I. Berikan Tanda Silang (X) Pada Jawaban Yang Benar !: A. Teacher B. Singer C. Dancer D. Soldier

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I. Berikan tanda silang (x) pada jawaban yang benar !

1. She is a ……

a. Teacher b. Singer
c. Dancer d. Soldier
2. Doni : “Do you want to be a police?”
Andi : “ … ,I am”

a. No b. Yes
c. Do d. Don’t
3. Dino : “He is a good teacher”.
Ardi : “What is ... name?”.

a. They b. Her
c. Them d. His
4. I …… at the Mosque.

a. Reading b. Pray
c. Sleep d. Run
5. I am… at the library.

a. Reading b. Praying
c. Sleeping d. Running
6. The color of cloud is ……

a. Yellow b. White
c. Black d. Blue
7. The color of the sea is …..

a. Yellow b. White
c. Black d. Blue
8. Ariel goes to hospital every day. He is a ……

a. Student b. Soldier
c. Doctor d. Fisherman
9. I wrote in the ……
a. Sky b. Eraser
c. Pencil d. Book

10. Their hobby is playing football. They are playing in the …

a. Field b. School
c. Garden d. Home
11. R-A-M-R-E-F (petani)
The correct word is ….
a. Farmer b. Marfer
c. Farmre d. Fermar
12. This is a …

a. Vihara b. Mosque
c. Pura d. Church

13. This is a ….

a. Vihara b. Mosque
c. Pura d. Church

14. Manuk Dadali is a folk song that comes from ……

a. West Java b. Bali

c. Banten d. NTT
15. Dayung Sampan is a folk song that comes from ……

a. West Java b. Bali

c. Banten d. NTT

This is a ……
a. Baileo traditional house b. Tembi traditional house
c. Honai traditional house d. Tongkonan traditional house


This is a ……
a. Java traditional clothes b. Sulawesi traditional clothes
c. Kalimantan traditional clothes d. Bali traditional clothes

18. Dian : “Is this your traditional clothes?”

Sari : “Yes, ….”.
a. It is b. Not
c.  It is not d.  No
19. A : how are you today?
B : ……. Very well thank you,
a. I am b. They
c. We d. You
20. Muslim pray in the ……
a. Church b. Temple
c. Valhalla d. Mosque
21. Christian pray in the ….
a. Church b. Temple
c. Valhalla d. Mosque
22. Indonesia's national motto “Bhinekka Tunggal Ika”
Bhinekka Tunggal Ika means?
a. Berbeda-beda Satu b. Berbeda-beda
c. Berbeda-beda tetapi tetap Satu d. Berbeda-beda tetapi Satu
23. I am reading a …….
a. Pencil b. Book
c. Ruler d. Eraser
24. Dani tribe from …..
a. Java b. Papua
c. Nias d. West Kalimantan

25. What is this? this is a …… (penggaris)

a. Eraser b. Book
c. Ruler d. Pen
I. Answer the following question correctly!
Erwin : Hey, how your opinion about our English teacher, Mr.Ichwan?

Doni : Woooww, he's the best teacher I have ever seen, he's good, he's patient,
and he's funny

Erwin : I think so he's the best English teacher.

1. Is Mr. Ichwan a good teacher? …….

2. Doni …… Erwin’s Friend.
3. She is a ……

4. Today is Tuesday, Tomorrow is ……

5. Cat has four legs and ……. Tail.

6. Doni : “Hello, good morning Kevin”

Kevin : “………, how are you today?”
Doni : “Not bad, thank you. How about you?”
Kevin : “I’m fine”
7. We celebrate Indonesia Independence Day on …….
8. Mention 2 (two) religions in Indonesia!
a. …….
b. …….
9. There is a mutual ………(menghormati) in worship.
10. This is a ……… music instruments

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