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1. Mr.

Bean was born from a criminal family and he was always looking for a pleasure in life
but do not take any want risk and avoids pain, Mr. Bean is a great representation of ?
A. Utilitarianist
B. Atavistic
C. Hedonistic
D. Born Criminal

2. Which of the statement best definition of the phrase “Ignorance of the law excuses no one”
A. Ms. Vina Ruruth a crazy person shouting that the mall is on fire.
B. Mr. Ben kills another person just to save himself from danger.
C. Ms. Anna Can did not renew her driver’s license while driving a vehicle
D. Mr. Chino Paco violated the crime because he was not informed.

3. Mali it Susho was treated like a slut, and she eventually played the part. This Theory is an
example of ?
A. Imitation Theory
B. Social Reaction/Labeling theory
C. Cultural Transmission Theory
D. Degradation Ceremony

4. It assumes that individuals choose to commit crime after calculating whether its potential
rewards outweigh its potential risk.
A. Classical Theory
B. Positive Theory
C. Rational Choice Theory
D. Neo Classical

5. Is a lack of integrity, incomplete disclosure and an unwillingness to tell the truth?

A. Incompetency
B. Dishonesty
C. Immorality
D. Unworthy

6. Abnoy excited to play Mobile Legend when his sister intentionally plug off the Wi-Fi that
cause of defeat in the star of her brother, suddenly Abnoy’s anger lead to kill his sister. Mr.
Abnoy is what kind of Criminal?
A. Chronic Criminal
B. Neurotic Criminal
C. Acute Criminal
D. Psychopathic Criminal
7. The Agencies of government charged with enforcing law, Adjudicating crime, and correcting
criminals Conduct.
A. Diversion Program
B. Criminal Justice System
C. Penology
D. Supreme Court

8. Logo of Criminology means ?

A. Truth and Justice
B. Law and Justice
C. Punishment and Justice
D. Law Resolution

9. Criminology is considered as a ?
A. Prevention of Crime
B. Subject
C. Interdisciplinary
D. Bachelor

10. According to RA 11131, Criminology is considered a ?

A. Science
B. Applied Science
C. Principle
D. Part of Society

11. It is a violation of Societal rules of behaviour as interpreted and expressed by the criminal law,
which reflects public opinion, traditional values and the view point of people currently holding
social and political power. Individuals who violate these rules are subject to sanctions by state
authority, social stigma and loss of status.
A. Crime
B. Deviance
C. Misdemeanour
D. Common Law

12. It is a sub area/components of criminology which concerned with the role social forces play
in shaping criminal law and the role of criminal law in shaping society?
A. Social Science
B. Criminal Etiology
C. Sociology of Law
D. Penology

13. The term Criminology was derived (taken) from French word
A. Criminologia
B. Crimen
C. Criminologie
D. Logia

14. It is term applied for a specialist in the study of disorders, sometimes used as psychiatrist.
A. Criminalist
B. Alienist
C. Forensic anthropologist
D. Anthropologist
15. A statement that we would have no crime if we have no criminal law and that we can
eliminate crimes by merely abolishing criminal law.
A. Dura lex sed lex
B. Nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege
C. Manie sans Delire
D. Logomacy

16. It is the nature of criminology changes as a social condition. It is concomitant (connected) with
the advancement of other science that have been applied to it.
A. Applied Science
B. Nationalistic
C. Dynamic
D. Science

17. The scientific study of the causes of crime in relation to man and society who set and defines
rules and regulations for himself and others to govern.
A. Criminal Justice
B. Criminology
C. Penology
D. Criminal Justice System

18. It is the study of criminality in relation to the spatial distribution in a community?

A. Criminal Physical Anthropology
B. Criminal Demography
C. Criminal Ecology
D. Criminal Epidemiology

19. A crime punishable by penal laws?

A. Crime
B. Felony
C. Offense
D. Infraction

20. These are the unlawful acts that interferes the operation of society and the ability of people to
function efficiently. It is considered illegal because they threaten general well-being of society and
challenge its accepted moral principles. The sale of pornography is one of the example and it is also
called Victimless Crime.
A. Crimes against National Security
B. Public Order Crimes
C. Special Laws
D. City Ordinance

