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FSSM 102 – RESEARCH IN SOCIAL STUDIES | Assignment 2 | Date Due: 9 March 2023



Purpose Statement


This present study has a chief concern with the
teaching strategies applied by the Social Studies
teachers for students with special needs. It seeks to
answer the following questions:
1. What is the demographic profile of the
respondents in terms of:
1.1. Years of teaching?
2. What influenced Social Studies teachers to
choose teaching as a profession?
3. What are the teaching challenges encountered
by Social Studies Teachers?
4. What are the teaching strategies applied by
Social Studies teachers for students with
following disabilities:
4.1. Physical Disabilities
4.2. Hearing loss or deafness
4.3. Low vision or blindness
4.4. Learning disabilities
4.5. Chronic Health Disorders
5. What inputs can be derived from the findings of
the study to Social Studies education?


Ayua, G. (2017). EFFECTIVE TEACHING STRATEGIES. ResearchGate. Retrieved


The study titled "Effective Teaching Strategies" aims to identify and analyze the teaching

strategies that are considered most effective by teachers and students. The study uses a

mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative data from surveys and

interviews with teachers and students. The study includes a literature review of previous

research on effective teaching strategies, followed by an analysis of survey data from 80

teachers and 600 students. The survey questions were designed to assess the frequency of

use and perceived effectiveness of various teaching strategies such as lecture, group

work, and technology-based learning. The study also includes interviews with a subset of

teachers and students to gain more in-depth insights into their perceptions of effective

teaching strategies. The researchers used a thematic analysis approach the interview data

and identify common themes.

Overall, the study found that the most effective teaching strategies were those that
involved active student engagement and participation, such as group work and hands-on

activities. The use of technology was also found to be an effective teaching strategy, but

only when used in conjunction with other strategies. The study concludes by

recommending that teachers incorporate a variety of teaching strategies into their lessons

to cater to different learning styles and maximize student engagement and learning


Bouslog, M. (2019, August). Effective Teaching Strategies Used in Today’s Classrooms.

Graduate Programs for Educators. Retrieved from

The article titled "Teaching Strategies Used in Today's Classrooms" written by Bouslog

presents the most commonly used teaching strategies in modern classrooms and

highlights the role that teaching strategies play in classroom instruction. Based on her

study, six teaching strategies were identified as commonly used in today's classrooms.

First, differentiated instruction in which the uniqueness of every student is being

recognized and they have different ways of learning materials. Second, project-based

learning where students are engaged in real-world, meaningful, and personal projects.

Third, cooperative learning in which the whole class is structured into small groups

instead of letting them work individually. Another defined strategy based on her study

was the experiential learning which states that students learn more through the cycle of

their experiences and reflections. Next was the student-led classroom in which students

take ownership of their own learning and become leaders in their room. Lastly, the

inquiry-based learning, which has different realms including confirmation inquiry and
guided inquiry. The study provides a detailed explanation of each strategy, including its

definition, benefits, and challenges.

The study also highlights the importance of teacher professional development in the

effective implementation of these teaching strategies. The researchers suggest that

teacher training programs should focus on providing educators with the necessary skills

and knowledge to implement these strategies in their classrooms effectively. The study

concludes by acknowledging the importance of using a variety of teaching strategies to

cater to the diverse learning needs and preferences of students. The study recommends

that teachers incorporate multiple strategies into their lessons and adjust their teaching

methods based on the student feedback and performance.

Hanover Research. (2013). Best Practices in Social Studies Instruction Prepared for

Arlington Public Schools. Retrieved from


The study conducted by the Hanover Research titled, “Best Practices in Social Studies

Instruction” was prepared for Arlington Public Schools. It reports the best practices in

Social Studies instruction in Arlington Country Public Schools. The report provides an

overview of effective teaching strategies and instructional techniques that can be used to

promote student learning in Social Studies. The report includes a review of the literature

on effective Social Studies instruction, including research on the importance of

integrating content knowledge, critical thinking skills, and the use of technology. The

study presented a set of best practices that can be utilized to promote student learning
including the use of primary sources, active learning techniques, and project-based

learning. The study also provided educators a handle on some of the key issues affecting

social studies including sequencing, technology integration, differentiated instruction,

instructional time and assessment.

Overall, the study report provided a comprehensive overview of effective Social Studies

instruction and offers practical strategies and techniques that can be used by educators to

improve student learning outcomes in this important subject area.

Learning Disabilities Association of America. (2018). Successful Strategies for Teaching

Students with Learning Disabilities – Retrieved December 5, 2022, from


The article titled, “Successful Strategies for Teaching Students with Learning

Disabilities” by Learning Disabilities Association of America reports successful

strategies for teaching students with learning disabilities. The report provides an

overview of effective teaching strategies and instructional techniques that can be used to

support the learning needs of students with learning disabilities. The report includes a

review of the literature on effective teaching strategies for students with learning

disabilities, including research on the importance of using multi-sensory instruction,

providing frequent and explicit feedback, and using technology to support learning. The

report also presents a set of best practices that can be used to support the learning needs

of students with learning disabilities, including differentiated instruction, explicit

instruction, and the use if assistive technology. It also highlights the essence of
scaffolding that will greatly contribute to the learning of the students.

To sum it up, the report provides a comprehensive overview of effective strategies for

teaching students with learning disabilities and offers practical strategies and techniques

that can be used by educators to support the learning needs of these students.


