurate. The sources of
information are appropriately indicated.
C – 4 Concepts are correct and precise. Ideas are coherent. There are adequate examples and
illustrations. Such examples and illustrations are interesting and relevant to students’ experience.
In the development of concepts, new ones are built on old ones and are introduced when and
where appropriate.
C – 5 There is an appropriate balance between depth and breadth in the treatment of the subject
Q.4 Discuss some recent trends in the development of textbooks in Pakistan.
Develop criteria for secondry level teachers to select the appropriate
textbooks for their student?
Textbook Development-1 12

Ans. Based on the methodological orientation, the data has been gathered by applying the mixed
method approach: questionnaires (quantitative), interviews and textual analysis (qualitative). As
the study deal with the sensitive issue of the alignment, the use of mixed method approach will
help the researcher to produce quantifiable data and at the same time enable her to validate the
research with qualitative data. To ensure the suitability and to counter any difficulties involved in
data collection tools, a pilot study has been carried out. Using SPSS a reliability test, Cronbach’s
alpha test was applied. The cronbach’s alpha for the pilot study were 0.92. During the pilot
study, on the recommendation of experts and further consideration the four point likert scale for
two questionnaires was changed to five points.
If you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to
help! So far, the researcher has completed the collection of empirical data in Pakistan. The
process of the collection of data had been quite enlightening for the researcher. The response
from the teachers at secondary SSC and higher secondary HSSC had been quite encouraging.
The collection of data took five months, due to the security situation in Pakistan. The researcher
had to go through a process of security checks at almost every school and college. However, she
accomplished her target and collected the data from English teachers at SSC and HSSC level.
The researcher has also done the content analysis of the textbook. Different themes emerged in
the analysis of the textbooks. This analysis is subjective in nature and shows the clear stand point
of the researcher. In the later stage of the analysis, the findings of the content analysis will be
incorporated with findings of questionnaires and interviews to make the whole scenario clear.
A detailed time line has been set out to show, what has been done and what has to be done in the
researcher’s pursuits towards a PhD.
Signed by Candidate Print Name Saira Farooq Shah Date
Transfer Document Report
An Inquiry into the Alignment between the ‘Pillars of Quality’. I.e. Curriculum and Textbooks
used to teach English Language at the Secondary level in Pakistan.
The focus of this research is, to examine the alignment between the English Language Textbooks
and the proscribed curriculum at the secondary level in Pakistan. Accordingly, the research has
Textbook Development-1 13

several related aims; to explore the process by which the English Language Curriculum is
implemented at secondary level in Pakistan.
To critically review English Language textbooks used at secondary level in Pakistan in order to
uncover their strengths and weaknesses in terms of meeting the aims of the curriculum. To
analyses the English Language textbooks to assess the inclusion of the ethical and social
development (or social cohesion) explicit in the national curriculum of Pakistan. To make a
contribution to the existing body of research into the alignment of curriculum delivery methods
(textbooks) and the curriculum aims.
Language Educational Policy in Pakistan:
English has acquired the status of the universal language in the recent years. The importance of
English is being emphasized in different newspapers and books by various authors. Crystal
(2003, p.1) rightly points out,” From Bengal to Belize and Las Vegas to Lahore, the language of
the scepted isle is rapidly becoming the first global lingua franca. “Economic and social well
being, advancement in science and technology has made people dependent on English around the
world. Crystal reveals the fact in the following words, “English has penetrated deeply into the
international domains of political life, business, safety, communication, entertainment, the media
and education.”Another point of view has described English as a “Trojan horse”. This reflects
that when English is used as a lingua franca the language user start to think in the manner
positioned by that language and they are hooked on that culture and perhaps change their original
views. The use of this metaphor implies that the perceptions and culture of English take root in
the environment and acculturation takes place. Another comment on the status of English as a
lingua franca comes from Phillipson (2001). According to him, “English being referred to as
lingua franca conceal the fact that the use of English serves the interest of much better than
others. The concept includes some and excludes some”
The notion was asserted by Pennycook (1995) that English is the“gate keeper to the positions of
prestige in society”.
An important question which arises is that of, for whom English is serving as a gate keeper.
Phillipson (2001) explained this in that the English speaking Population which is 10-20% of the
world’s population consumes 80% of the resources and is getting richer, whereas, the rest are
Textbook Development-1 14