21. “Criminologie” was first coined by French Anthropologist Paul Topinard in what year?
A. 18 century
B. 1885
C. 1887
D. 1870-1880

22. The purpose to use a particular means to effect such result.

A. Desire
B. Capability
C. Opportunity
D. Intent

23. It is means the capacity to know and understand the consequences of one's act.
A. Freedom
B. Intelligence
C. Negligence
D. Imprudence

24. Crimes are committed either by Dolo or Deceit or by ?

A. Culpa
B. Motive
C. Fault
D. Both A and C

25. The Philippine Criminology Profession Act of

2018. A. RA 10666
B. RA 10963
C. RA 11131
D. RA 11200

26. RA 6506 was repealed by RA 11131, the Professional Regulatory Board for Criminologist shall
composed of?
A. Chairman and two members
B. Chairman and three members
C. Chairman and four members
D. Chairman and five members

27. It is study of Human society, its origin structure, function and direction.
A. Socialization
B. Norms
C. Culture
D. Sociology

28. According to the gravity of offense. Those which the law punishes with penalties which in their
maximum period are correctional.
A. Grave Offense
B. Less Grave offense
C. Light Offense
D. Capital Punishment
Crime punishable by Death penalty is what kind according to gravity?
A. Grave Offense
B. Less Grave offense
C. Light Offense
D. Capital Punishment

29. According to the above mention, what is the equivalent fines of Less Grave Offense?
A. More than 1,200,000
B. Not less than 40,000 but more than 1,200,000
C. Less than 40,000
D. Not less than 40,000 but not more than

1,200,000 As amended by RA 10591, August 29, 2017

30. A crime can be classified according to its stages of commission, what crime is committed when the
merely commences the execution of an offense by overt act but which nevertheless did not
perform all acts of execution which would produce the felony by reason of some cause other than
his own spontaneous desistance?
A. Attempted Stage
B. Frustrated Stage
C. Consummated Stage
D. Aggravated

31. It is the crime resulted due to the person’s inability to predict the obvious possible outcome of
his actions.
A. Imprudence
B. Negligence
C. Lack of foresight
D. Lack of Skill

32. In the Crime Concubinage, the offender is a married ?

A. Concubine
B. Woman
C. Man
D. Paramour

33. Crimes refer to behaviour that violate contemporary standards only.

A. Mala Inse/malum Inse
B. Mala prohibita/Malum prohibitum
C. Customs
D. Victimization

34. It is defined narrowly and usually means that the defendant was not fear of her life or safety at
the time of the crime.
A. Actus Reus
B. Mens Rea
C. Duress
D. Motive

35. Those who become victim psychologically because they become afraid of the effects of crime by
watching television, newspaper listening to witness testimony.
A. Victim
B. Primary victim
C. Secondary victim
D. Remote Victim

36. Nero, a skilled person in making deception through verbal communication. He had committed
estafa to several persons through illegal recruitment. What crime according to result did he
committed? (the criminal gains/benefited)

A. Simple crime
B. Compound Crime
C. Acquisitive crime
D. Extinctive Crime
37. Killing of two or more person in different locations with almost no time break between
A. Murder
B. Serial Murder
C. Mass Murder
D. Spree Murder

38. A crime that is committed in the shortest possible time such as Libel.
A. Static Crime
B. Continuing Crime
C. Instant Crime
D. Episodial Crime

39. It is considered as the main source of the Revised Penal Code?

A. Recognizance
B. Philippine Constitution 1987
C. Spanish Penal Code of 1870
D. Criminal Law

40. Committed by a person belonging to the upper socio-economic class in the course of his
occupational activities.
A. Rational Crime
B. Irrational Crime
C. White Collar Crime
D. Blue Collar Crime

