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GenEd SocLit
Do you think you could stay off your phone for 24 hours? What notification would compel you to
get back on your phone?
- I think I can’t. The notification that would compel me to get back on my phone will be a
notification from school app and notifications from my messenger (especially from my
family’s groupchat).

What can you do to help prevent an addiction to social media?

- The things I can do to help prevent an addiction to social media are: Helping in
promoting awareness of social media awareness. Delete your social media apps from
your smartphone. While you can still access them from your personal computer, keeping
them off your phone may help decrease the amount of time spent on social media overall.
Set aside a certain amount of time dedicated to social media per day. Turn on a timer to
help keep you accountable.

Why do you use social media? Is that the only way for you to achieve those things?
- I use social media to keep in touch with my family and relatives that are living far away
from me. And also, to communicate with my friends and classmates especially if we have
projects and outputs to be done by collaborating through online (during asynchronous
class schedule). It not the only way for me to achieve those things but it is more
convenient to use social media nowadays because of the current situation, like it is not
fully clear if Covid is already gone.

If you could only keep one social media app, which app would it be and why?
- Instagram app I think, because nowadays Instagram app also have a chat box option
that allow us to communicate and send messages to our friends, also we can update and
post pictures anytime. And also, you can check news that our trending on the day you
visit Instagram.

After watching the film, do you plan to change any of your privacy settings on social media? Whic h
ones, and why or why not?
- I already have all my social media accounts on private as I don’t want just any random
person following it. I believe a person is entitled to their own privacy therefore I have all my
accounts set as private so that only a select few people that I know can view it.
Have you ever seen an ad for something you had only talked or thought about? How did it make
you feel?
- Yes, I had. It feels like what you think or thought about can be detected or can be
analyze by some social media platforms, feels like you’ve been stalked by a stranger and
linking your thoughts or sharing what you’ve thought online. Like invading your privacy
that you are not aware of.

What is one part of the film that really resonates with you? Connect it to a personal experience .
- A part of the film that resonates with me is the part where the boy could not overcome
his addiction. During quarantine because of covid, I tried and failed many times to quit
things like social media but I have failed that time. I understand where the boy is coming
and how hard it was for me to lower my social media as an addiction during that time is a
serious disease and people usually need some help with it.

Do you fact check everything you see online? What is one time you have read only the title or
beginning of an article, but shared it anyway?
- Yes, I always fact check everything I see online. I think I haven’t experienced that I
shared something like article that I did not read everything. The reason is that, I was
taught to fact check first everything before posting because if ever there’s something
wrong in the article you’ve shared it will affect you and sometimes it will cause

What sources do you trust for news? Why do you trust these sources and do you ever get
information from elsewhere?

- I prefer and mix the sources, as you can find lots of biased news in all media. After reading
various sources also you need to use your mind. Perhaps, here our intution as a researcher
plays its role. That is the reason, I try to read/listen various sources depending on the
available time at my disposal.

Can you think of a time where you said or did something online that you probably wouldn’t do in
- Sharing a meme about giving up and shifting to another course in facebook because of
the tiredness I feel on my current course (Architecture) But in reality or in person, I
wouldn’t dare to shift courses because I’m already in 3rd year, why not just go on in life
and took every opportunity until I graduate and finish the course.

Think of a time where you have seen hate comments on a celebrity’s social media post. How does
being behind a screen change how a person sees people on the other side?
- It changes people's perspective because what they are seeing is not what the media
portrayed. Also what we see on the internet is not always what happens in real life.

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