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Taiwan news

Academia Sinica issued a net-zero technology proposal calling for the rapid promotion of
five major power technologies such as "decarbonization and hydrogen combustion"
December 01, 2022

Editing: Liu Tingli (Reporter from Environmental Information Center)

Academia Sinica released the "Taiwan Net Zero Technology Research and Development Policy Proposal"
yesterday (30). Dean Liao Junzhi said that the research and analysis of net zero emission technology from
the perspective of technological research refers to "creating enough zero-carbon electricity." The proposal
lists several high-risk and high-benefit technologies that should be "promoted as soon as possible",
including decarbonization and hydrogen combustion, geothermal, ocean energy, high-efficiency
photovoltaic systems, and biomass carbon sinks. It is hoped that through the implementation of net-zero
technology, Drive my country's energy transformation and industrial transformation towards net zero by

The Academia Sinica today (30th) released the "Taiwan Net Zero Technology R&D Policy Proposal". Image
source: Provided by Academia Sinica

Carbon emissions from power generation account for 48%, and zero-carbon electricity is
the key to net zero

The Academia Sinica held a press conference yesterday (30th) for the release of the " Taiwan Net Zero
Technology R&D Policy Proposal ". In addition to the six major themes, such as scientific research and
development, economic and social science-oriented supporting measures should be taken into account,
including policy incentives, legal environment, and social communication.
The proposal pointed out that the research and development of net-zero technology must first consider the
benefits of carbon reduction, give priority to the main carbon-emitting sectors, pay attention to the speed
of research and development and the scale of deployment, and take into account the diversity, locality and
dispersion of energy sources. At present, more than 90% of my country's greenhouse gas emissions come
from the energy sector, of which more than 48% are generated from power generation. In the future,
energy use will be dominated by electricity supply. "Creating enough zero-carbon electricity" has become
the key to the net-zero strategy.
For the technology research and development options of zero-carbon electricity, the proposal analyzes the
technical advantages, existing limitations and future challenges from an objective perspective. The four
levels of "Tracking" discuss the current possible actions in layers.

The five major technologies such as decarbonization, light burning, and geothermal
"promote as quickly as possible" to become a new option for zero-carbon electricity

Among them, the technologies listed as "as soon as possible" are high-risk, but if successful, they will bring
significant net-zero benefits. This means that the technology is not yet mature and has not been widely
promoted. Including five technologies including decarbonization and hydrogen combustion, geothermal,
ocean energy, high-efficiency solar photovoltaic systems, and biomass carbon sinks.

Chen Yugao explained one by one that the decarbonization and hydrogen combustion technology is to
crack methane (CH4) into hydrogen (H2) and solid carbon (C). Hydrogen can be directly used for power
generation, becoming low-carbon (or even zero-carbon) base-load electricity, and solid carbon energy can
be used as industrial raw materials, building materials or backup energy. However, natural gas as a technical
raw material is not yet a green energy source and relies on imports. Technically, it is necessary to further
reduce the emission of methane at the production end of natural gas, which still needs to be overcome in
the future.

However, he also mentioned that the European Union has recently approved the temporary classification
of "low-carbon emission natural gas power generation" by 2035. If decarbonized hydrogen technology can
continue to reduce carbon emissions, it may become a source of "quasi-green electricity" and help alleviate
the problem. The dilemma of serious shortage of green electricity in China.

The proposal also pointed out that my country should strengthen exploration and actively develop "deep
geothermal". Chen Yugao explained that because Taiwan is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, a large
amount of geothermal energy is self-produced and sustainable energy. Moreover, the potential of
geothermal power generation is about 1GW in the shallow layer and more than 30GW in the deep layer. It
can be self-generated, regenerated, and can provide a large amount of base-load power.

However, at present, the investment risk of initial geothermal drilling is high, and the environmental impact
must be considered, and social communication must be improved. In the future, fine mapping and drilling
technology must be continuously developed, and special geothermal laws must be formulated to
strengthen incentives.
The proposal estimates that in 2050, the capacity of shallow geothermal installations will reach 676-
926MW, and that of deep geothermal devices will be about 7.5-12GW, with an average annual power
generation of 60.5 billion kWh. The picture shows the geothermal warning area of Jinshan Wanli
Wanzaiping. Information photo. Photography: Wang Shoucheng

The Kuroshio Current is fast and stable Academia Sinica: High potential for ocean current
power generation and ocean temperature difference power generation