41. Incomplete or contemplated crimes such as criminal solicitation or criminal attempts.

A. Enterprise Crime
B. Inchoate Crime
C. Mission Hate Crimes
D. Trill-Seeking Hate Crimes

42. It is a small group of persistent offenders who account for majority of all criminal offenders.
A. Acute Criminals
B. Chronic Criminals
C. Organized Criminals
D. Professional Criminals

43. A person who repeatedly violates law and organized his or her neighbours?
A. Habitual Criminals
B. Career Criminals
C. Neurotic Criminals
D. Accidental Criminals

44. First female executed through Lethal Injection in the Philippines

A. Ada Margaret Jukes
B. Lucila Lalu
C. Josefina Esparas
D. Ella Kristina Isidro

45. There are three principal types of physiques according to Ernst Kretchmer. These one have a
characteristic of medium to tall, strong, muscular and they are usually connected with crime of
A. Asthenic
B. Athletic
C. Pyknic
D. Mesomorphic
46. An Italian Bandit who (outlaw) executed in 1870. The skull of his was preserved by the
Italian Criminologist Cesare Lombroso.
A. Prescillian
B. Joan of Arc
C. Guiseppe Villella
D. Cain

47. This body built by somatotyping theory have heavy builds and are slow-moving and
A. Ectomorphs
B. Endomorphs
C. Mesomorphs
D. Asthenic

48. According to him Criminology is absolutely not a science due to the variations of behavior.
(lack of proposition)
A. Rafaelle Garofalo
B. George Wilker
C. Charles Goring
D. Enrico Ferri

49. Who Composed the board of Criminology on December 14, 15, and 16 2018?
A. Atty Ruben G. Gabao, Dr. George O, Fernandez and Dr. Ramil A, Sta Teresa
B. Atty Ramil G. Gabao, Dr. Ruben O, Fernandez and Dr. George A, Sta Teresa
C. Atty. Ramil G. Gabao, Dr. George O, Fernandez and Dr. Ruben A, Sta Teresa
D. Dr. Ruben G. Gabao, Atty. George O, Fernandez and Dr. Ramil A, Sta Teresa

50. He was the first to take advantage of criminal statistics in crime causation thus crediting him
A. Cesare Lombroso
B. Adolf Quetelet
C. August Compte
D. Cesare Beccaria

51. According to him, Crime is Normal part of the society. One of his profound contributions to
contemporary criminology is the concept of Anomie ---the breakdown of social order as result
of loss of standard and values.
A. Giambattista Dela Porta
B. Ernst Kretchmer
C. Emile Durkheim
D. William Sheldon
E. Travis Hirchi

52. His Containment theory sought to explain why – despite the various “Push and Pull” factors
that may tempt individuals into criminal behaviour.
A. Johann Kaspar Lavater
B. Walter Reckless
C. Johann Gaspar Spurzheim
D. Franz Joseph Gall
E. Gresham Sykes
53. According to him, criminology is the entire body of knowledge regarding crime as a social
phenomenon. It includes within its scope the process of making laws, of breaking laws and of
reacting towards the breaking of the laws.

A. Richard Louis Dugdale

B. Edwin Sutherland
C. Sigmund Freud
D. Jeremy Bentham
54. According To him, people imitate one another. Crime begins as a fashion and later
become a custom, the inferior usually imitate the superior and the newer fashion displaces the
older one.

A. Robert King Merton

B. August Aichorn
C. Gabriel Tarde
D. Shaw And Mckay

55. During the prehistoric times, there was no formal criminal justice system, and crimes where
punished based on:
A. formal laws
B. customs
C. Norms
D. Tradition

56. It is a set of statements devised to explain behaviour, events or phenomena, especially one that
has been repeatedly tested and widely accepted?
A. Principle
B. Hypothesis
C. Theory
D. Science

57. It is the study that deals with the relationship between the skull and human behaviour.
A. Franz Joseph Gall
B. Craniometry
C. Phrenology
D. Craniology

Note: Craniometry - the scientific measurement of skulls, especially in relation to craniology.

