Special Mechanics Guide: Historical Crisis Council

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Bocca di Leone

The Lion’s Mouth (Bocca di Leone) is a platform in which any Venetian may

report certain illicit actions as an effort to maintain accountability of the

Venetian governance. The Lion’s Mouth will be presented in the form of a Google

Form. Through this platform, you may warn clandestine officials of any threat

that may jeopardize Venetian stability. Any complaints sent through the Lion’s

Mouth will be sent under anonymity in default regardless of the prior required

identification. However, this condition is amenable to change through certain

Savi del Consiglio Intel Reports

Intel Reports for the Sages of the Council (Savi del Consiglio) contain vital

intelligence regarding the states in the vicinity of Europe, may it be to the West

(Holy Roman Empire, France, etc.), to the East (Ottoman Empire, Mamluk

Sultanate, etc.), or even Italian city-states (Genoa, Milan, Ferrara). The

information provided within these reports are as followed:

● State Name: The name of the state

● State Map: The map pertaining to the relevant state

● State description: A short description of the state

● Diplomatic Status: an overall assessment of the diplomatic relationship

between Venice and the mentioned state; this parameter can span from

Hostile (1), Cold (2), Neutral (3), Cordial (4), Excellent (5)

● Trade Status: an overall assessment of the trading relationship between

Venice and the mentioned state; this parameter can span from Hostile

(1), Cold (2), Neutral (3), Cordial (4), Excellent (5)

● Informant List: a list containing informants of Venice stationed in

various parts of the mentioned state, also contains the status of those

informants along with their locations and their intelligence capability

(Maximum, Minimum, None)

● Relevant Information: intelligence gained by informants from their

operations in mentioned states; these information may be pivotal for

any kind of decision making necessary to the glory of Venice

As it stands, information from the reports will remain classified until said


Maps of various regions of Venice and relevant regions beyond the Italian

Mainland are presented as a method for members of the College to determine

the best course of action. The maps will be decorated with certain map

elements during times of conflict in order to reflect certain landmarks, troops,

and known enemy positions. Here is the list of the map elements that will be

Trade Nodes Status Reports

The Trade Nodes report shows ever-updating information regarding the status

of Venice’s trade nodes throughout the world, divided into the scope of the sea

and land commerce which provides information as shown below.

● Nodes of Trade: Two tables showing information of the commerce status Sea &

● Node Location: The location in which stated nodes are located and are present

in both tables. New nodes may be discovered or added throughout the duration

of the Committee Session.

● Dominance Level/Trade Dominance: Shows Venice’s current dominance in a

specific node, higher dominance can mean higher income, higher chances to

monopolize, or actions relating to the specific node. Lower dominance does not

always translate to a lower income, however, it does mean that our trade is more

vulnerable to foreign interference. The increase of a dominance level could be

done in several ways, such as; Increasing diplomatic relations with the country

in which the node are located, trading specific goods to monopolize the

commerce in a node, through intrigue and utilizing cunning ways to ensure the

dominance of our trade in a node, and other creative ways that delegates could

think of. The dominance level parameter spans from None, Lesser, Minimum,


● Status of Node: This information simply shows the current income which Venice

is able to gain from a specific node. Income status is categorized into four

parameters; None, Poor, Average, Prospering.

Venetian Army Rapport

The Venetian Army Rapport is a list containing details of the troops being

stationed within various regions of the terraferma. It includes the composition

of the troop too, either they are native to Venice, or they may be paid arms,

the condottiere. The numbers of troops may automatically change as the

committee session progresses due to additional conscription and war

casualties; not only that, the Capitano Generale may send directives in order

to affect the changes that happen within the Rapport. As it stands,

information from the Rapport will remain classified until said otherwise.
Venetian Navy Rapport

The Venetian Navy Rapport is a list containing details of the naval fleet being

stationed within various regions of Venice’s domini da mar. It includes the

composition of the fleet too, the number of crews and the type of galleys

being deployed. The numbers of galleys may automatically change as the

committee session progresses due to additional construction and war

casualties; not only that, the Capitano Generale de Mar may send directives in

order to affect the changes that happen within the Rapport. As it stands,

information from the Rapport will remain classified until said otherwise.
Master of Ships Document

The Master of Ships document contains all the necessary information required

for our Patroni de le Galleri in handling all matters of Venice pertaining to

shipbuilding. It includes the current state of the Arsenal alongside the monthly

production capacity of the Arsenal. The document also lists our current ship

inventory alongside its ownership. All information contained may change

following the duration of the committee session, whether through news updates,

battles, or delegates directives. Though only the Patroni de le Galleri is able to

send directives for any matter pertaining to the Arsenale affairs itself. As it

stands, information from the Rapport will remain classified until said

Quarantia & Pregadi

The Quarantia & Senate is a special mechanic specifically for both Head of the

Council of Forty, although the sheet itself is available for the Pien Collegio to

see. The sheet contains information regarding the proceedings of law voting.

Below is the guideline alongside an explanation of the sheets.

● Category of Law: The specific category which a certain law may be

categorized as. (Commerce and Industry, Politics and Culture, National

Security, Religious Laws)

● Name of Law: The name of law contained in the directive for the creation

of a law.

● Effect of Said Law: Directives pertaining to the creation of law must be

able to thoroughly elaborate its implementation alongside its effects. Its

effects will be shown here

● State of the Quarantia: Delegates are able to know the current state of

Quarantia whether it is deliberating a certain law, or currently in recess.

The state is either in Recess or in Session.

● Results of the Voting: Shows the result of a Quarantia session; (Passes,


The Senate is highly similar to the

explanation above, noting the

difference of the name “Quarantia”

which is replaced by “Pregadi”. The

other picture on this page shows the

list of laws that have been

deliberated whether they have passed

or failed. It acts as a master list for

delegates to review previous laws

whether passed ones or failed ones.

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