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Republic of the Philippines

Division of Aklan
District of Batan
Mambuquiao Integrated School


I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. Demonstrates understanding of first aid principles and procedures.
2. Performs first aid procedures with accuracy.
3. Demonstrate the appropriate bandaging techniques for common unintentional injuries.
4. Appreciate the importance of giving first aid to the injured person.

II. Subject Matter: HEALTH-GRADE 9

Reference: Physical Education and Health; Lesson 3 pages342-348
Materials: PowerPoint presentation, laptop, video clips, worksheet, etc.
Value Focus: Activeness and participation

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preparatory Activities

1. Greetings
Good morning class! How are you today? Good morning, ma’am!
We’re fine ma’am, how about you?
Very good! I’m fine too.
2. Prayer
To start our class, please stand up and let us
pray. _____, please lead the prayer.
(Students will stand and pray)
3. Checking of Attendance
I'll check your attendance first, please raise
your right hand as I call your name. (The students will raise their hands)

B. Review
Before we will discuss our lesson let us
have a short recap regarding with our last
What was the topic that we have discussed
last meeting? Our topic last meeting was all about the
Unintentional Injury Prevention, Safety and
First Aid.
Very good!

What is First Aid? FIRST AID- An immediate and temporary

care given to a person who suddenly gets ill
or injured. It includes self-help and home
care if medical assistance is not available or

Ok, very good!

Who can give those Objectives of First Aid? The objectives of first aid are •To save lives
•To prolong life •To alleviate suffering •To
prevent further injury.
Very good class!
C. Motivation
We will have a game which is related to our (The students will group their selves into
topic for today. But before we start, please two)
group yourselves into two.

I've got some jumbled words here. All you

have to do is figure out what the word is
that's written in the piece of paper. Once
you figure it out, the first person at the rear
will tell his or her team to the person in
front of them, and so on. The word will then
be written on the board by the person
standing in front. The winning team will be
the one with three accurate responses.

Are we clear class? Yes ma’am.

Ok let’s start.
(The two teams will fall in line)
(The game was started)
Yes ma’am
Dou you enjoy the game class?
We think that our topic for today ma’am is
Now, what do you think is our topic for all about dressing and bandages.
today based on the game that you have

Ok, let’s see!

D. Lesson Proper
So now, Let's proceed to our topic. But At the end of the lesson, students should be
before we start, please read our lesson's able to:
objectives. 1. Demonstrates understanding of first
aid principles and procedures.
2. Performs first aid procedures with
3. Demonstrate the appropriate
bandaging techniques for common
unintentional injuries.
4. Appreciate the importance of giving
first aid to the injured person.

(Show pictures related to first aid)

Yes ma’am
Have you seen or used any of them?
At the hospital, clinic, center and also in
school ma’am

What do you call them? They call them as first aid materials ma’am

They use them to cover wounds ma’am and

When do you use them? in medication

Ok, very good class!

So now listen carefully as I discussed our

lesson for today which is the Dressing and

Dressing is a piece of sterile cloth that

covers a wound to prevent infection and / or
to stop bleeding. Cold compress is used to
reduce swelling and relieve pain, especially
used for sprains and strains. Cold packs can
be used as cold compress. Hot compress is
also used to allow normal blood circulation.
Cold and hot compress are applied
alternately for closed wounds or contusions.

Bandages are used to apply pressure to

bleeding; for covering wounds and burns;
and providing support for immobilization
for broken bones, sprains and strains.

There are three main types of bandages

namely: triangular, ace and tubular.

Triangular bandage is made from cloth

and can be used as cold compress, padding,
support for pressure, or support sling.

Ace bandage secures dressings in place.

Tubular bandage is used to support joints

or hold dressings in place. Smaller tubular
bandage is used for finger injuries.

Techniques in applying dressings

1. Wash hands and wear gloves, if
2. Unwrap the dressing as close to the
wound as possible. Be sure not to
touch the wound.
3. Skin is not sterile. If the dressing
slips over the victim’s skin while
you are trying to position it, discard
and use a fresh one.
4. Place the dressing over the wound.
5. Use a dressing that is large enough
to extend at least 1 inch beyond the
edges of the wound.
6. If body tissue or organs are exposed,
cover the wound with a dressing that
will stick.
7. Then secure the dressing with a
bandage or adhesive tape.

Figure 2 shows the parts of a triangular

Two Phases of Bandaging
A. An open phase bandaging is used
for wounds on top and back of the
head, chest, back, hand, and foot,
and as arm sling.
B. A cravat phase bandaging is used
for wounds that need extra support
like wound on the eye, forehead, ear,
cheek, jaw, shoulder, hip, arm, leg,
elbow, knee, and palm and for a
sprained ankle. The narrower the
cravat is, the greater pressure it will

Techniques in Bandaging

1. Keep in mind the following:

a. Always use a square knot.
b. Keep the cloth sterile to avoid infection.
c. Always keep the ends.
2. Bandaging technique depends upon the
size and location of the wound, your first
aid skills, and materials at hand.
3. Bandage firmly over bleeding and
securely over the broken bone, not so tight
so as not to cut off blood circulation.
4. When wrapping bandages around the
body, such as knees, ankles, neck, and small
back, use its natural hollows to slide the
bandage gently into place.
5. Since most injuries swell, check regularly
to ensure that the bandage is still
comfortable and that it remains firmly
secured. Yes ma’am
6. Secure the bandage with a tape, clips or a
bow or square knot. Ensure that the None ma’am
bandages, especially the knots, do not touch
the skin.

Do you understand class?

Do you have any clarifications?

E. Generalization

Ok class again, what is Dressing? Dressing is a piece of sterile cloth that

covers a wound to prevent infection and / or
to stop bleeding ma’am.
Ok very good!

What is Bandaging? Bandages are used to apply pressure to

bleeding; for covering wounds and burns;
and providing support for immobilization
for broken bones, sprains and strains
Very good!

Now who can tell me what are the Two The Two Phases of Bandaging are the Open
Phases of Bandaging? Phase Bandaging and the Cravat Phase
Bandaging ma’am.

Yes, very good!

F. Application
You are going to group yourself into two
groups. Each group will name some
materials at home or in school that can be
used as dressings and bandages. Include
their uses and importance.

Are we clear class? Yes ma’am

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Answer the following questions
and write it in a one whole sheet of paper.
1. Why should we use dressing and
2. Why we should use dressings and
bandages on wounds?
3. Can we use any cloth as a dressings
and bandage? Why and why not?
4. Aside from wounds, in what other
injuries can we use dressing and

IV. Assignment
Answer the following questions briefly. Write your answers in your notebook.
1. How will you bring the victim to a safe place?
2. Answer Diagnostic Assessment on page 321
Prepared by:
Student Teacher

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