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The Bohr-van Leeuwen theorem and the thermal Casimir effect for conductors

Giuseppe Bimonte∗
Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche Università di Napoli Federico II Complesso Universitario MSA,
Via Cintia I-80126 Napoli Italy and INFN Sezione di Napoli, ITALY

(Dated: October 31, 2018)

The problem of estimating the thermal corrections to Casimir and Casimir-Polder interactions
in systems involving conducting plates has attracted considerable attention in the recent literature
on dispersion forces. Alternative theoretical models, based on distinct low-frequency extrapola-
tions of the plates reflection coefficient for transverse electric (TE) modes, provide widely different
predictions for the magnitude of this correction. In this paper we examine the most widely used
prescriptions for this reflection coefficient from the point of view of their consistency with the Bohr-
arXiv:0903.0951v2 [quant-ph] 6 Apr 2009

van Leeuwen theorem of classical statistical physics, stating that at thermal equilibrium transverse
electromagnetic fields decouple from matter in the classical limit. We find that the theorem is satis-
fied if and only if the TE reflection coefficient vanishes at zero frequency in the classical limit. This
criterion appears to rule out some of the models that have been considered recently for describing
the thermal correction to the Casimir pressure with non-magnetic metallic plates.

PACS numbers: 12.20.-m, 03.70.+k, 42.50.Lc, 31.15.ap, 12.20.Ds

Keywords: Casimir, proximity effects, thermal fluctuations.

I. INTRODUCTION interpret the data it is now necessary to take into full

account a number of small corrections, like temperature
effects, the effect of surface corrugations, patch effects
Dispersion forces, frequently called ”van der Waals” or etc. (see Ref. [3] for details). In particular, the necessity
”molecular” forces, are long-range electromagnetic forces of careful electrostatic calibrations in precision measure-
arising from quantum and thermal charge and current ments of the Casimir force has been recently emphasized
fluctuations existing in microscopic or macroscopic bod- [5].
ies at thermal equilibrium. In view of their pervasive role, In this paper we focus our attention on the influence
from biology to chemistry, from physics to engineering of material properties of the bodies constituting the sys-
[1], these weak forces have been the subject of intense the- tem. As remarked above, within Lifshitz theory these
oretical and experimental investigations. A distinctive properties are fully described by the macroscopic per-
feature of dispersion forces is intimately related to their mittivities of the bodies participating in the interaction.
long-range character. In fact, while short-range forces, As it is well known, the latter quantities are complex
like the exchange electromagnetic interaction, are deter- functions of the frequency ω of the electromagnetic field,
mined by the particular microscopic electronic structure as an effect of dispersive and absorptive properties dis-
of atoms and molecules, long-range forces display a uni- played by all real materials. Now, in Lifshitz theory the
versal behavior at large distances. This feature is clearly free-energy associated with van der Waals forces between
reflected in the famous theory of dispersion forces devel- condensed bodies is expressed by a sum of terms depend-
oped long ago by Lishitz [2], where the particular features ing on the reflection coefficients of the plates, evaluated
of the bodies participating to the interaction, whether at (imaginary) Matsubara frequencies ξn = 2πnkB T /h̄,
atoms or macroscopic bodies, can be fully taken into ac- where kB is Boltzmann constant, T is the temperature,
count by means of their macroscopic permittivities or and the discrete index n in the sum runs form zero to in-
polarizabilities. finity. As a result, evaluation of Lifshitz formula requires
After over fifty years, Lifshitz theory still constitutes knowledge of the reflection coefficients over a wide range
the basic theoretical tool universally used by researchers of frequencies, extending from zero up to a few times the
in the field, to interpret the results of modern experi- characteristic frequency ωc = c/(2a) of the system, where
ments on dispersion forces. As an example, we mention a is the characteristic separation between the bodies. For
the numerous recent experiments on the Casimir effect typical separations involved in present experiments, rang-
(for a recent review, see [3]), and the beautiful new ex- ing from a few tens of nanometers up to a few microns,
periments on the Casimir-Polder interaction of a Bose- the characteristic frequency falls somewhere from the IR
Einstein condensate with a dielectric substrate [4]. It is part of the spectrum, to the near UV. In order to obtain
important to note that the precision of the most recent an accurate theoretical prediction for the free-energy, the
experiments is of a such a level that in order to correctly common practice today is to rely on detailed optical data
of the material used in the experiment. The importance
of using accurate optical data has been recently empha-
sized by the authors of Ref. [6], where it is shown that
∗; uncertainty in the optical data may easily result in an un-

