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Patrs Of Speech

No. word Definition Antonym Synonym Collocation Farsi Equivalent

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
synthetic(adj) made using chemical processes natural Synthetic fibres/ fabrics/materials ‫ ترکیبی‬/‫مواد مصنوعی‬ 2.synthesis(combinatio synthesize _ synthetically
2. man-made
1 dye 2.
a substance to change the color of
dye (n) your hair, clothes, etc.
_ _ dye your hair (red,etc) 3. ‫رنگ‬ _ dye dyed
2 textile dye
1.lead to
prompt prompt ( at the time
prompt (v) make sb decide to do sth 2.give rise to 3. _ _ ‫به فعالیت واداشتن‬ prompt _
(immediate, swift) mentioned, sharp)
3 result in
stumble on/upon/ across
find sth by chance _ come across _ ‫اتفاقی به چیزی برخورد کردن‬ _ _ _ _
4 sth
rundown (the process
a buliding or area in a very bad
run-down (adj) condition
_ _ _ _ of making a buisness _ _ _
5 less important)

make an agreement more defined (show/express/demons solid (good and
solidify (v) and less likely to change
_ strengthen _ ‫محکم کردن‬
trate your solidarity)
to be completely involved in an
immerse yourself into sth activity
_ _ _ ‫غرق شدن در چیزی‬ immersion in _ immersed _

the strong love that you show devote your

love, affaction, 1.intense devotion to 2.
devotion to sth (n) when you pay a lot of attention to _
passion undying devotion
_ _ time,energy, devoted to devotedly
sb or sth attention to sth
see, notice, 1.perceptibly
perceive (v) to understand or think of sth or sb _
widely perceived ‫درک کردن‬ perception of sth _ 2.perceptive (for
9 people)
eminent (adj) _ _
_ ‫ بزرگ‬،‫برجسته‬ _ _ _ _

1. make a major breakthrough

2.achieve a brekthrough
3.represent a breakthrough
breakthrough (n) an important new discovery in sth _ _
4.a big/major/
‫پیشرفت یا کشف مهم‬ _ _ _ _
historic breakthrough
1.possible 1.a viable solution/business/
a viable idea, plan or method can 2.feasible alternative/option
viable (adj) work successfully
3.workable 2.economically/financially
‫مناسب رشد و ترقی‬ vibility _ _ viably
4.doable /commercially viable
be even better or greater than sb or surpassing,
surpass (v) sth else
_ _ surpass….expectations ‫بهتر بودن از‬/‫پیش افتادن‬ _ _
to use machines to make goods 2.manufacturing
manufacture (v) and materials
_ produce company/industry/ output/ sector ‫ساختن‬
(production) 3.
_ _ _
14 2. manufacture goods
the waste material that people or
excretion (n) animals get rid of from their _ _ plants and animals excretions ‫مدفوع‬ excreta excrete _ _
15 bodies

in a shocking and extremely unfair

outrageously (adv) or offensive way
_ _ outrageous hairsyle/prices/attack _ _ _ outrageous _
1.filthy 1.muddy brown
muddy (adj) covered with mud _
2. dirty 2. muddy the issue
‫گل آلود‬ _ muddy _ _

1.golden hue 2.
hue and cry 3. of
hue (n) a color or type of color _ _
every hue/of all hues (of many
‫ نوع‬/‫رنگ‬ _ _ _ _

to obtain a special document gving patently (very

patent (v) you the right to make or sell a new _ copyright _ ‫امتیاز یا حق انحصاری به کسی دادن‬ _ _ _ clearly)
invention or product patently false/untrue

1.violent 2.
done with a lot of energy and 1. fierce attack/oposition/
fierce (adj) sometimes violence
_ brutal 3.rough
criticism/competition/ objections
‫ درنده‬،‫خشم آلود‬ fierceness _ _ fiercely
to make sb look as attractive as
flatter (v) they can
_ suit _ _ _ _ flattered flattering _

be all the rage be very fashionable and popular _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


clamour for more clamour

clamour (v) demand tsh loudly _ _ excitedly public ‫ غوغا‬،‫بانگ‬ clamour _ clamourous _
1.set up a factory 2.
crucial role 3. merely
Cambridge 9
Test 1
Reading Passage 2
Patrs Of Speech
No. word Farsi Equivalent Definition Antonym Synonym Collocation

