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Thank you!

Wow! Thanks for checking out my decodable passages freebie. I

really appreciate it! These passages are a sample from my entire
collection of decodable passages found on tpt. I use the passages
constantly in the classroom, with RTI interventions, and special
education lessons. They work well for all student who are learning to
blend consonants, vowels, and diagraphs. I have had great luck using
them with my students who have dyslexia and other reading
difficulties as well.
I like to read one passages a week and time my students
each day. It’s amazing to see how much faster they read at the end
of the week than the beginning. I also send these passages home for
at home reading practice. The passages start out pretty simple and
add letters to increase in difficulty. There are also a few basic sight
word included in the passages. I wrote theses to use with our Orton
Gillingham Phonics First program.
Thanks so much for checking out this freebie and for letting me tell
you about my huge set of decodable passages too. If you want to
learn more just click any of the links on this page to see that set of
35 decodable passages in my tpt store. The complete set also
includes detailed instructions for use, take home letter, and a chart
of letter introductions for the passages.

Happy teaching,

Stephanie at Darling Ideas

P.S. Check out my tpt store for other great FREEBIES. J

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i tems can be picked up in a google search and then shared worldwide
for f ree.

Have I missed something? Please email me at and I will gladly f ix any issue and
get you an upd ated copy of the resource.

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graphics from:

Old Market

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Decodable Texts:
Kip and the picnic
“A thick hotdog! Cups of nuts! Chips with six dips!” Kip
did lick his lips when he got to the picnic. Lots and lots to pick
from at the picnic. Kip sits and taps his leg on the big rocks.
What will his pick be? But Kip cannot pick. He gets the chips
with six dips, a hotdog, and the nuts. Then, Kip sits on the big
rocks to dig in. Kip did not quit until he got sick. Bad sick! Kip
did wish he had quit the picnic when he was not sick.
Answer Each Question Below: How long did it take you to read
What did Kip pick to eat? ___________________ the passages each day?
o Mon: __________
o Tues: _________
How did Kip feel after he ate so much?_______
o Wed: __________
o Thurs: ________
If you were Kip, what would your pick be?
o Fri: ___________ -s /
____________________________________________ /s

Flin’s Tasty Snack
Flin went by the pigpen. Blip the pig did a flip for the slop he had in
the pigpen. Then, Flin went by the chick pen. The chicks did a flip and a cluck
for the bugs that they had. All the flips Flin saw from the pig and the chicks did
get Flin to want a fun tidbit such as the pigs and chicks had. Flin has a plan! He
will go on the path to see a fun tidbit. Clip-clop, clip-clop. Flin did go on the
path. But, no tidbit yet. Flin will go on the path until he can see a fun tidbit.
Clip-clop, clip-clop. Flin did go on the path. Flin can see a plum from the path!
Flin did a flip for the plum! The plum will be a fun tidbit for Flin. There is mud
on the path. The mud will not block Flin from the plum. Flin can pass the mud.
He will not slip! Flin will pass the mud to get a fun plum. Yum!
Answer Each Question Below: How long did it take you to read
Who had some bugs? ________________________ the passages each day?
o Mon: __________
o Tues: _________
What was Flin’s plan? _______________________
o Wed: __________
o Thurs: ________
What tidbit did Flin get? __________________
o Fri: ___________ L B
A snowy Day
“Let us go to the hill!” Plum did tell Cliff. “We will have to have a
plan, so we do not slip on the hill. I did slip on the hill when I was on my sled. I
did slip and then slam into that big block. Did I tell you my leg bled a lot with
the slam into that big block?” Cliff did tell Plum. “Yes! We can have a plan for
the hill then.” Plum did tell Cliff as they went to the hill. “We shall plan not to
sled on the hill” Plum did add. “A plan to not sled is a fun plan for me!” Cliff did
tell Plum. Cliff and Plum went to the top of the hill with no sleds. The pals
went on the hill and there was Wink! The pals did not plan to see Wink on the
hill but there he was. Wham! Plum and Cliff did slip into Wink! Wink did flip
and the pals did go plop! So much for a plan not to slip!
Answer Each Question Below: How long did it take you to read
Who are the characters? ____________________ the passages each day?
o Mon: __________
o Tues: _________
Why did they need a plan? ___________________
o Wed: __________
o Thurs: ________
Did the plan work? __________________________
o Fri: ___________ L B
A Monster Truck Show
Greg has a set of trucks. Greg and Dad have so much fun with the
trucks. Greg can do tricks with all his trucks. Greg can get his trucks to ram
and crash. Dad can get his trucks to grip the mud and drag in the grass! This
set of trucks did get Greg to want to see the big trucks so bad. Dad did plan a
fun trip for Greg. They will go to a big truck jam! Greg did dress and brush at
sunup. Then, Greg and Dad did cram in the truck for a long trip to the truck
jam. The long trip did get Greg and Dad to the truck jam. Greg was at a big
truck jam! At the truck jam, Greg did get a fresh pop box! They did fill it to
the brim! Greg did have his grub and see the big trucks jump and crash in the
mud. It was all so fun. Greg had such a fun trip to see the big truck jam.
Answer Each Question Below: How long did it take you to read
Why did Greg want to go to the truck jam? the passages each day?
o Mon: __________
o Tues: _________
Who went with Greg? _______________________
o Wed: __________
o Thurs: ________
Did Greg have fun? _________________________
o Fri: ___________ R B
A Wild West Story
“Look! It is gold sand,” Oz did say as he led his colt Buzz by a cactus. “I
think it is the sunset that gets it to look gold.” Oz was looking at the sunset and
did not see the big patch of cactuses to the left of Buzz. Buzz did not see them
himself, but he felt them! They got Buzz on the rump. Buzz did jolt and ran as fast
as his legs were apt to go. “Buzz! Buzz!” Oz did call to his colt, but Buzz just kept
on running. “What got into him?” Oz did think. Buzz was still bucking and kicking in
the sand. At last, Buzz did stop. Oz was very glad, and he did not walk but ran fast
to his colt. When Oz got to Buzz, he spent a bit checking his legs, brushing his
back, and undoing his tack. Still, Oz did not see what got Buzz to bolt. He did look
swell. Oz did want to get going, but Buzz did not budge. Then, Oz saw the
cactuses. “Buzz, I get it! We will go here then,” Oz did say as he saw what had
got Buzz to bolt. Bless you Buzz! Those cactuses will get us all to bolt!”
Answer Each Question Below: How long did it take you to read
What time was it in the story? _______________ the passages each day?
o Mon: __________
o Tues: _________
What did Buzz do when the cactuses got him?
o Wed: __________
o Thurs: ________
Have you ever felt a cactus before? _________
o Fri: ___________ vie

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