certainty of several percent in the evaluation of Lifshitz the influence of temperature on the Casimir-Polder in-
formula. One point should however be stressed: for the teraction of a Bose-Einstein condensate with a dielectric
purpose of evaluating the n = 0 term of Lifshitz formula, substrate [4]. Clarifying this problem is important also in
it is always necessary to make an extrapolation of the view of the many experiments on non-newtonian forces
reflection coefficients to zero frequency. This is a very at the submicron scale, some of which use metallic sur-
delicate point, indeed, because the result strongly de- faces at room temperature [12], making it necessary to
pends on how the extrapolation is done. Understanding estimate accurately the contribution of dispersion forces
what is the correct extrapolation is crucial in particular that must be subtracted from the observed signal. For
for determining the thermal correction to the free-energy a lucid description of the problems involved in precision
in systems involving one or more conductors, because Casimir experiments we address the reader to the recent
this correction is strongly affected by the magnitude of paper [13].
the n = 0 Matsubara term for transverse electric (TE)
In this paper we shall examine the low frequency pre-
polarization. This crucial term is determined by the TE
reflection coefficients of the plates at zero frequency, and scriptions for the TE reflection coefficient of insulators
and conductors, generally used in investigations of dis-
as of now different recipes have been proposed in the lit-
erature for this coefficient, resulting in drastically differ- persion forces, from the point of view of their compati-
bility with a very well known theorem of classical solid
ent predictions for the magnitude of the thermal correc-
tion. The most popular prescriptions used currently to state physics, namely the Bohr-van Leeuwen theorem
[14]. This theorem originated early in the 20th century,
model real metals can be grouped in two classes: Drude-
in an attempt to explain the absence of strong diamag-
like models and plasma-like models. The former models
[7] are characterized by permittivity functions ǫ(ω) dis- netism in normal conductors placed in an external mag-
netic field. After a simple physical argument due to Bohr,
playing at low frequency the same ω −1 singularity of the
familiar Drude model for the permittivity of a ohmic con- who showed that no net diamagnetic currents can arise
in a bounded conductor subjected to a static magnetic
ductor, resulting in a vanishing TE reflection coefficient
at zero frequency. On the contrary, plasma-like mod- field, the theorem was put on a firm theoretical basis by
H. J. van Leeuwen. In essence the theorem states that
els are characterized by the ω −2 singularity displayed by
the plasma model of IR optics, extrapolated to zero fre- in classical systems at thermal equilibrium matter de-
couples from the transverse electromagnetic field. It oc-
quency. The latter class of models includes in particular
the so-called generalized plasma model considered in Ref. curred to us that perhaps this theorem could be used to
discriminate between existing models used in the current
[8]. In this model, ohmic dissipation is not accounted
for, and only dissipation associated with interband tran- literature to describe dispersion forces. Let us see briefly
how the connection arises. One observes that the reflec-
sitions of core electron is considered. The ω −2 singu-
larity of plasma-like models entails a non-vanishing TE tion coefficients of a surface determine the macroscopic
response of the surface to an external electromagnetic
reflection coefficient in the limit of zero frequency, differ-
ently from Drude-like models. The different behaviors of probe placed outside the surface. It is now the essence
of the famous fluctuation dissipation theorem [15] that
the TE reflection coefficient at zero frequency implied by
the two classes of models have a dramatic impact on the such response functions are intimately related to equilib-
rium averages of suitable macroscopic observables of the
Casimir force in the limit of large separations between
the plates, since Drude-like models lead to a force that is system. In the case of interest to us, the fluctuation dissi-
pation theorem relates averages of the fluctuating electro-
about one-half that implied by plasma-like models. We
magnetic fields outside the surface to its reflection coeffi-
remark also that in this limit plasma-like models give al-
most the same force as the simple ideal-metal model of cients [18]. This fundamental relation is known to imply
a set of general constraints, originating from microscopic
real conductors [3, 9, 10]. At separations between the
plates smaller than one micron, where the Casimir force reversibility [16], that must be satisfied by the reflection
coefficients of any real material, like for example impor-
can be measured most accurately, the various prescrip-
tions imply predicted Casimir forces that differ only by tant reciprocity relations [17]. Therefore we were led to
wonder if the Bohr-van Leeuwen theorem can be used to
a few percents, and it is therefore difficult to distinguish
between them by an experiment. put any further constraints on the permitted behavior of
the reflection coefficients. We remark that the Casimir
The experimental situation is still unclear, because the and Casimir-Polder interactions are equilibrium phenom-
present accuracy of Casimir-force measurements is still ena, and therefore they must conform to the principles of
not sufficient to detect the temperature correction to the equilibrium statistical physics. In order to put this idea
Casimir force between two metallic bodies, and indeed to a test we shall evaluate the spectrum of the fluctuating
there are at present several ongoing and planned exper- electromagnetic field in the empty space outside one slab,
iments to measure it [11]. A recent accurate experiment and between two plane-parallel slabs, characterized by a
using a micromechanical oscillator [12] appears to favor local dielectric response, carefully separating the longitu-
the plasma model prescription, but this claim is not yet dinal and the transverse components of the electromag-
universally accepted by the community [9]. We remark netic field. Having done this, we shall verify whether
that as of now there is only one experiment that detected or not the transverse component of the field decouples

from the slab(s) in the classical limit, as required by the heat theorem in the context of Casimir physics, we ad-
Bohr-van Leeuwen theorem. Interestingly, we shall see dress the reader to Refs. [9, 23].
that the answer depends exclusively on the behavior of The paper is organized as follows. In Section II we
the reflection coefficients of the slab(s), in the limit of review the fluctuation-dissipation theorem, in the con-
zero frequency. In this way we obtain a rather stringent text of general linear response theory, while in Section
test to decide whether a definite model is admissible or III the theorem is used to derive expressions for the cor-
not from the point of view of classical statistical physics. relators of the electromagnetic fields outside dielectrics
The important result is that the Bohr-van Leeuwen theo- and conductors. In Section IV we verify if these corre-
rem is satisfied if and only if the TE reflection coefficient lators satisfy the Bohr- van Leeuwen theorem outside a
vanishes at zero frequency, in the classical limit. As a re- planar slab, for a number of models of dielectrics and
sult, we find that Drude-like models are compatible with conductors. The case of a plane-parallel cavity, of the
the Bohr-van Leeuwen theorem, while neither plasma- type used in Casimir experiments, is considered in Sec-
like models nor the ideal-metal model pass the test. Our tion V. Finally, Section VI contains our conclusions and
conclusions appear to be consistent with the findings of a discussion of the results.
a recent paper [19] which presented a microscopic calcu-
lation of the Casimir force between two metallic plates,
in the asymptotic limit of large separations between the II. FLUCTUATION-DISSIPATION THEOREM
plates, when the force is dominated by classical thermal
fluctuations and the theorem is supposed to apply. It was
In this Section we briefly review the principal results of
found there that in this asymptotic regime, the micro-
linear response theory, and in particular we present the
scopic model assumed in [19] predicts the same Casimir
general fluctuation-dissipation theorem for linear dissi-
force as the Drude prescription, and therefore it is in dis-
pative media. For a review of linear-response theory we
agreement with both plasma-like models and the ideal
address the reader to Refs.[15].
metal results, which we recall both predict in this limit a
force of double magnitude as that implied by Drude-like In linear-response theory, one considers a quantum-
models. mechanical system, characterized by a (time-
independent) Hamiltonian H0 , in a state of thermal
We point out that in the recent literature on the ther- equilibrium described by the density matrix ρ
mal Casimir effect, another criterion based on statistical
physics has been widely considered to discriminate be- ρ = e−βH /tr(e−βH ) , (1)
tween alternative models for the reflection coefficients of
a material slab. This other criterion requires that the where β = 1/(kB T ). The system is then perturbed by
Nernst heat theorem be satisfied, in the limit of zero an external perturbation of the form:
temperature [20]. This alternative criterion leads to con- Z
clusions that are not in agreement with what we found Hext = − d3 r
Qj (r, t) fj (r, t) (2)
on the basis of the Bohr–van Leeuwen criterion, for one
finds that the Nernst heat theorem is not satisfied by the
Drude prescription in the idealized case of perfect crystals where fj (r, t) are external classical forces, and Qj (r, t)
with no defects, but it is satisfied both by the (general- is the dynamical variable of the system conjugate to the
ized) plasma models, and by the ideal metal model. In force fj (r, t). One may assume without loss of generality
the Drude case, Nernst theorem is however restored if an that, in the absence of external forces, the equilibrium
arbitrarily small amount of impurities are present in the values of the quantities Qj (r, t) all vanish: hQj (r, t)i = 0.
crystal [21]. While we cannot offer a complete resolution The presence of the external forces causes a deviation
of this contradiction, we remark that since the Nernst δhQi (r, t)i of the expectation values of Qj (r, t) from their
theorem is intrinsically a quantum result, this criterion equilibrium values. If the forces fj (r, t) are sufficiently
is a sense orthogonal to the one proposed in this paper, weak, δhQi (r, t)i can be taken to be linear functionals of
which is essentially classical. In our judgement, in the ab- the applied forces fj (r, t) according to the formula:
sence of a definitive answer, we note that the Bohr–van
Leeuwen criterion appears to be more pertinent than the XZ Z t
Nernst criterion, for a theoretical assessment of the de- δhQi (r, t)i = d3 r dt′ φij (r, r′ , t − t′ ) fj (r′ , t′ ) .
bated problem of thermal corrections to the Casimir and j −∞
Casimir-Polder effects at room temperatures, since it is (3)
well known that the difficulties posed by this problem are The above Equation assumes that the system was in equi-
basically of a classical nature (see Sec. V below). In addi- librium at t = −∞, and that it reacts to the external
tion, we note that the extrapolation to zero temperature force in a causal way. The quantities φij (r, r′ , t − t′ ) are
of Lifshitz theory poses very non-trivial problems, asso- called response functions of the system. In principle, they
ciated for example with the possible presence of spatial can be measured by applying to the system of interest
non-locality (anomalous skin effect [22]). For recent re- suitable external classical probes. We now define the ad-
views of some theoretical aspects involved by the Nernst mittance φ̃ij (r, r′ , ω) as the (one-sided) Fourier transform