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb

extraterrestrial (a
relating to things that exist outside
1 extraterrestrial (adj) ‫ فرا زمینی‬،‫ماورا عالم خاکی‬ _ _ extraterrestrial intelligence/life creature that may exist on _ _ _
the earth
another planet)

haunting (sad but

a very worried or frightened
2 haunted (adj) ‫ روح زده‬/‫نگران یا ترسیده‬
_ _ haunted expression/look haunted haunt beautiful) a hauntingly
haunting melody

a situation when you are alomost 1.stand poised on the brink of the
brink (n) the
3 _ ina new situation, usually a bad _ _ anwer on the _ _ _ _
brink of sth one brink of death/disease/war

stopping and starting often and for

4 intermittent (adj) ‫متناوب‬
short periods
_ sporadic searching intermittently _ _ _ intermittently

to help a skill, feeling, idea encourage

5 foster (v) ‫پرورش دادن‬
develop over a period of time

a cog in the machine/wheel: sb who

6 cog (n) ‫ دنده چرخ‬،‫دندانه‬ _ _ _ has a smll unimportant job in a large _ _ _ _

a situation or relationship that is

7 tenuous (adj) ‫ نامطمئن‬،‫ضعیف‬ tenuous is uncertain, weak, or _ _ tenuous link/ connection _ _ _ tenuously
likely to change

8 wipe sb out _ to make you feel exremely tired _ _ The heat had wiped us out. _ _ _ _

to destroy, remove, or get rid of Whole villages were wiped out by the
9 wipe sth out _
something completely
_ _
_ _ _ _

too strange or unusual to be incredible
10 inconceivable (adj) ‫ غیر قابل اداراک‬،‫تصور نکردنی‬
thought real or possible
_ _ conceive _ inconceivably

to move across, over or through travel over cross traversing the vast distances across
11 traverse (v) ‫ طی کردن‬،‫پیمودن‬
pass over the galaxy
traverse (q‫ناه‬qqq‫انپ‬q‫ ج‬،‫اکریز‬q‫)خ‬ _ _ _

12 attenuated (adj) ‫ضعیف شده‬ _ _ weak an attenuated virus _ attenuate _ _

1. mere existence 2.raise a
host of (a large number of) ethical
questions 3. convincing
13 evidence 4. make educated
guess 5.bear serious
consideration 6.adopt ground
rules 7.astronomical terms
Cambridge 9
Test 1
Reading Passage 3
Patrs Of Speech
No. word Farsi Equivalent Definition Antonym Synonym Collocation

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb

the way in which plants and
animals develop or change evolutionry development/history
1 evolutionary (adj) ‫تکاملی‬ _ _ evolution evolutionist evolve evolutional _
gradually over a long period of gradual/continous evolution

having the ability to think of new

2 enterprising (adj) ‫متهور در اقدام به کارهای مهم‬
activities or ideas
_ _ enterprising individuals/ students _ _ _ enterprisingly

dry arid
3 parched (adj) ‫ تشنه‬/‫بسیلر خشک‬ ver dry because of hot weather _ parched deserts/landscape/lips _ parch _ _

reptile: q‫زنده‬q‫خ‬
mammal: ‫ستاندار‬qqq‫پ‬
4 types of animals insect : q‫حشره‬ amphibious: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
‫ دو زیست‬crustacean:‫وست‬qqq‫ختپ‬qq‫س‬
vertebrate: ‫ دار‬q‫ره‬q‫مه‬ bird