58. A theory in criminology states that "Person who committed crimes is due to supernatural
and force from evil"?

A. Prescillian
B. Heretics
C. Demonological theory
D. Witchcraft
E. Joan of Arc
59. This theory, however, does not give any distinction between an adult and a minor or a
mentally- handicapped in as far as free will is concerned.
A. Cesare Bonesara Marchese de Beccaria
B. On Crmies and Punishment
C. Classical Theory
D. Crime
E. Situational Force

60. This school of thought in criminology states that although individuals have free will, there
are other factors that affect the exercise of their free will, which cause them commit crimes:
A. neo-classical
B. Insane
C. Exempting
D. Some other Factors
E. Child

61. This theory argues that intelligence is largely determined genetically; that ancestry determines
IQ; and, that low intelligence as demonstrated by low IQ is linked to behaviour including criminal
A. Low IQ or Intellectual Quotient
B. Heredity
C. Alfred Binet
D. Nature Theory

62. Group of urban sociologists who studies the relationship between environmental conditions and
A. Crime is a Social phenomenon
B. Urban Sociologist and Anthropologist
D. Focus on Neighbourhood conditions

63. This theory reflects the way people react to a given situation based on the social influences they
acquired from other people that practically determine their behaviours. This theory likewise
serves as the learning process of delinquent behaviours and considered as one of the most
important theory in crime causation.
A. Edwin Sutherland
B. Differential Association Theory
C. Communication and Association
D. Criminal Behaviour is not inherited but Learned
E. Most important theory in crime causation

64. The theory which states that attachment, connection and link to society will determine whether
a person shall commit a crime or not:
B. Travis Hirchi
C. Social Bond theory
D. Bond with Society
65. This school on crime causation emphasized economic determinism and concentrated on the
need for the quality among all citizens. They provided statistical data which claimed to show
that variations in crime rates are associated with variations in economic conditions.
A. Cartographic School of thought
B. Statistical Method
C. Winter and Summer Season
D. Adolf Quetelet and andre Guerry
66. It refers to a study showing the relationship between the physical built of a person to his
personality structure and the type of offense he is most prone to commit?
A. Ernst Kreshmer
B. Physical Built
C. Somatotyping or Physiology
D. William Sheldon

67. This theory states that individuals copy behaviour patterns of other individuals, and that those
with weaker personalities tend to get influenced easier by those with stronger personalities.
A. Gabriel Tarde
B. Imitation Theory
C. Modelling
D. 3 Patterns
68. This the school of thoughts that criminal behaviour is based on biological, psychological and
social factors. The shift from the Philosophical to scientific approach in explaining the causes
of crime.
A. Trait or Positivist Theory
B. Focus on the Person
C. Holy Three
D. Modern Positive Criminology
E. Cesare Lombroso

69. According to this study the law violating behaviour occurs when an offender decides to risk
breaking the law after considering both personal factors (needs) and situational factors.
A. The Greatest Happiness Principle
B. Focus on Pain And Pleasure
C. Jeremy Betham
D. Utilitarianism
E. Felicific Calculus

70. This theory assumes that Individuals choose to commit crime after calculating whether its
potential reward outweigh its potential risks. It’s also assume that they can be deterred from
committing crime if the potential risks seem too certain or too severe.
A. Calculate their behaviour
B. Modern views of Classical Theory
C. Rational Choice Theory
D. Focus on their fear of punishment

71. It contends that the exploitation of the working class would eventually lead to class conflict at
the end of the capitalist system.
A. Karl Marx
B. Conflict Theory
C. Ruling Class
D. Capitalist Society

72. This explanations say crime arise from internal disturbance developing in early childhood
because of interaction problems between parents and children,
A. ID, EGO and Super Ego
B. Sigmund Freud
C. Psychoanalytic Theory
D. Focus on Early Childhood
73. This theory holds that criminality is promoted by becoming negatively labelled by significant
others, such as criminals, “ex con” and lock them into lives of crime.
A. Labeling Theory
B. Focus on Negative label
C. Effect of Stigma
D. Raymond Paternoster