of the response function φij (r, r′ , t): admittance. Consider first the case when ∆ij (r, r′ , t) is
Z ∞ odd in t. This is the case of interest to us, because the
φ̃ij (r, r′ , ω) = dt φij (r, r′ , t) eiωt . (4) commutators of the electromagnetic fields are indeed odd
0 in time. Then we find:
Z ∞ Z ∞
Being the one-sided transform of a real quantity, the ad-
dt ∆ij (r, r′ , t) eiωt = 2 i dt ∆ij (r, r′ , t) sin(ωt)
mittance satisfies distinctive analyticity and reality prop- −∞ 0
erties. First, it is an analytic function of the complex
frequency w in the upper complex plane C + ≡ {w =
ω + iδ, δ > 0}. Second, it satisfies in C + the following = 2 i Im[φ̃ij (r, r′ , ω)] . (10)
reality condition
Upon substituting the expression on the second line of
φ̃ij (r, r′ , −w∗ ) = φ̃∗ij (r, r′ , w) . (5) Eq. (10) in the l.h.s. of Eq. (9), and after performing the
inverse Fourier transform of both sides, we then obtain
The latter property in particular implies that the ad- the following important relation:
mittance is real along the imaginary frequency axis
φ̃ij (r, r′ , iξ) = φ̃∗ij (r, r′ , iξ). h{Qi (r, t) Qj (r′ , 0)}i
By a straightforward computation in time-dependent
perturbation theory one may prove that the response ∞
1 dω
functions φij (r, r′ , t − t′ ) are related to the equilibrium = Eβ (ω) Im[φ̃ij (r, r′ , ω)] e−iωt . (11)
expectation values of the commutators of the dynamical π −∞ ω
variables Qi (r, t), in the absence of external forces:
By further exploiting the fact that, by virtue of Eq. (5),
φij (r, r′ , t − t′ ) = ∆ij (r, r′ , t − t′ ) θ(t − t′ ). (6) the imaginary part of the admittance is an odd function
of ω, we can rewrite the above Equation as:
Here θ(x) is Heaviside step function (θ(x) = 1 for x > 0,
θ(x) = 0 for x < 0) and h{Qi (r, t) Qj (r′ , 0)}i
∆ij (r, r′ , t − t′ ) = h[Qi (r, t), Qj (r′ , t′ )]i , (7) ∞
2 dω

= Eβ (ω) Im [φ̃ij (r, r′ , ω)] cos(ωt) . (12)
π 0 ω
with Qi (r, t) the Heisenberg operator:
Even if we shall not need it, for completeness we report
Qi (r, t) = eiH0 t/h̄ Qi (r, 0)e−iH0 t/h̄ . (8) also the analogous relation that holds if ∆ij (r, r′ , t) is
even in t:
As it is well known, starting from Eq. (6) it is possi-
ble to derive several general fluctuation-dissipation theo- h{Qi (r, t) Qj (r′ , 0)}i
rems, that allow to express the (symmetrized) correlation
functions of the quantities Qi (r, t) in terms of the dissi-
pative component of the response functions φij [15]. The ∞
2 dω
form of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem of interest to = Eβ (ω) Re [φ̃ij (r, r′ , ω)] sin(ωt) . (13)
π 0 ω
us is expressed by the following relation
Z ∞ The above two relations constitute the content of the
dt ∆ij (r, r′ , t) eiωt fluctuation-dissipation theorem. Note in particular that
−∞ in the odd case the two-times correlation functions of the
quantities Qi (r, t) in Eq. (12) is expressed in terms of
∞ the dissipative part of the admittance. It is important to

