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2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)

Karlsruhe, Germany, May 6-10, 2013

Generation of Dynamic Humanoid Behaviors T hrough Task-Space

Control with Conic Optimization

Patrick M. Wensing, David E. Orin

Abstract- This paper presents a new formulation of priori­

tized task-space control for humanoids that is used to develop
a dynamic kick and dynamic jump in a 26 degree of freedom
simulated system. The demonstrated motions are controlled
through a real-time conic optimization scheme that selects
appropriate joint torques and contact forces. More specifically,
motions are characterized in appropriate task spaces, and
the real-time optimizer solves the task-space control problem
while accounting for user-defined priorities between the tasks.
In contrast to previous solutions of the Prioritized Task­
Space Control (PTSC) problem for humanoids, the solution
presented here satisfies the ZMP constraint and ground friction
limitations at all levels of priority, and is general to periods
of flight as well as support. All generated motions include
control of the system's centroidal angular momentum, which
leads to emergent whole-body behaviors, such as arm-swing,
that are not specified by the designer. In addition, compared
to a previous quadratic programming solution of the PTSC
problem, our approach gains a factor of 2 speedup in its
required computational time. This speedup allows the control
approach to operate at real-time rates of approximately 200 Hz.

Fig. 1. A new formulation of the Prioritized Task-Space Control problem

allows us to control dynamic behaviors such as a kick and a jump at
While the field of humanoid robots has received much at­ real-time rates and in challenging environments. The use of Centroidal
Momentum control results in rich emergent arm motions to maintain
tention over the past decade, control of dynamic whole-body balance without any upper-body motion authoring.
humanoid behaviors remains a difficult objective. Although
challenging, the proper coordination of humanoids' many
degrees of freedom (DOF) offers many benefits such as in
Behavior Specific Prioritized
the recovery from disturbances through arm-swinging [1] or State Machine 1------+1 Task-Space Controller

to redirect the torso during a fall through managing inertial

couplings from the legs [2]. While these additional DOFs
provide more flexibility to whole-body motion, they also add q,q Dynamic T

complexity to select appropriate joint torques in real time.
Additionally, the large number of DOFs make it difficult
Fig. 2. Block diagram for behavioral controllers used in this work. A
to author motions by hand, which has lead to widespread high-level state machine manages the commanded task dynamics h,c and
use of motion capture techniques for whole-body motion priorities at each instant. A prioritized task-space controller then finds joint
generation [1], [3], [4], [5]. torques T which keep feet planted and prevent slipping while realizing
the desired task dynamics. This control loop is closed at real-time rates of
Task-space (or operational-space) control [6], [7] provides approximately 200 Hz.
a framework that significantly eases the burden of author­
ing whole-body behaviors. Task-space trajectories can be
designed in intuitive motion spaces. For instance, walking
jump shown in Fig. l. The common control structure used
motions can be specified through design of foot and center
to create these behaviors is shown in Fig. 2. A high-level
of mass trajectories. Without the need for any inverse
state machine is used to manage the desired task behaviors,
kinematics, online task-space controllers provide an elegant
while a new conic optimization formulation of PTSC is
solution to generate whole-body walking behaviors [8].
used to select joint torques at every control step. Through
In this paper, Prioritized Task-Space Control (PTSC) is
the formulation of PTSC described here, the control loop
used to generate dynamic behaviors such as the kick and
is able to be closed at rates of approximately 200 Hz on
a commodity laptop, which is approximately double that
P. Wensing is a PhD student in the Department of Electrical and Com­ of previous formulations. Generated motions automatically
puter Engineering, The Ohio State University: wensing.
D. E. Orin is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Electrical and satisfy the ZMP constraint on level terrain and are general to
Computer Engineering, The Ohio State University: or in. produce balanced motions on uneven surfaces. Additionally,

978-1-4673-5643-5/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE 3103

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centroidal momentum control [9] is used to alleviate the need
to design specific upper-body trajectories, which instead
emerge from our control strategies.
Related Work in Whole-Body Humanoid Control

