Lab Test

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National Institute of Technology, Rourkela

DCCN Lab (CS3072)

Lab Test/Viva

Max. Time: 90 Minutes Max. Marks: 10


1. Consider the captured file DNS.pcap and answer the followings:

a. To what IP address is the DNS query message sent? Can this
IP address be the default local DNS server?
b. Examine the DNS query message. What “Type” of DNS query
is it? Does the query message contain any “answers”?
c. Examine the DNS response message. What MIT name
servers does the response message provide?
d. Does this response message also provide the IP addresses of
the MIT name servers?

2. Write a TCP socket program to divide the two numbers using

command line arguments (The IP address of the server should be
entered along with the execution command for executing the
program of client machine). Use all the appropriate socket
$. /client
Input at client : 32 8
Output at server: 4

1. Consider the captured file HTTP2.pcap and answer the followings:

a. Inspect the contents of the first HTTP GET request from your
browser to the server. Do you see an “IF-MODIFIED-SINCE”
line in the HTTP GET?
b. Inspect the contents of the server response. Did the server
explicitly return the contents of the file? How can you tell?
c. Now inspect the contents of the second HTTP GET request
from your browser to the server. Do you see an “IF-
MODIFIED-SINCE:” line in the HTTP GET? If so, what
information follows the “IF-MODIFIED-SINCE:” header?
d. What is the HTTP status code and phrase returned from the
server in response to this second HTTP GET? Did the server
explicitly return the contents of the file?

2. Write a UDP socket program to reverse the decimal number (up

to four digits). Use all the appropriate socket functions.
Input at client : 2389
Output at server: 9832

1. Write a TCL script to create a topology as shown in Figure-1 where

two TCP connections are created from S0 to D0 and S1 to D1 using
FTP traffic and node S2 to D2 and S3 to D3 UDP connections are
created, and data are sent using CBR traffic. Run the simulation for
60 seconds and find the followings:
a. Compare the congestion window size for two connections
where TCP connection1 uses TCP Tahoe and TCP connection2
uses TCP Reno algorithm.
b. Also compare the TCP throughput received at D0 and D1 for
these two connections.


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