Summer Sisters (Novel Review)

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Nabila Ayu Amanda 11210140000042 4B

Book Response Form

Book Title : Summer Sisters
Number of page : 370
Author : Judy Blume
Book code : JUD PBI NV/387
Publisher : Pan Books
Genre : Romance
Date Published : July 9, 1999
This novel talks about the life of Victoria Leonard (Vix) and Caitlin Somers,
who spend every summer together at the island. They called themselves as “summer
sister”. But one day, after not seeing each other for years because they were busy
with their respective lives, Caitlin suddenly announced that she would marry Bru,
Vix’s ex. It makes Vix wonder, keeping her dissappointment in her heart.

I think, the stand out character of this novel is Gus. His role is not mentioned
too often in the story, but he has an important role in Vix’s happiness. He changed
Vix’s life. I like him because he does not give up easily, he is also a patient man.
Since the beginning gus always said that Vix was his first love. But Vix always
rejected it, thinking it was a joke that Gus was throwing. At the wedding, Gus
always accompanied Vix, comforted her from her feelings of betrayal. he hugged
her. he does not hesitate to confess his feelings again. I like how he treats Vix,
waiting patiently for his first love until finally he get Vix with his own way.

It would be fun if I could be Vix. She is a well-mannered woman. Maybe,

she is not as pretty as Caitlin, but I think her attitude is very good. She is a petient
to. It showed by how Vix never demanded anything from her parents. How she still
accepts Caitlin as her friend after everything that happened, even until Caitlin
finally died, she still visited her often. She has a big heart, sincere affection. I hope
I can be like her.

The interesting part of this novel was when Vix and Gus danced at Caitlin
and Bru’s wedding. They are joking together while dancing. Talking about ‘the
princess marries the prince and lives happily ever after on a magical island’. But I
think, they are the prince and the princess in this story. Living a happy life after the
pain Vix felt, after Gus’ long wait to get Vix’s heart. They are lucky to have each

I hate the part when Nathan died. One day Vix had a fight with Caitlin, she
left the house and looked for a place to stay temporarily at the homeport that trisha
suggested. After three weeks he left Caitlin, Caitlin and her parents came to the
homeport where Vix was, they told Vix that Nathan was died because of
pneumonia. Vix screamed, feeling guilty for not having had the chance to say
goodbye for one last time to her brother. It made me sad. I hate that feeling. For me,
being left forever by the people we love is the saddest thing in life. Nathan should
be able to live longer than that.

I would like to change the end of the story because it is to sad for me. The
ending of this story tells that Caitlin can not survive from her depression. She is
died. I think, if I were the author. I would make the climax before the end higher. I
would make Caitlin regret what she did, and make her be a better human being. I
would make her survived her depression and get back to taking care of her daughter,
even without Bru. It would be great if all the characters get a ‘happy ever after’
story in their life, take past problems as lessons.

This whole story reminded me of my personal experience, from the

beginning until the ending. Caitlin is a best friend that Vix loves and trusts, almost
part of Vix’s time, she spent it with Caitlin. They really are like sisters, even when
Caitlin betrayed Vix by marrying Bru, Vix still considered Caitlin her best friend. I
also feel that in my life. Got betrayel from the best friend that I trusted the most,
and its hurt. It really makes me sad. But, it’s all about the time, slowly I can accept
it sincerely without hating her at all.

I have learnt about love and patient from this novel. Vix showed it when
Caitlin told her that she made Vix as her friend because she was jealous of what
Vix had, but Vix was not mad at Caitlin at all, instead she thought Caitlin was the
reason she was good as she is now. Besides that, this story teaches us about
sincerity, Vix accepted it sincerely when Bru married Caitlin. But in the end, Vix
get a lot of happiness when she with Gus. It teaches us that if we can let go of
something, God will replace it with something better.

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