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Walter Streeter, I am coming nearer from the darkest and coldest place.
Have you forgot that I was a thief, pimp, blackmailer, murderer? You might forget about your
character in “The Outcast" but I do not. William Stainsforth, such a bad character with all dirty
in your story, who cannot live a normal life, always be recognized as a bloody, sinful, stained
Why would you do that to me? Were you culpable when you collected bad sides and brought it
to your character only? I want to tell you that my hands forever stained so do you because you
did not allow me, William Stainsforth, to be kind, be good, be a human at once. Instead, you
showed me the devil, ugly sides and forced me to live with my sins forever and you considered
yourself as a superior who converge every good sides.
But Walter, you created me, I am your character. To be specific, I am just a redeeming feature. I
never ask for being devils, doing devils but you did. Your inner truth did every single thing, dirty
tricks, and you denied to have it in your owns. That why you had me in “The Outcast”. Walter,
face the truths. I was your unacknowledged self, the devil inside you. Beside creating a William
Stainsforth, you already created a mirror which reflected the hidden truth of you. I carried the
dirtiest, ugliest, and worst of yourself - the part that you always immerse. In other way, Walter, I
am the dirtiest, ugliest, and the worst version of you. You deserved to be called "an evil", not me.
I already gave you a last chance to come to grips with you character, but you denied me advise.
So, now I am close to you with an iron hand. As always.

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