impoverished. Bearing this standpoint in mind, the place of English in the context of Pakistan is
important to analyse. The analysis can give a clear picture about the use of English and the
benefits derived from its expansion.
The role of English in Pakistan is to be studied in the light of the fact that English has spread a
world language and also as a lingua franca beyond as, “any lingua franca of the past”. English is
seen as a means of attaining modernisation, of the nation as a whole. In Pakistan, improving the
competency in English is seen as part of improving the standard of education as a whole. Since
independence, Pakistan has seen many changes in the language policies during the initial years
Urdu was approved as a medium of instruction but English was not replaced by Urdu in the
private schools. As a result, two different systems of education took firm roots in Pakistan
resulting in creating a division in the people as asserted by Shamim (2008) that, this
strengthened, “the British Education policy of two streams of Education, English- and Urdu-
medium continued with the same aims, that is, to create two classes of people- the ruling elite
and the masses”.
The Minister of Education, Zubaida Jalal in 2004 emphasized the need for teaching English as
“an urgent public requirement”. This need was expressed with the“aim to provide literacy in
English to the masses for levelling social inequalities”. This inclination of the government was
also manifested in the revised white paper on education:
“English should be made a compulsory subject, starting from class me, in all public schools.
Such compulsory education of English should only start after suitably qualified teachers for
English language are available to staff positions in all primary schools of the country to ensure
that the benefit is assured to all the citizens and not just the elite”.
The recent educational policy presented in August 2009, also lays stress on the provision of
opportunities for all to learn English in the following words,
“Develop a comprehensive plan of action for implementing the English language policy in the
shortest possible time, paying particular attention to disadvantaged groups and lagging behind
The policy has taken onboard the recommendation of the white paper mentioned above and the
policy provision is to use English as a medium of instruction for teaching Sciences and
Mathematics from Grade 6 in all the public sector institutions.
Textbook Development-1 15

English has been used by the elite class in Pakistan as, in Pennycook’s terms “the gate keeper to
positions of prestige” (I am using it again to show the implications of it in the scenario in
Pakistan) you used this quote above.
The concept of inclusion and equity in the new education policy is suppose to spread the benefits
of English language to the masses so that they can also compete with the elite class for the
positions and high ranks and take part in the development of the country. The discussion above
shows that the governments of Pakistan have been introducing the policy of spreading the
benefits of English to masses. The following section throws light on the governmental efforts
and commitment to promote education.
Education and Political commitment:
Education performs a vital role in nation building. The attention paid to the education sector by
any government shows the level of commitment of that government to its people. Pakistan is a
developing country and education is one of the many challenges the government of Pakistan
faces. The Constitution of Pakistan has placed the responsibility of basic education on the state
as this obligation is reflected in the Principles of Policy in Article 37. Despite constitutional and
policy commitments to promote literacy and education, for most of the past six decades, budget
allocation for education and public spending have been very nominal. Educational funding by the
Government of Pakistan has not increased from an average of 2% of GNP over the past ten years
while the recommended allocation for developing countries is about 4 %. The economic survey
states the reason for allocating fewer budgets in the following words.
“It is on the lower side in accordance to its requirement given the importance of the sector but
seems appropriate in terms of current financial situation of the economy”
The outcome of this situation is that the, “Enrolment in government schools continues to fall due
to out-dated curriculum and text books, damaged buildings and absent teachers” .
Literacy rate has been improving even though at a very slow pace, a little over 0.7 percent per
annum over the last decade with considerable urban-rural and provincial differences. Of the over
163 million population, over 72 million are illiterate, 31% males and 56% females (GOP, 2008).
The economic survey of Pakistan 2008-09 says,
“According to Pakistan Social and Living Measurement (PSLM) Survey (2007-08), the overall
literacy rate (age 10 years and above) is 56% (69% for male and 44% for female) in 2007-08
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compared to 55% (67% for male and 42% for female) in 2006-07. Literacy remains higher in
urban areas (71%) than in rural areas (49%) and more in men (69%) compared to women
(44%).” (p.158)
If we add the 69% male and 44% female they give the total of 113 which should be 100 so is the
case with rest of the figures. This shows a wide discrimination in the gender wise ratio of
education. As stated in the RD1PA different policies and plans were made to address the issues
of education and literacy in Pakistan. The brief summary of the plans and policies is as below.
The Governmental Policies: A Glance.
Policies and Plans
 Important Issues Addressed
 National Conference on Education Dec, 1947
 Qualitative and quantitative expansion of education (AIOU.2007).
 Commission of national Education 1959
 Teaching of National Languages (GoP, 1959).
 The National Education Policy 1970
 Organization of curriculum committees and encouraging private publishers to publish
textbooks (AIOU.2007).
 The National Education Policy 1979
 Revision of entire curricula with the reorganization of the textbook boards to ensure quality
textbooks in time availability of the textbooks and the reasonable prices (AIOU.2007).
 The National Education Policy 1992
 Introduction of national ideology and social values (AIOU.2007).
The National Education Policy 1998-2010
Textbook Development-1 17

