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7/28/22, 5:20 PM SAP S/4HANA for International Trade | SAP Blogs

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Chelliah Soundar
December 20, 2018
| 4 minute read

SAP S/4HANA for International Trade

 11  16  35,542

Follow Updated on March 1, 2022

S/4HANA for International Trade is a solution available in SAP S/4HANA. Before I go

 Like any further, I would like to explain briefly and provide some context as to what has
traditionally been offered in SAP ERP. SAP offers a foreign trade solution within SAP
ERP to handle the foreign trade requirements of a business. This Foreign Trade
 RSS Feed application component is integrated with Materials Management for handling
imports and with Sales and Distribution for exports. It is also integrated closely with
the Financial Accounting application for payments.

The foreign trade functionality in SAP ERP includes the following areas:

Preference Handling
Documentary Payment (e.g. letter of credit)
Export Compliance

The Foreign Trade functionalities from SAP ERP described above (components MM-
FT and SD-FT) are not available in SAP S/4HANA. But, this foreign trade
functionality is replaced by “SAP S/4HANA for International Trade” in S/4HANA to
meet the business requirement.

S/4HANA International Trade supports the following areas as of S/4HANA 2021

FPS00 release. 1/10
7/28/22, 5:20 PM SAP S/4HANA for International Trade | SAP Blogs

International Trade Classification

Classification of products with commodity codes and Intrastat service codes.

Classification of products with control classes and control groups for legal
Classification of products with customs tariff numbers.
Classification of products with customs tariff numbers for end-uses.
Retransfer of commodity codes from SAP GTS to SAP S/4HANA.

International Trade Compliance

Legal Control
Control of legal regulations for import and export.
Managing of licenses in accordance with legal control for import and export
Managing and release of blocked legal control documents.
Managing countries/regions under embargo.

Manage countries under embargo
Manage documents
Release of blocked documents


Managing Intrastat declarations and their master data.

Integration with SAP Global Trade Services

Integration with SAP Global Trade Services lets you use SAP GTS functionality in
your processes.

Integration with SAP Watch List Screening

Integration with SAP Watch List Screening lets you check business partners in
transactional documents.

Migration of Foreign Trade in SAP ERP to SAP S/4HANA International Trade

After completion of the technical conversion of ERP to S/4HANA, the following

activities need to be performed.

To migrate financial documents in Foreign Trade in SAP ERP system to Trade Finance
in S/4HANA, the following migration steps available as customizing activities should 2/10
7/28/22, 5:20 PM SAP S/4HANA for International Trade | SAP Blogs

be carried out.

1. Preparations for Migration of Financial Documents to Trade Finance

SPRO -> Conversion of Accounting to SAP S/4HANA -> Preparations and Migration
of Customizing -> Preparations for Migration of Financial Documents to Trade

Set Migration Need

Map SD-FT Financial Document Types with TRM 850 Product Types
Map SD-FT Presented Document with TRM TF Document Types
Set Bank Function for Advising Bank
Map SD-FT Banks with Business Partners
Map Company Codes in SD-FT and Trade Finance
Check Customizing Settings

2. Migration of Financial Documents to Trade Finance

SPRO -> Conversion of Accounting to SAP S/4HANA -> Data Migration -> Migration
of Financial Documents to Trade Finance

Migrate Master Data of Financial Documents

Display Migration Status of Master Data of Financial Documents
Assign Sales Orders to Trade Finance Transactions
Display Status of Assignments of Sales Orders to Trade Finance Transactions
Initialize Risk Check Decisions
Display Status of Initialization of Risk Check Decisions
Reconcile Risk Check Decisions 3/10
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3. Set Migration to Completed

SPRO -> Conversion of Accounting to SAP S/4HANA -> Data Migration -> Complete
Migration of Financial Documents to Trade Finance -> Set Migration to Completed

4. Complete Migration of Financial Documents for Unmigrated Data

SPRO -> Conversion of Accounting to SAP S/4HANA -> Activities after Migration ->
Manual Activities for Trade Finance -> Complete Migration of Financial Documents
for Unmigrated Data

SAP Global Trade Services (GTS)

SAP GTS is another solution offered by SAP to manage global trade operations,
ensure ongoing trade compliance, and optimize the cross-border supply chain. This
solution delivers automation and comprehensive functionality to speed trade
functions and maximize performance.

SAP Global Trade Services will continue to deliver ongoing innovations and will
remain SAP’s most comprehensive global trade management solution.

If you are using SAP GTS alongside SAP ERP system, it is possible to convert your
ERP system to S/4HANA and continue to use GTS as a side by side deployment. The
tight integration between SAP ERP and SAP GTS will continue to apply to S/4HANA
as well. For multiple ERP systems, SAP GTS will continue to be the core solution for
customs and foreign trade. In this scenario, the logistics data can be pulled from
multiple ERP systems to the central GTS system.

