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Air France-KLM is a leading airline holding company formed by the merger of Air France and KLM in

2004. In recent years, the company has been facing a range of financial challenges, including increasing
competition from low-cost airlines, rising fuel costs, and the impact of COVID-19 on the airline industry.

One financial decision that Air France-KLM has made is to raise funds through the issuance of bonds. In
February 2021, the company announced that it had successfully issued €1 billion in bonds with a
maturity of 5.5 years and a coupon rate of 2.75%. This decision was made in order to strengthen the
company's financial position and improve its liquidity in the face of ongoing financial challenges.

The concept of Time Value of Money (TVM) can be applied to this financial decision by considering the
present value of the future cash flows that the bonds will generate for investors. The concept of TVM
recognizes that money has a time value, meaning that a dollar today is worth more than a dollar
received in the future, due to the potential for investment and earning interest. The coupon rate of
2.75% on the Air France-KLM bonds represents the annual interest payment that the company will make
to bondholders, which is a reflection of the time value of money.

By issuing bonds, Air France-KLM is applying the TVM concept to make financial decisions that can have
a significant impact on the company's future cash flows and financial performance. The benefits of
applying the TVM concept to business decisions include the ability to evaluate the long-term financial
impact of decisions and to make more informed investment and financing choices. However, there are
also potential drawbacks, such as the complexity of calculating TVM and the potential for TVM to be
misapplied or misunderstood.

Personally, I have also learned about the concept of TVM in my finance classes, and I can see how it can
be applied to many aspects of personal finance and investing. For example, when making investment
decisions, it is important to consider the potential future returns of an investment in order to determine
its present value. In my future career, I plan to pursue a career in finance or investment banking, and I
believe that a solid understanding of TVM will be crucial in making informed decisions and analyzing
investment opportunities. For example, I may use the TVM concept to evaluate the potential returns and
risks of various investment options, such as stocks, bonds, or real estate.

Could you add relevant reference in APA style

Certainly! Here are some relevant references for the information I provided:

Air France-KLM. (2021, February 8). Air France-KLM successfully issues €1 billion bonds. Air France-KLM.

Investopedia. (n.d.). Time value of money - TVM. Investopedia.

Gitman, L. J., Juchau, R., & Flanagan, J. (2015). Principles of managerial finance (7th ed.). Pearson.

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological

Association (7th ed.).

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