74. It is a branch of social structure that focus on the breakdown of institution such as family,
school, and employment in inner city neighborhood. Focuses on the conditions within the urban
environment that affect crime rates. Links crime rate to neighbourhood ecological
A. Clifford Shaw and Henry Mckay
B. Focus on the inner zone of institutions
C. Social Disorganization theory
D. Weak Social Relationship is the cause of the crime

75. This View that law violators learn to neutralize conventional values and attitudes enabling them
to drift back and forth between criminal and conventional behaviour.
A. Focus on drift
B. David Matza and Greham Sykes
C. Rationalizing Deviant Behavior
D. Neutralization Theory

76. This theory the view that victim may initiate, either actively or passively the confrontation that
leads to their victimization.
A. Active Precipitation
B. Passive Precipitation
C. Victim precipitation Theory
D. Focus on the Victim

77. The Original “Chicago School” vision has been updated in this theory that view, people at the
bottom of the social hierarchy who cannot achieve success through conventional means
experience Anomie, strain, failure and frustration are most likely turn into criminal to solution
their problems.
A. Social Structure Theory
B. Social Process Theory
C. Social Learning Theory
D. Social Control Theory

78. When a parents are alienated (separated) from their children, their negative labelling reduces
their children’s self-image and increases delinquency this process called ?
A. Self Labeling
B. Stigmatize
C. Reflected appraisal
D. Retrospective reading
79. Ms successfully steals a textbook at the campus bookstore gets a higher grade and finally
admitted to law school, and later becomes a famous judge. Because his shoplifting goes
unnoticed, this relatively unimportant event that has a little bearing on his future life. What
kind of view that stated above?
A. Primary Deviance
B. Secondary Deviance
C. Deviance Amplification
D. Successful degradation ceremonies

80. “Everyone steals, why pick on me?” and “ If I don’t do it to him , I’m sure he will do it to
me!” this stated is an example of what theory
A. Differential Association theory
B. Strain Theory
C. Neutralization Theory
D. Imitation Theory

81. Ms. Pempem may become the target of intimate violence when she improves her job status and
her success result in a backlash from her jealous husband. This situation is example of
A. Lifestyle Theory
B. Suitable Target
C. Passive precipitation
D. Cohort

82. Victims do not encourage crime but are victim prone because they reside in socially
disorganized high crime areas where they have the greatest risk of coming into contact with
criminal offenders. This views came from what theory?
A. Routine Activities Theory
B. Human Ecology Theory
C. Deviant Place Theory
D. Broken Window Theory

83. This theory recognize that criminality is not a disease or pathological behaviour. It focuses
attention on the social reaction and interaction that shape individuals and their behaviour.
A. Social Bond theory
B. Strain Theory
C. Labeling Theory
D. Differential Association Theory

84. A person pursues criminal behaviour to the extent that he identifies himself with real or
imaginary persons from whose perspective his criminal behaviour seems acceptable. This theory
A. Differential Reinforcement theory
B. Social Bonding Theory
C. Differential Identification theory
D. Differential Association Theory
85. This theory of Charles Title has been applauded as “One of the most important theoretical
contributions to the sociology of deviance”. This theory observed that some people by virtue of
their roles and personal qualities can exercise considerable control over other people.
A. Self-Control theory
B. Control Balance Theory
C. Neutralization Theory
D. Containment Theory

86. The most notable statement of English philosopher John Locke believed that humans are not
predisposed at birth to be either or bad. Instead he argued that mind is a or blank
slate, that an individual who would generally not become criminal without first learning about
crime from society.
A. Guerrilla
B. Tabularasa
C. Life Course Criminology
D. Euphoria

87. The is most basic human drive present at birth, and also An expressed sexuality.
A. Latency
B. Civil Personality
C. Eros
D. Fixation

88. A common type of mental disorder used to explain criminal behaviour.

A. Neuroses
B. Delusion
C. Psychopathic
D. Asocial

89. A more serious type of mental disorder, which can be organic or functional, this mental
disorder lose contact with reality and have difficulty distinguishing reality from fantasy.
A. Psychotic
B. Obsessive Compulsive
C. Psychoses
D. Neurotic

