Amara Zulfa Claudia Izzak - Final Test - Drama Analysis 305 - Actantial Model

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Amara Zulfa Claudia Izzak

Drama Analysis 305 / Final Test

Arthur Miller’s All My Sons: An Actantial Model Analysis

Drama is one of the many forms of literature presented through performances and
dialogues expressed on stage. As a genre of literature, drama is constructed on elements; plot,
character, thought, spectacle, and song. The elements of drama all contribute to creating an
enjoyable performance. However, the plot and characters of the drama hold a pivotal role in
acting as the catalyst to move the story forward. The comprehensiveness of drama relies on how
those key elements are constructed and whether they could form harmony with one another. In
order to achieve that cohesion, drama needs to have structure. The existence of structure in
drama narrative brings balance to the story. There are several approaches that can be used to
break down the structures of drama narrative. One of them being the The Actantial Model.
The Actantial Model is a perspective or method proposed by A. J. Greimas, a Lithuanian
literature figure known as a structural linguist and semiotician, in his book On Meaning Selected
Writings in Semiotic Theory1. The Actantial Model is normally used to analyze the structure of a
narrative by assigning roles to the various elements and characters of the story and examine the
connection they have with each other. According to The Actantial Model, a story can be divided
into 3 axes, each axis containing two (2) actants2 as the following:
(1) axis of desire: subject (the main acting agent, usually the protagonist), object (the goal of
the subject, usually abstract); (2) axis of power: helper (the element assisting the subject in
reaching their desire), opponent (the element hindering the subject from reaching their desire);
(3) axis of transmission; sender (the one instigating the subject’s action), receiver (the one who
benefits from the subject’s success in attaining their goal)
These facets are applicable to narratives as they efficiently break down plotlines. Therefore, The
Actantial Model approach will be used to analyze the drama All My Sons by Arthur Miller.

1 “Actors, Actants, and Figures” Greimas, Algirdas J. 1987. On Meaning: Selected Writings in
Semiotic Theory. Translated by Paul Perron. N.p.: University of Minnesota Press.
2 Actant: Any elements that triggers the continuity of the story
All My Sons is a contemporary drama written by playwright Arthur Miller. Taking place
in an unspecified suburban neighborhood in America, All My Sons tells the story of a post-war
society and the aftermath that tragically affects a family. The Kellers were a family who recently
lost their son, Larry Keller, in a plane crash when he was serving in World-War II leaving his
girlfriend, Ann Deever, behind. Chris Keller, Larry’s brother later expressed his intention to
marry Ann which was met with strong disapproval from his mother, Kate, who refused to move
on from Larry’s death. Meanwhile, the father— Joe Keller, had been keeping a secret which led
to the eventual destruction of the family.
Using The Actantial Model, several scenes from the play will be analyzed through
schematic explanation, as the following:

1. Chris’ Marriage Proposal to Ann

Marriage with
Sender Ann Receiver
Chris’ Love axis of Ann Deever
for Ann transmission
axis of desire

Larry’s Oppone
Letter to axis of axis of Kate nt
Ann power power

Chris Keller


Chris was in love with Ann, hence he decided to propose to her. His love to her (sender)
was what instigates his action of proposal, which makes him the subject. On the receiving end,
Ann Deever would benefit from the situation as his love for her is reciprocal, her marriage with
Chris is the object or the goal as Chris essentially wants to move on from his brother’s death and
begin a new life with Ann in New York. This is further proven by his persistence in challenging
his mother’s belief that Larry is still alive, granting the mother the position of opponent as she
even went so far as almost insulting Ann and told everyone how she is still “Larry’s Girl”.
Larry’s suicide letter to Ann is described as the helper because it is the reason Ann was certain
that Larry couldn’t have been alive. Had Larry not written the letter, Ann would have still hoped
for Larry to return home as there was no other confirmation of his death.

2. George’s Confrontation with Joe

Joe Keller’s
Sender Arrest Receiver
Steve axis of Justice
Deever transmission

axis of desire
Helper Oppone
George’s axis of axis of Ann and
Anger power power Chris


The confrontation happened after George as the subject visited Steve (therefore the
sender) in prison, telling him that Joe Keller was the one who should’ve been arrested because
he told Steve to “paint over” the faulty plane parts that caused the lethal crash. George wanted
Joe to be arrested because it would be unfair that his family was destroyed yet Joe was able to
walk free, making Joe’s arrest the object of George’s desire, serving justice in the process,
making it the receiver. In the meantime, Chris’ intention to marry Ann further fueled George’s
anger to pursue his goal of imprisoning Joe Keller, granting George’s emotion as the helper.
Chris was in denial of his father's guilt and Ann was adamant on marrying Chris, hence they both
were against George making them the opponent.

In conclusion, the analysis of drama using The Actantial Model is an effective method to
break down the characters and related elements that form a cohesive story, designed in a
structuralist approach as A. J. Greimas intended. The drama All My Sons by Arthur Miller serves
as a vessel which The Actantial Model is applicable to. Through the analysis, it was found that
components of the play connect to each other in various interesting ways, assembled into one
harmonized story.

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