While we adopt a task-space approach here, many previ­

ous approaches assume access to pre-designed joint trajec­
tories and apply an inverse dynamics controller to select
joint torques. Under the assumption of sufficient friction
on the feet, Mistry et al. [10] use a projection method
to select appropriate torques and to resolve over-actuation
in double support. Improvements to their approach [11]
attempt to push ground reaction forces inside their frictional
boundaries. Still, no motion modification is applied, which
Fig. 3. The floating-base configuration qb E SE(3) describes the position
can lead to balance failure when aggressive joint acceler­ and orientation of the floating-base fixed coordinate system with respect to
ations are desired. This problem can be accounted for by an earth fixed frame. The combined contact force vector F s is comprised
of local contact wrenches (force and moment) fSI E IR6 and fS2 E IR6
the application of motion filtering techniques that modify a
which act on bodies in support.
motion to remain balanced [5], [12]. Park et al. formulate a
stringent motion filter as a conic optimization problem [13]
which forces the feet to remain in full support. Other
are partitioned similarly. The standard dynamic equations of
motion filtering techniques incorporate long-term balance
motion are:
strategies based on simple models while trying to follow
motion [3]. Again, all these approaches require whole-body
joint trajectories which are costly to plan in advance and
even more difficult to modify online. where H, Gq , and G are the familiar mass matrix, velocity
Task-space control provides an alternative to the afore­ product terms, and gravitational terms, respectively [16].
mentioned approaches, and can be solved in a variety of Here Fs collects ground reaction forces (GRFs) for ap­

ways. Projection methods of Park and Khatib [7] and Sentis pendages in support, as described in Fig. 3, and s is a com­J
et al. [14] allow task-priorities to be enforced and deal well bined support Jacobian. The matrix Sa
[Onx6 Inxn 1 is

with support foot constraints as long as the desired task dy­ a selection matrix for the actuated joints.
namics lead to balanced motion. Just as a motion filter can be In order to author whole-body behaviors, it is often
applied to balance pre-designed joint trajectories that violate convenient to characterize the system's desired dynamics in a
contact force constraints (such as ZMP), similar filters can task (or operational) space [6]. Task velocities Xt
are related
be applied to physically unrealizable task-space trajectories. to joint-rates q by the standard relationship:
For example de Lasa et al. [8] and Salini et al. [15] both
use a series of quadratic programs (QPs) to solve PTSC (3)
while satisfying ground reaction force constraints. This paper
is inspired by their work and reformulates their QPs into where Jt(q) is a task Jacobian. Alternatively, our task may
a conic optimization problem where PTSC can be solved not arise from a Jacobian relationship, such as in the control
at real-time rates. This improvement allows high-bandwidth of the system's net angular momentum. To acconunodate
control of highly dynamic movements such as the kick and such a generalization, we relax this definition of a task to
jump showcased here. any relationship of the form:


A. Notation Given commanded instantaneous task dynamics Tt,c the

This section introduces notation and sununarizes the pre­ task-space control problem is to find joint torques T that
vious approaches that are used to solve the PTSC prob­ result in joint accelerations q with:
lem for humanoids. Given an n degree-of-freedom (DOF)
floating-base humanoid, as shown in Fig. 3, the system's
configuration can be described by:
such that Tt
most closely matches Tt,c.
Depending on the
(1) choice of Tt,cadditional freedoms may be used to match
lower-priority task dynamics. For systems in support, there
Here qb E SE(3) is the unactuated position and orientation are a variety of ways to solve this problem, which differ
of the system's floating base, described in Fig. 3 and qa in how they account for the presence of external forces s F
denotes the actuated joints' configurations. The system's in (2). These different methods are discussed in the following
joint rate q E IR +6 and acceleration vectors and q E IR +6
n n subsections.


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B. Projection Methods for Task-Space Control During Sup­

In periods of support, the equations of motion (2) are often

considered under the constraint of zero acceleration at the
support bodies:


The support forces s required to ensure (6) can be sub­
stituted into (2) to produce a set of constrained dynamic
equations of motion:

Hq+ N; (Cq+ G) + ,(q,q) = N;S�'T (7) Fig. 4. The contact wrench fBi E IR6 on foot i is approximated by
a distribution of pure forces (no moment) to a lattice of contact points
underneath the feet. These forces are denoted as f Bij E IR3 in the text.
where, = J;(JsH J;)tjsq is a velocity dependent
term due to the constraints and Forces are constrained to lie inside the friction cone Ci C IR3 (show in

( t
NsT = 1- JsT JsH-1JsT JsH-1 ) (8)
blue), or in a more restrictive friction pyramid 'Pie IR3 (shown in gray)
as in previous work.