90. The feeling or impression created by a given stimulus or cause that leads to particular reaction
or behaviour.
A. Human Behavior
B. Sensation
C. Perception
D. Awareness

91. Sexual Intercourse with a living animal.

A. Cunnilingus
B. Fellatio
C. Necrohilia
D. Bestiality

92. A group participates in sexual orgies, also known as Sexual Festival.

A. Froilism
B. Piquerism
C. Incest
D. Pluralism
93. It is defined as a dynamic process which shows itself in changed behaviour that is based on
prior experience. People possess few, if any, instinctive skills and no instinctive knowledge
which is enable them to survive?
A. Habitual
B. Learning
C. Instinctive
D. Symbolic

94. It is composed of adoptive adjustment people make as they cope with one another, with
problems, with opportunities, and with working together aspects in a given situation?
A. Complex
B. Human Behavior
C. Inherited/inborn behavior
D. Learned behavior

95. Defined as the state or condition of being induced to do something.

A. Sensation
B. Perception
C. Awareness
D. Motivation

96. It is a distortion of the senses, revealing how the human brain normally organizes and
interprets sensory stimulation.
A. Hallucination
B. Illusion
C. Delusion
D. Paranoia

97. May be defined as a false belief which is strongly held despite all test of reality.
A. Hallucination
B. Delusion
C. Illusion
D. Behavior disorder

98. The intense need to satisfy an unmet need is known as ? It also

defined as an energetic force fueled by human needs.
A. Drive
B. Motive
C. Frustration
D. Tension

99. Something that exist within people that moves them to engaged in a work related behavior in
an effort to accomplish a personal goal.
A. Goals
B. Needs
C. Performances
D. Wants

100. Conflicts and behavioural outcomes are classified as follows. Except

A. Approach-Approach
B. Avoidance-Approach
C. Avoidance-Avoidance
D. Approach-Avoidance
101. He is the creator of the hierarchy of human needs, the five human needs activate, fuel and
shape the internal drives to overcome inertia or inactivity affiliated with status quo.
A. Sigmund Freud
B. Abraham Maslow
C. Jonh Locke
D. Afred binet

102. Freud thought that people are inherently pleasure seeking because of the ?

103. This type of conflict when there are two courses of action, each of which has both pleasant
and unpleasant consequences.
A. Avoidance-avoidance
B. approach-avoidance
C. approach-approach
D. multiple

104. The way people react to frustration is sometimes knows as ?

A. Use of Defense Mechanism
B. Coping Mechanism
C. Withdrawal/retreat
D. Aggression

105. When an individual realized that in finding for the right solution of the problem, he always
end up with a negative outcome or result. Thus, he try to make a change direction first and find
out if the solution or remedy.
A. Direct approach
B. Approach-approach
C. Detour
D. Avoidance- Avoidance

106. These are unconscious psychological processes that serve as a safety valve that provides
relief from emotional conflict and anxiety. It can be the most tolerated way of handling
A. Motivation
B. Defense Mechanism
C. Anxiety
D. Complex

107. Refers to the excessive concern about state of health or physical condition
A. Somatoform Disorder
B. Hypochondriasis
C. Depersonalization
D. Amnesia

108. A stage of development when girls begin to have sexual feeling for their fathers.
A. Oedipus Complex
B. Electra Complex
C. Doing Gender
D. Chivalry Hypothesis
109. Sam Maybe can’t understand why her boyfriend Kim Jong Un has been so grumpy and
irritable with her for the past few days. In fact Sam have no idea what she did wrong, which of
the following defense mechanism did her boyfriend show?
A. Suicide
B. Displacement
C. Repression
D. Projection

110. Woman who never wanted to have children becomes a super mom.
A. Sublimation
B. Identification
C. Reaction Formation
D. Suppression

111. Ren, who actually likes to have others do things for him, is quick to criticize other people
for being dependent and lazy.
A. Repression
B. Compensation
C. Regression
D. Projection

