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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Komp. Keahlian : 11 SKK
Hari/tanggal : Rabu, 01 Maret 2023
Waktu : 09.00 – 10.00 WIB

Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling benar dengan memberi tanda silang (X) pada huruf a,
b, c, atau d pada lembar jawab yang tersedia !

1. "Have you been informed about the exact number of victims of the airplane crash?"
"Yes, ....... to the headquarters of Garuda."
A. they are faxed
B. has faxed
C. the victims fax
D. it has been faxed

2. "The hotel is suffering a great loss."

"Yes, only ten perfect of their rooms ......
A. being occupied
B. occupied
C. is occupied
D. are occupied

3. “Why aren't you driving your own car?"

“It ..... “
A. has sold
B. has to sell
C. has been selling
D. has been sold

4. "Why can't I find the file on the annual report in the computer?"
"Because it .... in the hard disk."
A. was not saving
B. not saved
C. did not saved
D. was not saved

5. "There was no longer a rule for the youth to enter millitary service in Britain.
Really, when .... ?"
A. was It abolishing
B. did it abolish
C. was it abolished
D. was it to be abolished

6. They had just been living in that house for two years when ..... by fire.
A. destroyed
B. had destroyed
C. was destroyed
D. be destroyed

7. "Bambang looks very happy today."

"Don't you know he ..... to General Manager."
A. has promoted
B. to be promoted
C. being promoted
D. has been promoted

8. "Why does the baby next door keep crying ?"

"As usual, it .... by the babysitter."
A. is neglected
B. is neglecting
C. neglect
D. is to be neglected

9. Why are the students staying outside ?

Their classroom ....
A. is being cleaned
B. being cleaned
C. was cleaned
D. is cleaning

10. The picture is not here anymore

It must have ... away
A. being taken
B. took
C. taken
D. been taking

11. If I … (finish) my assignment tonight, I will go to Mall with my friends.

A. finish
B. finishes
C. would finish
D. had finished

12.I would never lend to you if I … (know) before.

A. know
B. knows
C. knew
D. had known


13. Dinda would buy tens luxury houses if she … (win) the lottery.
A. win
B. wins
C. won
D. had won

14. Ramadhan will be so silent if Corona … (not;leave) soon.

A. not leave
B. don’t leave
C. doesn’t leave
D. had left

15.If today is your birthday, I … (give) you present.

A. give
B. gives
C. will give
D. would give

16. Nothing is going to change my love for you if you always … (love) me too.
A. love
B. loves
C. loving
D. will love

17. If Rafli gets score more than 90, his mom … (buy) PS 4 for him.
A. buy
B. buys
C. will buy
D. would buy

18.  If my brother … (study) hard, he would have passed the exam well.
A. studies
B. had study
C. had studied
D. have studied

19.  Dinda would erase all policies she hated if she … (be) a president.
a. was
b. being
c. to be
d. were.

20. 2020 graders would do UNBK if corona … (go) away.

A. goes
B. went
C. gone
D. had gone


Choose the correct answers to complete the following short passage.

My name is Hans. I (…………1)—- a mechanic. I (…………..2)—- in London, I
(……3)—- a brother and a sister. My sister is a university student. She
(………4)—- medicine. She is going to be a doctor. My brother doesn’t want
(………..5)—- to university. Because he wants to be a mechanic like me. He
comes and help me in my shop on Sundays. He hasn’t finished his
education yet. After his education, he is thinking of working with me. We
will run the business together.
21. A. is B. are  C. am  D. do
22. A. believe B. think C. arrive  D. live
23. A. owns B. learn  C. have  D. study
24. A. teach B. to play  C. studies  D. uses
25. A. go B. goes C. went  D. to go

A. is B. are C. am D. do
a.Aren’t he b. Don’t he c. Didn’t he d.isn’t he

26. They will demonstration on 11 February, ... ?

a.Will They b.Won’t they c.Didn’t they d.isn’t they

27. Vida were in my heart last time, ... ?

a.Will not She b.Didn’t She c.Isn’t She d.weren’t She

28. Money isn’t make your life better, ... ? it it c.don’t it d.will it

29. I am not afraid to stand alone, ... ?

a.Do I b.Am I c.Don’t I d.Won’t I

30. Everything will be alright, ... ?

a.Don’t it b.isn’t it c.aren’t it d.Won’t it

31. They aren’t paid well, ... ?

a.Are they b.Do they c.didn’t they d.Will they

32. The civil servants aren’t fired by their governor,..?

a.Are they b.Do they c.didn’t they d.will they

33. You have never seen your wife, ...?

a.have you b.Do you c.did you d.Aren’t you


34. Let’s play Futsal in Stadium, ... ?

a.haven’t you b.don’t you c.did you d.Shall we

======================Good luck========================


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