is the dynamically-consistent null-space projector for sup­

port [7]. The symbol (-)t denotes the Moore-Penrose To simplify optimization, previous work has approximated
pseudo-inverse of the enclosed matrix. In a rough sense, these cones by a friction pyramid 'Pi C Ci as shown in
these equations of motion are a projection of the original Fig. 4. To aid further development, we define Ns to be the
equations of motion onto the subset of the configuration number of feet in support, and NPi as the number of local
space that is consistent with the support constraint. Since no contact points for foot i.
constraints are placed on the GRFs, these dynamic equations
are in fact not correct if torques are supplied that would lift D. Quadratic Programming Methods for Task-Space Con­
the foot off the ground, or cause the foot to slip. trol During Support
Starting from (7) the works of Park and Khatib [7]
Previous work [8], [18] formulates a quadratic program
and Sentis et al. [14] extend the traditional prioritized
(QP) to find contact forces, joint accelerations q, and joint
operational-space control framework for manipulators to the
torques 'T that are consistent with the dynamic equations
case of humanoids in support. Just as in the above derivation,
of motion, and most closely match the commanded task
all their control laws are predicated on the assumption that
dynamics. An example of such a QP is given below.
given a joint input 'T, the ground is capable of supplying
support forces s to ensure the foot remains stationary. This
"2lilA " ·-
t q+ A' t q 112
min (10)
, , f 8ij
assumption is powerful, and often valid on level terrain since
GRFs are dominated by a gravity compensation force. Still,
Ns NPi

subject to H q+ C q+ G =
for highly dynamic motions, additional care has to be taken
to ensure that the commanded task dynamics do not require
S�'T+ L L J�j f Sij
i=1 j=1
GRFs outside their unidirectional or frictional boundaries.
This becomes increasingly difficult on more challenging 'Vi E {I, ...,Ns}, (11)
terrains. Their approach uses a nested series of task nullspace 'Vj E {1, ...,Np,}
projectors to enforce task priority [14].
Jsq+jsq=O (12)
C. Ground Reaction Force Constraint Modeling I. :s; 'T :s; T.

Here each Js'J E IR3 ( +6) is the Jacobian for the contact
To account for the true constraints on ground reaction xn
forces (GRFs) during the selection of joint torques, others
( [8], [15], [17], [18]) have proposed the use of constrained point where f s'J acts. Joint torque limits are described by
quadratic programming to solve the PTSC problem. These the vectors I. and T. The unidirectional constraints also
approaches treat s as a control variable and optimize the imposed on the GRFs through (11) combined with the
selection of'T and s under appropriate constraints. In order support acceleration constraint (12) assure that the optimized
to approximate the constraints on each net foot wrench fsi, q satisfy the ZMP constraint.
it is customary to represent each wrench as a combination To optimize for lower priority tasks, the QP may be
of pure forces that act at the corners of the feet, as shown modified and additional constraints included to ensure that
in Fig. 4. Unidirectional and frictional constraints can then high-priority task dynamics are not corrupted. This nested
easily be enforced on the individual vertex forces f s E IR3. .. series of QPs (or stack of QPs) replaces the nested series of
Given a coefficient of friction J..Li for foot i, these forces must
nullspace projectors that are required for projection based
reside inside a friction cone: methods. In the work of Mansard [17], an elimination of
variables is employed that reduces the size of the above
(9) QP at each step, but this reduction is specific to periods of


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support. In the next section, we propose a reduction that is the tasks to be optimized is encoded in a task optimization
general to periods of flight as well as support. selector matrix So,k.
Each row of So,k
is a unit vector
that selects a single task error, and the number of rows
E. Net Momentum Control
corresponds to the number of tasks concurrently optimized at
As a quick aside, we note that the previous formulation level k. The optimal error from the previous level is defined
is general to control features that cannot be described with as ek . A similar task constraint selector selects those Sc,k
a Jacobian relationship. Most notably, this generality can -I
tasks from all previous levels, as well as any additional hard
be exploited to control the system's centroidal momentum constraints. The problem for priority level k is then:
he [9]. The centroidal momentum he
[k�, l lT is
= �
a spatial momentum comprised of the system's net linear min z (20)
momentum E IR3 and angular momentum k E IR3 about
le e T ,F sp,ek , Z

the Center of Mass (CoM). The centroidal momentum is S.t. A �I'T + A-;,/ F sp + ek bt =

given by the relationship II So,k ekll :s; z (21)