Q.5 Explain the use of instructional objectives in development of textbook.

How will you define chapter openness and closeness?
Ans. The majority of individuals would concur that learning is the purpose of education. Most
people would also concur that if educators are explicit about what they want the students to
learn, education is likely to be more effective. Finally, most people would concur that teachers
can more simply and reliably assess how well students have learned if they have a clear notion of
what learners are supposed to acquire.
Introducing the learning objectives.
Instructional objectives are beneficial to both the teacher and the learner during the learning
process and are essential in the evaluation process since they specifically state what is intended
to be learnt.
Instructional objectives (also known as behavioral objectives or learning objectives) are basically
statements which clearly describe an anticipated learning outcome. When objectives were first
coming into their own in education, they almost always began with the phrase: "Upon
completion of this lesson, the student should be able to" This phrase focused on the outcome of
learning rather than on the learning process. In fact, one of the criteria for a well-written
objective is that it describes the outcome of learning, that is, what the learners can do after
learning has occurred that they might not have been able to do before the teaching and learning
process began.
Characteristics of a Well-Written Objective
A well-written objective should meet the following criteria:
(1) Describe a learning outcome,
(2) Be student oriented,
(3) Be observable (or describe an observable product).
A well-written objective should describe a learning outcome (e.g., to correctly spell the spelling
words on page seventeen). It should not describe a learning activity (e.g., to practice the words
on page seventeen by writing each one ten times). Learning activities are important in planning
and guiding instruction but they are not to be confused with instructional objectives.
A student-oriented objective focuses on the learner, not on the teacher. It describes what the
learner will be expected to be able to do. It should not describe a teacher activity (e.g., to go over
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the words on page seventeen with the students, explaining their meaning and telling them how
the words are pronounced). It may be helpful to both the teacher and the student to know what
the teacher is going to do but teacher activities are also not to be confused with instructional
If an instructional objective is not observable (or does not describe an observable product), it
leads to unclear expectations and it will be difficult to determine whether or not it had been
reached. The key to writing observable objectives is to use verbs that are observable and lead to a
well defined product of the action implied by that verb. Verbs such as "to know," "to
understand," "to enjoy," "to appreciate," "to realize," and "to value" are vague and not
observable. Verbs such as "to identify," "to list," "to select," "to compute," "to predict," and "to
analyze" are explicit and describe observable actions or actions that lead to observable products.
There are many skills that cannot be directly observed. The thinking processes of a student as she
tries to solve a math problem cannot be easily observed. However, one can look at the answers
she comes up with and determine if they are correct. It is also possible to look at the steps a
student takes to arrive at an answer if they are written down (thus displaying his thinking
process). There are many end products that also can be observed (e.g., an oil painting, a prose
paragraph, a 3-dimensional map, or an outline.)
Characteristics of a Useful Objective
To be useful for instruction, an objective must not only be well written but it also must meet the
following criteria:
(1) Be sequentially appropriate;
(2) Be attainable within a reasonable amount of time;
(3) Be developmentally appropriate.
For an objective to be sequentially appropriate it must occur in an appropriate place in the
instructional sequence. All prerequisite objectives must already have been attained. Nothing
thwarts the learning process more than having learners trying to accomplish an objective before
they have learned the necessary prerequisites. This is why continuous assessment of student
progress is so important.A useful objective is attainable within a reasonable time. If an
instructional objective takes students an inordinately long time to accomplish, it is either
sequentially inappropriate or it is too broad, relying on the accomplishment of several outcomes
Textbook Development-1 19

