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Johnry G.

Camahalan Block NH
Assignment 1

Compute your estimated maximum heart rate (MaxHR), Resting heart rate (RHR),
Heart rate reserve (HRR), and Training intensity (TI):

1. Estimate your own maximal heart rate (MHR)

MHR (MaxHR) = 220 – your age
MHR = 220 – 19 = 201bpm
2. Resting heart rate (RHR)
RHR = 65 bpm

3. Heart rate reserve (HRR) = MHR – RHR

HRR = 201 – 65 = 131 beats

4. Training intensity (TI) = HRR x % TI + RHR

30% TI = 131 x .30 + 65 =104.3 bpm

40% TI = 131 x .40 + 65 = 117.4 bpm

60% TI = 131 x .60 + 65 = 143.6 bpm

85% TI = 131 x .85 + 65= 176.35 bpm

With your estimated given height & weight, compute your Ponderal Index (PI) using the
following formula:

𝐻𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 (𝑖𝑛.) √𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡(𝑘𝑔)
PI = 3 or PI
= 𝐻𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡(𝑚)

H= 160cm
W= 60
PI= 14.65

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