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Ship Vetting Deficiency List

Ship: Ainazi

VIQ/ Responsible Date to be Closed

Nature of Deficiency
CDINo Person Closed (Date)
Position fixing was not carried out withinone-hour period, while vessel
was approaching Pilot boarding position and shortly after Pilot boarding.
Position fixing carried out post factum.

Procedure not followed – DPM 02.07-3.7 Execution of the passage

“Manual fixing must be utilised in ECDIS as common practice.
Navigators should not rely solely on the GPS or Radar by checking that
ECDIS is correct at every opportunity by visual and all other available

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Form No: MCM-06.05.01 Revision No: 0 Issue date: 19.11.2019 Page No:
VIQ/ Responsible Date to be Closed
Nature of Deficiency
CDINo Person Closed (Date)
Targets were not monitored on both radars, collision avoidance was
carried our using AIS targets on ECDIS
Procedure not followed – DPM 02.07-3.7 Execution of the passage
“ECDIS should not be used for collision avoidance.”

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VIQ/ Responsible Date to be Closed
Nature of Deficiency
CDINo Person Closed (Date)

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Nature of Deficiency
CDINo Person Closed (Date)

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VIQ/ Responsible Date to be Closed
Nature of Deficiency
CDINo Person Closed (Date)

Parallel index methods not used and Position Fixing method not properly
performed, no any bearings and distances were taken from ECDIS, and
radar overlay function was not in use.

Procedure not followed – DPM 02.07-3.7 Execution of the passage

“The methods to be used for position cross-checking are by all other
means available - such as visualbearings, radar position by
range/distance, parallel index etc. It is important for the Navigator to
3 practice allthe traditional navigational skills and not to be overly confident
in the information from ECDIS.”

Procedure not followed: DPM 06.04-2.16Radar

“Parallel index techniques to monitor ship’s progress in relation to the
passage plan must be always usedwhen appropriate. Parallel indexing
provides a method on the radar of verifying that the ship is maintaining
a safe course to pass a fixed object at the desired passing distance.”

XTD was not properly marked on ECDIS, possible deviations were not
taken in to account. It was noted that there were safe waters on ECDIS
and XTD could be extended to Starboard side from route. In same place
vessel left XTD.

Procedure not followed: DPM 02.07-3.6 Use of ECDIS for Passage

“Cross track distance (XTD) is crucial that this parameter is set
realistically for each leg of the passage.”

Radar PM tests were recorded in Ships Log book, however it was noted
from VDR record, that none of OOW carried out Radar PM test.

Procedure not followed: DPM 02.06-10.6 Radar Effectiveness Test

5 “Effectiveness of the radar(s) as measured by the performance
monitor(s) according to manufacturer’sinstructions should be checked by
the OOW at the end of each watch whenever the radar(s) are
operationalto ensure that optimal efficiency is being maintained.”

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VIQ/ Responsible Date to be Closed
Nature of Deficiency
CDINo Person Closed (Date)
Overreliances on ECDIS observed due to radars were not properly
adjusted after the turns, bearing and distances were not taken from
radars, however all position verifications included distances.

Procedure not followed: DPM 06.04-2.8 Use of ECDIS

“Avoid over-reliance on ECDIS display of position alone to confirm where
the vessel is inrelation to the leg. Manual checks of position should be
applied at prescribed intervals usingalternative methods.”

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VIQ/ Responsible Date to be Closed
Nature of Deficiency
CDINo Person Closed (Date)
Depths less than safety depth (13 meters in Passage plan) were not
marked as No-go area on ECDIS close to original route, in same place
vessel left XTD.

Procedure not followed: DPM 02.07-3.6 Use of ECDIS for Passage

“When making the passage plan the Master and the designated
Navigational Officer must identify allnavigational hazards that could be
encountered on the voyage, which must be highlighted by the use of “No
Go” areas and guard zones.”

Comments and parallel indexes from previous voyages, close to ships

route were present on ECDIS, that could incorrectly interpretated by
Bridge team members.

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VIQ/ Responsible Date to be Closed
Nature of Deficiency
CDINo Person Closed (Date)

The plan was not amended after Pilot/Master information exchange and
followed route was not safety checked for any dangers.

Procedure not followed: DPM 02.02- 4.3 Deviation from the Passage
“If the OOW has to make a temporary deviation from the passage plan
for any reason, the OOW shouldreturn to the plan as soon as it is safe to
do so. Considerations should be given to re-plotting the course to the
next waypoint to avoid potentially confusing encounters and large
alterations of course.”

Main engine was left in 15min readiness, while wind speed was 30kn (7
bft, Near Gale).
Procedure not followed: DPM 02.05-8. Anchor Watch
“A proper anchor watch must always be maintained on bridge when the
vessel is at anchor. Main enginesshould always be readily available for
use when the ship is at open anchorages exposed to seas. Weather
conditions may deteriorate at short notice.”


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VIQ/ Responsible Date to be Closed
Nature of Deficiency
CDINo Person Closed (Date)

Ships speed in Great Belt was 13.8kn, while in UKC calculation form
DPM-06.03.01 maximum speed was stated 13.0kn, In passage plan for
all legs in Great belt speed was marked as 10.2, squat and safety
parameters also calculated for 10.2kn. Actual speed during passage in
Great belt was 12-13.8 knots.