= dt h{Qi (r, t) Qj (r′ , 0)}ieiωt (9) remark that the integrands on the r.h.s. of Eqs. (12) and
Eβ (ω) −∞ (13) have no singularity at ω = 0, despite the presence
of the singular factor ω −1 . This so because, from the
where definition Eq. (4), we see that for vanishing frequency
the admittance φ̃ij (r, r′ , 0) is a finite and real quantity.
h̄ω h̄ω
Eβ (ω) = coth This ensures that the integrands in Eqs. (12) and (13)
2 2kB T
both have finite limits as ω approaches zero.
is the average free-energy of a quantum oscillator with In view of a next use, it is now useful to derive a
frequency ω in equilibrium at temperature T , and formula for the equal-time correlators of the quantities
{AB} = (AB + BA)/2 denotes the symmetrized product Qi (r, t), in the classical limit. This can be easily done by
of the operators A and B. If ∆ij (r, r′ , t) has a definite setting t = 0 and taking the limit h̄ → 0 in the r.h.s. of
parity under inversion of time, we can easily verify that Eqs. (12) and (13). The only non-trivial case to consider
the l.h.s. of Eq. (9) can be expressed in terms of the is the odd one, for in the even case we see from Eq. (13)

that the equal-time correlators vanish identically. Then, where U (r, t) and A⊥ (r, t) are, respectively, the scalar
from Eq. (12) we obtain: and the transverse vector potentials for the electromag-
netic field, while ρ(ext) (r, t) and j⊥ (r, t) denote, respec-
lim h{Qi (r, 0) Qj (r′ , 0)}i tively, external classical distributions of charge and cur-
h̄→0 (ext)
rent. Note that j⊥ (r, t) is assumed to be transverse:
∞ (ext)
2kB T dω
∇ · j⊥ =0. (17)
= Im φ̃ij (r, r′ , ω) . (14)
π 0 ω
In what follows we shall assume that the bodies consti-

Assuming that the admittance φ̃ij (r, r , w) vanishes suffi- tuting the system are non-magnetic (µ = 1) dielectrics
ciently fast at complex infinity in C + , we can take advan- or conductors with sharp boundaries, characterized each
tage of analyticity in C + of φ̃ij (r, r′ , w) to evaluate the by a frequency dependent electric permittivity ǫ(ω). It
integral on the r.h.s., by rotating the integration contour is moreover assumed that the bodies are homogeneous,
from the real axis to the imaginary one. The rotated in such a way that the permittivities are constant func-
contour of integration Γ consists of an infinitesimal arc tions of the position within the volume occupied by each
surrounding the origin in the right sector of C + , followed body. Under such conditions, it is shown in Ref.[28] that
by the whole imaginary axis. Since the admittance is we have two independent sets of response functions for
real along the imaginary axis, it is clear that the part of the scalar and the vector potential:
the integral over Γ extending along the imaginary axis Z t Z
does not contribute to the r.h.s. of Eq.(14), and there- U (r, t) = dt′ d3 r′ G(r, r′ , t − t′ ) ρ(ext) (r′ , t′ ) ,
fore we find that the imaginary part of the integral results −∞
entirely from the contribution of the infinitesimal arc sur- (18)
rounding the origin. After easy evaluation of the latter
contribution, we obtain the simple result: ′ (ext)
A⊥ (r, t) = dt d3 r′ G⊥ (r, r′ , t−t′ )·j⊥ (r′ , t′ ) ,
c −∞
lim h{Qi (r, 0) Qj (r′ , 0)}i = kB T φ̃ij (r, r′ , 0) . (15) (19)
where G⊥ (r, r′ , t − t′ ) has to be understood as a dyadic
We then reach the important conclusion that in the clas- Green function. Recalling that the commutators of the
sical limit the equal-time correlators for the quantities electromagnetic fields are odd functions of time, from
Qi (r) are simply proportional to the zero-frequency limit the general fluctuation-dissipation theorem Eq. (12) we
of the admittance. It is opportune to remark that in obtain the following expressions for the correlators of the
the above derivation we have implicitly assumed that the electromagnetic fields:
admittance itself is independent of h̄. Obviously when
quantum effects contribute to the admittance, the quan- h{U (r, t) U (r′ , 0)}i
tity φ̃ij (r, r′ , 0) in the r.h.s. of Eq. (15) must be un-
derstood as the classical limit of the admittance at zero- ∞
2 dω
frequency. =− Eβ (ω) Im [G̃(r, r′ , ω)] cos(ωt) , (20)
π 0 ω

III. CORRELATORS OF THE h{U (r, t) A⊥i (r′ , 0)}i = 0 , (21)

h{A⊥i (r, t) A⊥j (r′ , 0)}i
In this Section we shall use the methods described in
the previous Section to derive formulae for the correla-

tors of the electromagnetic fields outside dielectrics and 2 dω
conductors. In the spirit of linear response theory, this is = Eβ (ω) Im [G̃⊥ij (r, r′ , ω)] cos(ωt) , (22)
π 0 ω
done by placing outside the bodies a suitable distribution
of classical electric and magnetic dipoles, that work as where G̃(r, r′ , ω) and G̃⊥ (r, r′ , ω) denote the one-sided
external probes for the electromagnetic field [18]. In or- Fourier transforms of the Greens functions:
der to separate the longitudinal and the transverse parts Z ∞
of the field, we consider an external Hamiltonian of the
G̃(r, r′ , ω) = dt G(r, r′ , t) eiωt , (23)
following form [28] 0

Hext = d3 r[U (r, t)ρ(ext) (r, t) − A⊥ (r, t) · j⊥ (r, t)] , Z ∞
c ′
G̃⊥ (r, r , ω) = dt G⊥ (r, r′ , t) eiωt . (24)
(16) 0

The Fourier transforms of the Green’s functions can be with an obvious meaning for the symbols. It is now
obtained by solving the following field Equations implied easy to derive from the above formulae the expressions
by macroscopic Maxwell Equations: for the corresponding changes of the equal-time correla-
tors of the electromagnetic fields that we shall need in
∇ · [ ǫ(r, ω) ∇G̃ ] = −4π δ(r − r′ ) , (25) the following Sections. For the longitudinal electric field
Ek = −∇U , from Eq. (30) we obtain
(△ + ǫ(r, ω) ω 2 /c2 )G̃⊥ (r, r′ , ω) = −4π δ⊥ (r − r′ ) , (26)
δh{Eki (r, 0) Ekj (r′ , 0)}i
where δ⊥ (r − r′ ) is the transverse delta-function dyad:
ki kj
Z !