5 invasion (n) ‫ تعرض‬،‫هجوم‬ _ _ attack raid invasion of privacy/ of the land invader invade _ _

ceaseless (wihtout
6 cease (v) ‫ متوقف شدن‬،‫دست کشیدن‬ to stop doing sth _ stop ceased to be land creatures cease cessation _

change back to a situation that reversible

7 revert (v) ‫ رجوع کردن‬،‫برگشتن‬
existed in the past
_ go back to reverted to normal reversion _

on or towards a shore of a lake,

8 ashore (adv) ‫به طرف ساحل‬
river etc
_ onshore come/goe/ washed ashore shore _ _ _

gill:‫آبشش‬ fin:
9 fish organ q‫له‬qq‫ا‬qqq‫ب‬ forelimb: q‫له‬qq‫ا‬qqq‫ب‬ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

the incarnation of wisdom marine incarnate the

10 incarnation (n) ‫ صورت خارجی‬،‫تجسم‬ _ _ _
_ incarnate
devil incarnate

sb who is related to a person who descendant of Greek direct

11 descendant (n) ‫اوالد‬
lived a long time ago
ancestor _
descent : ‫ژاد‬qq‫ن‬ descend _ _
marine habits thight
12 cluster neseted among sth
Cambridge 9 Cambridge 9
Test 2 Test 2
Reading Passage 1 Reading Passage1
Patrs Of Speech
No. word Farsi Equivalent Definition Antonym Synonym Collocation

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb

1 deficit (n) ‫ کسر‬،‫کمبود‬ _ _ shortfall auditory function deficit deficiency shortage _ deficient _

2 detrimental (adj) ‫ مضر‬،‫زیان آور‬ causing harm or damage _ detrimental effect detriment _ _ detrimental

a piece of work involve two or collaborative effort/work/project/ collaborate on sth

3 collabrative (adj) ‫ گروهی‬،‫تیمی‬ _ cooperative collaboration _ _
more people to achieve sth interaction work together on

if a feeling etc. heightens, it intensify

4 heighten (v) ‫ زیاد کردن‬،‫بلند کردن‬ _ heightened activities _ _ heightened _
becomes stronger or increases strengthen

exacerbate the situation/ the problem /

5 exacerbate (v) ‫ تشدید کردن‬،‫بدتر کردن‬ to make a bad situation worse _ _ exacerbation _ _ _

a loud sound that is heard again

6 reverberation (v) ‫ولوله‬ _ echo noise and reverberation control reverbertor reverberate reverberative _
and again

a difference between two

discrepancies in the way information is discrepant: ،‫متناقض‬
7 discrepancy (n) ‫اختالف‬ amounts, details, etc that _ _ _ _ discrepantly
processed ‫متفاوت‬
should be the same

8 distressing (adj) ‫پریشانی آور‬ making you feel very upset _ _ a distressing experience distress _ distressed distressingly

interrupting sb's private life in

9 intrusive (adj) ‫فضوالنه‬ _ _ They found the cameras too intrusive. intrusion intruder intrude _ _
an unwanted and annoying way

10 adverse (adj) ‫ ناسازگار‬،‫ مغایر‬،‫مخالف‬ not good or favorable favorable _ adverse effect/ publicity adversity adversary _ adversative adversial

sustain economic growth sustaining sustaining

11 sustain (v) ‫ متحمل شدن‬،‫نگهداشتن‬ to make sth cntinue oe exist _ maintain sustainer:‫متحمل‬ _ _
attention sustainable
to remove people or things that
12 screen sth out (v) _ are not acceptable or not _ filter out screen out unimportant information _ _ _ _

‫ سخت یا هیجان انگیزی را‬،‫کار جدید‬ to start sth new, difficult or embark on a wide-ranging consultation
13 embark on/upon sth(v) _ _ _ _ _ _
‫شروع کردن‬ exciting process

to make a new law come into

14 promulgate (v) ‫ انتشار دادن‬،‫اعالم کردن‬ effect by announcingt it _ _ new standards to be promulgated promulgation promulgator _ _ _

hearing impairment/ loss multiple

minds life-long disorder
It is imperative= it is
Cambridge 9
Test 2
Reading Passage 2
Patrs Of Speech
No. word Farsi Equivalent Definition Antonym Synonym Collocation

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb

the process of moving from one transport in transit ( it is being moved)

1 transit (n) ‫عبور کردن‬ _ _ transit _ _
place to another transportation rapid/public transit