As for ocean energy, Chen Yugao explained that the Kuroshio current on the east coast of Taiwan is fast and
stable. It is an area with excellent potential for ocean current power generation and ocean temperature
difference power generation. Similar to geothermal energy, it is not only self-produced renewable energy,
but also a large amount of base load power. source. However, there are still challenges in site selection and
marine engineering, and the technology of turbine generator fixing and cable transmission has yet to be

Chen Yugao suggested that precise hydrological and geological surveys and explorations of ocean energy
potential areas should be carried out as soon as possible, investment in the research and development and
construction of ocean current power generation units, and development of ocean engineering technology,
so as to accelerate the construction of ocean current power and connection to land grid technology.
develop. In addition, suitable sites should also be actively explored on the east coast to promote ocean
temperature difference power generation and improve the utilization rate of the ocean's own energy.
At present, the development of relatively mature solar photovoltaic technology, the proposal pointed out
that due to the narrowness of our country and dense population, we should aim at improving the efficiency
of power generation per unit area in terms of technology, "exchange technology for land", and actively
develop the next generation of high-efficiency and low-cost Bit photoelectric module (efficiency about
30%), improve photoelectric conversion efficiency per unit cost, reduce land demand pressure.

At present, the three technologies with high potential for ocean energy power generation are ocean
current power generation, ocean temperature difference power generation, and wave power generation.
Information photo. Photography: Li Yuqin

The fifth item is biomass carbon sequestration. "Simply speaking, it refers to plants that perform
photosynthesis," Chen Yugao said. It can be mainly used on land that is not suitable for farming or fallow, to
plant short-term harvested biomass crops, and generate "biohydrogen" through pyrolysis technology to
generate electricity. The remaining carbon is solid biochar, which is not easy to return to the atmosphere.

However, the challenges that must be overcome include the small land area of our country, scattered
cultivated land, and the difficulty of concentrating plant material sources, and the technology for hydrogen
production by biomass cracking and biochemical production has yet to be developed. Chen Yugao
suggested that in addition to carrying out planned thinning of my country's forest land, increasing domestic
timber production, and helping to expand carbon sinks and raw material sources, we should also invest in
the research and development of biotechnology and bio-based processing , to enhance the utilization of
carbon sources, produce biochemicals and energy products, such as biofuels, aviation fuel, etc.

Academia Sinica: Science and technology give us hope, but we don't want us to waste it.
One of the items in the "expanded promotion" is "social and economic measures". Chen Yugao said that
net zero technology is the key to transformation, but economic and social enabling factors are even more
indispensable. The electricity price formula should be redesigned to rationalize the electricity price, the
carbon tax should be promoted and implemented as soon as possible, and the effective use and allocation
mechanism of funds should be improved to develop the concept of "paying for carbon emissions"

As for social measures, we should promote public-private collaboration and establish mechanisms for
citizen participation, social communication, and just transformation.
The Academia Sinica estimates that after 50-90% of the original direct combustion energy is electrified, the
power demand will be 390-490 billion kWh, plus the power growth rate of 2.5%, the electricity demand will
be about 587.6 billion kWh, and it is necessary to actively increase the wind power generation and
photovoltaics. The capacity of the installation should also actively curb the power demand.

Chen Yugao also said that optimistically, there will be three main sources of electricity in 2050, with
decarbonized hydrogen accounting for 27%, scenery accounting for 39%, geothermal, ocean, and hydraulic
power accounting for 34%, and a preliminary estimate can supply 586.5 billion kWh of carbon-free
electricity. Electricity, however, he stressed, "technology gives us hope, but we don't want us to waste it."

Chen Yugao, director of the Environmental Change Research Center of the Academia Sinica, emphasized,
"Technology gives us hope, but it doesn't make us waste it." Source: Provided by Academia Sinica
Four levels of strategy advice
1. Promote as soon as possible: high risk and high benefit. If successful, the net zero benefit will be
significant, but the technology is not yet mature and has not been widely promoted, including
decarbonization and hydrogen combustion, geothermal, ocean energy, high-efficiency photovoltaic
systems, and biomass carbon sinks.
2. Expansion promotion: At present, preliminary actions have been taken, and further investment can be
increased, including wind power generation, emerging biomass energy, power system support (smart
grid, energy storage), social and economic measures.
3. Continuous promotion: The direction is correct, and can be continuously promoted according to
existing plans, including traditional biomass energy, hydropower, traditional carbon capture, utilization
and storage (CCUS), and natural carbon sinks (agriculture and forestry).
4. Close tracking: The technology is in its infancy, but future development must be paid attention to,
including future nuclear technology and emerging CCUS technology.

Link to the full text of Taiwan’s Net Zero Technology R&D Policy Proposal:

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