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1. Write an algorithm to find the sum of even numbers from 1 to 100.

2. Write short notes on:
(i) Iterative structure
(ii) Selection structure
(iii) Modular structure.
3. Draw a flowchart to extract digits from the entered no.
4. What is modular programming? Explain in detail.
5. Explain various datatypes supported in ‘C’ language.
6. Write a program to draw the below pattern and explain it.

7. Differentiate between :
(i) For loop and while loop
(ii) While loop and do while loop.
8. Write a program to find the reverse of a number.

9 . Write a program to find the largest element from a one dimensional array.
10. Write a note on storage classes.
11. Explain Call by Value and Call by Reference with examples.
12. Write a program to find the factorial of a number using recursion.
13. What is a pointer ? Explain pointer to pointer with an example.
14. Write a ‘C’ program to create a structure stud for the following members Rollno, name, mark1,
mark2, mark3. Further display the result on the screen along with total marks and percentage.
If percentage  45 then pass otherwise fail.

15. Write a program to demonstrate command line argument.

16. Write a program to copy the contents of one file to another.
17. Write a pseudocode for addition of two numbers.
18. Write a program to demonstrate “Switch Case” with example.
19. Explain any three string functions with example.
20. Give difference between structure and union.
21. Draw a flowchart to find the sum of digits of a given number.

22. Write a note on Pseudocode. Give example.

23. Write an algorithm to find out the largest of three numbers.
24. What is looping ? Explain "while loop" in detail with syntax and example.
25. Explain different operators supported by C-language.
26. Write a program to find the roots of a quadratic equation.
27. Explain the different datatypes in 'C' with byte length.

28. Explain the different storage classes in C with example. 7Write a program in C for
addition of two matrices.

29. Write a program to draw the following pattern and explain it.

30. Describe the various components of a user defined function.

31. What is a Data file ? Explain different file opening modes in C language.
32. Write a program in C to declare a structure to input and print name, age and marks of students.

33. Explain Random Access mode in files handling with example.

34. Write a program in C to input 10 numbers and find their sum using pointer.
35. Write advantages and disadvantages of flowcharting.
36. Explain "Nested for loop” with example.
37. Write a short note on Recursion.
38. Explain errors that occur while opening and closing a file.
39. Write an algorithm to find the sum of even numbers from 1 to 100.
40. Draw a flowchart to extract digits from the entered no.
41. What is modular programming ? Explain in detail.
42. Explain various datatypes supported in ‘C’ language.
43. Differentiate between :
(i) For loop and while loop
(ii) While loop and do while loop.
44. Write a program to find the reverse of a number.
45. Write a program to find the largest element from a one-dimensional array.
46. Write a note on storage classes.
47. Explain Call by Value and Call by Reference with examples.
48. Write a program to find the factorial of a number using recursion.
49. What is a pointer ? Explain pointer to pointer with example.
50. Write a program to demonstrate command line argument.
51. Write a program to copy the contents of one file to another.
52. Write a pseudocode for addition of two numbers.
53. Write a program to demonstrate “Switch Case” with example.
54. Explain any three string functions with example.
55. Give difference between structure and union.

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