he Ae(q) i} (13) Sc,k ek Sc,k ek -I

= (22)
fSi; E Ci

where Ae is known as the Centroidal Momentum Ma­
trix [9]. While this looks like a Jacobian relationship, the :r..:S;'T:S;'T.
system's net angular momentum does not admit any function
g( with Jacobian 9
Minimization of the scalar z in (20) results in a minimiza­
q) J 'lf1-
such that k
= 9 eThis
= J i}. tion of error for the current task dynamics to be optimized
result is due to the fact that t e conservation of angular mo­
due to constraint (21). The incorporation of z also provides
mentum imposes a nonholonomic constraint [19]. Methods
a linear objective, which is required for the conic solver
to compute Aeand Aei}
are given in [1] and [9].
used here. The constraint (22) ensures that the optimal
III. CONIC FORMUL ATION OF PRIORITIZED errors for the higher priority tasks are not corrupted. Table I
OPTIMIZATION describes the entire algorithm for this series of optimization
problems in more explicit detail. Note that for application
This section provides a reformulation of the PTSC prob­
lem as a conic optimization problem. This reformulation
to position controlled systems, an optimal can be obtained ii
by solving (2) or through a forward dynamics computation.
results in a reduced number of variables, reduced number
of constraints, and is general to periods of flight as well as Inputs:
support. This reduction allows our reformulation to be solved
Task Dynamics Descriptors: At, Atq, rt,e
about twice as fast as (10) for the examples considered.
System Dynamics Descriptors: H, Cq, G, Sa, Jsp
Suppose that the task matrix At
contains all possible tasks Task Priority Descriptors: eo, Se,1, K
regardless of priority. The error in achieving a commanded So,k Vk E {l, ... ,K}
task dynamics is given by: Algorithm:
A;-./ := AtH-IsI
e Tt,c - Tt
= (14)
A�I := AtH-Iffp
Tt,c - Atii - Ati} .
= (15) bt := rt,e + AtH-I(Cq + G) - Atq
Solving (2) for ii, the task dynamics error e obeys: for k = 1 to K do
(r*, F;p, e'k , z* ) := arg millr, Fsp,ekoz (20)
bt AtH-1S�'T + AtH-1f;p Fsp + e
= (16) Se,(k+I) := [S�k Sr,klT
end for k
(17) Output:

collects all support forces f Si and

F sp Jsp T := ,*

In (16), is
the combined �upport £oint Jacobian. This support point TABL E I

Jacobian relates i}
to the linear velocity of all the support PRIORITIZED TASK- S PACE CONTROL (PTSC) ALGORITHM

vertices and differs from the support Jacobian which Js The advantages of this strategy over the QP in (10) is
related i}
to the linear and angular velocity of all support
mUlti-pronged. First, the variables are eliminated in favor
bodies. We define:
of task error e.
Since at each level only a few tasks are
A�I AtH-I S� and (18) optimized, this reduces the number of optimization variables,

s AtH-IJTsp and simplifies the objective. Salini [18] eliminates in

an alternative QP formulation, but does not include

with symbols A-I since each of these is a cross-coupling resulting in a dense objective function Hessian. As a result,
inverse operational-space (task-space) inertia matrix [20]. the formulation of [18] and the QP here were found to
Here, the PTSC problem with K levels of prioritization is perform comparably. Second, polygonal approximations to
solved with a series of K conic optimization problems. At the friction cones, which grow in complexity as the fidelity
each level k E {l, . . . , K} it is assumed that the subset of of the approximation is increased, are replaced by a single


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where eo E ]R3 is an angle-axis representation of error
between a desired and actual orientation, as used in [4].
Desired positions and orientations are derived from hand­
authored motion, such as the kick trajectory in the kick state.
For Centroidal Momentum, a rate of change
·T ·T
Tc = [kc,c lc, c]T
is commanded separately for linear
and angular momentum. For linear momentum, this
command is from PD control on the desired CoM (G):
Fig. 5. State machine used for Kick control. All states use the task priorities
( 1) Feet, (2) Linear Momentum, (3) Pose & Centroidal Angular Momentum. lc, c = m [pC,d + KD,e(Pc,d - pc)
All state transitions are based on time in this example.
+ Kp,e(pc,d - Pc)] (26)
constraint per force f Sij' For a 4-sided polygonal approxi­ where Pc is the CoM position and m is the total mass
mation, the use of friction cones was not found to have any of the system. The commanded rate of change in angular
substantial effect on the computation times or simulation momentum takes a simpler form:
results. Beyond a 4-sided polygonal approximation, it was
found to be advantageous to use cone constraints to enable
kc, c = kC,d + KD,k(kc,d - kc). (27)
faster solutions. Solution of all optimization formulations All of the balance states and the lift state employ
was provided by the interior point optimizer in MOSEK [21]. kC,d kC,d 0 which provides a dampening of any excess
= =

