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Learning Task 1: Attending Face-to-Face or Virtual Orientation Sessions

Performance Task 1
After attending the face-to-face/ virtual orientation sessions, list down the expectations of the
following in the given matrix.


What do you need to What SKILLS do you What VALUES do

KNOW in order to need to acquire to you need to possess
perform your tasks perform your tasks to perform your tasks
efficiently? effectively? well?
College Supervisor

Principal/ School
Head/ Master

Performance Task 2
After reviewing the laws, policies and documents pertinent to Teaching Internship, choose three
(3) and write (1) important provision for that law or policy and state its application in your life as
a Practice Teacher.

Title of Law / CHED Policy/ Cite one (1) important How will you apply this in
Department Order provision your profession?


Performance Task 3

From among the five phases of Teaching Internship, which seems to be difficult? Why?

Writing My Reflection

How can I enjoy my Teaching Internship to the fullest?


Checking for Mastery

Choose the letter of the correct / best answer.

(Give rationalization for your answer.)
1. Why is there a need to conduct orientation sessions for Teaching Internship?
A. To avoid future problems.
B. To make the practice teachers ready.
C. This is a requirement of the school.
D. To establish a harmonious relationship with the school.
Answer: ______

2. Which must be the most important aspect to be included in the orientation?

A. School Facilities
B. Graduate attributes
C. Vision, Mission, Goals of the School
D. Do's and Don’t’s in Teaching Internship
Answer: ______

3. Why are observations done during the first week of internship?

A. To comply with the requirements.
B. To know your students in class.
C. To meet your Cooperating Teacher(s)
D. To allow the practice teacher to be immersed in the class.
Answer: ______

4. To ensure quality and better orientation sessions, what must you do?
A. Record the orientation sessions.
B. Attend all the required orientation sessions.
C. Focus on all the things you need to follow and accomplish.
D. Take down important notes during the orientation sessions.
Answer: ______

5. Why is there a need to be familiarized with the school's facilities?

A. To know where you can work and rest.
B. To tell where you can be located during rest periods.
C. To enable you to know where to go when in
D. To ensure that you know where to get the needed instructional resources.
Answer: ______

Working on My Learning Artifacts

Paste pictures/screenshots of orientations sessions that you have attended. Label them.
Learning Task 2: Doing Observation of Classes, Pre-Observation and Post
Observation Conferences

Performance Task 1

Observing the teaching-learning process in Flexible Learning and different Distance

Learning Delivery Modes (online, radio-based instruction, television-based instruction,
and other modalities) focusing on the development of the MELCs and reflecting on these

Based on the Pre-Observation conference with your Cooperating Teacher, complete the matrix
based on your scheduled classes of observation. The observation may be done face-to-face or
through different Distance Learning Delivery Modes (online, radio-based instruction, television-
based instruction, and other modalities). Take note that your focus of observation is based on
the results of your pre-conference with your Cooperating Teacher. Make sure that you also
need to focus on the development of the MELCs and reflecting on the different processes. If
your observation is more than a week, please copy the given template.

Date Subject Time Grade Level/ Focus of Observation Insights

Section Observation Notes
Performance Task 2

Attending pre-observation and post-observation conferences with the Cooperating

Teacher and the College Supervisor.
After your observation schedule has been finalized, you are now ready to attend the pre-
observation and post-observation conferences with the Cooperating Teacher and the College

Date(s) Notes of Pre- Notes Post- Plans of Action/

Observation Observation Action Taken
Conference Conference

Performance Task 3

Keeping a daily reflection journal.

Reflection journals are personal accounts or records of all your learning experiences. These
are your insights and learnings gained in the teaching-learning processes. These are records of
events which are pleasant or unpleasant that you can reflect on and learn from. It can help you
assess the important learning events that happened in your teaching which can direct you to
improve your professional career. Your reflection briefly summarizes your ideas, thoughts,
feelings and emotions which will lead you to analyze and improve on your decisions and
actions. You need to write your reflections regularly to motivate you to learn and enjoy the
process of learning.

As you move on with your task as Practice Teacher, you need to write your daily reflection

Writing My Reflection
After observing the classes of your Cooperating Teacher whether in face-to-face or in distance
delivery mode, what aspects in the instructional cycle do you think you are now capable of doing
and the areas you still need to improve on?

Checking for Mastery

Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which is a blueprint of the daily instructional activities of the teacher?
A. Learning Plan
B. Learning Content
C. Learning Procedures
D. Learning Materials
Answer: ______

2. Which refers to the materials used to enrich classroom instruction?

A. Learning Plan
C. Learning Content
B. Learning Procedures
D. Learning Resources
Answer: ______

3. Which can be given as an optional activity to reinforce students' learning?

A. Artwork
B. Activities
C. Assignment
D. Assessment
Answer: ______
4. Why is a Learning Plan important?
A. It keeps teachers on cue.
B. It is a requirement of the profession.
C. It enables the teachers to do what is next.
D. It guides the teachers in her/his daily activities.
Answer: ______

5. Which plan is used by teachers who are new in the service or those who have less than a
year of teaching experience?
A. Daily Lesson Log
B. Daily Lesson Plan
C. Detailed Lesson Plan
D. Daily Learning Activities
Answer: ______

6. Which assessment task is aligned to this competency: "identify classroom routines"?

A. Is classroom routine necessary for class order and discipline?
B. Give an example of a classroom routine.
C. What is meant by classroom routine?
D. What is a disadvantage of a classroom routine?
Answer: ______

Working on My Learning Artifacts

Paste pictures/screenshots of orientations sessions that you have attended. Give relevant
Learning Task 3: Managing My Classroom Structure and Routines

Performance Task 1

Being oriented on protocols for classes in the learning modality employed by the school.