2 schoolmistress (n) ‫خانم معلم‬ a female teacher in a private school _ _ _ _ _ _ _

an alleged fact,crime etc is said

3 alleged (adj) ‫بنا به گفته بعضی‬ that it is true or happened but it _ _ alleged offence/crime/incident _ _ _ allegedly
has not been proved

sb who has a lot of knowledge

4 polymath (n) ‫دانشمند هم چیز دان‬ _ _ an extraoridnary polymath _ _ _ _
about many different subjects

5 desolate (adj) ‫ حزین‬،‫متروک‬ a place that is empty and looks sad _ _ a desolate island/ landscape desolation _ _ desolately

6 latitude (n) ‫عرض جغرافیایی‬ _ longitude _ northern latitudes _ _ _ _

to understand sth clearly or to be

7 pin down (v) _ _ _ hard/ difficult to pin down _ _ _ _
able to describe them easily

go on an expedition make an
expedition be on an
8 expedition (n) ‫سفر‬ a long journey _ _ _ _ _ _
expedition a scientific

prevent sb from doing what they thwarted ambition thwart

9 thwart (v) ‫مخالفت کردن با‬ _ _ thwarter _ thwarted _
are trying to do government's plans

to surround a city or castle with

10 besiege (v) ‫محاصره کردن‬ _ siege The palace was besieged by rebels. _ _ beseiged _
military force

He spent 6 month in prison befrore

to leave somewhere very quickly, escape get
11 flee (v) ‫به سرعت رفتن‬ _ fleeing the country. Flee _ _ _ _
in order to escape from danger away
to/from/ into
the way a ship moves up and down
the ship's pitching and rolling ruled out
12 pitch and roll (v) ‫باال و پایین شدن کشتی با حرکت آب‬ and leans one way and another _ _ _ _ _ _
any attempt.
with the movement of the water

to make sb feel afraid or less daunted
13 daunt (v) ‫ تو دل کسی را خالی کردن‬،‫ترساندن‬ _ frighten He felt utterly daunted by the height. _ _ _
confident dauntless

14 dispirited (adj) ‫ غمگین‬،‫افسرده‬ _ _ discouraged a very dispiriting experience _ dispirit dispiriting dispiritedly

if a new idea, product, etc

supersedes anther one, it becomes replace Maps have been superseded by
15 supersede (v) ‫جایگزین شدن‬ _ _ _ superseded _
used instead because it's more substitude photographic atlases.

ultimate goal orbital

speeds solar system
16 vital breakthrough
labour hard inspired by
dogged by (got worse)
Cambridge 9
Test 2
Reading Passage 3
Patrs Of Speech
No. word Farsi Equivalent Definition Antonym Synonym Collocation

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb

iconolastic ideas, opinions etc.
1 iconoclastic (adj) ‫مبنی بر بت شکنی‬ attack established beliefs and _ _ iconoclastic opinions/ theories iconoclasm _ _ _

2 naysayer (n) ‫منتقد‬ _ _ reviewer critic film/music/art naysayer _ _ _ _

impediment :q‫مانع‬
make it difficult for sb or sth to
3 impede (v) ‫ ممانعت کردن‬،‫باز داشتن‬ _ _ impeded from being an iconoclast impedimenta: ‫چیزهایدستو‬ _ _ _
move forward or make progress

cause pain or trouble to sb for a

4 plague (v) ‫آزار رساندن‬ _ _ be plagued by eye troubles plague:‫طاعون‬ _ _ _
long period of time

a natural part of a person's

The desire to communicate seems to be
5 hardwired (adj) _ character that they are born with _ _ _ _ _ _
hardwired into our brains.
and cannot change eagerly accept a new idea,

6 embrace (v) ‫ پذیرفتن‬،‫در آغوش گرفتن‬ opinion etc. 2. to _ _ embrace novelty embrace _ _ _
hug sb

sth that is different from the usual

7 variant (n) ‫نوع دیگر‬ _ _ variant of human nature variation _ various variously
form of sth

8 intertwine (v) ‫در هم پیچیدن‬ closely related to each other _ _ intertwined with social decision making intertwinement _ _ _

It can be traced (followed) heavily

influenced see things
differently to other people trivial
phobias create new
opportunities supply creativity
and innovation major asset

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