This optimizer employs a primal-dual method that handles angular momentum.

the cone constraints (21) and (23) directly and efficiently. To achieve pose control, joint accelerations are com­
manded for actuated joints and the torso orientation. For
all examples, this commanded acceleration takes the form
of a PD law to a static nominal pose. For revolute joints:
A. Model and Simulation

The model used in this work is a 26 DoF (20 actuated

qi, c qi,d + KD,i(qi,d - qi) + Kp,i(qi,d - qi),

DoFs) humanoid as shown in Fig. 3. Spherical joints are where qi,d qi,d 0 in all the examples here.
= = For
modeled at the hips and shoulders, providing 6 DoFs in spherical joints and orientation of the torso, the law (24)
each leg, and 4 DoFs in each arm. Degrees of freedom in is employed. Since the pose task is optimized at the last
the hands, wrists, and head are not modeled. The mass dis­ level of control, it is generally not possible to fulfill all the
tribution to each segment is modeled after a 50-th percentile desired pose dynamics. Weighting factors are employed that
male [22], with segment dimensions based on the model promote closer tracking on certain joints than others. For
presented in [23]. Inertia tensors are estimated based on a instance, the shoulder and elbow are given lower weight to
simple equidensity mass distribution for each segment. promote arm action in the resultant motion. These weights
Full 3D simulation of the system is carried out using the can be incorporated by replacing e with We in (16) for an
DynaMechs [24] simulation package. This package provides appropriate diagonal weighting matrix W.
an extremely efficient implementation of the articulated­ Simple spline trajectories are used throughout to generate
body algorithm [25] with recursive steps of the algorithm the desired dynamic motions. Cubic spline trajectories on
optimized for each type of joint. Contact dynamics are sim­ the CoM and right foot are used to generate the desired
ulated with a penalty-based spring damper model. No force motions for the Balance and Lift states. In the kick state,
feedback or information about the environment (e.g. surface the foot is c Olmnanded to move in an arc centered at the
normal or surface height) is provided to the controller. initial right hip position. The orientation of the right foot
is commanded to remain tangent to this arc. A series of
B. Control of a Dynamic Kick cubic splines on the desired right virtual leg angle ed are
As a first example, PTSC is used along with a state used to produce the desired 3D accelerations of the right
machine, shown in Fig. 5, to control a dynamic kicking foot using standard formula that relate accelerations in polar
motion. During all states, the task prioritization (1) Feet, coordinates to cartesian coordinates.
(2) Centroidal Linear Momentum, (3) Pose and Centroidal During a kick, the system predominantly rotates about the
Angular Momentum is employed. Pose control helps to pre­ stance hip, resulting in non-zero centroidal angular momen­
vent configuration drift. The details of how the commanded tum. For the example shown, the inertial z-axis is opposite
task dynamics Tt,c
are specified is described below. gravity and the y-axis is perpendicular to the sagittal plane.
Foot control commands linear and angular acceleration of To promote a whole-body rotation about the y-axis, the
the foot: Tc =
[w� p�]T.
This command is set to zero for system's net moment of inertia about the y-axis Iyy,o is
feet in support. When the foot is in the air, these rates are recorded at the beginning of the kick motion and desired
selected based on a position/orientation PD scheme: centroidal angular momentum and rates are selected as:
W c Wd + KD,w ( d - ) + KP,w eo
w w (24) k
. c,des
[0, I Iyy,o ..ed, 0]T,
[0, I Iyy,o ed, 0]T.