2 dω ∂ 2 F̃ (mat)

δij (x) = d3 k δij − 2 eik·x , (27) =− Eβ (ω) Im , (33)
k π ω ∂xi ∂x′j

with k = |k|. The above field equations must be supple-

mented by standard boundary conditions at the bodies For the transverse electric field E⊥ and for the magnetic
interfaces, and must be further subjected to the con- field B, since E⊥ = −c−1 ∂A⊥ /∂t, and B = ∇ × A⊥ ,
ditions required for retarded Green’s functions. The from Eq. (32) we obtain:
Green’s functions G̃ and G̃⊥ satisfy a number of gen-
eral properties, that are consequences of microscopic re- δh{E⊥i (r, 0) E⊥j (r′ , 0)}i
versibility and of analyticity and reality properties of the
permittivity ǫ(ω) of any causal material. For a review of ∞
2 dω
these important properties we address the reader to Ref. = Eβ (ω) k02 Im [ F̃⊥ij (r, r′ , ω)] , (34)
[28] (and Refs. therein). π 0 ω
For our purposes, it is convenient to split the Green’s
where k0 = ω/c and
functions, outside the bodies, as sums of an empty-space
contribution plus a correction arising from the material
δh{Bi (r, 0) Bj (r′ , 0)}i

G(r, r′ , t − t′ ) = G(0) (r − r′ , t − t′ ) + F (mat) (r, r′ , t − t′ ) , ∞

2 dω
→ (mat) ←
(28) = Eβ (ω) Im [ (∇r × F̃⊥ × ∇r′ )ij ] . (35)
and π 0 ω
(0) (mat)
G⊥ (r, r′ , t − t′ ) = G⊥ (r − r′ , t − t′ ) + F⊥
(r, r′ , t − t′ ) . Finally, from Eq. (15) we obtain the following equations
(29) for the matter contributions to the equal-time electric
Here, G(0) and G⊥ denote the Green’s functions in free and magnetic correlators in the classical limit:
space, while F (mat) and F⊥ describe the effects re- (cl)
lim δh{E⊥i (r, 0) E⊥j (r′ , 0)}i = kB T E⊥ij (r, r′ ) , (36)
sulting from the presence of the bodies. Such a split- h̄→0
ting presents the advantage that all singularities are in-
cluded in the free parts G(0) and G⊥ , while the quanti- and
ties F (mat) and F⊥ are smooth ordinary functions of lim δh{B⊥i (r, 0) B⊥j (r′ , 0)}i = kB T B⊥ij (r, r′ ) , (37)
r and r′ . Upon using Eqs. (28) and (29) into the r.h.s. h̄→0
of Eqs. (20-22) we obtain the following equations for
where we defined
the changes of the field correlators outside the material
bodies, arising from the presence of the bodies: (cl) (mat)
E⊥ij (r, r′ ) = lim (k02 F̃⊥ij (r, r′ , ω)) , (38)
δh{U (r, t) U (r′ , 0)}i

2 dω
Z → ←
(cl) (mat)
=− Eβ (ω) Im [F̃ (mat) (r, r′ , ω)] cos(ωt) , B⊥ij (r, r′ ) = lim (∇r × F̃⊥ × ∇r′ )ij . (39)
π 0 ω ω→0
According to the Bohr-van Leeuwen theorem [14] the
δh{U (r, t) A⊥i (r′ , 0)}i = 0 , (31) transverse electromagnetic fields decouples from matter
in the classical limit. From Eqs. (36) and (37) we see
that the theorem is fulfilled if and only if the quantities
δh{A⊥i (r, t) A⊥j (r′ , 0)}i (cl) (cl)
E⊥ij and B⊥ij all vanish identically outside the bodies.
Equipped with these formulae, we are ready now to ex-

2 dω
(mat) amine whether the theorem is satisfied in the simple case
= Eβ (ω) Im [F̃⊥ij (r, r′ , ω)] cos(ωt) , (32)
π 0 ω of a dielectric slab.

(cl) (cl)
IV. THE BOHR-VAN LEEUWEN THEOREM We can now evaluate the quantities E⊥ij and B⊥ij defined
FOR ONE DIELECTRIC OR CONDUCTING in Eqs. (38) and (39). Using the following relations
ξ (±) = ∓i k̄(±) + O(ω 2 ) , (47)
In this Section we use the results of the previous Sec-
tions to verify whether the Bohr-van Leeuwen theorem is
satisfied outside a plane-parallel dielectric or conducting k(±) = k̄(±) + O(ω 2 ) , (48)
slab characterized by a spatially local permittivity ǫ(ω).
We choose our cartesian coordinate system in such a way
that the z axis is perpendicular to the slab surface, with kz = i k⊥ + O(ω 2 ) , (49)
the slab occupying the z < 0 half-space. and observing that k(±) × e⊥ = ξ (±) and ξ (±) × k(±) =
The relevant Green’s functions for this problem have k02 e⊥ it is easy to verify that
already been worked out in Ref. [28]. The matter contri-
(wall) Z 2
bution F̃⊥ to the tensor Green’s functions was found (cl) d k⊥ n 2 (s)
to have the following form: E⊥ij = lim k0 r (ω, k⊥ ) e⊥i e⊥j
ω→0 2π k⊥
(wall) (wall) (wall)
F̃⊥ij = Ũij + Ṽij . (40) o (+)
(+) (−) ·r−ik̄(−) r′
+ [r(p) (ω, k⊥ ) − r̄(ω)] k̄i k̄j eik̄ , (50)
In this equation, Ũij is the quantity

d2 k⊥  d2 k⊥ n (s)
(wall) (cl) (+) (−)
Ũij =i e⊥i e⊥j r(s) (ω, k⊥ ) B⊥ij = lim r (ω, k⊥ ) k̄i k̄j
2π kz ω→0 2π k⊥

