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Answer key

Handout 1 (To be negative and interrogative)

Exercise 1a

1. I’m not British.

2. They aren’t Brazilian.
3. It isn’t in South Africa.
4. You aren’t French.

Exercise 1b

1. Am I in room 10? Yes, I am.

2. Is it Spanish? No, it isn’t.
3. Are they students? No, they aren’t.
4. Is he from the USA? Yes, he is.
5. Are you Mike Bell? No, I’m not.

Exercise 1c

1. ‘s
2. Are
3. ‘m
4. ‘m
5. Are
6. ‘m
7. Is
8. isn’t.
9. ‘s
10. Are
11. ‘m

Exercise 2

1. My name’s XXXXXX
2. I’m from Chile.
3. Yes, I am.
4. She/He’s from Chile.
5. No, he/she isn’t.
Handout 2 (Countries and nationalities)

Exercise 1:
2. Brazil
3. Chinese
4. England
5. French
6. Ireland
7. Mexican
8. Poland
9. Swiss
10. Turkey

Exercise 2:
3. Japanese
4. Hungary
5. American
6. Italy
7. Spanish.
8. Scotland
9. Egyptian
10. the Czech Republic

Exercise 3:
France: eighty-three
Scotland: fifty-one
Ireland: twenty-seven
the USA: fifty-two
Japan: forty-four
Turkey: thirty-six
Czech Republic: twenty-eight

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