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Engineer's BCS Care ChatGPT “AL like ChatGPT is the ‘most important’ innovation right now”--Bill Gates Chat GPT means Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer. It falls into the category of generative Al, a type of artificial intelligence that can be used to create text or images. It is powered by a large language model, meaning it uses large swathes of data to understand and generate conversation. It is a revolutionary Al technology that helps a user to search for long-form question-answers. ChatGPT: ‘Artificial intelligence like ChatGPT will change our world and make it far more efficient.’-Bill Gates ChatGPT or Generative Pre-trained Transformer is a web-based chatbot and a generative artificial intelligence application developed and launched by the American artificial intelligence research laboratory Openal in November 2022. It is based on the GPT-3 model that uses acca intelligence systems such as machine learning and deep learning, and natural language processing and large language models to produce human-like text and human-like conversation with its ‘users. What is ChatGP "Tam a language model developed by OpenAL. I was trained on a diverse range of internet text, including websites, books, and more. This allows me to generate human-like text responses to a wide range of questions and prompts."-ChatGPT edfor? ChatGPT with its cutting-edge natural language processing capabilities, it has revolutionized the way humans interact with artificial intelligence (AI) HOW AN A.I. CHATBOT WORKS ea @ Group: BCS Written Exam Aid Engineer's BCS Care Trained on a massive amount of text data, ChatGPT can understand and generate i human-like responses to a wide range of topics with remarkable accuracy. Whether i it's answering questions, generating creative writing, or assisting with everyday tasks, ChatGPT is a powerful tool that has the potential to enhance human productivity and creativity significantly. Among the many possibilities offered by GPT Chat we can highlight the following: # It can generate scripts and functions based on the instructions. * It Give detailed explanations on complex and clarified aspects. % It can solve mathematical problems step by step. Write texts with different styles. + Compose musical lyrics “+ Explain mathematical theorems. + ChatGPT can understand and generate human-like responses. © os It can't answer questions that: + Require personal opinion or beliefs. * Are illegal, unethical, or inappropri * Require knowledge beyond my training data. * Are impossible to answer with the available information * Involve speculation or conjecturé without evidence. * Ask for future predictions with complete certainty. % Violate OpenAl's use-case policy. ChatGPT's potential: "My training data encompasses a wide range of topics, so I can converse on many subjects, including but not limited to science, history, mathematics, and current events. However, I am still just a machine, and while I can generate responses that are similar to what a human might say, I do not have thoughts, feelings, or consciousness."--ChatGPT GPT-3 has revolutionized the fields of language processing and content creation. The new ChatGPT technology takes it one step further by introducing the ability to converse naturally with humans. This opens up a world of possibilities for businesses, education, research etc. @ Group: BCS Written Exam Aid Engineer's BCS Care © Instant response: ChatGPT will allow businesses to respond to customer queries and complaints much faster. + High-quality content: Businesses can use ChatGPT's natural language processing capabilities to generate high-quality marketing materials such as blog posts, website content, and email campaigns. + Research capabilities: With its vast knowledge database, ChatGPT can dig deeper into trends, customer reviews, and industry data to provide businesses with actionable insights. ChatGPT has potential beyond customer service and marketing, For instance: + Software development and coding: The developers have trained ChatGPT with a vast array of data collected from online forums and coding repositories like GitHub. As a result, ChatGPT can now generate and respond to complex conversations (or even suggest coding) about machine learning, software development, and other tech-related topics where the existing GPT-3 technologies fall short. Oo + Personal assistance: ChatGPT can support functions by generating text, mail, or email content that will sound natiital and engaging. For example, it can generate personalized emails for. marketing campaigns or customer service inquiries. & + Data processing: ChatGPT c: n help businesses quickly process large volumes of data and make decisions based on the compiled information. This technology can analyze customer feedback and responses, so you can better understand your customers’ needs and preferences. = Gamechanger