Deployment options of GTS

Installation of SAP GTS 10.0/10.1/11.0 on a separate system alongside S/4HANA as

a side by side installation is possible. In this scenario, a separate GTS Plug-In is no 4/10
7/28/22, 5:20 PM SAP S/4HANA for International Trade | SAP Blogs

longer required in S/4HANA. The respective functionality is part of S/4HANA

beginning with the 1511 shipment.

Installation of SAP GTS 10.0/10.1/11.0 on the same system with S/4HANA

(Integrated Installation) is not supported.

If you have installed GTS (software component SLL-LEG) as an add-on on an SAP

ERP system, you cannot convert the SAP ERP system to S/4HANA without de-
installing the add-on GTS from the SAP ERP system. Also, there is no add-on GTS for
S/4HANA. In this case, the add-on GTS needs to be de-installed prior to the
conversion of ERP system to S/4HANA. For more information on this, please see SAP
Note 2356692 – Uninstalling Global Trade Services.

For questions, please check these helpful links:

See all questions and answers about SAP S/4HANA 

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Visit the community topic pages for SAP S/4HANA

I hope this blog post was helpful for you. If so, click on “like” or “share”. I’m looking
forward to your feedback and thoughts.

Thank you.
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Brought to you by the SAP S/4HANA RIG and Customer Care team.

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SAP Global Trade Services

SAP S/4HANA for International Trade


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Yoshiro Nagata
January 11, 2019 at 1:00 am

I’m very glad to find the great article which explain the foreign trade functionalities for S/4 HANA.

I want to know is there any prerequisite to use International trade in S/4 HANA. We can use some International
trace functions immediately after the installation of S/4 HANA1809 FPS00 but the SAP note 2576322
describes we need to implement best practice to the SAP clients to use this function.

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Chelliah Soundar | Blog Post Author

March 15, 2019 at 6:33 pm

Hi Yoshiro,

The best practice document provides the instructions to set up the solution. Please download and
review the documents from the links provided in the SAP Note you have referenced in your question.
Regards, 6/10
7/28/22, 5:20 PM SAP S/4HANA for International Trade | SAP Blogs


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Jyoti Prakash
January 28, 2019 at 11:39 am

Can we integrate Kewill (GTS solution offered BluJay Solutions) with S/4 HANA On-Premise?



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Chelliah Soundar | Blog Post Author

March 15, 2019 at 6:19 pm

Hi Jyoti,

Please check the link below for certified 3rd party solutions.

If you do not find the solution you are looking for, please contact your 3rd party solution provider



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Jyoti Prakash
March 16, 2019 at 5:55 am

Thanks for sharing. 🙂

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krishna killedar
August 30, 2019 at 1:58 pm 7/10
7/28/22, 5:20 PM SAP S/4HANA for International Trade | SAP Blogs

Thanks for the details in this blog.

We are planning to use SAP SRM along with S/4 HANA.

Can you please share some insights how the INTRASTAT functionality should be used?

The challenge is observed due to removal of Import tabs in PO in S/4 HANA

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Martin Metzger
November 12, 2019 at 3:49 pm

Thanks for the great blog. When I try to open the note. I get following error message

 "You are not entitled to access SAP Note/KBA 2356692"

All others notes are working fine

Thanks for your help

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Yvon Hieber
January 9, 2020 at 3:53 pm

Thanks a lot for sharing information on this blog.

Do you know if Preference Handling and Documentary Payment are part of S/4 International Trade ?

If not, do you know if SAP plans to add these features in a future release ?

Preference Handling seems to be part of SAP GTS but not Documentary Payment...

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7/28/22, 5:20 PM SAP S/4HANA for International Trade | SAP Blogs

athar tabish
December 23, 2020 at 8:16 pm

Hi Chelliah Soundar

My client using the GTS 7.1 Version, now they want to integrate with S4 HANA 1909, it is possible as we are
Migrating to HANA from ECC, Could you please let me know how to do that or it is not possible. Do we need to
upgrade the GTS 7.1 to another Version. Request you to please help.

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Chelliah Soundar | Blog Post Author

February 26, 2021 at 7:26 pm

Hi Athar,

SAP GTS 7.1 is out of maintenance and needs to be upgraded.



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Rajat Kakkar
November 2, 2021 at 8:57 pm

We use Sanctioned Party screening , Material / classifications / Embargo from GTS today. Is it possible to
move all our functionality into S/4 HANA and not use GTS? Looks like from discussion chain above that for we
will still have to use SAP Watch list screening with GTS. Can you please confirm?

Other thing I see in in that there might be some integration in S/4 HANA directly without GTS
with SAP Watch list screening. But we will have to pay to SAP 17k USD for SAP Watch list screening and to
third party for content provider.

Integration with SAP Watch List Screening - SAP Help Portal

Prerequisites 9/10
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Customer needs to acknowledge it has signed a separate agreement with content provider Mendel
Verlag,, as a prerequisite before licensing and using SAP® Watch List Screening
application to enable sanctioned-party lists. Contact your SAP Account Executive if you have any questions.

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