Observe/ Assist your Cooperating Teacher. List down some routines that he/she has done for
classes in the learning modality employed by Cooperating School to make sure that the
class is managed well. Include some notes or points of improvement which you think will have
worked during class.

Observation Log
Cooperating Teacher: ___________________________________ Date: _______________
Grade/Year Level: _________________ Time: ________________ Subject: _____________
Topic: _______________________________________________

Cooperating School Activities Strategies Notes/ Points for

1. Beginning the Class

2. Class Discussion/

4. Ending Class
Performance Task 2

Assisting the Cooperating Teacher in the preparation and implementation of class guidelines for
holding classes through distance learning modalities.
During asynchronous or modular class sessions, what routines can you suggest to the parents
so that their children will have more effective learning outcomes? Design an effective class
routine outline which parents can use at home.
Performance Task 3

Read the different situations below and suggest a positive and non-violent way to address the
student's behavior.

Case No. 1
Jacob is a new student in your school.
He does not seem to fit well with the other
kids who have already established friendships
with other kids. This results in Jacob being
aloof and withdrawn. He does not participate
in class discussions and seems
uncomfortable during group activities. You
know he is smart because his written works
are almost always done perfectly. How will
you help Jacob?

Case No. 2
Mia is a smart student but is very
talkative. She is always talking out of turn,
and this results in disruptions during class.
She usually tells her seatmates stories which
are irrelevant from the topic being discussed.
How will you help Mia?

Writing My Reflection
Complete the statement:

Having effective class routines and sound class structure is important because:

Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which term refers to are established ways of managing a classroom to ensure organized
and systematic structure?
A. Classroom Discipline
B. Classroom Management
C. Classroom Routines
D. Positive Discipline
Answer: ______

2. When is the best time to establish classroom routines?

A. At the start of the school year
B. At the start of each class
C. During class discussion
D. At the end of the year
Answer: ______

3.These things can be routinized EXCEPT

A. passing of papers/books.
B. checking of attendance
C. going in and out of the classroom.
D. designing the bulletin boards\
Answer: ______

4. Which is the best way to minimize a noisy learner in class?

A. Stop him/her.
B. Ignore him/her.
C. Talk to him/her personally.
D. Request him or her to go to the room.
Answer: ______

5. Which is the best way to know why a learner is always absent in class?
A. Call the parent/guardian.
B. Write a letter to the parent.
C. Report to the Guidance Counselor.
D. Look at his/her Facebook account.
Answer: ______

Working on My Learning Artifacts

Paste pictures/screenshots of orientations sessions that you have attended. Label them.
Learning Task 4: Creating Instructional Materials

Performance Task 1

Assisting the Cooperating Teacher in the preparation of presentations and learning materials to
be used in classes.
Observe your Cooperating Teacher for a few days. List down the instructional materials or ICT
tools that he/she has utilized during the week. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of the
said materials.

Observation Log
Cooperating Teacher: ___________________________________Date: _______________
Grade/Year Level: _________________Time:________________ Subject:_____________

Instructional Materials/ ICT Strength and Weaknesses of

Tools the IM’s/ ICT Tools

Day 1

Topic: _________________

Day 2

Topic: _________________

Day 3

Topic: _________________

Day 4

Topic: _________________

Day 6

Topic: _________________
Performance Task 2

Developing contextualized instructional materials appropriate for the demonstration teaching

Choose a topic from the list of lessons of your Cooperating Teacher and collaborate with
him/her in designing and creating contextualized instructional materials for the class. You may
also surf the net for samples to better guide you in preparing these materials. Provide photos,
paste and label them on "Working on My Learning Artifacts".

Topic: _________________________________ Grade/ Year Level:______________________

Contextualized Instructional Materials How These Will Be Used
Performance Task 3

Visit the website given below. This contains a list of online teaching tools that can help facilitate
the teaching and learning process.

Choose one (1) of the featured online teaching-learning tools and list down some important
take-aways. You may list down some advantages and disadvantages of your chosen tool.