P c Pd + KD,p(Pd - P) + KP,P(Pd - p)
= (25) kc,des =


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'- ---Right Shoulder
, ,
,, �

," ,-,-, Left Shoulder
, Torso

U 0.5 "
Knee Angle
� "

! Threshold

- ... :....��
... � - -,- - - --

-t�5------��--�2.5�--+---�3�.5- Fig, 8, State machine used for Jump controL States shown in blue use
task priorities (l) Feet,(2) Centroidal Momentum,(3) Pose, The state in red
(Flight) uses task priorities (l) Feet, (2) Pose, State transition criteria are
Fig, 6, Shoulder and torso angles during the Kick state of the kick motion, noted on the transition arrows,where an omission of a criterion indicates
Shoulder angles are measured in the sagittal plane and are taken relative to a transition that takes place based on time,
the torso, The torso angle is measured in the sagittal plane and relative to
the inertial coordinate system,

0.' Balance Flight Balance

::c 0.2
� �--------�-'
-; 0
0> ... - - -- --- - -- - - -- ---
.. - ... ... - .
-0.6 '-'-'Torso
-0.8 - Torso(Arms Locked)
-- ----;0�.5 ---:-
---- -------;C1.5,-'--
---- :----
-- ----;2.�5 ----o!3.5
Simulation Clock Time (s) Fig, 9, Shoulder and torso angles during the jump motion, State transitions
are shown by the vertical dotted lines,with the state denoted at the top of
Fig, 7, Control computation times for PTSC applied to a kick motion each corresponding section, Angles are measured the same as in Fig, 6, The
with a QP versus a conic formulation, State transitions are shown by the angle of the torso is also shown with arms locked, and results in greater
vertical dotted lines,with the state denoted at the top of each corresponding torso pitch during Thrust

C. Control of a Standing Broad Jump

Here "( 0,8 is a factor that accounts for the stance leg

remaining stationary, While crude, these desired centroidal The PTSC framework was also applied to produce a
momentum dynamics are some of the first non-trivial ones standing broad jump using the state machine shown in Fig, 8,
to be designed in the literature and are sufficient to produce All states during stance use the task priorities (1) Feet,
rich motion, For a video of the kick motion, please see the (2) Centroidal Momentum, (3) Pose, Centroidal momentum
attachment to this paper or view it at the link below, control is omitted during flight, as hc is equal to the net
gravity force in the absence of GRFs,
The details of the task dynamics commanded by the jump
Without authoring any upper-body trajectories, the control state machine are very similar to those in [8], During the
approach yields complex upper-body motion, Shoulder and squat state, the desired CoM is lowered though a cubic spline
torso angles during the kick state are shown in Fig, 6, trajectory. At the beginning of the thrust state, the desired
During the kick motion, the left shoulder shows a larger CoM position and velocity is discontinuously incremented in
displacement This behavior emerges from the controller to the desired direction of the jump, This results in the selection
regulate the angular momentum about the global vertical z­ of joint torques that will result in an impulsive ground
axis in response to the right foot's kick trajectory. force on the system, As the legs approach full extension, a
The conic formulation of PTSC was found to be much knee angle threshold triggers transition to the flight state, In
faster than the QP formulation for this example. As shown flight, the foot trajectories commanded are largely ballistic,
in Fig, 7, the conic formulation (20) was able to be solved but modified smoothly to position the feet forward for
in nearly half the time as the QP formulation (10) (in 55% landing, Space limitations prevent the precise details of these
of the time on average), A 4-sided polygonal approximation trajectories from being included, At touchdown, the PD gains
to the friction cone was employed for the QP formulation. on the CoM are softened to provide a smooth landing, with
Thus, the majority of the improved speed results here can be a desired CoM placed over the middle of the support
attributed to the variable reductions and simplified objective The video attachment to this paper shows the use of
due to the use of e, The times shown in this graph include the the jump controller in a number of different environments,
computation time of all quantities required by each algorithm Note that all jumps display significant arm action forward
(H, Atl}, Au\ etc.) as well as the optimization time of the and backward to maintain balance and to help position the
solver. All computational experiments were run on a 2,3 feet before landing. This is a feature of biological long
GHz Intel Core is MacBook Pro. jumps [26] that was largely not present in previous work


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[23] S. H. Lee,Biomechanical Modeling and Control of the Human Body
This work was supported by a National Science Founda­ for Computer Animation. PhD thesis,U. of Cal. Los Angeles,2008.

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by Grant No. CNS-0960061 from the NSF with a subaward underwater robotic vehicles," in Underwater Robotic Vehicles: Design
to The Ohio State University. Special thanks to Yiping Liu and Control, pp. 73-98,Albuquerque,NM: TSI Press,1995.

for assistance with the simulation videos. We also wish to [25] R. Featherstone,Rigid Body Dynamics Algorithms. Springer,2008.
[26] 8. M. Ashby and S. L. Delp, "Optimal control simulations reveal
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performance," J. of Biomech., vol. 39,no. 9,pp. 1726-1734,2006.
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