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VIQ/ Responsible Date to be Closed
Nature of Deficiency
CDINo Person Closed (Date)

Following was stated in every waypoint comment:

12 “Before use racons on buoys for position fixing, check it`s position by

GPS does not provide position checking function, position of floating

objects should be checked by radar and compared with it`s position on
ECDIS. Also, Radar Overlay function can be used to determine position
of object.
During passage in Great Belt vessel proceed in close vicinity of shore
and position fixing using floating objects is not required.

Procedure not followed: DPM 02.04-6.7. Ship’s Position Fixing

Buoys or other floating navigational marks (including but not limited to oil
rigs or platforms, light vessels, ODAS buoys, floating storage units, etc.)
should not be relied on as the means of fixing a position, nor used
in a range due to the unreliability of their positions unless they have been
first checked for correct position (in this case appropriate instructions
should be made in the Passage Plan and on the navigation chart to
verify the object for correct position immediately prior to it's use for ship’s
position fixing). Extreme caution is to be exercised in areas where ice
flows or other forces may displace buoys from their charted positions.

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VIQ/ Responsible Date to be Closed
Nature of Deficiency
CDINo Person Closed (Date)


At all waypoints Echo Sounder alarm incorrectly set to same value as

Required UKC
At waypoint 5 Echo Sounder alarm incorrectly set to 4.00 metes that
does not make any sence.
Echo sounder alarm should be set to value of depth minimum to
expected UKC during passage or minimum value restricted by

In particular case correct ES alarm setting should be:

For waypoint 2 – 3.3m
For waypoint 3 – 4.7m
For waypoint 4 – 15.9m
For waypoint 5 – 26.7m

Procedure not followed: Form No DPM-02.07.03

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VIQ/ Responsible Date to be Closed
Nature of Deficiency
CDINo Person Closed (Date)


Passage plan was prepared in very poor manned, a lot of information

missing, for example:
 Safety frame value at WP0
 Wheel over position reference mart at WP2
 Parallel index reference mark and CIR at WP3, WP4, WP5
 Time to Go from WP 71 till last

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VIQ/ Responsible Date to be Closed
Nature of Deficiency
CDINo Person Closed (Date)

3rd officer was not familiarized with passage plan.

Procedure not followed: DPM 06.04-2.5 Taking Over the Navigational

“The relieving OOW must not take over the watch until his vision is fully
adjusted to the light conditions and
he has duly familiarized himself regarding
(a) passage plan details applicable to his forthcoming watch;”


Shallow contour stated higher (11 mtrs), than Safety contour (10mtrs),
that is practically impossible due to ECDIS does not allow to set safety
contour less than shallow contour. When Safety contour is reduced to 10
meters, shallow contour automatically also reduces to 10 meters.


Following information is missing in UKC calculation:

Arrival date, Departure date, Position of Minimum Charted Depth.

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VIQ/ Responsible Date to be Closed
Nature of Deficiency
CDINo Person Closed (Date)

Typing mistake observed in “Instruction for keeping the Compass

observation book” Paragraph 7.3:
 Standard error = True bearing – Standard bearing [7.2=5.1-5.3]
 Standard error = Gyro course + Gyro compass error –
Magnetic compass course [7.2=4.1+7.1=4.2]

In both cases Standard error is incorrectly stated as column 7.2, however

under column 7.2 is located error of Standby Gyro. Standard error is
located in column 7.3.

Correct should be:

 Standard error = True bearing – Standard bearing [7.3=5.1-5.3]
 Standard error = Gyro course + Gyro compass error –
Magnetic compass course [7.3=4.1+7.1=4.2]

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VIQ/ Responsible Date to be Closed
Nature of Deficiency
CDINo Person Closed (Date)

Several mistakes observed in Compass observation book:

19  18.02.2023 / 16:51:54 UTC – Standard error not calculated

 18.02.2023 / 22:35:42 UTC – Standard error incorrectly stated

as +2.0 deg, however formula is [Standard error = Gyro course
+ Gyro compass error – Magnetic compass course], where
Gyro course is 116deg, Gyro compass error is 0.0 deg,
Magnetic compass course is 118 deg. [116+0.0-118= -2.0].
Correct Standard error should be -2.0 deg.

 27.02.2023 / 06:53:18 UTC – Standard error incorrectly stated

as -0.1 deg, however formula is [Standard error = Gyro course
+ Gyro compass error – Magnetic compass course], where
Gyro course is 075deg, Gyro compass error is +0.1 deg,
Magnetic compass course is 075 deg. [75+0.1-75= +0.1].
Correct Standard error should be +0.1 deg.

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Nature of Deficiency
CDINo Person Closed (Date)


Ships name is missing in Form DPM-02.05.20 Navigation, Coastal

Waters / Traffic separation schemes.

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VIQ/ Responsible Date to be Closed
Nature of Deficiency
CDINo Person Closed (Date)


Propeller direction of turn was not shown on diagram, however was

stated on second page of Pilot card.

Please see below best practice, where propeller turning direction is

shown on diagram.

Deficiency List issued by: Capt. Ilja Tolmacovs Date:

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