112. Xeena has suffered heavy financial losses while playing the stock market, upon trading her
big, luxury car in for an old, broke down small car, Xeena informed her friends that she bought
the cheaper car to do part in the battle against air pollution.
A. Fantazy/day dreaming
B. Altruism
C. Rationalization
D. Scapegoating

113. Kim Soo hyun has been in love with his bestfriend, but one day his best friend told him
that she is getting married to someone else. Kim soo hyun smiled while crying and said “Im
so happy for you my bestfriend best wishes” what kind of defense mechanism he did apply?
A. Reaction Formation
B. Denial
C. Suppression
D. Substitution

114. After failing his doctoral examination Ji Chang Wook spends days in bed cuddling his
favourite Stuffed toy Iron man.
A. Regression
B. Suppression
C. Repression
D. Identification

115. Refers to any persistent limitation or disturbance in adjustment which acts as a barrier to
the individual’s fulfilling a satisfying role in society.
A. Schizoid
B. Behavior disorder
C. Schizotypal
D. Histrionic
116. People with this kind of PD easily gets excited and possess an emotional instability
characterized by a capacity to overact too many situation in a dramatic manner. This dramatic
behavior is always attention seeking.
A. Passive- Aggressive
B. Hysterical personality disorder
C. Avoidant Personality Disorder
D. Dependent Personality Disorder

117. This behavior characterized of a general disorganization of individual’s make up, sensory and
motor disturbance. They may have experience of delusion and/or hallucination.
A. Neurotic
B. Psychopathic
C. Psychotic
D. Paranoid Schizophrenic

118. Mr. FrancoReyes, a person working in a funeral parlor, dreams of having sexual
intercourse with a corpse. What type of sexual deviation did he commit?
A. Necrophilia
B. Pedophilia
C. Pililia
D. None of the Above
119. It is may be defined as a sexual act that seeks gratification by means other than
heterosexual relationship.
A. Sexuality
B. Sexual Deviancy
C. Coitus
D. Homosexuality

120. This person have a sexual gratification and excitement by substituting an inanimate object
or part of the body for the human love object.
A. Sadist
B. Fetishism
C. Fetishist
D. Sadism

121. It is a sexual excitement and gratification from, at times, wearing clothes and enacting the
role of the opposite sex.
A. Homosexuality
B. Transvestism
C. Masochism
D. Exhibitionism
E. Voyeurism

122. It is a desire to engage in a sexual intercourse with a dead body, such abnormal sex act
is a serious mental illness.
A. Bestiality
B. Paedophilia
C. Incest
D. Necrophilia
123. It is a violent criminal behaviour which defined almost all illegal acts of violence
committed for political purposes by clandestine groups.
A. Mania Fanatica
B. Terrorism
C. Kidnapping
D. Assassination

124. The unconscious wish for death is called?

A. Typhus
B. Thanatos
C. Thanos
D. Eros

125. It is the oldest of all terrorist tactics where the targets are often predictable land invariably
claimed after the event by the terrorist themselves,
A. Hostage Taking
B. Kidnapping
C. Assassination
D. Bombing
126. \ The increase in bombing activity and the increase in sophistication of device used has
caused the NATO EOD Standardization Committee to classify all terrorist bomb
as I.E.D means ?
A. Improvised Exclusive Devices
B. Improvised Explosive Devices
C. Improved Explosive Devices
D. Improviser Exclusive Devices

127. In hostage taking situation we must also address the legal consideration of whether to “PLAY
WAITING GAME” of hostage negotiation or to ?
A. Kill
B. Assault
C. Withdraw
D. Wait

128. He is the most dangerous as the law, in his mind, has no basis of legality. The one who
falls on the extreme side of the violence scale.
A. Common Criminal
B. Psycho
C. Fanatica
D. Person in Crisis

129. If attack has been decided upon, it should be carried within upon
A. 7 minutes
B. 7 seconds
C. 5 minutes
D. 5 seconds

130. Salvari Vitas means

A. To save lives
B. To safe flight
C. To life
D. To die
131. Which of the following a non- negotiable, Except
A. Food
B. Heroin
C. Ice pick
D. Drugs

