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English 101

Lecture Notes 12

Spring 2022

4 April

Lecture 12

1. Vocabulary Strategies (Cont.)

A. Using The Context

1. “Context” means “the words with or around the

word you are trying to understand.” “Using the

context” means making an inference (an educated

guess) about what a word might mean, based on the

words around it.

2. For example, consider this sentence: “Even the

brave knight felt a shiver of fear when she heard

the terrible roar of the fearsome Jabberwocky”.

You may not recognize the term “Jabberwocky.” But

you can probably figure out (or infer) from the

words around the word “Jabberwocky” that a

Jabberwocky is meant to be something frightening

that roars and strikes fear in knights when it


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