(+) (−)
o (+)
·r−ik̄(−) r′
ξi ξj (p) ik(+) ·r−ik(−) ·r′ + k02 r(p) (ω, k⊥ ) e⊥i e⊥j eik̄ . (51)
+ r (ω, k⊥ ) e , (41)
As we see from the above two Equations, whether the
where k⊥ denotes the projection of the wave-vector
p onto Bohr-van Leeuwen theorem is satisfied or not depends
the (x, y) plane, and we have defined kz = k02 − k⊥ 2 (the entirely on the behavior of the reflection coefficients, or
square root is defined such that Im(kz ) > 0), e⊥ = ẑ×k̂⊥ , what is the same of the electric permittivity ǫ(ω) of the
slab, in the limit of zero frequency. We consider now
k(±) = k⊥ ± kz ẑ and ξ ± = k⊥ ẑ ∓ kz k̂⊥ , while r(s) (ω, k⊥ )
and r(p) (ω, k⊥ ) are the familiar Fresnel reflections coeffi- several classes of models for the low-frequency behavior
cients for TE and TM waves, respectively: of the permittivity of the materials that are usually used
in present experiments on dispersion forces [3]. First we
kz − s have insulators, whose permittivities approach a finite
r(s) (ω, k⊥ ) = , (42) limit at zero frequency:
kz + s
ǫ(ω) = ǫ0 + O(ω) (insulator) . (52)
ǫ(ω) kz − s
r(p) (ω, k⊥ ) = , (43) Then we have normal (i.e. non superconducting) non-
ǫ(ω) kz + s
magnetic ohmic conductors. For these materials several
where s = ǫ(ω)k02 − k⊥ 2 , and again the square root is distinct models have been considered in the current liter-
(wall) ature on dispersion forces, and we classify them generally
defined such that Im(s) > 0. For the quantity Ṽij we as Drude-like models, plasma-like models and the ideal
have metal model. By Drude-like models we mean any models
1 ∂ 2 Ψ̃(wall) displaying at low frequency the same singular behavior of
Ṽij = (44) the familiar Drude-model, characterized by an ω −1 sin-
k02 ∂xi ∂x′j gularity:
where 4πiσ0
ǫ(ω) = + O(1); (Drude − like models) , (53)
Z 2
d k⊥ ik̄(+) ·r−ik̄(−) r′ ω
Ψ̃ = −r̄(ω) e , z ≥ 0 , (45)
2π k⊥ where σ0 is the dc conductivity. By plasma-like models
we mean instead any models characterized by the same
where k̄(±) = k⊥ ± ik⊥ ẑ and the reflection coefficient ω −2 singularity displayed by the familiar plasma-model
r̄(ω) is of IR optics
ǫ(ω) − 1 Ω2P
r̄(ω) = . (46) ǫ(ω) = − +O(ω −1 ) (plasma − like models) , (54)
ǫ(ω) + 1 ω2

where ΩP is the plasma frequency. These models include For the ideal-metal model we obviously have
in particular the so-called generalized plasma model con-
sidered recently in connection with the Casimir effect [8]. r(s) (0, k⊥ ) = −1 (ideal metal) . (61)
Finally we have the ideal-metal model which is better for-
mulated directly in terms of the reflection coefficients:
In view of these formulae, we reach the important con-
r (p)
= r̄ = −r (s)
=1 (ideal metal) . (55) clusion that both the dielectric and the ohmic (or Drude)
models are consistent with the Bohr-van Leeuwen theo-
We now estimate the quantities E⊥ij and B⊥ij using the
(cl) rem, while both plasma-like models and the ideal model
above models. It is a simple matter to verify that for are not. It is interesting to remark that even when the
all models, the reflection coefficients r(p) , r(s) and r̄ are latter two models are considered, the quantity B⊥ij be-
finite in the limit ω → 0. It is also possible to check comes negligible at large distances from the slab, and
(see also Appendix B of Ref. [28]) that the difference therefore the inconsistency revealed here is expected to
r(p) (ω, k⊥ ) − r̄(ω) occurring in the r.h.s. of Eq. (50), be important only in the study of proximity effects like
vanishes always at zero frequency (in the ideal case it is the Casimir effect to be considered in the next Section.
identically zero). In view of this, we see from Eq. (50) To avoid misunderstandings, we should repeat the
that the quantities E⊥ij vanish for all models: warning made at the end Section II. We are tacitly ad-
mitting here that the reflection coefficient r(s) (0, k⊥ ) is
(cl) independent of h̄. Obviously, when quantum effects are
E⊥ij = 0 . (56) important, it is understood that in Eq. (57) one should
take the classical limit of r(s) (0, k⊥ ). This consideration
However, in the case of B⊥ij we see from Eq. (51) that applies for example both to magnetic materials, and es-
only the second term between the curly brackets vanishes pecially so to superconductors [24].
always in the limit of zero frequency, leaving us with:
Z 2
(cl) d k⊥ (s) (+) (−) (+) (−) ′
B⊥ij = r (0, k⊥ ) k̄i k̄j eik̄ ·r−ik̄ r ,
where we set

r(s) (0, k⊥ ) ≡ lim r(s) (ω, k⊥ ) . (58) In this Section, we shall discuss the consequences of the
ω→0 Bohr-van Leeuwen theorem for the much debated prob-
lem of the thermal Casimir effect in metallic systems.
This equation shows that the key quantity to consider is Therefore, we consider the Casimir apparatus consisting
the zero-frequency limit of the TE reflection coefficient, of two non-magnetic plane-parallel slabs, separated by a
for we see that the Bohr-van Leeuwen is satisfied if and vacuum gap of width d. We let ǫ1 (ω) and ǫ2 (ω) the per-
only if r(s) (0, k⊥ ) vanishes. Now, it is easily seen that mittivities of the two slabs, which are assumed to occupy,
the insulator model and Drude-like models both imply a respectively, the regions z ≤ 0 and z ≥ d.
vanishing value for r(s) (0, k⊥ ):
The Green’s functions for this problem were worked
r(s) (0, k⊥ ) = 0
(insul. and Drude − like models), out in Ref. [28], and we can use them here. The mate-
(59) rial contribution F̃⊥ to the transverse Green’s function
On the contrary, with plasma-like models we find was found to be of the form:

2 + Ω2 /c2
(s) k⊥ − k⊥ P F̃⊥ = Ũ(cav) + Ṽ(cav) . (62)
r (0, k⊥ ) = p
2 + Ω2 /c2
(plasma − like models) .
k⊥ + k⊥ P
(60) Here

(" #
d2 k⊥ 1
  r(s) (s)
r2 ik(−) ·r−ik(+) ·r′ +2ikz d
(cav) ik(+) ·(r−r′ ) ik(−) ·(r−r′ ) 1 ik(+) ·r−ik(−) ·r′
Ũij =i −1 e +e + e + e e⊥i e⊥j
2πkz As As As

"  (p)
1 1 (+) (+) (+) ′ (−) (−) (−) ′

(+) (−) r1 (+) (−) ′
+ 2 − 1 ξi ξj eik ·(r−r ) + ξi ξj eik ·(r−r ) + ξi ξj eik ·r−ik r
k0 Ap Ap
(−) (+) r2 ik(−) ·r−ik(+) r′ +2ikz d
+ ξi ξj e , (63)

(α) (cav)
where ri , α = s, p are the Fresnel reflection coef- and F̃⊥ij given above, after some elementary algebra
fcients of slab i for polarization α, and Aα = 1 − one obtains the following expressions for hTkzz i and
(α) (α)
r1 r2 exp(2ikz d). As to Ṽ(cav) it has the expression: (mat)
hT⊥zz i:
(cav) 1 ∂ 2 Ψ(cav) ∞
1 dω
Ṽij = , (64) (mat) 2
k02 ∂xi ∂x′j hTkzz i = Eβ (ω) dk⊥ k⊥
π2 0 ω
" −1 #
d2 k⊥ e2k⊥ d
(+) ′ (−) ′
Ψ̃ = − 1 eik̄ ·(r−r ) + eik̄ ·(r−r ) × Im 1 − , (71)
2π k⊥ A r̄1 r̄2

