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I. Phrasal verbs with COME

1. Come up to our expectations:

2. Come into a fortune:

3. Come to light:

4. Come down in the world:

5. Come into force:

6. Come in useful

7. Come out on strike

8. Come undone:

9. Come under pressure

II. Phrasal verbs with IN

1. In earnest:

2. Come out in sympathy:

3. In a way:

4. In charge of

5. In advance

6. In response to

7. In practice

8. In doubt

III. Phrasal verbs with GET

1. Get the sack

2. Get sb down:
3. Get your own back on sb:

4. Get the idea across:

5. Get hold of sb:

6. Get away with murder:

7. Get rid of

8. Get it straight

IV. Phrasal verbs with GET

1. See sth through

2. Have seen better days:

3. See the joke

4. See red

5. See the light

6. See things

7. See your way doing sth:

8. See eye to eye

9. See the last of sth/ sb

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