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1/30/23, 5:31 PM EAPP (Saint Basil the Great) - https://usl-tuguegarao.neolms.com/student_lesson/show/3894095?


EAPP (Saint Basil the Great)



New year, fresh start, and a fresh semester of learning! Happy and prosperous new year, Louisian GEMs! Since we are using the full-blast face-to-
face setup, it makes me very glad to see that batches 1 and 2 are now in the same space. As we come and meet the new year, I also want to welcome
you to this new semester, which will undoubtedly teach you new things. The previous semester was challenging, but it was still important to reflect on and
learn from. Hence, the first week of the second semester will surely present you with a brand-new opportunity to push yourself, discover new things, and
be your best self. Your understanding and appreciation of the English language will grow as a result of the studies in this topic. So, open your arms and
welcome a new lesson that will certainly improve your skills.

    I anticipate that when we start this new semester, you will understand and apply the subject's implications to your future activities. Additionally, I
truly value your inquiries concerning our course. This demonstrates your genuine interest in learning. And as I value time, may I remind you to submit your
activities and/or requirements on time. Be informed that there will be a corresponding deduction if you submit your activities or learning tasks late. This is
not to punish you but to make you responsible for the tasks assigned to you. Everyone should know that in our university, we work to develop both your
skills and characters. Since you will be present from Monday to Friday, I sincerely hope that we won't run into any concerns with late submissions.
Consider it as a training exercise for being a more responsible student in 2023.

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

guess the words by completing the missing letters using definitions;

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share and value the difficulties encountered in using the English language;
determine English’s history, development, and its evolution; and
write the British English equivalent of each American term

Before we go deeper into our lesson, let me give you some tips to help you in learning the English Language more effectively and efficiently.

1. Take a course.

Studying on your own can only get you so far- if you are serious about learning English, it is definitely a wise idea to take an English course in any available
phase in your area.  

2. Learn English Grammar.

Learning grammar is an essential part of learning any language. Despite the difficulty of the task, thoroughly understanding English grammar is essential to
mastering English.

3. Learn a new English word every day.

The more English words you know, the better you will be able to express yourself. The only way to improve and expand your vocabulary is to learn more
words. Aim to learn a new English word every day.  

4. Make an English-speaking friend.

When it comes to learning, practice is crucial. It is best to practice with a native speaker. You can also do it with English speakers you know.

5. Read a book written in English.

Reading the classics is an excellent way to pick up on the finer, nuanced points of English language expression. If you are just getting started with English
and cannot handle a classic just yet, do not hesitate to pick a children’s book.

6. Watch an English movie.

There are abundance of English movies out there, from romances to horror films to comedies, so there is something to suit everybody’s interest.

7. Purchase a computer program.

Software in English Enhancement can be a great way to learn the language. They can be especially ideal if you are serious about learning English but simply
do not have time to make it to an English course on a regular basis.

8. Work on perfecting your accent.

When it comes to mastering any language, pronunciation is the key. Remember, there are many different dialects of English so think about where you will be
using your English and what specific dialect you want to learn.

Learning to effectively speak the English language is challenging but if you will apply the abovementioned tips, surely you will be able to improve your
speaking skills. Aside from speaking, you should also improve on your English writing skills for it will help you in your studies and in your professional growth
and career in the future. With that, I want you to ponder on the importance of the English language and answer this question:

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English is considered to be the universal language. It is used globally to interact not only academically and professionally but it us used in everyday
lives and in between and among countries. But do you know the origin of the English language? In this module, you will learn about the brief history of
English. Three main periods cover its origin.



Old English is the language of the Germanic inhabitants of England, dated from the time of their settlement in the 5th century to the end of the 11th
century. It is also referred to as Anglo-Saxon, a name given in contrast with the Old Saxon of the inhabitants of northern Germany; these are two of the
dialects of West Germanic, along with Old Frisian, Old Franconian, and Old High German. Sister families to West Germanic are North Germanic, with
Old Norse (a.k.a. Old Icelandic) as its chief dialect, and East Germanic, with Gothic as its chief (and only attested) dialect. The Germanic parent
language of these three families, referred to as Proto-Germanic, is not attested but may be reconstructed from evidence within the families, such as
provided by Old English texts.
It covers the years from 449 (or 450) to 1100 (or 1150)
The Angles, the Saxons, and Jutes are “the Founders of the “English Nation”


Middle English is the language spoken and written between about 1100 and about 1500. In this period, English is influenced in many aspects of its
vocabulary by a new French‐speaking ruling class, and by a clergy that wrote mainly in Latin. Middle English grammar and syntax are clearly those
inherited from the Germanic basis of Old English, although now shedding its inflections and distinctions of gender. Strong differentiation appears
among dialects, of which the East Midlands variety proved to be the most important basis of modern English.
It covers the period from 1100 (or 1150) to 1500.
William of Normandy conquered England in 1066.