1   ∞
2 dω
(+) (−) ′ (−) (+) ′
− r̄1 eik̄ ·r−ik̄ ·r + r̄2 eik̄ ·r−ik̄ ·r −2k⊥ d , (mat)
hT⊥zz i =− Eβ (ω) Im [T⊥ (ω)] (72)
A π 0 ω
where A = 1 − r̄1 (ω) r̄2 (ω) exp(−2k⊥ d). Concerning the where
matter contribution to the scalar Green’s function F̃ (cav) ,  !−1

1 e−2ikz d
in Ref. [28] it was shown that
 X
T⊥ (ω) = dk⊥ k⊥ q (α) (α)
2π 0 
α=s,p r1 r2
(cav) (cav)
F̃ = Ψ̃ . (66)

As it is well known [2] the Casimir pressure acting on the −1 )

e2k⊥ d

slabs is given by the thermal average of the zz component − k⊥ −1 , (73)
(mat) r̄1 r̄2
hTzz i of the matter contribution to the Maxwell stress-
tensor. Since, according to Eq. (31) the scalar potential
and the vector potential are uncorrelated, hTzz i de- with q = −ikz . We note that when we take the sum
(mat) (mat)
composes into the sum of a longitudinal and a transverse of hTkzz i and hT⊥zz i, the longitudinal contribution
contributions: (mat)
hTkzz i cancels against the transverse contribution re-
(mat) (mat) (mat) sulting from the second term between the curly brackets
hTzz i = hTkzz i + hT⊥zz i , (67)
on the r.h.s. of Eq. (73). The resulting expression for
and it is interesting to evaluate the two contributions hTzz i then reproduces the following well known Lif-
separately. Upon recalling the classical expression of the shitz formula for the Casimir pressure P (d, T ), expressed
Maxwell stress tensor in vacuum: as an integral over real frequencies [2]:
Z ∞ Z ∞
1 dω
1 1 1
Tij = δij Ek Ek − Ei Ej + δij Bk Bk − Bi Bj , P (d, T ) = − 2 Eβ (ω) dk⊥ k⊥
4π 2 2 π 0 ω 0
we find  !−1 
 X e−2ikz d 
(mat) 1 X × Im q −1 . (74)
hTkzz i = λk δh{Ekk (r, 0) Ekk (r, 0)}i , (69) (α) (α)
r1 r2

 

and We can now verify whether the transverse contribution

hT⊥zz i vanishes in the classical limit, as required by the
(mat) 1 X Bohr-van Leeuwen theorem. By taking the limit of the
hT⊥zz i = λk [δh{E⊥k (r, 0) E⊥k (r, 0)}i
8π r.h.s. of Eq. (72) for h̄ → 0 we obtain:
Z ∞
(mat) 2kB T dω
+ δh{Bk (r, 0) Bk (r, 0)}i] , (70) lim hT⊥zz i = − Im T⊥ (ω) . (75)
h̄→0 π 0 ω
where λ1 = λ2 = −λ3 = 1. By recalling Eqs. (33), Evaluation of the integral on the r.h.s. is made easy af-
(34) and (35) and using the explicit expression of F̃ (cav) ter we note that the quantity T⊥ (ω) vanishes for large

frequencies, and is an analytic function of the frequency where ξn =p2πnkB T /h̄ are the Matsubara frequencies
in the upper complex half-plane C + , as a result of an- and qn = 2 + ξ 2 /c2 . By comparing the r.h.s. of
k⊥ n
alyticity properties of the reflection coefficients. These Eq. (78) with the r.h.s. of Lifshitz formula Eq. (79) we
properties permit us to rotate the contour of integra- see that the former quantity coincides with the n = 0
tion from the real axis towards the imaginary axis, as we contribution to the Casimir pressure for TE polariza-
did already in Section II. Since along the imaginary axis tion. As it is well known this very term has been the
T⊥ (w) is real (because the reflection coefficients are real object of a long debate in the recent literature on the
for imaginary frequencies), one finds that the integral on thermal Casimir effect, and as of now there is no consen-
the r.h.s. of Eq. (75) receives its only contribution from sus among experts on its actual magnitude in the case
the pole in the origin. The latter is easily evaluated, of normal metallic plates [3, 9, 10]. The analysis carried
giving us the result: here shows that the Bohr-van Leeuwen theorem requires
(mat) that this term be zero for normal non magnetic conduc-
lim hT⊥zz i = − kB T lim T⊥ (ω) . (76) tors. Quantum effects permit of course non vanishing
h̄→0 ω→0
values for the n = 0 TE contribution, without violating
We then reach again the conclusion that validity of the the theorem, for example in magnetic materials and es-
Bohr- van Leeuwen theorem depends on the behavior of pecially in superconductors [24] (see remarks at the end
the reflection coefficients, or what is the same of the per- of the previous Section).
mittivities, in the limit of zero frequency. At this point
we assume for simplicity that the slabs are made of the
same material, in such a way that ǫ1 (ω) = ǫ2 (ω) = ǫ(ω), VI. CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSION
and we consider again the four models Eqs. (52-55) for
the permittivity in the low-frequency limit. It is easy to
check that for all these models the quantity: The problem of the thermal correction to the Casimir
and Casimir-Polder interactions in systems involving nor-
 −2ikz d −1  2k⊥ d −1 mal ohmic conductors has attracted considerable atten-
e e
q −1 − k⊥ −1 (77) tion in the recent literature on dispersion forces. De-
(r(p) )2 r̄2
spite numerous theoretical and experimental investiga-
occurring on the r.h.s. of Eq. (73), vanishes like ω 2 , tions, the resolution of this problem is not clear yet.
and therefore it does not contribute to T⊥ in the limit On the theoretical side, several distinct models have
of vanishing frequencies. In view of this, only TE-modes been proposed, that give widely different predictions for
may give a contribution to T⊥ in the limit of vanishing the magnitude of this correction. The difficulty is that
frequencies and from Eq. (73) we obtain: in order to get a definite value for the thermal correc-
Z ∞ tion, it is necessary to make a definite extrapolation to
(mat) kB T 2 zero frequency of the optical data of the plates, because
lim hT⊥zz i = − dk⊥ k⊥
h̄→0 2π 0 the theoretical prediction is very sensitive to the limit-
ing behavior of the reflection coefficients for vanishing
−1 frequency. Unfortunately, this extrapolation cannot be
e2k⊥ d