STUDIES?. Retrieved December 5, 2022, from

The book titled “"What Are Some Other Strategies for Teaching Social Studies” focuses

on exploring various innovative strategies for teaching social studies in primary and

secondary schools. The author emphasizes the importance of a hands-on approach to

learning and discusses strategies such as project-based learning, simulations, debates, and

online resources. The book also addresses issues related to student diversity,

differentiation, and assessment. The intended audience appears to be social studies

teachers, curriculum developers, and education policymakers. Overall, the book offers

practical ideas and insights for enhancing the quality of Social Studies education.

The book concludes that, due to the diversity of Social Studies content, the subject lends

itself to a broad range of teaching strategies. Presentation of content can be enriched

through lecturettes and demonstrations, storytelling and the use of visuals, and

investigation of primary historical sources and artifacts. It suggested that a teacher must

be careful before choosing your teaching methods to make sure they support your

objectives, encourage comprehension of the key concepts, are at the right level of

difficulty, don't require the simultaneous development of new information and abilities,
and are time and effort efficient. By implementing several techniques over time, social

studies programs can be made to be fascinating, engaging, and meaningful while also

recognizing diversity.

Picard, D. (2015, February 25). Teaching Students with Disabilities. Vanderbilt University;

Vanderbilt University. Retrieved from

Picard pointed out in her article titled, “Teaching Students with Disabilities" the

resources and strategies for supporting students with disabilities in higher education. The

page covers a range of topics, including understanding disability and its types as well,

creating inclusive classrooms, providing accommodations, and addressing accessibility

issues. Picard presented strategies that are designed inclusively so that diverse students

will be accommodated in classroom settings. It also includes links to additional resources

and information for faculty and instructors. Overall, the written article is a valuable

resource for educators seeking to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment

for all students.

Resilient Educator. (2018). Effective Teaching Strategies for Special Education. Retrieved


An article from Resilient Educator titled, “Effective Teaching Strategies for Special

Education” which was last updated in April 2018 presented variety of effective teaching

strategies for special education. Written by the SHARE team, the article offers tips and

advice for teachers to create a successful learning environment for students with special
needs. Topics covered include the importance of differentiation, communication

strategies, and creating a positive classroom culture. The article also provides a list of

resources for further reading and support. Being an effective teacher requires many tools

to ensure the successful delivery of knowledge to students.

Steele, M. (2015). Teaching Social Studies to Students with Mild Disabilities. Social

Studies and the Young Learner. 17(3), 8–10. Retrieved from

Marcee M. Steele presented in her book, “Teaching Social Studies to Students with Mild

Disabilities” important points to better understand mild disabilities and its implications

for Social Studies instruction. It provides an overview of the various types of mild

disabilities that may affect students’ learning and socio-emotional development. Also, it

discusses the legal and ethical responsibilities of teachers and schools in providing

appropriate accommodations and support for students with mild disabilities. It also offers

strategies for creating a positive and inclusive classroom environment that promotes

engagement and participation for all students. In addition, the book consists of case

studies and examples of successful Social Studies instructions for students with mild

disabilities. It also drawn recommendations for Social Studies teachers, special educators

and anyone interested in understanding and addressing the diverse learning needs of the


Swanson, E., Stevens, E. A., & Wexler, J. (2019). Engaging Students with Disabilities in

Text-Based Discussions: Guidance for General Education Social Studies Classrooms. In

ERIC (Vol. 51). Retrieved from

Swanson, Stevens and Wexler wrote a book titled, “Engaging Students with Disabilities

in Text-Based Discussions: Guidance for General Education Social Studies Classrooms”

which focuses on practical strategies and techniques for promoting active participation

and comprehension of text-based discussions for students with disabilities in Social

Studies classrooms. The aforementioned book offers guidelines for selecting and

adapting texts to meet the needs and interests of diverse learners, including students with

visual, auditory and cognitive impairments. Furthermore, it provides examples of

effective discussion prompts, scaffolds, and supports, such as graphic organizers,

sentence starters, and think-alouds. It also discusses the importance of collaborative and

peer-supported learning, as well as the roles of technology and multimedia resources in

enhancing student engagement and understanding. It provided a guide for content area

teachers and special educators to initiate and maintain high-quality, text-based

discussions during Social Studies instruction. When teachers incorporate these strategies,

they provide explicit instructions on how to engage in discussions about text, support and

scaffolding so that students with disabilities successfully participate in those discussions,

and it provides opportunities for higher-level thinking about text. The book also

encourages educators to utilize the characteristics described to support the reading

comprehension and content learning of students with disabilities taught in general

education Social Studies classrooms.

Walsh, M. (2017). Dominican Scholar The Inclusion of Students with Special Needs in

the General Education Classroom. Retrieved from

The article titled "The Inclusion of Students with Special Needs in the General Education

Classroom" by Megan Walsh highlights the article's main argument that inclusion

education is vital for students with special needs, but many teachers are not prepared to

fully address their educational needs. It further indicates that the study aims to explore

the teaching strategies that teachers can use to create and maintain successful inclusion

classrooms. The data for the research question was collected through a review of

scholarly literature and observations in two elementary classrooms. The In conclusion,

the article indicates that the teaching strategies that should be applied to make students

with special needs successful academically are: work one-on-one with students, promote

active participation and collaboration among all students, follow a similar classroom

structure each day, and collaborate with fellow faculty several times a week to brainstorm

new strategies. The article substantiated that these teaching strategies are imperative to

have a successful inclusive classroom. It suggested that teachers can set up students with

special needs for success if they are knowledgeable about various teaching strategies.

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