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Present Perfect Continuous - with Jessica

More lessons:Jessica F., Online Teacher | Teaches Private Lessons Online

1. Action starts in the past and has not stopped; incomplete or ongoing.
a. I have been writing emails all day. vs I have written 3 emails today.
b. She has been waiting for 15 minutes. vs She has waited for the bus every day!
c. Have you been studying German? vs Have you studied German?
d. I’ve been repairing the house. vs I have repaired the house.

2. Focuses on the amount of time: For and Since

a. For = amount of time
i. One hour, five days, a long time, 20 minutes, many years
b. Since = time period (when something started)
i. Yesterday, the summer, 1998, January, Tuesday
c. All day, all year, etc.

3. Some verbs can be used for PP simple or continuous with the same meaning: work, live.
a. They have been living here for three years. vs They have lived here for three years.

4. Cannot be used with stative verbs or adjectives.

a. X I have been talling.
b. X We have been believing you.

Subject + have/has + been + continuous verb (ing) + extra information (for/since, etc.).

Ex: I have been working since 6:00 am.

He has been eating a lot of fast food recently.

Subject + have/has + not + been + continuous verb (ing) + extra information.

Ex: We have not been practicing English this year.

She has not been feeling well lately.

How long have you been:
1. Living in your current home? I have been living in my home since I was 13.
a. I have been living in my home for 10 years / since 2012.
2. Using your current phone?
a. I have been using my phone for 2 months.
3. Studying English? I have been studying English on TL this month.
4. Working at your company? I have been working for four years. For almost 3 years.

Have you been waiting long? Yes, I have. Yes, I have been waiting…..

No, I haven’t. No, I haven’t been waiting long.

How have you been feeling lately? I have been feeling happy.
Has it been raining or snowing where you live?
Have you been making any vacation plans this year?

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