× −1 . (78) done solely on the basis of direct measurements, and it
(r (0, k⊥ ))2
unavoidably requires making some theoretical assump-
tions. Different ansatz have been proposed in the litera-
The Bohr-van Leeuwen theorem requires that the quan-
ture, each supported by some arguments, that give widely
tity on the r.h.s. vanishes for all separations, and this is
different predictions for the magnitude of the thermal
only possible if r(s) (0, k⊥ ) vanishes. Recalling the values
for TE reflection coefficient r(s) (0, k⊥ ) listed in Eqs. (59-
The experimental situation is not definite either. In
61), we see again that only the insulator and Drude-like
principle, the best way to clarify the issue would be to
models are consistent with the Bohr- van Leeuwen the-
orem, while plasma-like models and the ideal model are measure the Casimir force between two metallic plates at
separations of a few microns, because for such large sep-
As it is well known after rotation of the frequency do- arations different theoretical models predict forces that
differ by as much as about fifty percent. Unfortunately,
main of integration from the real axis to the imaginary
axis, Lifshitz formula Eq. (74) takes the form of a sum at these distances the Casimir force is very small, and
at the moment no one has been able to measure it with
over so-called imaginary Matsubara frequencies:
sufficient precision [11]. Below one micron, where the
∞  Z ∞ Casimir force can be measured most accurately, the ther-
kB T X 1
P (d, T ) = − 1 − δn0 dk⊥ k⊥ qn mal correction gets very small and therefore it is difficult
π n=0 2 0
to observe it. At the moment of this writing, the most
relevant experiments in this regard are those at Purdue
!−1 University [12] (see also Ref.[3]). While the achieved pre-
X e2qn d
× −1 , (79) cision is not sufficient to detect the thermal correction
(α) (α)
α=s,p r1 (iξn , k⊥ ) r2 (iξn , k⊥ ) predicted by certain theoretical models (of the plasma

type), the authors claimed that their measurements rule a on-vanishing contribution to the Casimir pressure from
out at high confidence level the much larger thermal cor- the n = 0 Matsubara mode is clearly possible, without
rection predicted by alternative theoretical models (of violating the Bohr- van Leeuwen theorem.
ohmic conductor type). As of now, no other experimen- The reader may be disturbed by hearing that the fa-
tal groups have carried out measurements of the thermal miliar ideal-metal model is inconsistent with the Bohr-
correction to the Casimir force. For a definitive assess- van Leeuwen theorem. After all, this is the model that
ment, it would be desirable to have more experiments, Casimir himself used to investigate the effect that goes
possibly of different types. Perhaps, further insights may under his name, sixty years ago [26]. We remark that
come from superconductors [24]. this model constitutes an extreme idealization of real
In this paper we have examined the most widely used metals, and therefore one should not expect it to be
models for the low-frequency behavior of the reflection universally valid. A hint that this model may provide
coefficients of dielectrics and conductors, from the point incorrect answers in problems involving proximity ef-
of view of their consistency with the Bohr- van Leeuwen fects of the quantized electromagnetic field near material
theorem [14]. This is a well known theorem in classical surfaces was pointed out long ago by Milonni [27] who
statistical physics, stating that at thermal equilibrium found that ideal-metal boundary conditions imply a vio-
the transverse electromagnetic field decouples from mat- lation of equal-time canonical commutation relations for
ter. As it is well known, this theorem provides the ba- the transverse electromagnetic field in the vicinity of a
sic explanation for the absence of strong diamagnetism metallic surface. In a recent work [28], the author of the
in normal conductors. The theorem has a very gen- present paper showed that such a violation is an artifact
eral character, and it fact it also holds under the less of the idealized boundary conditions for a perfect metal.
restrictive assumption of local kinetic equilibrium [25]. Indeed, if account is taken of dispersive and dissipative
In this paper, we evaluated the correlation functions for features of real materials, no such violation is found, and
the transverse electromagnetic field outside a dielectric the canonical commutation relations are restored at all
or conducting slab, and inside a planar cavity of the type point outside the conductor. As to the range of valid-
used in Casimir experiments. Upon taking the classical ity of the ideal-metal model, we have seen above that
limit of these correlators, we found that decoupling of the field correlators derived from this model violate the
the transverse electromagnetic field occurs if and only Bohr- van Leeuwen theorem only at finite temperature
if the reflection coefficient for transverse electric (TE) and only in the vicinity of the metallic surface. We infer
modes vanishes at zero frequency, in the classical limit. from this that the model has to be considered unreliable
According to this result, we conclude that the dielectric in the study of the proximity effects like the Casimir and
and the ohmic conductor models are completely consis- the Casimir-Polder interactions, in situations where tem-
tent with the Bohr- van Leeuwen theorem, while neither perature effects become important.
plasma-like models nor the ideal metal model are. In- Finally, we note that in the recent literature on the
terestingly, in the case of a cavity, the average value of Casimir effect there has been a lively debate on the in-
the Maxwell stress tensor, providing the Casimir pres- fluence of free charge carriers that always exist in poor
sure, is consistent with the theorem if and only if the conductors and in semiconductors [3, 29]. The Bohr- van
n = 0 Matsubara mode for TE polarization gives no con- Leeuwen theorem cannot give any help to discriminate
tribution to the Casimir pressure. This term is precisely between the alternative models that have been proposed
the source of the present controversies on the thermal for these materials, because in this case differences in the
Casimir effect for metallic plates. From the point of view predicted magnitudes of the Casimir and Casimir-Polder
of the Bohr- van Leeuwen theorem the answer is clear: interactions arise either from longitudinal fields or from
this term must be zero, up to quantum effects. We re- TM fields. As far as longitudinal fields are concerned,
mark that non-vanishing values for the TE reflection co- the Bohr- van Leeuwen theorem obviously does not ap-
efficient are of course possible in materials displaying a ply. In the case of TM electromagnetic fields, we have
magnetic response, and in superconductors, since both seen in Sections IV and V that they always decouple in
phenomena arise from quantum effects that disappear in the classical limit, whatever model is used for the dielec-
the classical limit. When such materials are considered tric function.

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