Name of the Online Teaching Tool: ______________________________________________

Short Description:

Advantages Disadvantages
Writing Reflection

Answer the given question below:

How do instructional materials and ICT Tools help students learn more effectively and



Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. What must be the primary consideration in preparing your instructional materials?
A. the learners
B. the cost
C. the learning content
D. the objectives
Answer: ______

2. You prepared a PowerPoint presentation on verbs for your English class, however, there was
a power cut-off, which should you do?
A. Go to another lesson.
B. Give a seatwork instead.
C. Use the available materials in class.
D. Borrow learning materials from another teacher.
Answer: ______

3. Ms. Rufo is teaching in a multi-grade class. What materials must she employ?
A. Less-costly materials
B. Electronic materials
C. Differentiated materials
D. Commercially-made materials
Answer: ______

4. What is one of the disadvantages in using ICT in education among senior teachers? A. It is
B. It is complicated.
C. It is very troublesome.
D. It is difficult to use due to their limited training and exposure.
Answer: ______

5. What does research show on the use of ICT?

A. It is costly.
B. It is accessible.
C. It is easy to use.
D. It ensures interactive classes.
Answer: ______
Working on My Learning Artifacts
Paste pictures/screenshots of the instructional materials and resources that you have designed
and used in your lessons. Label them.
Learning Task 5: Designing Differentiated Class Activities

Performance Task 1

Assist your Cooperating Teacher in planning activities for differentiated instruction to

address the given diversities. Include some notes on the strengths and weaknesses of
the said activities.
Observation Log
Cooperating Teacher: ___________________________________Date: __________________
Grade/Year Level: _________________Time: _______________ Subject: ________________
Topic: ______________________________________________________________________

Diversities Activities Employed Strength and Weaknesses

of the Planned Activities

Learning Styles

Multiple Intelligence
Brain-Based Learning


Performance Task 2

Surf the internet for some subject-specific strategies that can be used in
facilitating the class activities. Remember to include your sources.

Name of Teacher: __________________________ Grade/Year Level: ____________________

Subject Differentiated Activities References

Performance Task 3

Write a lesson plan using contextualized learning activities addressing the different
strengths and needs of your students. Make sure that these activities are aligned with the Most
Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) prescribed by the Department of Education. You may
paste/attach your encoded lesson plan on the space provided below.
Writing Reflection
Complete the statement below:

Differentiated instruction benefits our learners because


As a future teacher, I can employ the following strategies in my classes


1. What will be the most effective way of dealing with non-participative students?
A. Let them do what pleases them.
B. Employ engaging and enjoyable activities.
C. Refer the matter to the Guidance Counselor.
D. Give them the grades the observe based on their performance
Answer: ______

2. How will you use the leadership skills of some of your students for the benefit of the class?
A. Recognize their leadership skills.
B. Let them just do what they please.
C. Refrain from calling them all the time.
D. Empower them to initiate activities in class.
Answer: ______

3. How will you help the shy and timid students in your class?
A. Treat them naturally.
B. Let them be as they are.
C. Refer them to the Guidance Office.
D. Encourage them to join as many activities in class.
Answer: ______

4. When the class seems unruly during the discussion, what is the best technique which you
can employ?
A. Stop the discussion.
B. Let them stand for a while.
C. Prepare unfreezers /energizers.
D. Ignore the students who are making noise.
Answer: ______

5. To make the students greatly focused in the discussion, what must you do as teachers
especially if your students are unruly and noisy?
A. Employ innovative strategies.
B. Explore various means of giving sanctions.
C. Ignore the students who are misbehaving.
D. Refer the unruly and noisy pupils to the guidance office.
Answer: ______

Working on My Learning Artifacts

Paste pictures/screenshots of the differentiated activities you employed to address diversity of
learners. Label them.
Learning Task 6: Assisting and Participating in School Programs and Activities

Performance Task 1

List down the relevant school programs celebrated by your Cooperating School.
Complete the matrix below:
School Programs/ Activities Learning Outcomes
Performance Task 2

What are the other learning programs designed by the school to assist students in their
academic success?

Academic Programs Desired Learning Outcomes

How do these programs impact student learning?

Performance Task 3

Design a learning program using the given template.

I. Title of the Learning Program


II. Rationale:
III. Specific Objectives
IV. Conditions which prompted you to design the program.
V. Persons Responsible/ Duties and Responsibilities

Person Responsible Duties / Responsibilities

Writing Reflection.

How do I feel?

Before the Activity:

After the Activity:

After the activity,

I learned that:
Read the situations and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which activity promotes the love of the Filipino language in school?
A. Buwan ng Wika
B. Buwan ng Aklat
C. Buwan ng mga Puso
D. Buwan ng mga Nagkakaisang Bansa
Answer: ______

2. To instill the importance of the right kind and amount of food among children, what
school activity must you plan?
A. Literacy Week
B. United Nations Week Celebration
C. Nutrition Month Celebration
D. Valentine's Day Celebration
Answer: ______

3. To instill cost-saving devices, what must you do, while preparing materials for the school
A. Get sponsors.
B. Collect from your class.
C. Use less materials and props.
D. Use indigenous materials.
Answer: ______

4. Which is the best way to minimize a noisy learner in class?

A. Stop him/her.
B. Ignore him/her.
C. Talk to him/her personally.
D. Request him or her to go to the room.
Answer: ______

5. Which is the best way to know why a learner is always absent in class?
A. Call the parent/guardian.
B. Write a letter to the parent.
C. Report to the Guidance Counselor.
D. Look at his/her Facebook account.

Working on My Learning Artifacts

Paste pictures/screenshots of the school programs, celebrations and activities where you
participated. Label them.

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