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Stress and volume

The stress and volume work was running a week ahead of time until we hit un-stubbed
The number of issues encountered in stubbed and un-stubbed testing was approximately
the same. This points to a problem in the turn around time for iterating through issues in
unstubbed testing.

Here are some things that slowed down the iteration

Shared Infrastructure

The stress and volume database runs on a server shared with 7 other EC environments and
a similar number of spear environments. Tests could therefore only run overnight as at least
one other environment was usually in use, more frequently multiple other environments
were in use.
● Only 1 test could be executed per day
● Our ability to re-launch tests that had failed early due to easily correctable oversights
was severely reduced.
● Network outages, IT enforced system re-starts and other out of hours maintenance /
down time events caused several failures either by directly failing the test, or making
results inaccessible.
Proposed Resolution:
Commission a stand alone database server for the stress and volume testing which is not
shared by any other environments. Run a second authentication server (signing auth) on
the new database server.

Stress and volume tests can be executed during normal business hours, allowing for:
● More test executions per day
● Faster iteration on issues that can be resolved without third parties
● Better support for test executers from other teams.

Third parties were not engaged.
No VOTS resource was specifically budgeted to aid in the stress and volume testing,
The process for acquiring a resource to assist with an issue was slow and only secured the
resource for the minimum possible time required to provide a walk around / solution.
● A Test failure due to an issue that required third party action cost 2 days minimum (1
day per test execution, minimum of 1 day before a resource is assigned and responds
to the issue, and then the relatively small amount of time to resolve the issue itself)
● Some sub-optimal solutions were taken as the third party teams were not resourced
to provide optimal ones.
● Repeated failures due to the same issue would frequently require multiple runs
through the resourcing process, incurring a 2 day delay each time.
Proposed Resolution:
● Acquire a VOTS/LANDATA resource/budget for the entirety of the stress and volume
● Have co-location or a direct line between the EC resources and the VOTS resources
working on the stress and volume tests.
● Ensure resources are introduced at the commencement of the testing and the
responsibilities / expectations clearly set for both parties.
● Faster turn around time on issues that require third party involvement (down to either
1 day, or mere hours if independent infrastructure is used

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