Principles of Marketing

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Malala wrote a very good report to be submitted the

next day. Since she will be absent, she asks Sierra to give
it to their boss the next day.
Upon reception of the report, the BOSS praised Sierra
instead of Malala. Sierra did not say a thing but instead
also welcomed the praise.
What do you think is wrong about the situation?
What are the possible consequences of what has taken place
above the following area:
- Employee to Employee relationship.
- Work Place Relationship
Mario is noted as a consistent objector in the company.
Every decision of the management, he always has a
negative comment about such or is always against it.
To add further he always posts in his social media
account negative comments about the different aspects of
the organization, This continued until the company
decided to terminate her for causing damage to the
company image.

What makes the action of Mario wrong?

Is the company management justifiable in terminating

Person A, B, and C are employees of Company XY. Person
A and B are good friends while Person A and C are not. It
so happens that both Person B and C were absent when
important information was given.
Person A informed B about the information given. But
when it comes to C, he only said "It is his problem, not
mine. He should exert an effort to know what transpired
in his absence".

Is the action of PERSON A justified? Why so?

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