in education: Chat PGT is potentially going to play a major role in the education field. It can create personalised teaching plans, could improve the quality of education and may also lead to students. Since its launch, the chatbot has gone viral for its ability to process prompts and deliver human-like writings including -- essays, articles, jokes, job applications and even poems According to a report by Reuters, analysts have said that the popular AI chatbot has reached 100 million users within two months of its release. Meanwhile, analysts at the investment bank UBS stated that the rate of growth was “unprecedented” for any consumer app © Group: BCS Written Exam Aid Engineer's BCS Care ChatGPT and its Impact on the Education Sector: AI technology has meaningful opportunities to improve outcomes and efficiency in the office, in health care, and in education.-- Bill Gates ChatGPT is designed to handle anything that can be easily used in education sector of Bangladesh. This includes + Answering questions, even with lots of technical details « Summarizing text + Translating text + Generating (simple) programming code + Debugging programming code + Converting programming code from one language into another + Creative writing ete. ChatGPT is an excellent tool for all stakeholders in the education field. It can be leveraged by students (writing essays, answering scientific questions, review code...etc.), faculty (preparing exams and quizes, facilitate classroom tc.) researchers (write literature reviews and academic paper...etc.), 4 strators in the educational institutions (answering frequently asked j questions...etc.). Ry Chat GPT application will be very gougts reduce the cost of education. It is expected that this tool will be of great help to‘ehildren’s studies starting from daily homework to monthly assignments in science for housewives who are unable to cope with their children’s education, work, and home ChatGPT and its Impact on Banking Secto1 Me: “Can you explain in a few words how you work and how your capabilities can impact banking and financial services in general?”--ChatGPT: “Certainly! In the context of banking and financial services, language models like me can be used to automate various tasks, such as customer service, fraud detection, and financial reporting. For example, a language model could be trained on a dataset of customer service inquiries and responses to generate personalized responses to customer inquiries in © Group: BCS Written Exam Aid Engineer’s BCS Care real-time. This could potentially improve efficiency and reduce the workload of customer service representatives. Language models can also be used to analyze financial documents. and extract important information, such as company names, financial metrics, and dates. This can be useful for tasks such as financial reporting, risk management, and compliance. Overall, the use of language models in banking and financial services can help to improve efficiency, reduce workload, and increase the speed at which tasks are completed, However, it’s important to carefully consider the ethical and societal implications of using language models and to ensure that they are used in a responsible and transparent manner. Me: “Can you give further examples how AI js being used in the banking industry?” GS ChatGPT: “Yes, certainly! Here are a few egimples of how Al is being used in the banking indlustry: Ss aoe 1. Customer service: Al-powered-chatbots and virtual assistants can be used to handle customer inquiries and provide personalized recommendations in real- time. This can improve. ctistomer satisfaction and reduce the workload. of customer service representatives. 2. Fraud detection: AI algorithms can be trained to identify patterns and anomalies in financial transactions that may indicate fraudulent activity. This can help banks to detect and prevent fraudulent transactions before they occur. 3. Credit risk assessment: AI algorithms can be used to analyze a borrower's financial history and other relevant data in order to assess their creditworthiness and determine whether to grant them a loan. 4. Personalized marketing: AI algorithms can be used to analyze customer data and create targeted marketing campaigns based on their preferences and behaviors. 5. Trading: AI algorithms can be used to analyze market data and make trades on behalf of investors. 6. Financial_reporting: AI algorithms can be used to analyze financial documents and extract important information, such as company names, financial metrics, and dates. This can improve the speed and accuracy of financial reporting. © Group: BCS Written Exam Aid Engineer's BCS Care These are just a few examples of how AL is being used in the banking industry. Advantages and Disadvantages of ChatGPT: The technology has gained popularity across varied groups of individuals since its launch. The reception includes a mixture of praises for its advantages and potential applications, as well as criticisms due to its limitations and possible drawbacks. ChatGPT: Notable Advantages: 1. Imitates Human Conyersation:The core feature of ChatGPT centers on providing human-like conversation based on user-placed queries or commands. Considering its capabilities, it mimics real-life conversation because it is based on more advanced supervised learning and reinforcement learning using large language models. 