or skills rather than a single outcome or skill. An objective should set expectations for a single
learning outcome and not a cluster of them.
Developmentally appropriate objectives set expectations for students that are well within their
level of intellectual, social, language, or moral development. Teachers, parents, and others who
are working with preschool or elementary school children should be especially aware of the
developmental stages of the children they are working with. No author or researcher has more
clearly defined the stages of intellectual development than Jean Piaget. Familiarity with his work
as well as with the work of other child development specialists (e.g., Lev Vygotsky's language
development, Lawrence Kohlberg's moral development and Erik Erikson's social development)
should produce better instructional objectives.
Kinds of Instructional Objectives
Instructional objectives are often classified according to the kind or level of learning that is
required in order to reach them. There are numerous taxonomies of instructional objectives; the
most common taxonomy was developed by Benjamin Bloom and his colleagues. The first level
of the taxonomy divides objectives into three categories: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.
Simply put, cognitive objectives focus on the mind; affective objectives focus on emotions or
affect; and psychomotor objectives focus on the body.
Cognitive objectives call for outcomes of mental activity such as memorizing, reading, problem
solving, analyzing, synthesizing, and drawing conclusions. Bloom and others further categorize
cognitive objectives into various levels from the simplest cognitive tasks to the most complex
cognitive task. These categories can be helpful when trying to order objectives so they are
sequentially appropriate. This helps to insure that prerequisite outcomes are accomplished first.
Affective objectives focus on emotions. Whenever a person seeks to learn to react in an
appropriate way emotionally, there is some thinking going on. What distinguishes affective
objectives from cognitive objectives is the fact that the goal of affective objectives is some kind
of affective behavior or the product of an affect (e.g., an attitude). The goal of cognitive
objectives, on the other hand, is some kind of cognitive response or the product of a cognitive
response (e.g., a problem solved).
Psychomotor objectives focus on the body and the goal of these objectives is the control or
manipulation of the muscular skeletal system or some part of it (e.g., dancing, writing, tumbling,
Textbook Development-1 20

passing a ball, and drawing). All skills requiring fine or gross motor coordination fall into the
psychomotor category. To learn a motor skill requires some cognition. However, the ultimate
goal is not the cognitive aspects of the skill such as memorizing the steps to take. The ultimate
goal is the control of muscles or muscle groups.
The Role of Objectives in Teaching and Testing
Objectives can be helpful in instructional planning, during the teaching/learning process, and
when assessing student progress. Instructional objectives are often either ignored (by both
teachers and students) or are, at best, occasionally referred to. However, it can be argued that
instructional objectives should guide the teaching and learning process from beginning to end.
Most lesson plan forms include a place for the objectives of the lesson to be recorded. However,
to write an objective down and then to plan the lesson around the topic of the lesson rather than
around the learning outcomes to be reached is missing the point. There is good evidence in the
human learning literature that different kinds of outcomes are learned differently. Robert Gagné
was one of the first researchers to articulate this; it follows from his research that instructional
planning must take into account the kind of learning the students will be engaged in as they seek
to reach an objective. Effective teachers learn to categorize their instructional objectives and then
develop the teaching and learning activities that will help students do the kind of thinking
required for that kind of learning.
It's time to evaluate. How does an educator know what to measure? Look at the objectives. How
does a teacher know what kind of information gathering tools to use (test, rubric, and portfolio)?
Study the objectives. Any test item, any rating scale or checklist, any technique devised to collect
information about student progress must seek to measure the instructional objectives as directly
and as simply as possible. Instructional objectives are an extremely valuable teaching tool that
guides both teachers and students through the teaching and learning process.

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