132. What is Negotiable?

A. Ammunition
B. Weapons
C. Swapping of prisoner
D. None of the above

133. One or more hostages respond to captors with belligerence and non-cooperation.
A. Stockholm Syndrome
B. London Syndrome
C. Lima Syndrome
D. Avengers Syndrome

134. This is Formed when a child develop a firm sense of who they are and what they are stand
for and it study by Erik Erickson?
A. Role Diffusion
B. Ego identity
C. At risk Youth
D. Identity Crisis

135. It is called a participation in illegal behaviour by a minor who falls under statutory limit?
A. Juvenile Delinquency
B. Juvenile Justice System
C. Dower System
D. Status Offense

136. A philosophical viewpoint that encourages the state to take control of the wayward
children and provide care, custody and treatment to remedy delinquent behaviour.
A. Child Savers
B. Parens Patriae
C. Best Interest of the Child
D. Chancery Courts

137. Young offenders choose to engage in anti-social activity because they believe their action
will be beneficial and profitable.
A. Choice Theory
B. Trait Theory
C. Sub Culture Theory
D. Classical Theory

138. PD 603 is also known as

A. “The Child And Youth Welfare Act”
B. The “Child And Youth Welfare Act”
C. The “Child and Youth Welfare Code”
D. “The Child And Youth Welfare Code”

139. The molding of the character of the child starts at the ?

A. Peer
B. Home
C. Church
D. School
140. According to PD 603 of article 17 the father and mother shall exercise jointly just and
reasonable parental authority and responsibility over their legitimate or adopted children. In
case of disagreement, the decision shall prevail unless there is a judicial order to
the contrary.
A. Mother
B. Father
C. Guardian
D. State

141. In case of separation between parents of the child, a child of such age is given by the court
the preference to choose between either parents.
A. under 9 years of age
B. 7 years of age
C. 10 years of age
D. 5 years of age

142. Parental authority is deemed terminated upon:

A. death of the parents
B. emancipation of the child
C. death of the child
D. All of the above

143. Parents and guardians are responsible for the damage caused by the child under their parental
authority in accordance with the Civil Code called ?
A. Torts
B. Parental Responsibility
C. Guardian Ad Litem
144. Parental It refers to the aggregate of persons working in commercial, industrial, and
agricultural establishments or enterprises, whether belonging to labor or management.
A. Samahan
B. Community
D. Barangay

145. It is a twenty-four hour child-caring institution providing short term resident care for youthful
offenders who are awaiting court disposition of their cases or transfer to other agencies or
A. Child Caring Institution
B. Youth Detention Home
C. Receiving Home
D. Maternity Home

146. It is an institution or person assuming the care, custody, protection and maintenance of
children for placement in any child-caring institution or home or under the care and custody
of any person or persons for purposes of adoption, guardianship or foster care.
A. Child Placing Agency
B. Shelter Care Institution
C. Youth Rehabilitation Center
D. Nursery

147. It is one who is without a parent, guardian or custodian; or one whose parents, guardian or
other custodian for good cause desires to be relieved of his care and custody; and is dependent
upon the public for support.
A. Neglected Child
B. Dependent Child
C. Abandoned Child
D. Abused Child
148. What is the law that strengthen the juvenile justice system of the Philippines?
A. PD 603
B. RA 9344
C. RA 10630
D. RA 6809

149. It is the expulsion of the fetus from the mother’s womb:

A. intentional abortion
B. unintentional abortion
C. therapeutic abortion
D. abortion

150. The members of this group consist of those with I.Q.s from about 25 to about 50; one who
belongs to this group shows a mental level and rate of development which is 1/4 to 1/2 that of the
average child, is unable to acquire higher academic skills, but can usually acquire the basic
skills for living to a reasonable degree. He can likewise attain a primary grade level of education if
he receives effective instruction.
A. Custodial
B. Educable
C. Trainable
D. Borderline

Franco Angelo Reyes, Rcrim

Faculty, College of Criminal Justice- PHINMA Education
National Lecturer
Cum Laude
Batch Valedictorian

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