2. Built Based on GPT-3 Model: GPT-3 or Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 is an autoregressive language and languagesprediction model developed by OpenAl. The quality of texts it generates makes it difficult to ascertain whether or not it is written by a human. s 3. Expansive Applications and Benefits: The chatbot is versatile,It can write outputs similar to commercial AI copywriters. The chatbot can also summarize, digest, and explain large bodies of text. Another interesting application of ChatGPT is that it can also write‘and debug computer programs. 4, Open for Further Fine-Tunjtig: Another advantage of ChatGPT iis that its responses and overall performance can be fine-tuned. It banks on existing large language models while also having room for further improvements through active training using supervised learning and reinforcement learning 5. Convenience: ChatGPT can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, making it a convenient tool for students who may not have access to a tutor or teacher. 6. Personalized learning: ChatGPT can adapt to the student's level of understanding and adjust the difficulty of the conversation or questions accordingly. This can make the learning experience more personalized and effective. 7. Time-saving: ChatGPT can save students time by providing quick answers to their questions, allowing them to move on to other tasks or learn more about a © Group: BCS Written Exam Aid Engineer's BCS Care 1. Inaccuracies and Ambiguities: One of the biggest criticisms of ChatGPT is that it sometimes tends to produce texts that sound plausible or convincing but are incorrect or nonsensical under the surface. This phenomenon is called “hallucination” and it is common in language models. 2. Limited Knowledge of Recent Events: Considering this drawback, users should keep in mind that it has limited knowledge of facts because it uses datasets that are not updated. 3. Ethical Issues and Concerns: Another disadvantage of ChatGPT is that it has been subjected to scrutiny. Several educational institutions have banned its use. Researchers and creatives have worried about copyright infringement because its outputs are based on human-generated texts 4. Other Possible Legal Implications: GPT was built with data from the ‘Common Crawl dataset which contains copyrighted materials from publishing companies and individual authors and researchers. ChatGPT and other derivatives face legal uncertainties and possible compliance costs. 5. Lack of human interaction: While Chat can hold a conversation and provide information, it lacks the ability,t6 provide personalized feedback or have a real-time conversation with aSStudent This can limit the learning experience and make it difficult for r gildents to fully understand a concept or ask for clarification. 6. Dependence on technology: Char relies on technology to function, which means it may not always be available or may experience technical difficulties. This can be frustrating for students who are trying to learn and may hinder their progress. % 7. Limited knowledge: ChatGPT is only as knowledgeable as the information it has been trained on. It may not have access to the most up-to-date information or be able to provide a comprehensive understanding of a topic. 8. Over-optimizations: ChatGPT may sometimes rely on repetitive phrases to generate detailed and comprehensive answers, resulting in over-optimization Moreover, users may occasionally need to rephrase their prompts to get the most appropriate answer, which could potentially lead to confusion and frustration. Limitations: As a language model AI, some of its limitations include: + Limited knowledge cut-off (2021) + Lack of personal experiences or emotions + Contextual ambiguity © Group: BCS Written Exam Aid Engineer's BCS Care + Making moral or ethical decisions ¢ Understanding sarcasm or jokes in a broader context + Limited ability to converse naturally + Tendency to generate biased responses based on training data. * ChatGPT sometimes writes plausible-sounding but incorrect or nonsensical answers. Conclusion: “ChatGPT, as currently conceived, is a parlor trick.” -Bern Elliot ChatGPT is an exciting new technology with tremendous upside. According to Bill Gates“This will change our world”. But we of all should ensure the most positive changes of the human society with light of ChatGPT. oy © Group: BCS Written Exam Aid

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