Modern English is conventionally defined as the English Language since about 1450 or 1500. Distinctions are commonly drawn between the Early
Modern Period (roughly 1450-1800) and Late Modern English (1800 to the present).
It covers the period 1500 to present
The movable printing process was introduced in England by William Caxton in 1476
Anglo-Saxon- term that came about with reference to the Teutonic tribes that invaded England.


Indo-European Language

- It is the family of languages to which English belongs.

Four Main Indo-European Languages

1. Hellenic: Ancient Greek; Modern Greek

2. Italic: Latin; Romance languages: Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Romanian, Provençal, etc.
3. Germanic: English, German, Dutch, Flemish, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Icelandic
4. Celtic: Irish, Gaelic, Manx; Welsh, Cornish, Breton

The Celts

- They are the original inhabitants of the British Isles.

- They are also known as Celtic people.

- Historians believe that the Celts were one of the first Europeans to wear pants.


- This refers to the variation of a language.

- A dialect is a form of a language spoken by a smaller group.

- Someone's accent is a part of their dialect.

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- A variety of a language that signals where a person comes from.


- It refers to the choice of form depending on the function of words in the sentence.

- In English "case" refers to a change in the form of a word which indicates how that word is used in a sentence.


- It refers to the “ideal” norm or model of usage.

- The term standardization is generally used within linguistics to refer to the process of bringing about a standard language.

- The goal of standardization is to enforce a level of consistency or uniformity to certain practices or operations within the selected environment.

Mutually Intelligible Language

- It means that languages are distinct from each other and are not dialects of the same language.

- Mutual intelligibility is where the speakers of one language can understand another language because they are alike.

- We think the difference between American and British English is often exaggerated. If you can understand one style, you should be able to understand the 
   other style.

Even though it was just a brief history of the English language, it was indeed informative and there is a lot of information to process and remember. I
hope this lesson has made you appreciate the English Language more. Before we wrap up this lesson, these are the American English words shown in Column A,
and their British English equivalents in Column B. 

           In this week’s lesson, you have guessed the missing letters to form words using the given definitions, recalled the experiences you encountered in
using the English language, learned about the brief history of the English Language; how it evolved through time and the necessity of learning it, discovered
important terminologies to remember, and you’ve challenged your American and British vocabulary.

          The English language is a living stream of world knowledge. It has a universal use, and it appeals as a language in businesses and professions.
Writing is the only window to your thoughts. Therefore, it is important that you learn that will convince yourself and your audience that you understand what
you are talking about. Get into the habit of using your own words. Like physical exercise, it may be hard work at first, but you will get better at it until you
have a good strong intellectual physique.

             As a Louisian, you are committed to excellence as you seek and maintain uncompromising standards in everything that you do. With your knowledge
about the English language and your improving skills in speaking and writing, you will be a responsible and efficient professional in the future. May your
knowledge, skills, values, and principles be your guide in everything that you do and in every path that you take always remember what is written in Proverbs

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1/30/23, 5:31 PM EAPP (Saint Basil the Great) - https://usl-tuguegarao.neolms.com/student_lesson/show/3894095?lesson_id=18035391§ion_id=6…
3:5–6, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your

            In improving your English Writing and Speaking Skills, you need to WRITE…

Work hard
Rehearse when needed
Inculcate your goals
Take action
Evaluate yourself

A. Textbook:

Go, R. S., (2019). English for Academic and Professional Purposes (2nd Ed.). Diwa Learning Systems, Inc.
Wyson, J. B., (2019). English for Academic and Professional Purposes (Revised Edition). Vibal Group, Inc.

B. Online:

Nordquist, R. (2020, January 29). The English language: Its history, definition, and examples. ThoughtCo. Retrieved December 10, 2021, from
www.elcomblus.com (2021, August 18). Academic vs. technical or professional writing. ELCOMBLUS. Retrieved December 10, 2021, from

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