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MM Blended


Moving from Operational

Thinking Map to Strategic
Thinking Map
Tengku Mohd Khairal Abdullah
Learning Objective
MM Blended

• Students should be able to explain the common landmarks of

Operational Thinking and Strategic Thinking.
Moving from Operational to Strategic
MM Blended

• There are THREE general approaches in embracing the

strategic thinking map.
• The FIRST, involves using landmarks that are common to both maps
as bridge
• The SECOND, by approaching the process landmark with more finesse
• The THIRD, by dismissing the operational thinking map by arguing that
it is completely irrelevant.
MM Blended

Transitioning by
Finding Common
Transitioning by Finding Common Landmarks
MM Blended

Operational Thinking Strategic Thinking

• Inclined to retain the quantitative mindset as Time • Time is not a unit of measure, but a place to find
substitute to long range planning opportunity
• Distant future/ long range planning is one with
new dominating ideas, a place to find new
assumptions, different values, different resource
and new possibilities
• Issues are management activities Issues • Broad framing
• Issues are recorded and updated on logs, where • Signs of discontinuation
the status were assigned as ‘open’ or ‘closed’
• Issues are shorter term and narrowly framed
• Expediting is day-to-day coordination of Coordination • Coordination of resources in strategic thinking
resources an priorities to meet production goals of Resources map is a process of restructuring. Restructuring
• Coordination has a cost, in terms of expeditors or organization’s processes or its tangible &
interruptions of projects intangible assets. Example, the realignment of
• Given the importance of productivity, expediting resources during mergers and joint ventures.
becomes a routine budgeted expense • The cost of coordination is much severe in
strategic thinking map. It might involve strategic
decision to terminate product line, business unit or
even long-term employment
Transitioning by Finding Common Landmarks
MM Blended

Operational Thinking Strategic Thinking

• Leadership is more dominated by the aspirations Leadership • Leadership involves helping others aligned their
for productivity, perfection and predictability. efforts toward the navigational beacon of success
• We would expect a leader to influence others to in the future, discerning discontinuities and other
pursue excellence in execution, harmony with difficult truths, searching for nd recognizing
others, perseverance and incremental continuous insights, and generating new narratives
• Focused on the improvement of the existing Projects • Projects are transformational in nature and they
systems. often affect the organizational status quo in small
• Projects that runs the business projects (RBP) and large ways.
• Change-the-business Project (CBP)

• It is a challenge to achieve a balance between RBP and CBP, especially when the goal is to assure that
sufficient resources are invested in CBP when its nature are ambiguous and might not prove to be a fine
• While the nature of RBP is usually immediate and urgent, in which they are usually a much safer
investment in comparison to CBP
• This is one of the fundamental reason why managers usually labelled their projects as ‘strategic’ even
though the nature was not rightfully so.
MM Blended

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