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A: Hello, how are you? Are you excited for our next trip to Argentina?

B: Hello! Yes, I'm very excited. But also, a bit nervous, I have never traveled abroad before. J

c: Don't worry, everything will be fine. Have you started preparing? E

B: Yes, I have been researching the best things to do in each city we will visit.

A: I have also been looking for cheap hotels and flights.

c: That sounds great. It is important to save money. Do you already have your travel

B: Yes, I already have my passport in order. I just have to prepare my suitcase

A: me too. Excellent. And what about finances? Have you already considered your budget and
how you are going to manage money during the trip?

B: I've been looking for restaurants and cheap activities to save some money.

C: I really want to eat a roast anyone knows a good place?

B: in Puerto Madero there are restaurants to eat a good food.

A: Perfect, it seems that everything is ready for our trip. I am excited to explore Argentina with

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